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MSC Server

Routine Maintenance Guide

Version: V4.12.10

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Postcode: 518057
Tel: +86-755-26771900
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Copyright 2012 ZTE CORPORATION.
The contents of this document are protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Any reproduction or
distribution of this document or any portion of this document, in any form by any means, without the prior written
consent of ZTE CORPORATION is prohibited.

Additionally, the contents of this document are protected by

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All company, brand and product names are trade or service marks, or registered trade or service marks, of ZTE
CORPORATION or of their respective owners.
This document is provided as is, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions
are disclaimed, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,
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ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to upgrade or make technical change to this product without further notice.
Users may visit ZTE technical support website to inquire related information.
The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION.

Revision History
Revision No.

Revision Date

Revison Reason



First edition

Serial Number: SJ-20120730093520-018

Publishing Date: 2012-10-31 (R1.0)

SJ-20120730093520-018|2012-10-31 (R1.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance Overview............................................... 1-1
1.1 Classification ..................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Purposes ........................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Precautions........................................................................................................ 1-2
1.4 Basic Requirements for Maintenance Personnel................................................... 1-4
1.5 Routine Maintenance Tools ................................................................................. 1-4
1.6 Introduction to Routine Maintenance Operations .................................................. 1-5

Chapter 2 Daily Routine Maintenance ...................................................... 2-1

2.1 Checking System Alarms or Notifications ............................................................. 2-1
2.2 Equipment Room Environment Check ................................................................ 2-2
2.2.1 Checking Equipment Room Temperature ................................................... 2-2
2.2.2 Checking Equipment Room Humidity......................................................... 2-2
2.3 Checking Board Running Status.......................................................................... 2-3
2.4 Performance Statistics Check ............................................................................. 2-4
2.4.1 Checking MTP3 Signaling Links ................................................................ 2-4
2.4.2 Checking SCTP Links............................................................................... 2-5

Chapter 3 Weekly Routine Maintenance .................................................. 3-1

3.1 Clock Check ...................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Checking Clock Synchronization ............................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Checking Clock Running Status ................................................................ 3-2
3.2 Resource Usage Check ...................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.1 Checking Hard Disk Usage of the OMP Module ......................................... 3-3
3.2.2 Checking CPU/Memory Usage of the OMM Server..................................... 3-3
3.2.3 Checking the Hard Disk Usage of the OMM Server .................................... 3-4
3.3 Hardware Check ................................................................................................ 3-5
3.3.1 Checking the Chassis Management Module............................................... 3-5
3.3.2 Checking the Switching Board................................................................... 3-5
3.3.3 Check the Power Module .......................................................................... 3-6
3.3.4 Check the Fan Module.............................................................................. 3-6
3.3.5 Checking the GPBB0/GPBX1 Boards ........................................................ 3-7
3.3.6 Checking the rear board GPI1 of the GPBX1.............................................. 3-7
3.4 Windows Operating System Check ..................................................................... 3-8
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3.4.1 Check the Anti-Virus Software................................................................... 3-8

3.4.2 Checking Virus Database Update .............................................................. 3-8
3.5 Checking Data Backup on LMT ........................................................................... 3-9
3.6 Performance Statistics Check ........................................................................... 3-10
3.6.1 Checking Resource Load........................................................................ 3-10
3.6.2 Checking MscServer Load .......................................................................3-11

Chapter 4 Monthly Routine Maintenance ................................................. 4-1

4.1 Checking Versions.............................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Checking System Alarms and Notifications .......................................................... 4-2
4.3 Checking Heat Radiation of Racks ...................................................................... 4-3
4.4 Checking for Viruses .......................................................................................... 4-3

Chapter 5 Quarterly Routine Maintenance............................................... 5-1

5.1 Cleaning the Dust Screens ................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 CGSL Operating System Check .......................................................................... 5-2
5.2.1 Checking Hard Disk Space ....................................................................... 5-2
5.2.2 Checking Swap Space.............................................................................. 5-2
5.2.3 Checking CPU/Memory Usage.................................................................. 5-3
5.2.4 Checking Log Files................................................................................... 5-4
5.2.5 Checking Disk I/O .................................................................................... 5-4
5.3 Checking Remote Control Tools .......................................................................... 5-5

Chapter 6 Yearly Routine Maintenance .................................................... 6-1

6.1 Equipment Room Environment Check ................................................................. 6-1
6.1.1 Checking the DC Power Supply ................................................................ 6-1
6.1.2 Checking the AC Power Supply................................................................. 6-2
6.2 Hardware Check ................................................................................................ 6-2
6.2.1 Checking Cable Connections .................................................................... 6-2
6.2.2 Checking Spare Parts............................................................................... 6-3

Appendix A Routine Maintenance Forms ............................................... A-1

A.1 Form of Daily Maintenance Records.................................................................... A-1
A.2 Form of Weekly Maintenance Records ................................................................ A-3
A.3 Form of Monthly Maintenance Records ............................................................... A-5
A.4 Form of Quarterly Maintenance Records ............................................................. A-6
A.5 Form of Yearly Maintenance Records .................................................................. A-7

Appendix B Cautions for Routine Maintenance ..................................... B-1

Glossary .......................................................................................................... I

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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual

This manual describes maintenance classification, routine maintenance items and
common maintenance methods for the ZXUN iCX(MSCS).

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for:

Network management engineers

Maintenance engineers

Prerequisite Skill and Knowledge

To use this manual effectively, users should have a general understanding of wireless
telecommunications technology. Familiarity with the following is helpful:

Basic operation and maintenance procedures of the ZXUN iCX(MSCS)

Routine troubleshooting methods of the ZXUN iCX(MSCS)

What Is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters:


1, Routine Maintenance Overview

Describes the purposes, classification, precautions, and

operation introduction of routine maintenance.

2, Daily Routine Maintenance

Describes the maintenance items, purposes, procedures, and

criteria of daily routine maintenance.

3, Weekly Routine Maintenance

Describes the maintenance items, purposes, procedures, and

criteria of weekly routine maintenance.

4, Monthly Routine Maintenance

Describes the maintenance items, purposes, procedures, and

criteria of monthly routine maintenance.

5, Quarterly Routine Maintenance

Describes the maintenance items, purposes, procedures, and

criteria of quarterly routine maintenance.

6, Yearly Routine Maintenance

Describes the maintenance items, purposes, procedures, and

criteria of yearly routine maintenance.

Appendix A, Routine Maintenance

Provides the forms of routine maintenance records.

Appendix B, Cautions for Routine

Describes the cautions for routine maintenance so that you


can operate the system safely.

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Related Documentation
The following documentation is related to this manual:

ZXUN iCX(MSCS) MSC Server General Operation Guide

ZXUN iCX(MSCS) MSC Server Performance Management Operation Guide
ZXUN iCX(MSCS) MSC Server Alarm Management Operation Guide
ZXUN iCX(MSCS) MSC Server Alarm Handling
ZXUN iCX(MSCS) MSC Server Hardware Description

FCC Compliance Statement

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions.
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

This manual uses the following typographical conventions:



Variables in commands. It may also refer to other related manuals and documents.


