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name is Sarah Lauer. I am in my final

semester at Drake University, from which I will be
receiving my degree in Elementary Education with
endorsements in reading and ESL. I spent my first
student teaching placement working with ELLs, and
my second placement working with P3 children in
Northern Ireland (P3 is roughly equivalent to
first/second grade).

My desire to be a teacher stems from my belief
that every child deserves the chance to learn and
succeed, regardless of any outside factors. As an
educator, I have a real chance to make an impact in
the lives of young people a chance I do not take
lightly. I want to work with children in an urban setting: children for whom English
is not their first language, children who come from poverty. I feel that these are the
children who need me the most, children who need someone to believe in them and
push them to meet their full potential.

In my first placement, I learned an incredible number of management
techniques, learning strategies, and differentiation tools. I worked with children in
grades K-5th, meeting with nine groups of students each day. I cannot express how
wonderful this experience was, or how much it taught me. Going into the placement,
I had been unsure if I wanted to teach ESL at the beginning of my career, but after
the first few days of working with students, I knew it was the right place for me.

My second placement has been a bit of an adventure. It was frightening to
come into a school in a different country with different standards and a different
curriculum not knowing what was really expected of me. I should not have been
concerned; my mentor teacher and the students are wonderful, and though it is
challenging to work with an unfamiliar system, I have learned so much about myself
as an educator and about teaching in general.

I have met so many inspirational students and teachers during my time as a
student teacher; I know that I will finish my time as a student teacher ready to face
the challenges and triumphs of teaching.

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