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ASPM Project Synopsis

(Group-7, Sec-B)
Research Topic:
Use of marketing communications in the evolution of brand
Fevicol in India
Pidilites adhesive brand Fevicol is a market leader in India and enjoys more than 70%
market share in the adhesives segment. Currently, the major applications of adhesives
in India are in furniture, packaging, stationary, repair and household requirements. The
competitors like Araldite havent been able to gain any sufficient market share in the
past compared to that of Fevicol. Fevicol thus, enjoys a very high level of brand
loyalty and customer retention in the Indian adhesives market.
Scope of the Project:
The project has the following objectives:Role of integrated marketing communications in brand positioning of Fevicol
Role of integrated marketing communications in customer acquisition by Fevicol

Role of integrated marketing communications in customer retention by Fevicol

Different marketing and advertising campaigns undertaken by Fevicol
Aspects of IMC to be analyzed:
Sales promotion strategies
Use of various media channels for advertisement
Building customer relationship through PR activities
Brand Image & Brand Personality
Brand Positioning

ASPM Project Synopsis (Group-7, Sec-B)

Research Design & Methodology:

1. Research Design:
Exploratory research through secondary data
Conclusive Research through Descriptive Analysis
2. Sampling Method:

Non-Probabilistic Convenience Sampling

3. Sample Size: The main focus of research will be to find the impact
of IMC on purchase intention of adhesive consumers and other
attributes in B2C and B2B. We can use a sample size of 50
respondents for the B2C segment, and a sample size of 15
respondents for the B2B segment.
4. Data Collection tools to be used: Survey questionnaire.
5. Secondary Data Collection: Secondary data shall be collected
through various sources viz. journals, industry analysis based on
models such as the Porters Five Forces, SWOT analysis & news
reports(Business Standard and ET).
Scales and Measures:

Nominal scale for respondent categorization

Interval scale: 5-point likert scale for measuring the aspects of brand perception,
brand loyalty and brand personality

Respondents will be consumers using Fevicol or other adhesives for
various uses like art, stationary, repair and other household adhesive
requirements. The respondents will be from medium income groups
and people in the age group of 16-30 shall be considered for the survey.
1. B2C
White-collared workers (office going people)
ASPM Project Synopsis (Group-7, Sec-B)

2. B2B

ASPM Project Synopsis (Group-7, Sec-B)

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