Menus, menu options, function names, input fields, option button names, check
boxes, drop-down lists, dialog box names, window names, parameters, and


Text that you type, program codes, filenames, directory names, and function names.


Optional parameters.


Mandatory parameters.

Separates individual parameter in series of parameters.

Caution: indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Failure to comply can result in
moderate injury, equipment damage, or interruption of minor services.
Note: Provides additional information about a certain topic.

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Chapter 1

Routine Maintenance
Table of Contents
Classification ..............................................................................................................1-1
Precautions ................................................................................................................1-2
Basic Requirements for Maintenance Personnel ........................................................1-4
Routine Maintenance Tools ........................................................................................1-4
Introduction to Routine Maintenance Operations ........................................................1-5

1.1 Classification
To effectively implement the functions of the equipment and prevent potential accidents,
it is necessary to perform routine maintenance on the running equipment. Routine
maintenance is a preventive measure, which aims to discover and remove the defects
and hidden risks of the equipment in time. Regular check and maintenance improve the
safety, stability and reliability of the equipment.

The routine maintenance can be divided into two categories:

Daily Routine Maintenance

Regular Routine Maintenance

Daily Routine Maintenance

Daily routine maintenance refers to the maintenance operations that are implemented
by the common maintenance personnel every day, with relatively simple maintenance
process, such as alarm and notification check and equipment room environment check.

Regular Routine Maintenance

Regular routine maintenance refers to relatively complicated maintenance operations,
such as hardware check and operating system check that are regularly implemented by
the trained maintenance personnel in a certain period (for example, a week, a month, a
quarter or a year).
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ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Routine Maintenance Guide

1.2 Purposes
Purpose of Daily Maintenance
Daily maintenance helps you to:

Find out the alarms of the equipment or hidden risks in time and adopt appropriate
measures to handle and recover the faults so as to maintain the healthy level of the
equipment and reduce equipment faults.
Find out the abnormalities of link status or connection during service running in time
and adopt appropriate measures to handle and recover system faults so as to ensure
normal service running.
Grasp the running status of the equipment and network in real time, know the running
trend of the equipment and network, and improve the sudden-event handling efficiency
of the maintenance personnel.

Purpose of Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance helps you to:

Make the equipment always remain in good condition, and ensure the safe, stable
and reliable running of the system.
Find out hidden troubles, including natural aging, function expiry and performance
deterioration during the running of the equipment in time, and handle these troubles
to prevent the accidents.

1.3 Precautions
Read and observe the following precautions when you perform routine maintenance.

Establish a complete set of maintenance regulations for the equipment room to

standardize the routine maintenance work. Create detailed duty logs and make
detailed records of the daily running state of the system, version, data change,
upgrading and troubleshooting, so that it will be convenient for fault analysis and
troubleshooting once a fault occurs. Keep a shift record to define the responsibilities
Maintenance personnel should be well trained on the skills of basic operations and
emergency troubleshooting before taking the post and should grasp the knowledge
related to the equipment maintenance and the networks. During maintenance
operations, the maintenance personnel must follow the instructions described in the
related manuals of the product. To avoid any accident, the personnel must put on
antistatic wrist straps before operating the equipment. The maintenance personnel
should have a precise working attitude and professional maintenance skills, which
should be enhanced through constant learning.
Make records for all the important operations (such as board switching, system
resetting, and software loading). Before the operations, the qualified maintenance
personnel must analyze the feasibility of the operations and take the related backup,

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Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance Overview



emergency, and security measures. Back up the data before you do any change to
them. Do not delete the backup data until the equipment runs properly for a time
period (usually a week) after you change the data.
Set different NMS passwords with different access rights, put them under strict
management, and make changes to them periodically. The passwords should be
provided only to the maintenance personnel.
Do not play games or surf the Internet on PC terminals. Do not install, run or copy any
other software not related to the system on the terminal. Do not use the PC terminal
for any other purposes.
Have the regularly used tools and meters ready. The regularly used tools and meters
include screwdrivers (flathead and crosshead), signaling tester, network cable pliers,
multi-meter, AC power, telephone line, and network cables. Test and calibrate the
instruments and meters regularly to ensure their accuracy.
Check spare components regularly to ensure they are sufficient in quantity and are in
good condition, and make sure that the components are not affected by dampness or
mould. Keep them away from those faulty ones removed during maintenance. Return
the faulty boards for repair in time and prepare sufficient spare parts for the major
Keep the software and documents that might be used during the maintenance in a
handy place.
Keep the equipment room in normal temperature and humidity. Keep the environment
neat and clean. Take dust prevention and damp prevention measures. Keep rats and
insects out.
Ensure the primary power of the system is stable. Check the system grounding and
lightning protection ground periodically. Check the lightning protection system before
and after the storm season to make sure that related facilities are in good condition.
Make sure that the light in the equipment room is bright enough for the maintenance.
Any damaged lamp should be repaired in time.
The maintenance personnel must perform regular checks and tests each day and
make records by referencing related suggestions in the manual.
Handle any fault as soon as it is detected. Record the detailed information of the
problem that cannot be solved, and then contact local ZTE office or customer service
center for help.
If there is an emergency in the equipment room, the maintenance personnel must
be calm and perform troubleshooting according to the Troubleshooting Manual, and
contact local ZTE office or customer service center immediately.
Keep the contact information of ZTE local office in a noticeable place and let all
maintenance personnel notice it, so they can contact ZTE in time when they need
help. Maintain the contact information regularly to keep it up to date.

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ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Routine Maintenance Guide

1.4 Basic Requirements for Maintenance Personnel



Get familiar with the telecommunication knowledge such as the mobile

telecommunication theory and soft-switching principle.
Get familiar with signaling protocols related with Signaling System No.7 (SS7),
Mobile Application Part (MAP), Signalling Transport (SIGTRAN) and ITU-T Rec.
H.248 Gateway Control Protocol (H.248).
Get familiar with related technical specifications.
Understand the basic knowledge about computer networks, including Ethernet,
TCP/IP, Browser/Server architecture, WEB application and database.
Get familiar with ATCA structure.
Get familiar with product knowledge of the ZXUN iCX(MSCS), concerning functional
structure, call flow, and service flow.

Networking and Running Environment


Know hardware architecture and performance parameters of the ZXUN iCX(MSCS)

system very well.
Know the networking architecture of the ZXUN iCX(MSCS) system very well.
Know signaling and protocols of the ZXUN iCX(MSCS) system and the networking
devices very well.
Get familiar with network architecture and channel allocation of the relevant
transmission devices.

Requirements for Device Operations


Master daily operations of the ZXUN iCX(MSCS).

