BN-S-UC001 Standard Checklist For Plant Completion

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BN-S-UC001 Standard Checklist for Plant Completion

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Table ofContents
1. D enition ofTerm s
2. Checklistfor PlantCom pletion
3. References

1.D enition ofTerm s

Mechanical completion when referring to the plant, unit, or facility means that contractor has:
Provided erection in accordance with drawings, specifications, vendor instructions,
applicable codes and regulations and authority requirements.
Completed all inspection, checking and testing work as listed in the checklist for
mechanical completion, applicable to the specific project.
It is recognized that painting, paving, insulation, final clean up and removal of temporary
facilities must be completed by contractor before plant completion is achieved. However, at
the time of mechanical completion of a unit, a system or an area, this work need not be
totally complete, but should be in a sufficiently advanced state of completion as not to
interfere with subsequent activities.
The exceptions as stated above should be included in the punchlist attached to the certificate
of mechanical completion.

1.1 Pre-com m issioning

is defined as pre-start up check out, system adjustment, equipment and system activation,
required to allow owner to prepare the facility for operation.

1.2 Plantcom pletion

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BN-S-UC001 Standard Checklist for Plant Completion

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means that contractor has provided erection in accordance with drawings and specifications
and other items referred to in the definition of mechanical completion, plus pre-commissioning
if, applicable to the specific project, plus final clean up, completion of painting and insulation
work or other items not completed when mechanical completion was reached. When plant
completion is reached and accepted as such by owner, contractor is deemed to have fulfilled
all his obligations under the construction part of the contract.

1.3 O peration is dened as Clients w ork to bring the plant,unitor facility in


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This includes:


Running of equipment, motors, instrumentation etc.

Introducing into the plant of process liquids and gasses.
By agreement between contractor and owner, contractor can provide technical personnel and
specialized subcontract services as required to assist owner in pre-commissioning and/or
start up of the plant but it should be recognized that operation is owners responsibility.

2.Checklistfor PlantCom pletion

2.1 Check Listfor M echanicalCom pletion
(Ref. 3.1)
Identifies the division of responsibility between contractor and the owner of activities required
for mechanical completion.

2.2 Check Listfor M echanicalCom pletion Including Pre-com m issioning Activities

(Ref. 3.2)
Is a further development of the Checklist for Mechanical Completion (ref. 3.1) to define
added work to be done by contractor when necessary. The items that have become
contractors obligation for pre-commissioning have been indicated by a double X (XX).

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2.3 Check Listfor Preparation for Start-up

(Ref. 3.3)
Outlines operations to be carried out by owner and by contractor related to preparation for
start up.





Checklist for Mechanical Completion


Checklist for Mechanical Completion including

Pre-commissioning Activities


Checklist for Preparation for Start-up

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BN-S-UC001 Standard Checklist for Plant Completion

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