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Imperialism: the economic and political domination of a strong nation over weaker nations

Economic: for natural resources, high tariffs reduced trade with each other so they went overseas to sell
products. Expansion was justified with Social Darwinism.
Military: to be competitive with the other leading nations and ready to risk war to protect their interests
overseas. Bases would give them places to rest, refuel, and resupply.
o Nationalism: pride for ones nation
o cultural superiority/Anglo-Saxonism: our ideas, characteristics, and government is the best so it will
benefit others
o Brothers Keeper: spreading Christianity.
A regular stopping place on the way to China and Japan.
New England missionaries settled here and said it was good to grow sugar cane. Westerns caused the Chief
to unite the 8 major islands. Plantations all over the island by mid 1800s
Settlers brought disease. Population went from 300,000 in 1770 to 40,000 in 1893
1872, recession led the U.S. to ratify a trade treaty to exempt them from sugar tariffs and gave the U.S.
exclusive rights for a naval base. The Chief signed it when a gun was put to his head
1887, planters pressure Hawaii to accept a new constitution (Bayonet Constitution) which limited the chiefs
power and increase planters power. Hawaiians couldnt vote now.
McKinley Tariff of 1890: eliminated all duties on sugar and gave subsidies to sugar producers in the U.S.
Now U.S. sugar was cheaper so Hawaiis economy drastically went down.
Chiefs sister takes over. She unsuccessfully imposes a new constitution that makes her the ruler. Which
made planters mad
***The Hawaiian League: a secret society to overthrow the queen and set up a provisional democratic
government. The takeover was backed by marines with machine guns and cannons. The queen was forced to
First annex request was denied by President Cleveland because of how Hawaii was taken over. Republic of
Hawaii run by a regime until Pres. McKinley annexed it.
Spanish-American War
Produced 1/3 of the worlds sugar before 1886, 1/3 of the Cuban population was enslaved to produce the
1868 revolts start to fight for their independence from Spain
Jose Marti: major leader in the movement. Exiled to NYC where he spread his cause by writing newspaper
articles and poems. Returns to Cuba and starts the Cuban Revolutionary Party.
Why America fights:
It was similar to the American Revolution
Hearst and Pulitzers newspapers had a rival
o ***Yellow journalism: outrageous stories published saying the Spanish was feeding prisoners sharks
and dogs, Cuba was a place with blood everywhere from the fighting
De Lome Letter: a letter written by a Spanish Ambassador to the U.S. saying McKinley was weak and a
bidder for the admiration of the crowd and Cuban agent intercepted it and gave it to The New York Journal.
America was upset with the insult

U.S.S. Maine: the battleship was sent to Havana incase Americans needed to be evacuated. The ship
exploded. 354 officers and sailors were aboard, 266 died. Newspapers blamed the explosion on Spain.
A War on Two Fronts

Philippines: a Spanish colony with the
American fleet based in Hong Kong and
ready to attack if the Spanish went east to
attack the U.S. (May)
George Dewey: took troops to Manila Bay
and won in a quick victory. The U.S. sent
the army and on the way they seized Guam.
Emilio Aguinaldo: a revolutionary leader.
Helped the U.S. capture the city. Spanish
surrendered. He got suspicious of American
troops arriving and they wouldnt let his
forces into the city or recognize his rebel

U.S. didnt know what to do with the
Annex: a naval base in Asia, a stop on
the way to China, there was a large
market for American goods, their duty to
civilize the people
Not to annex: high cost, people thought
it would drive down American wages, It
went against American principles.
Philippines Rebellion:
U.S. acting like Spain as tyrants.
They did reform education,
transportation, health care, and
communication, which strengthened the
Aguinaldo got captured and the
rebellions surrendered
U.S. lost 4,000 men vs Filipinos
U.S. said they would give them freedom
but it took 30 years to happen