Know well which operations will cause interruption of some or all services.
Know well which operations will damage devices.
Know well which operations will lead to user complaints.
Know well emergency or backup measures.

Instruments and Meters

The maintenance personnel of the ZXUN iCX(MSCS) must be familiar with how to use
instruments and meters to locate a fault. The common instruments and meters include
multi-meter and the SS7 analyzer.

1.5 Routine Maintenance Tools

Software Maintenance Tools

Failure observer
Signal trace

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Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance Overview


Fault management
Dynamic management
Performance management
Log management

Hardware Maintenance Tools


Frequently-used tools and meters should be provided, such as antistatic wristlet,

screwdriver (straight or cross), signaling tester, network cable pliers, multi-meter,
telephone line and network cables. The instruments and meters should be checked
and calibrated regularly to ensure their accuracy.
The spare parts should be often checked to ensure the enough and perfect inventory
of routine spare parts and prevent them against moisture and mildewing. Spare parts
should be stored separately from the damaged ones replaced in the maintenance
process, and marked for the convenience of distinguishing them. Common spare
parts and components should be replenished in time when used up.
The software and documentation for potential use during maintenance should be kept
at hand as required, so that they are obtainable when necessary.

1.6 Introduction to Routine Maintenance Operations


You can perform related routine maintenance operations on the Local Maintenance
Terminal (LMT).
To perform related routine maintenance operations on a GPBB0/GPBX1 board, use
either of the following method to log in .

Connect the display, keyboard and mouse respectively to the VGA display, PS/2
keyboard and PS/2 mouse port on the GPI1 board.

Log in to the blade server by using the debugging computer:

You can use a remote control tool or the GUI to log in to the blade at the
Fabric-plane IP addresses for the local network.

The Windows operating system (Windows XP or Windows 2003) should be
already installed on the debugging computer. The debugging computer can
communicate properly with the blade.

For the operations on a Windows operating system, this manual takes Windows 2003
for example.

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ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Routine Maintenance Guide

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Chapter 2

Daily Routine Maintenance

Table of Contents
Checking System Alarms or Notifications ...................................................................2-1
Equipment Room Environment Check .......................................................................2-2
Checking Board Running Status.................................................................................2-3
Performance Statistics Check.....................................................................................2-4

2.1 Checking System Alarms or Notifications

Check the system alarms or notifications.

Make sure that there is no abnormality in the system.

1. Log in to the Local Maintenance Terminal(LMT).
2. In the web page of the LMT, click (Fault Management) button in the lower left corner
to open the Fault Management tab page as shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1 Fault Management Tab Page

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ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Routine Maintenance Guide

3. When checking the system alarms, you should check the following items in every check
l Current real-time alarms and current alarm recovery information
l Historical alarms occurred in the past 24 hours
l Current real-time notifications
l Historical notifications occurred in the past 24 hours

There is no abnormality alarm or notification in the system. Any alarm or notification found
should be analyzed and processed in time.
1. You can double-click the alarm message on the tab page to view the alarm handling
suggestions and eliminate the related faults according to the suggestions.
2. If the problem cannot be solved, contact ZTE technical personnel immediately.

2.2 Equipment Room Environment Check

2.2.1 Checking Equipment Room Temperature
Check the equipment room temperature.

Make sure that the equipment work under normal temperature.

Check the temperature shown on the air conditioner.

In normal cases, the temperature in the equipment room is 15 C~25 C.
If the temperature does not reach the standard, you should adjust it in time so that it meets
the requirements for normal running of the equipment.

2.2.2 Checking Equipment Room Humidity

Check the equipment room humidity.

Make sure that the equipment works under normal humidity.
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Chapter 2 Daily Routine Maintenance

Check the relative humidity shown at the air conditioner.

In normal cases, the relative humidity in the equipment room is 30 %~70 %.
If the humidity does not reach the standard, you should adjust it in time so that it meets
the requirements for normal running of the equipment.

2.3 Checking Board Running Status

Check the board running status.

Make sure each board of the ZXUN iCX(MSCS) runs properly.

1. Check the board alarms in the Fault Management tab page of the LMT.
a. Log in to the LMT.
b. In the web page of the LMT, click (Fault Management) button in the lower left
corner to open the Fault Management tab page.

Check the alarms of each board to see whether there is any abnormality on the

2. Check the board indicators on the rack.


There is no alarm for any board fault in the Fault Management tab page of the LMT.
The indicators of each board are proper. The normal status of each commonly used
indicator is shown in the following table.


Normal Status



Service status indicator



Health status indicator

Flashing green


Hotswap indicator



Active/standby status

Active: On


Standby: Off

Running/Alarm indicator

Flashing green


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ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Routine Maintenance Guide



Normal Status



Hard disk status indicator

Flashing green when the

The indicators

hard disk is performing

are available for

read/write operations

boards only.

For more details about indicators, see ZXUN iCX(MSCS) MSC Server Hardware

If any indicator is found abnormal, locate and handle the fault according to the
corresponding alarm messages reported on the LMT. If you cannot solve the problem,
contact technical support personnel of ZTE.

2.4 Performance Statistics Check

2.4.1 Checking MTP3 Signaling Links
Check the MTP3 signaling links.

Check whether the performance index values of the MTP3 signaling links have obvious

1. Log in to the LMT.
2. In the web page of the LMT, click (Performance Management) button in the lower
left corner to open the Performance Management tab page.


Before performing the query for the first time, you must create the corresponding
measurement task.
The path to locate the required type of measurement (MTP3 Link) on the
navigation tree of performance management is as follows: Signal Measurement
> N7 Measurement > MTP3 Signaling Link Measurement.

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Chapter 2 Daily Routine Maintenance

3. Query the measurement task of measurement type MTP3 Link. Measure the
performance index values during busy hours based on a collection granularity of 5
minutes. The performance indices to be queried include: Average Traffic Signaling
Link and MTP3 Link Load.
4. Check the performance indices of the MTP3 signaling links during busy hours. Check
whether the load is evenly shared among the signaling links or the load of some signaling links is too high.


The difference of load between any two links to the same office should not exceed 20
l The load of 2 M signaling link should not exceed 0.2 Erl, and that of 64 k signaling link
should not exceed 0.4 Erl.
In case of abnormalities in performance statistical data, contact the maintenance personnel
of related NEs to handle together. If necessary, contact ZTE.

2.4.2 Checking SCTP Links

Check the SCTP links.

Check whether the performance index values of the SCTP links have obvious fluctuations.

1. Log in to the LMT.
2. In the web page of the LMT, click (Performance Management) button in the lower
left corner to open the Performance Management tab page.


Before performing the query for the first time, you must create the corresponding
measurement task.
The path to locate the required type of measurement (SCTP Link) on the
navigation tree of performance management is as follows: Signal Measurement
> SIGTRAN Measurement > SCTP Link Measurement.

