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Draft March 2013

Draft March 2013

Guidelines for Electronic Evidences

Educational Leadership Programs Leading to Superintendent Licensure
In January 2008, the State Board of Education approved in concept a new program approval process. The
process focuses on outcomes, rather than inputs, eliminates barriers and obstacles that do not ensure
quality, and allows greater institutional flexibility based on increased rigor and accountability.
The new program approval process is separate from the national accreditation process, with national
accreditation being voluntary. For those institutions choosing to maintain national accreditation, the State
will maintain partnership agreements with NCATE, TEAC, and CAEP.
In the new process, the seven-year on-site program review cycle will be replaced with a review of
candidate evidence that they meet the standards for superintendents based on a rubric that is aligned with
the superintendent evaluation instrument. The reviews will be coordinated by the State Board of
Education and utilize trained in-service educators and leader educators. Each superintendent licensure
program will be reviewed on a systematic basis when a critical mass of program completers is reached,
but at least once every seven years.
Additionally, candidate on-the-job performance and institutional involvement with and service to the
public schools will be considered in continuing program approval.
Institutions are required to submit to the State Board of Education by February 14, 2014 blueprints of
their proposed programs that have been remodeled to meet the standards for superintendents adopted by
the Board in September 2007. The blueprints (program proposals) are to include the following
A. A description of how the proposed program has been remodeled to reflect 21 st century knowledge,
skills, and dispositions and the rationale for the changes, i.e., how the new program is different
from the current program, how it reflects 21st century knowledge, skills, and dispositions, and
why specific revisions are being made. (2-3 pages maximum)
B. How public school partners were involved in the remodeling of the program and how they will be
involved in the delivery and evaluation of the program. (1-2 pages maximum)
C. The electronic evidences the institution will use to demonstrate candidates meet the standards.
The template to be used for this section of the proposal is detailed in the following pages. It is to
1. A brief description of the evidence and the elements of the standards it addresses. (Section I
of the template)
2. A detailed description of the evidence, how it specifically addresses the elements for which it is
cited, and how it is evaluated by the institution. (Section II of the template)
D. The timeline for implementation. (1 page maximum)
E. Copies of written agreements with partnering school districts concerning placements and
evaluation of superintendent interns.
Proposed programs will be reviewed by a statewide committee consisting of public school practitioners,
IHE faculty, and DPI staff. Recommendations for program approval will be submitted to the State Board
of Education for final approval of the remodeled programs.
In determining the electronic evidences that will be used for continuing program approval, each
superintendent preparation program is to identify key evidences to demonstrate attainment of the North
Carolina Standards for Superintendents using the Superintendent Candidate Evaluation Rubric. The
evidences must be performance-related, and will be submitted for review to the North Carolina State
Board of Education. Five evidences are required; two additional evidences are optional.

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Draft March 2013

Institutions will design the specific evidences. The five required evidences must address the North
Carolina Standards for Superintendents listed in the table below. Institutions may choose to include two
additional evidences. Each standard, element, and all the proficient-level descriptors must be addressed at
least once in the programs evidences.

North Carolina Standards for Superintendents

Standard 1

Strategic Leadership: Evidence that demonstrates the ability to create conditions that
result in strategically re-imagining the districts vision, mission, and goals to ensure
that every student graduates from high school, globally competitive for work and
postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21 st Century

Standard 2

Instructional Leadership: Evidence that demonstrates the ability to set high

standards for professional practice of 21st Century instruction and assessment that result
in an accountable environment.

Standard 3

Cultural Leadership: Evidence that demonstrates the ability to understand and act on
the important role a systems culture has in the exemplary performance of all schools.

Standard 4

Human Resource Leadership: Evidence that demonstrates the ability to ensure the
district is a professional learning community with processes and systems in place that
result in the recruitment, induction, support, evaluation, development and retention of a
high-performing, diverse staff.

Standard 5

Managerial Leadership: Evidence that demonstrates the ability to ensure the district
has processes and systems in place for budgeting, staffing, problem solving,
communicating expectations, and scheduling that organize the work of the district and
prioritize student learning and safety.

Standard 6

External Development Leadership: Evidence that demonstrates the ability to design

structures and processes that result in broad community engagement with, support for,
and ownership of the district vision.

Standard 7

Micro-political Leadership: Evidence that demonstrates the ability to promote the

success of learning and teaching by understanding, responding to, and influencing the
larger political, social, economic, legal, ethical, and cultural context.

The template for providing the required information follows. It includes the following two sections:
Section I:

A brief description of the evidence and the elements and descriptors of the standards it

Section II:

A detailed description of the evidence, how it specifically addresses the descriptors for
which it is cited, and how it is evaluated by the institution.

In addition to the 5-7 key evidences, a Certification of Capacity, which addresses the competencies
identified in the North Carolina Standards for Superintendents, is to be submitted by each candidate

Draft March 2013

Draft March 2013


In this section, list the 5-7 evidences that will be submitted as documentation of meeting the standards. All programs must provide a minimum of 5
evidences. A program may choose to include 2 additional evidences. The evidences must be those that all candidates in the program are required to
complete and should be used by the program to determine candidate proficiencies as reflected in the program standards. Briefly describe each
evidence and identify the descriptors of the elements of the standards each addresses.


Name of Evidence

Briefly Describe the Evidence

Descriptors of the Standards Addressed

by the Evidence

Draft March 2013


evidence that
addresses NC

evidence that
addresses NC

Draft March 2013

Name of Evidence

Briefly Describe the Evidence

Descriptors of the Standards Addressed

by the Evidence

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For each of the key evidences identified in Section I provide a detailed description of:
1) the name of the evidence;
2) the specific directions and/or requirements for the evidence provided to the candidates;
3) how the evidence specifically addresses the descriptors of the elements of the standards for which it is
cited in Sections I and II; and
4) how the evidence is/will be evaluated by the institution.
The narrative section for each evidence is limited to five pages. The rubric may be attached.

Draft March 2013

Draft March 2013

#1 Required

Name of Evidence:
Descriptors of the elements addressed in the evidence:

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#2 Required

Name of Evidence:
Descriptors of the elements addressed in the evidence:

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#3 Required

Name of Evidence:
Descriptors of the elements addressed in the evidence:

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#4 Required

Name of Evidence:
Descriptors of the elements addressed in the evidence:

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#5 Required

Name of Evidence:
Descriptors of the elements addressed in the evidence:


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#6 Optional
Additional evidence that addresses NC Superintendent Standards
Name of Evidence:
Descriptors of the elements addressed in the evidence:


Draft March 2013

Draft March 2013

#7 Optional
Additional evidence that addresses NC Superintendent Standards
Name of Evidence:
Descriptors of the elements addressed in the evidence:


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