Teller Amendment: The U.S. would help Cuba gain
independence but would then leave
U.S. success would happen if they took our the Spanish fleet so
they couldnt get supplies to their soldiers in Cuba.
U.S. army lacked training and equipment. Unsanitary conditions
caused disease.
of volunteers were black
Rough Riders: a unit from the American west. Cowboys, miners,
and law officers led by Teddy Roosevelt. They fought on foot.
Captured a series of hills, then Santiago and the Spanish
retreated. The U.S. sank or beached all their vessels.
American troops occupied Puerto Rico.
U.S established a military government (broke the Teller
Platt Amendment: conditions in their new constitution saying
Cuba could not make any treaty with another nation that would
weaken its independence or allow another foreign power to gain
territory in Cuba.
1. Cuba had to allow U.S. to buy or lease naval stations in cuba.
2. Cubas debt had to be kept low to prevent foreign countries
from landing troops to enforce payments.
3. The U.S. would have the right to intervene to protect Cuban
independence and keep order.
Consequences: U.S. casualties 2000 mainly from yellow fever.
Cost 250 million.
***Cuba was made into an American protectorate
Protectorate: local leaders have imperial power but they were
protected from rebellions and invasions and they sought their

advice on how to govern their countries

Treaty of Paris: Cuba free from Spain, U.S. gains Puerto Rico and Guam. The U.S. pays 20 million to Spain
and the Philippines is annexed in.
This war led the U.S. to have a position on the world stage and their navy is 3rd in the world.
1894 Japan and China were in a war over Korea, Japan easily won because of they had adapted western
technology and industry
Japan got Manchuria but Russia fought for them to give it back so Russia could lease it from China. France
and Germany got involved too.
o Sphere of influence: an outside nation exerts special economic and political control. This worried
o ***Open door policy: countries should be allowed to trade with each other
Boxer Rebellion: a secret Chinese society organized to get rid of foreign control. They attacked foreign
embassies, attacked foreigners, took prisoners. An international force finally stopped them.

Energetic, enthusiastic, rough
Loved the spot light
Grand ideas and plans without details
Increased American power on the world stage
Accepted some ideas of Anglo-Saxonism: U.S.
should civilize the world
Supported open door policy
Wanted a strong military presence globally
***Roosevelt Corollary: The U.S. would
intervene in Latin American affairs to maintain
stability in the Western Hemisphere

Believed tariff reform would split the Republican


Believed Latin America would benefit everyone
Disliked political maneuvering, avoided conflict
Fixed problems slowly
Conflicted with Progressives
Though high tariffs limited competition, hurt
consumers, and protected trusts
Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act: Asked congress to lower
tariffs, but it hardly did and raised prices on certain
goods. This made Progressives mad.
Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy: progressives mad
that Roosevelts secretary was replaced with
Ballinger. Pinchot charged Ballinger for turning
public lands in Alaska for personal profit. Taft
found no proof. Pinchot leaked the story to the
press and asked congress to investigate. Taft fires
Pinchot for disobeying him.

Childrens Bureau: federal agency that investigated
and publicized problems with child labor
Mann-elkins act: increased regulatory powers of
Bureau of mines to monitor mining companies,
Expanding the national forests
Protected waterpower sites from private


Election 1912: Republic party split

Roosevelt had been in Africa on safari. When he came back, he heard how Taft betrayed progressivism
so he went back in to politics to fix what Taft had done. He was going to run for president again as an
o Progressive party nicknamed Bull Moose
Taft: conservative
Wilson: Democratic (wins)
5 weeks into office, he went to congress and asked them to lower tariffs, first time since Johns Adams, the 2nd
president. He felt this would help American manufacturers to improve products and lower their prices.

Underwood tariff: reduced average tariff on imported goods by 30-50%. Also created an income tax.
Federal Reserve Act: established a federal reserve that would set interest rates and control them for the
entire nation and the amount of money in circulation. Inflation could now be fought by raising interest
rates or the economy can be stimulated to help the economy. It had a board appointed by the president.
Federal Trade Commission: monitored American business and keep it regulated. Could investigated
companies and issues with unfair trade practices (hurt competition)

Clayton Antitrust Act: progressives not happy

Banned tying agreements that required retailers who bought from one company to stop selling a
competitors product.
Banned price discrimination, charging different prices for different customers
No lower price for chain stores or large amount purchases.

Adamson Act: 8 hour work days for railroad employees.

Federal Farm Loan Act: created 12 federal land banks to provide farmers with long-term loans at low interest

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