3. Query the measurement task of measurement type SCTP. Measure the number of
messages sent and received during busy hours based on a collection granularity of 5

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ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Routine Maintenance Guide

4. Check the performance indices of the SCTP links during busy hours. Check whether
the load is evenly shared among the signaling links or the load of some signaling links
is too high.


The difference of load between any two associations to the same office should not
exceed 20 %.
The load of each SCTP link should not exceed 0.2 Erl.

In case of abnormalities in performance statistical data, contact the maintenance personnel

of related NEs to handle together. If necessary, contact ZTE.

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Chapter 3

Weekly Routine Maintenance

Table of Contents
Clock Check ...............................................................................................................3-1
Resource Usage Check..............................................................................................3-3
Hardware Check ........................................................................................................3-5
Windows Operating System Check ...........................................................................3-8
Checking Data Backup on LMT ..................................................................................3-9
Performance Statistics Check...................................................................................3-10

3.1 Clock Check

3.1.1 Checking Clock Synchronization
Check the clock synchronization.

Make sure that the time of the OMP module is synchronous with the SNTP server
(generally, the OMM server).

1. Log in to the LMT. The default tab page is Terminal.

To open the Terminal tab page, in the web page of the LMT, click
in the bottom left corner.

(Terminal) button

2. Check the SNTP server configuration.

a. On the command navigation tree in the left pane of the Terminal tab page,
select Device Configuration > Device Parameter Configuration > NE Global
Parameter Configuration > Show SNTP Server Address to open the SHOW
SNTP command interface.
b. Click

button to execute the command.


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3. Check the time of the OMP module.

a. On the command navigation tree in the left pane of the Terminal tab page, select
Maintenance Management > Dynamic Management > Time Management >
Show Time to open the Show TIME command interface.
b. Click

button to execute the command.

4. Check the time of the OMM server. In the web page of the LMT , the time in the bottom
right corner is the OMM servers time .
5. Check whether the OMP time is the same as the OMM server time.


The configuration of the SNTP server (the IP address of the SNTP server) is correct.
If the SNTP server configuration is not correct, you can change it with the SET SNTP
The OMP time is the same as the OMM server. If the OMP time is not correct, you
can change it with the UPD TIME command.

3.1.2 Checking Clock Running Status

Check the clock running status.

Make sure that the clock works in the "TRACE" status.

1. Log in to the LMT. The default tab page is Terminal.

To open the Terminal tab page, in the web page of the LMT, click
in the bottom left corner.

(Terminal) button

2. On the command navigation tree in the left pane, select Maintenance Management
> Patrol Maintenance > Equipment Management > Check System Clock Status
to open the CHECK CLOCK STATUS command configuration interface.
button to execute the command.
3. Click
4. Check the status of the HOST and T/C indicators (corresponding to the clock sub-card)
on the panel of the SWI1/SWI2 board.

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Chapter 3 Weekly Routine Maintenance


The execution result of the CHECK CLOCK STATUS command shows that the clock
works in "TRACE" status.
The HOST indicator on the panel of the SWI1/SWI2 board flashes green and the clock
status indicator T/C is steady on.

If the clock status if abnormal, handle according to alarms. If you cannot remove this
problem, contact ZTE for help.

3.2 Resource Usage Check

3.2.1 Checking Hard Disk Usage of the OMP Module
Check the OMP module storage usage.

Make sure the OMP module has sufficient storage space.

1. Log in to the GPBB0 board where the OMP module is located using a remote control
tool such as SCRT.
2. Run the df -k command in the Terminal tab page to check the hard disk space.

The free space of each file system on the hard disk of the GPBB0 board where the OMP
module is located should be above 10 % of the total space. Otherwise, you should remove
the files of the previous version or expired log files from the disk.

3.2.2 Checking CPU/Memory Usage of the OMM Server

Check the CPU and memory usage of the OMM server.

Make sure that the OMM server has sufficient CPU and memory resources.

1. Log in to the GPBX1 board of the OMM server using a remote control tool such as
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ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Routine Maintenance Guide

2. Run the vmstat command in the Terminal window to check the CPU/memory usage.

You can also check the memory usage of the OMM server with the CHECK MEMORY
STATUS command in the Terminal tab page of the LMT.


Normally, the CPU usage should not exceed 50 %. If the CPU usage exceeds 50 %,
check for abnormal processes.
Normally, the available memory should be more than 90 % of the total. If the memory
usage has exceeded 90 % for a long time, you should expand the physical memory.

3.2.3 Checking the Hard Disk Usage of the OMM Server

Check the hard disk usage of the OMM server.

Make sure that the OMM server has sufficient hard disk resource.

1. Log in to the LMT. The default tab page is Terminal.

To open the Terminal tab page, in the web page of the LMT, click
in the bottom left corner.

(Terminal) button

2. On the command navigation tree in the left pane, select Maintenance Management >
Patrol Maintenance > OMM Server > Check OMM HDC Status to open the CHECK
HDC STATUS command configuration interface.
3. Click
button to execute the command.


The file systems where the operating system and the database are located should
respectively have at least a free space of 800 MB, and the free space of each should

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be above 10 % of the total size of the file system. If the free space is not enough,
delete some useless files.
The free space in each of the other file systems should also be above 10 % of the
total size of the file system. If the free space is not enough, delete some useless files.

3.3 Hardware Check

3.3.1 Checking the Chassis Management Module
Check the running status of the new chassis management module (NCMM).

Make sure that NCMM runs properly.

Check the related indicators of NCMM.


Three alarm indicators respectively marked with ~ are off.

The CPU status indicators respectively marked with HOST flashes green.
The hot-swap indicator marked with H/S is steadily off.
If NCMM works in the active mode, the active/standby status indicator marked with
ACT is steadily on. Otherwise, it is steadily off.

If any indicator is found in improper status, locate the fault according to the corresponding
alarm given on the LMT and perform troubleshooting. If the problem still exists, contact
ZTE for help.

3.3.2 Checking the Switching Board

Check the running status of the switching board (SWBB0/SWBB1).

Make sure that the switching board runs properly.

Check the indicators on the front panel of the switching board.

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The service status indicator marked with OOS and the hot-swap indicator marked with
H/S are off, and the health status indicator marked with OK flashes green.
The indicators of the two blades (active and standby) should be in the same status.

If any indicator is found in improper status, locate the fault according to the corresponding
alarm given on the LMT and perform troubleshooting. If the problem still exists, contact
ZTE for help.

3.3.3 Check the Power Module

Check the running status of the new power module (NPEM) of the shelf.

Make sure that the power module of the shelf runs properly.

Check the -48/-60 VA, -48/-60 VB, H/S and OK indicators on the shelfs power module.


The health status indicator marked with OK flashes green.

The power status indicators marked with -48/-60 VA and -48/-60 VB are off.
The hot-swap status indicator marked with H/S is steadily off.

