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E-learning is an abbreviation of the term electronic learning .Electronic learning in its
literal meaning stands for the type of learning carried out , facilitated or supported by some
or other electronic gadgets , media or resource. E-learning may call for the services of the
advanced electronic information and communication media and means like CD-ROMs and
DVDs ,teleconferencing ,video conferencing and computer based conferencing ,e-mail , live
chat, surfing on the internet and Web browsing ,on line reference libraries, video game
style simulation , customized e- learning courses, andweb blogs .identified in this way, elearning may be taken as an electronically carried out learning facilitated and supported by
the use of advanced learning technology particularly calling for the services of computers ,
networking and multimedia
as other related terms like e-mail ,e-banking, e-booking ,and e-commerce tend to exist with
us in our other walks of life. The common in nature , functioning and use of these terms may
be summarized
1. They all call for the services of the computer , laptops and their technologies in their
2. the use of the internet services and web technology is must for their functioning
Having a proper look at the nature and use of e-learning dominated by the
interest technologies a contemporary author Rosenberg define e-learning
E-learning refers to the use of the interest technologies to deliver a broad
array of solutions that enhance knowledge and performance.


1. E-learning is a generic term used to refer computer enhanced learning.
2. Its use should be strictly limited to on-line learning carried out through the internet
or web-enabled technology
3. It conveys broader meaning than the terms computer-based learning and computer
aided instruction
4. It is broader in its meaning than that conveyed through he simple terms like online
learning or on-line education.
5. It should not be taken as synonymous to audio-visual learning , multimedia learning,
distance education or distance learning
1. Training can be scheduled around work and personal responsibilities.
2. Information can be provided as accessed wherever a computer with internet connection
3. Costs for third party trainers are reduced.
4. Costs associated with remote training are reduced.
5. Immediate access to additional online resources can be embedded directly into the
6. E-learning can accommodated different learning styles and support learning with a
variety of media .
1. E-learning is technology dependent .this create unique challenges for training in the
work place
2. Workers with low motivation , limited technical skills or bad study habits may fall
behind or become frustrated .
3. Workers who need more training support might find self directed- e-learning
4. Independent computer based training may result in feelings of isolation.
5. Supervisors and more experienced co-workers may not be available to answers
questions when the training is undertaken.
6. Depending on nature of the training , e-learning may simply not be appropriate.

Within synchronous learning ; learning and teaching takes place in real time while the
trainer and learners are physically separated from each other
Eg; online lectures,Internet telephony;audio/video conferencing.
Characteristics for asynchronous learning is the fact that the trainer prepares the
course ware materials before the course take place.The learner is free to decide when
he wants to study the courseware
Eg;video taped tapes , recoded audio tapes , question and answer method
The concept and the mechanism of e-learning are very much associated with the use of the
Internet and web-technology delivered to the end users , via computer laptops
1.The learners are found to make use of variety of recorded CDS and DVDS for gaining the
desired information and learning experiences in their concerned subjects.
2.lately there is an emerge development in the shape of mobile learning .it has the advantage
of allowing learners to be on the move while learning. As a result may reap the benefits of
the recorded informations / lectures or connect yourself with the internet and web pages
while driving , jogging or doing some other work.

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