If any indicator is found in improper status, locate the fault according to the corresponding
alarm given on the LMT and perform troubleshooting. If the problem still exists, contact
ZTE for help.

3.3.4 Check the Fan Module

Check the running status of the new fan module (NFCM) of the shelf.

Make sure that the fan module of the shelf runs properly.

Check the RUN, ALM and H/S indicators on the shelfs fan module.

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The work status indicator marked with RUN flashes green.

The alarm status indicator marked with ALM is steadily off.
The hot-swap status indicator marked with H/S is steadily off.

If any indicator is found in improper status, locate the fault according to the corresponding
alarm given on the LMT and perform troubleshooting. If the problem still exists, contact
ZTE for help.

3.3.5 Checking the GPBB0/GPBX1 Boards

Check the running status of the GPBB0/GPBX1 boards.

Make sure that the GPBB0/GPBX1 boards are running properly.

Check the indicators status on the front panel of each GPBB0/GPBX1 board.


The service status indicator marked with OOS and the hot-swap indicator marked with
H/S are steadily off, and the health status indicator marked with OK flashes green.
The active/standby status indicator marked with ACT is normal (steady on on the
active board and off on the standby board), and the running status/alarm indicator
marked with HOST flashes green.
During the hard disk read/write operations, the hard disk status indicator marked with
HD1/HD2 flashes green.

If any indicator is found in improper status, locate the fault according to the corresponding
alarm given on the LMT and perform troubleshooting. If the problem still exists, contact
ZTE for help.

3.3.6 Checking the rear board GPI1 of the GPBX1

Check the running status of the KVM interface of each GPI1 board.

Make sure that the KVM interface of each GPI1 board is running properly.

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1. Check the VGA port, PS/2 keyboard port and the PS/2 mouse port on the GPI1 board
to see whether the connection of each is proper. Check whether you can use the KVM
to operate the GPBX1 board normally.
2. Check whether the holding screws for the cable joints on the GPI1 board are loose.

The VGA port, PS/2 keyboard port and the PS/2 mouse port on the GPI1 board all function
If you find anything abnormal and cannot solve the problem, contact of ZTE for help.

3.4 Windows Operating System Check

3.4.1 Check the Anti-Virus Software
Check for anti-virus software installations on the hosts where the Windows operating
systems are installed.

Prevent the Windows operating systems from being infected by viruses.

Check whether the anti-virus software is installed on each host where the Windows
operating system is installed and whether the corresponding virus database is updated

The anti-virus software should be already installed on each host where the Windows
operating system is installed.

3.4.2 Checking Virus Database Update

Check the virus database update of the anti-virus software on each host where the
Windows operating system is installed.

Prevent virus infection in the Windows operating system.
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Check the virus database update dates and update the virus databases on each host
where the Windows operating system is installed.


Update the virus database manually at least once a week.

Disable the regular virus scanning function, and manually scan the system for viruses
when the call traffic is low.

3.5 Checking Data Backup on LMT

Check the scheduled tasks of backup data .

Make sure that the scheduled tasks of backup data run properly.

1. Log in to the LMT. The default tab page is Terminal.

To open the Terminal tab page, in the web page of the LMT, click
in the bottom left corner.

(Terminal) button

2. On the command navigation tree in the left pane, select Configuration Data
Maintenance > Backup And Restore > Automatic Backup Management > Show
Automatic Backup Strategy to open the SHOW AUTO STRATEGY command
configuration interface.

When you are selecting a command under Configuration Data Maintenance
> Backup And Restore > Automatic Backup Management on the command
button (which displays commonly-used commands
navigation tree, do not click the
only) above the navigation tree.

3. Click

button to execute the command.


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To add an automatic backup strategy, execute the ADD AUTO STRATEGY command.

The scheduled task of backup the data is correctly configured and activated. The system
produces the related backup data in the corresponding path for saving the backup files on

The scheduled task of backup the data is often set to back up every day. The data to
be backed up includes alarm data, performance data, security data , log data, basic
configuration data and IP stack configuration data .( Execute the SHOW SYS SET
command to query the relation between the ID and Name of System Object Set.)

3.6 Performance Statistics Check

3.6.1 Checking Resource Load
Query the measurement data a weekly and check the module resource load.

Make sure that the module resource load is proper without obvious fluctuation.

1. Log in to the LMT.
2. In the web page of the LMT, click (Performance Management) button in the lower
left corner to open the Performance Management tab page.

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Before performing the query for the first time, you must create the corresponding
measurement task.
The path to locate the required type of measurement (Resource Load
Measurement) on the navigation tree of performance management is as follows:
Global Measurement > Resource Load Measurement.

3. Query the measurement jobs of the measurement type Resource Load

Measurement. Collect performance index values in busy hour in 5-minute granularity.
The performance indices to be queried include the following counters.
l Mean Ratio of the CPU Usage(%)
l Peak Ratio of the CPU Usage(%)
l Duration(s) of CPU Keeping in Peak State
l Mean Ratio of the Memory Usage(%)
l Peak Ratio of the Memory Usage(%)
l Mean Ratio of the Hard Disk Flash Usage(1/10000)
l Duration(s) of the Main Processor Keeping Than Statistics Threshold
4. Check the performance indices of the module resource load in busy hour. Compare the
index values with historical data and check whether the data has obvious fluctuation.

The performance indices of the module resource load are within the normal range. The
mean ratio of the CPU usage should not exceed 90 %, and the mean ratio of the memory
usage should not exceed 95 %. During the same busy hours, the indices are stable, and
comparing with the historical data, the fluctuation should not exceed 10 %.

If the average load of all services or signaling modules is very high for a long time,
consider capacity expansion according to the current designed capacities and actual
network capacities.
If the average load of only a few main processors is very high, check whether the
service load-sharing an the signaling load-sharing are proper, and whether some
CPUs bear heavy load. Plan the improper load-sharing again.
If the load-sharing is properly and the actual capacity is far less than the designed
capacity, but the average load of some main processors is still high, pay attention to it
and contact the local ZTE office to collect relevant log files so as to analyze whether
any hidden safety problem exists.

3.6.2 Checking MscServer Load

Query the measurement data a weekly and check the MscServer load.
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Make sure that the MscServer load is proper without obvious fluctuation.

1. Log in to the LMT.
2. In the web page of the LMT, click (Performance Management) button in the lower
left corner to open the Performance Management tab page.


Before performing the query for the first time, you must create the corresponding
measurement task.
The path to locate the required type of measurement (MscServer Load
Measurement) on the navigation tree of performance management is as follows:
Global Measurement > MscServer Load Measurement.

3. Query the measurement jobs of the measurement type MscServer Load

Measurement. Collect performance index values in busy hour in 5-minute granularity.
The performance indices to be queried include the following counters.
l Mean Ratio of the CPU Usage(%)
l Peak Ratio of the CPU Usage(%)
l Duration(s) of CPU Keeping in Peak State
l Mean Ratio of the Memory Usage(%)
l Peak Ratio of the Memory Usage(%)
l Mean Ratio of the Hard Disk Flash Usage(1/10000)
l Duration(s) of the Main Processor Keeping Than Statistics Threshold
4. Check the performance indices of the MscServer load in busy hour. Compare the
index values with historical data and check whether the data has obvious fluctuation.

The performance indices of the MscServer load are within the normal range. The mean
ratio of the CPU usage should not exceed 90 %, and the mean ratio of the memory
usage should not exceed 95 %. During the same busy hours, the indices are stable, and
comparing with the historical data, the fluctuation should not exceed 10 %.

If the average load of all services or signaling modules is very high for a long time,
consider capacity expansion according to the current designed capacities and actual
network capacities.
If the average load of only a few main processors is very high, check whether the
service load-sharing an the signaling load-sharing are proper, and whether some
CPUs bear heavy load. Plan the improper load-sharing again.

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If the load-sharing is properly and the actual capacity is far less than the designed
capacity, but the average load of some main processors is still high, pay attention to it
and contact the local ZTE office to collect relevant log files so as to analyze whether
any hidden safety problem exists.

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Chapter 4

Monthly Routine
Table of Contents
Checking Versions......................................................................................................4-1
Checking System Alarms and Notifications.................................................................4-2
Checking Heat Radiation of Racks .............................................................................4-3
Checking for Viruses ..................................................................................................4-3

4.1 Checking Versions

Check the running versions.

Make sure that the version running on each CPU of each board is consistent with the OMM

1. Log in to the LMT. The default tab page is Terminal.

To open the Terminal tab page, in the web page of the LMT, click
in the bottom left corner.

(Terminal) button

2. Query the packages running on all the boards.

a. On the command navigation tree in the left pane, select Version Management
> Version Query > Show Running Package to open the SHOW RUNVER
command configuration interface.
b. Click the

button to execute the command.

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Click the Operation Record tab. If the Result is Success, click the SHOW
RUNVER command to view the detailed execution results in the right of the tab

3. Query the packages running on the OMM server.

a. On the command navigation tree in the lower left pane, select Version
Management > Version Query > Show Package on OMM Server to open the
SHOW OMMPKG command configuration interface.
b. Click the
button to execute the command. The current OMM server running
packages appear in the Text Result tab page.

The CPU version of each board is consistent with the version of the server. If you find any
inconsistency, confirm the cause and contact ZTE for help if necessary.

4.2 Checking System Alarms and Notifications

Check the system alarms and notifications.

Make sure that there is no abnormality in the system.

1. Log in to the LMT.
2. In the web page of the LMT, click (Fault Management) button in the lower left corner
to open the Fault Management tab page.
3. When checking the system alarms and notifications, you should check the following
items in every check period.
l Current real-time alarms, current alarm recovery information and real-time
l Historical alarms occurred in a month
l Notifications occurred in a week

There is no abnormality alarm or notification in the system. Any alarm or notification found
should be analyzed and processed in time.
1. You can double-click the alarm message on the tab page to view the alarm handling
suggestions and eliminate the related faults according to the suggestions.
2. If the problem cannot be solved, contact ZTE technical personnel immediately.

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4.3 Checking Heat Radiation of Racks

Check the heat radiation of racks.

Make sure that the air intakes and outtakes of the racks are not blocked and the fans are
working properly.

1. Check when the last cleaning was made and whether the dust filter needs to be
cleaned. Clean dust filters regularly.
2. Check whether air intakes and outtakes of the racks are blocked.
3. Check whether the fans are working normally, whether their rotation speeds are
consistent, and whether there is any abnormal sound.
4. Check whether the blank panels at the front and back slots are fixed well.


The dust filters are clean. If they are not clean, clean them.
The air intakes and outtakes are not blocked. If they are blocked, clear the substances
blocking them. If necessary, contact ZTE for help.
The fans are working properly. If they are not, handle the problem. If necessary,
contact ZTE for help.
The blank panels are fixed well. If they are not, fix them.

4.4 Checking for Viruses

Check for and remove viruses on each host where the Windows operating system is

Prevent the Windows operating system from being infected by viruses.

Use the anti-virus software to check for any virus on all the hard disks of each host where
the Windows operating system is installed by following the anti-virus software instructions.

Normally, no virus is found.
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If any virus is found during the check, kill the virus by following the virus handling
suggestions given by the anti-virus software, and restart the host as long as the normal
running of services is not affected.

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Chapter 5

Quarterly Routine
Table of Contents
Cleaning the Dust Screens .........................................................................................5-1
CGSL Operating System Check .................................................................................5-2
Checking Remote Control Tools .................................................................................5-5

5.1 Cleaning the Dust Screens

Clean the dust screens of the cabinet.

Clean the dust screens periodically to prevent dust from entering the cabinet, which may
affect the heat dissipation of the cabinet.

1. Unlock and open the cabinet door.
2. Loosen the fastening bolts of the dust-proof subrack on the cabinet.
3. Evenly pull out the dust-proof subrack with two hands, pay attention that do not scatter
the dust on the dust-proof subrack to the cabinet.
4. Dismantle the dust-proof subrack, and take out the dust screens.
5. Clean the dust screens with warm water (lower than 40 ) and dry them.

Do not install the wet dust screens.

6. Install the dust screens into the dust-proof subrack.

7. Insert the dust-proof subrack into the cabinet, and fasten it using the bolts.

The cleaned dust screens should be clean and dust-free.
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5.2 CGSL Operating System Check

5.2.1 Checking Hard Disk Space
Check the hard disk space of the GPBX1 board.

Make sure that the hard disk of the GPBX1 board has enough space.

1. Log in to the GPBX1 board of the OMM server using a remote control tool such as
2. Run the df -k command in the Terminal window to check the hard disk space. The
following is an instance of the command execution result.

# df -k


Used Available Use% Mounted on









22% /swap

64% /





1% /home





4% /boot




0% /dev

The hard disk usage should not be higher than 90 %. Otherwise, delete some useless

5.2.2 Checking Swap Space

Check the swap space of the GPBX1 board.

Make sure that the swap space of the GPBX1 board is not used abnormally.

1. Log in to the GPBX1 board of the OMM server using a remote control tool such as
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2. Run the swapon -s command in the Terminal window to check the swap space. The
following is an instance of the command execution result.
# swapon -s









In this example, the swap space is 16 GB.

The swap space usage of the GPBX1 board should not exceed 5 %. Otherwise, pay
attention to the running of the GPBX1 board. If there is any abnormality, contact ZTE to
ask related technical personnel to troubleshoot the problems.

5.2.3 Checking CPU/Memory Usage

Check the CPU/memory usage of the GPBX1 board.

Make sure that the CPU/memory usage of the GPBX1 board is proper.

1. Log in to the GPBX1 board of the OMM server using a remote control tool such as
2. Run the vmstat command in the Terminal window to check the CPU/memory usage.
The following is an instance of the command execution result.
# vmstat
procs -----------memory---------- --swap-- ----io--- --system-- -----cpu---r











cs us sy

id wa st

60 7123156 448944 8008452

0 1052 1182

0 100

60 7123156 448944 8008452

0 1051 1168

0 100

The CPU usage of the GPBX1 board should not exceed 50 % for a long time and the
memory usage of the GPBX1 board should not exceed 90 %. Otherwise, pay attention to
the running of the GPBX1 board. If there is any abnormality, contact ZTE to ask related
technical personnel to troubleshoot the problems.
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5.2.4 Checking Log Files

Check the log files of the GPBX1 board.

Make sure the GPBX1 board runs properly.

1. Log in to the GPBX1 board of the OMM server using a remote control tool such as
2. Check log file /var/log/messages on the GPBX1 board.

There is no word like panic, fault or error in the log file. Otherwise, contact ZTE to ask
related technical personnel to troubleshoot the problems.

5.2.5 Checking Disk I/O

Check the disk I/O of the GPBX1 board.

Make sure the disk I/O of the GPBX1 board is normal.

1. Log in to the GPBX1 board of the OMM server using a remote control tool such as
2. Run the iostat 1 10 command in the Terminal window to check the disk I/O. The
following is an instance of the command execution result.

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Figure 5-1 iostat Execution Result Example

The iowait should not exceed 30 % continuously for a long time. Otherwise, contact ZTE
to ask related technical personnel to troubleshoot the problems.

The iowait refers to the percentage of the time for CPU to wait for I/O in a statistical period
of time.

5.3 Checking Remote Control Tools

Check the remote control tools (such as vncviewer).

Make sure that the remote control tools works properly.

1. On the OMM server, check whether the remote desktop is enabled.
a. Choose System > Preferences > Remote Desktop to open the Remote Desktop
Preference dialog box, as shown in Figure 5-2.

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Figure 5-2 Preference of Remote Desktop Dialog Box

b. In the dialog box as shown in Figure 5-2, check whether select Allow other
users to view your desktop and Allow other users to control your desktop,
and check whether select Require the user to enter this password and set a
password that is the login password for vncviewer.

Click Close to close this dialog box.

2. On the LMT terminal where vncviewer is installed, check whether vnviewer can
log in to the OMM server properly.
a. Double-click the vncviewer software to open the dialog box as shown in Figure
Figure 5-3 Login Dialog Box

b. Fill in the IP address of the OMM server in the VNC server text box, and then
click OK. If you have set a password in the Remote Desktop Preference dialog
box on the OMM server, the dialog box as shown inFigure 5-4 pops up. Type the
password, and then click OK. Otherwise, log in to the main window of the OMM
server directly.
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Figure 5-4 Password Dialog Box

The LMT terminal can connected with the OMM server using remote control tool. If
connected fail, ping the IP address of the OMM server.

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Chapter 6

Yearly Routine Maintenance

Table of Contents
Equipment Room Environment Check ........................................................................6-1
Hardware Check ........................................................................................................6-2

6.1 Equipment Room Environment Check

6.1.1 Checking the DC Power Supply
Check the DC power supply of the equipment.

Make sure that the dual-channel DC power supply of the equipment works properly.

1. Check and record the DC operating voltage displayed on the DC power supply device
in the equipment room.
2. Check the power of the equipment currently using the DC power supply. If a
dual-channel power supply is available, check both channels of the power supply.

Generally the communication equipment uses a dual-channel power supply, please
check and confirm the two channels of the power system, so as to prevent the potential
hazards which may be caused by a channel of power failure.

The standard value of the DC operating voltage is -48 V, and the tolerable variation range
is -57 V to 40 V.
The standard value of the DC operating voltage is -60 V, and the tolerable variation range
is -72 V to 50 V .

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If the power supply is abnormal, restore the power supply to normal status as soon as

6.1.2 Checking the AC Power Supply

Check the AC power supply of the equipment.

Make sure that the dual-channel AC power supply of the equipment works properly.

1. Check and record the AC operating voltage displayed on the AC power supply device
in the equipment room.
2. Check whether the two-channel power supply of the servers works properly.

Generally the communication equipment uses a dual-channel power supply, please
check and confirm the two channels of the power system, so as to prevent the potential
hazards which may be caused by a channel of power failure.



In principle, the AC power supply should adopt a dual-channel UPS power, and the
active/standby and the load sharing devices should be connected to two channels of
the power supply separately.
The work range of the AC operating voltage is 220 V22 V and 50 Hz2.5 Hz.
Estimate the AC power supply required by the equipment, and make sure that the
power supply has a power redundancy of at least 20 %.

If the power supply is abnormal, restore the power supply to normal status as soon as

6.2 Hardware Check

6.2.1 Checking Cable Connections
Check the cable connections.
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Make sure that the cables of the equipment are properly connected.

1. Check the connections of the network cables.
2. Check the connections of the inter-cabinet cables.


The network cables are reliably connected and not damaged, with clear labels.
The inter-cabinet cables are firmly and reliably connected. The cables should be in
good condition, with clear labels.

If the cable connection is loose, reconnect it under the direction of ZTE technical support
engineers. If the cables or labels are damaged, replace them by professionals under the
direction of ZTE technical support engineers.

6.2.2 Checking Spare Parts

Check the spare parts.

Make sure that the spare parts of the equipment are sufficient and not damaged.

1. Check the quantity of the spare parts.
2. Check whether the spare parts are damaged.

The necessary spare parts should be sufficient and not damaged.
If the spare parts are insufficient or damaged, buy them as soon as possible.

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Appendix A

Routine Maintenance Forms

Table of Contents
Form of Daily Maintenance Records ....................................................................... A-1
Form of Weekly Maintenance Records ................................................................... A-3
Form of Monthly Maintenance Records .................................................................. A-5
Form of Quarterly Maintenance Records ................................................................ A-6
Form of Yearly Maintenance Records ..................................................................... A-7

A.1 Form of Daily Maintenance Records

Table A-1 ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Daily Maintenance Records
Office Name:

Date (D/M/Y):

Attended Time

Off-Going Person:

On-Coming Person:

From __ to __
Basic Check Item

1. Check the system alarms: Check the current and historical alarms or notifications
displayed in the Fault Management tab page of the LMT.
Normal Abnormal
Exceptional symptom:

2. Check the board running status: Check the board alarms in the Fault Management tab
page of the LMT. Check the board indicators on the rack.
Normal Abnormal
Exceptional symptom:

3. Check the MTP3 signaling links: Check whether the performance index values of the
MTP3 signaling links have obvious fluctuations in the Performance Management tab page
of the LMT. The fluctuation should not exceed 5 % except in festivals and holidays.
Normal Abnormal
Exceptional symptom:

4. Check the SCTP links: Check whether the performance index values of the SCTP links
have obvious fluctuations in the Performance Management tab page of the LMT. The
fluctuation should not exceed 5 % except in festivals and holidays.
Normal Abnormal
Exceptional symptom:

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ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Routine Maintenance Guide

Office Name:

Date (D/M/Y):

Attended Time

Off-Going Person:

On-Coming Person:

From __ to __
Equipment Room

1. Temperature (In normal cases, the temperature shown at the air conditioner in the
equipment room is 15 C~25 C.)
Normal Abnormal
2. Humidity (In normal cases, the relative humidity shown at the air conditioner in the
equipment room is 30 %~70 %.)
Normal Abnormal

Duty Memo

Fault and Troubleshooting:

Remaining problems:

Inspection by Team-leader:

SJ-20120730093520-018|2012-10-31 (R1.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix A Routine Maintenance Forms

A.2 Form of Weekly Maintenance Records

Table A-2 ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Weekly Maintenance Records
Office name:

Date (D/M/Y):

Maintenance Item




Check whether the time of the OMP module is the same as the
SNTP server.
Check whether the indicators on clock sub-card are in proper
statuses. Check whether the clock works in TRACE status.
Check whether the OMP module has sufficient storage space.
Check whether the OMM server has sufficient CPU and memory
Check whether the OMM server has sufficient hard disk space.
Check whether the NCMM of each shelf is running properly.
Check whether the switching board of each shelf is running
Check whether the power module of each shelf is running
Check whether the fan module of each shelf is running properly.
Check whether the GPBB0/GPBX1 boards are running properly.
Check whether the KVM interface of each rear board GPI1 of the
GPBX1 board is running properly.
Check whether the anti-virus software is installed on the host
where the Windows operating system is installed.
Check the virus database update dates and update the virus
databases on the host where the Windows operating system is
Check whether the scheduled task of backing up data is running
Check whether the resource load is in the normal range, and
whether the fluctuation is lower than 10 %.
Check whether the MscServer load is in the normal range, and
whether the fluctuation is lower than 10 %.

SJ-20120730093520-018|2012-10-31 (R1.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Routine Maintenance Guide

Office name:

Date (D/M/Y):

Maintenance Item




Problems and Troubleshooting:

Remaining problems:

SJ-20120730093520-018|2012-10-31 (R1.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix A Routine Maintenance Forms

A.3 Form of Monthly Maintenance Records

Table A-3 ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Monthly Maintenance Records
Office Name:

Date (D/M/Y):

Maintenance Item


Maintenance Person


Check whether the versions running on the CPUs of each board

are consistent with the OMM version.
Check the current alarms and notifications and the historical
alarms and notifications on the LMT. Check whether there is no
abnormality in the system.
Check whether the air intakes and outtakes of the racks are not
blocked and the fans are working properly.
Check for and kill the virus on all the hard disks of each host where
the Windows operating system is installed. Check whether the
operating system of the host is infected by viruses.
Problems and Troubleshooting:

Remaining problems:

SJ-20120730093520-018|2012-10-31 (R1.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Routine Maintenance Guide

A.4 Form of Quarterly Maintenance Records

Table A-4 ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Quarterly Maintenance Records
Office Name:

Date (D/M/Y):

Maintenance Item




Clean the dust screens periodically, so as to prevent dust from
entering the cabinet, which may affect the heat dissipation of the
Check whether the host where the CGSL operating system is
installed has enough hard disk space.
Check whether the swap space of the host where the CGSL
operating system is installed is used abnormally.
Check whether the host where the CGSL operating system is
installed has enough CPU and memory resources.
Check the log files to see whether the host where the CGSL
operating system is installed runs properly.
Check whether the disk I/O of the host where the CGSL operating
system is installed is normal.
Check whether the remote control tool is normal.
Problems and Troubleshooting:

Remaining problems:

SJ-20120730093520-018|2012-10-31 (R1.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix A Routine Maintenance Forms

A.5 Form of Yearly Maintenance Records

Table A-5 ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Yearly Maintenance Records
Office Name:

Date (D/M/Y):

Maintenance Item


Maintenance Person


Check whether dual-channel DC power supply of the equipment

works properly.
Check whether dual-channel AC power supply of the equipment
works properly.
Check whether the cables of the equipment are properly connected.
Check whether the spare parts of the equipment are sufficient and
not damaged.
Problems and Troubleshooting:

Remaining problems:

SJ-20120730093520-018|2012-10-31 (R1.0)

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ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Routine Maintenance Guide

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SJ-20120730093520-018|2012-10-31 (R1.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix B

Cautions for Routine

Table B-1 Cautions for Routine Maintenance


Possible Results Caused by Misoperation


Do not unplug online


active board.

The data synchronization between active and standby boards

requires a particular period when the standby board operates
properly. When the active board is unplugged online, the latest
data on it cannot be completely and automatically backed
up to the standby board, but the system will switch over the
boards automatically. It will easily cause statistical errors and
data loss.

When the standby board operates improperly, this operation

will interrupt all the service processing of corresponding
module, resulting in partial or global service block in the

Do not press the RST

A board will implement the hardware reset by force in case

button on the board

of the RST button on the board panel being pressed. Only

panel at will.

qualified maintenance personnel can press it when serious

fault occurs in the system.

Pressing the RST button on the active board panel will reset
the active board. The consequence is the same as that of
"Unplugging online active board".


Do not plug and unplug

The static electricity on human bodies may cause great damage to

boards without wearing

the components. If installed or removed without wearing antistatic

antistatic wrist straps.

wrist straps, the boards may get damaged or operate unstably.

Do not plug or unplug

This operation probably will interrupt services and the

network cables inside

communication between the front-end and back-end systems.

the cabinet at will.


Do not operate the power

You can operate various power switches by following operation

related operations

switches on the cabinet

procedure only when serious fault occurs in the system, or

at will.

during network upgrade, network expansion, and component

replacement. This operation will stop system operation and
interrupt services.

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ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Routine Maintenance Guide

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- Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture
- Graphical User Interface
- ITU-T Rec. H.248 Gateway Control Protocol
- Internet Protocol
- Keyboard, Video and Mouse
- Local Maintenance Terminal
- Mobile Application Part
- Message Transfer Part layer 3
- New Chassis Management Module
- New Fan Controller Module
- New Power Entry Module
- Operation & Maintenance Module
- Operation & maintenance Main Processor
- Stream Control Transmission Protocol
- Signalling Transport
- Simple Network Time Protocol
- Signaling System No. 7
SJ-20120730093520-018|2012-10-31 (R1.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXUN iCX(MSCS) Routine Maintenance Guide

- Transfer Control Protocol
- Uninterruptible Power Supply
- Video Graphic Adapter

SJ-20120730093520-018|2012-10-31 (R1.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

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