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What is Automobile engineering or Modern automotive engineering ?

automotive engineering is a branch of vehicle engineering, incorporating elements of
mechanical, electrical, electronic, software and safety engineering as applied to the design,
manufacture and operation of motorcycles, automobiles, buses and trucks and their respective
engineering subsystems
Describe the similarities between a four stoke engine and a two stroke engine.::Both
run according to the four-cycle formula of induction, compression, explosion, and exhaust.
(Also known as suck, squeeze, bang, blow.)
In the four stroke engine these all take place in the same place, at different times. In the two
stroke engine, part of the process takes place in the space underneath the piston.
Both engines are usually made of metal components, use hydrocarbon fuels and lubricants,
use an air or liquid cooling system,most usually use an electrical spark to provide ignition though there are variants of both types that use compression to achieve the required
temperature, make noise, create pollution, and provide power. Typically the power
characteristics of the two types are somewhat different.
Are unit pump & unit injector used in modern diesel engine powered
automobiles?::In diesel engine fuel supply systems, unit pump & unit injector are operated
by camshaft & hence pressure of injected fuel depends on engine speed. Whereas, in common
rail systems its independent of engine speed. Still, are unit pump & unit injector used in
modern automobiles?
Why the handle of screw driver is made of plastic::plastic is a non-conductor material
so it is safe for electricity. furthermore plastic is cheap and relatively strong if you consider it
is held by your hand and nothing more damaging is happening to it. plastic does not bend if
you put power to the screwdriver so it will stand until it cracks. the more expensive
screwdrivers use strong rubber so you have all the above pros plus it does not slip.
What are the reasons for a steel cap piston to seize in a four stroke diesel
engine::Apart from overheating I\'d suggest carbon build up from an unsuitable fuel or an
injector problem. Just a guess, I\'m no expert on diesels, just repeating what I have read.
What is the difference between white lithium grease and lithium grease other than
its color? Any difference in properties? or use?::the white one is eatable.where i work we
use it on the machine that fills the bottles with water. It is far more expensive than the simple
lithium grease
How many ferrari Mondial T were exported to USA in 1992::Mondial 8
Mondial Quattrovalvole
Mondial Cabriolet
Mondial t
where produced from 1980 till 1993 and the production number reached the 6800 units and
was one of Ferrari\'s most commercially successful models the production for Mondial T
went form 1989 to 1993

What happens if gasoline is used in a Diesel engine?Diesel engine will work ?

No, It will not work,as the Compression ratio of Petrol engine is 6 to 10 & that of Diesel
engine is 15 to 22. Thus on such high compression, gasoline gets highly compressed & it may

Which Mechanism is used in Automobile gearing system

Differential mechanism

Why different types of sound are produced in different bikes though they say run on SI engine

Engine specifications are different in different manufactures like as Bore Diameter(CC),

Ignition timing.Also the exhaust passage take more responsible for sound.
Why entropy decreases with the increase in temperature?

ds=dQ/TEntropy is inversely proportional to the temperature temp. increases,entropy


1 hp how much watt?


How to calculate bearing number to diameter of the inner and outer

Divide the shaft diameter size by 5, it will give last two digitof the bearing no. and according
to type of load we have tochose the type of bearing and that will give prior no. ofthe bearing.

Explain Bicycle rear wheel Sprocket working?

Rear wheel sprocket works under the principle of ratchet and pawl.

Definition of Octane number & Cetane number

Octane No.- Octane number is defined as the percentage, by volume, of iso octane in the
mixture of iso octane and h-heptane. It is the measure of rating of SI engine.
Cetane No.- Cetane number is defined as the percentage, by volume, of n-cetane in the
mixture of n-cetane and alpha methyl naphthalene. It is the measure of rating of CI engine.

Poisons ratio is higher in (rubber/steel/wood)

When a material is compressed in one direction, it usuallytends to expand in the other two
directions perpendicular tothe direction of compression. This phenomenon is called
thePoisson effect. Poissons ratio is a measure of the Poisson effect.
For rubber = 0.5
For steel = 0.288
For wood < 0.2
Thus Poissons ratio is higher in RUBBER.

The Fatigue life of a part can be improved by ?

Improving the surface finish by Polishing & providing residual stress by Shot peening.

When crude oil heated Which Hydro carbon comes first?

Natural gas(Gasoline) at 20 Celsius

1hp=how much rpm

We need Torque to find out.

Apply this formula:
T = HP x 5252
T = torque (in lb-ft)
HP = horsepower
5252 = constant
rpm = revolutions per minute

which mechanism is used in automobile gearing system

Differential mechanism

why different types of sound are produced in different bikes though they say run
on SI engine

Engine specifications are different in different manufactures like as bore diameter(cc),ignition

timing.Also the exhaust passage take more responsible for sound.

why entropy decreases with the increase in temperature?


Entropy is inversely proportional to the temperature temp. increases,entropy decreases

What type of metal is used in a propeller

Aluminium,stainless steel,magnesium bronze,NIBRAL(nickel,brass,aluminium)

why involute curve used in gear

1) its smooth to drive the gear.

2) in gears contact is only point, this type is curve take the more load than normal one

How Trains take turns, though there is no any differential

Purpose of the differential is to enable vehicles to take turn, by allowing both the wheel to
rotate with different speed. This is required when wheels, like in car, are connected with same
axle. Interestingly, wheel in trains are not connected with the axle, they are independent and

hence can take turns without ant differential. This is same as how the bullock cart takes turns,
without any differential.

Why freezer in the fridge is placed in top level?

Because density of cold air is higher than warm air,hence itis placed at top.Cold air comes
downward & cool the bottom part.

what is more dangerous longitudinal stress or Hoop stress and why?

Hoop stress is more dangerous thanlongitudinal stress, because the dangerous area coming
underthe hoop stress is circumferential,while in longitudinal,theaxial area will come under
dangerous area will will be lessthan circumferential area.So the hoop stress is more
dangerous than longitudinal stress
The purpose of jigs and fixtures are to
a. Increased production rate
b. Increased machining accuracy
c. Facilitate interchangeable manufacturing
d. Enable employ less skilled operators
e. All of the above
All of the above

2. Which one of the following methods produces gear by generating process

a. Hobbing
b. Casting
c. Punching
d. Milling
e. Broaching

3. Tool life of the cutting tool is most affected by

a. Cutting speed
b. Tool geometry
c. Cutting feed and depth
d. Microstructure of material being cut
e. Not using coolant and lubricant
Cutting speed

4. Metal in machining operation is removed by

a. Tearing chips
b. Distortion of metal
c. Shearing the metal across a zone
d. Cutting the metal across a zone
e. Pushing the metal with tool
Shearing the metal across a zone

5. A feeler gauge is used to check

a. Radius
b. Screw pitch
c. Surface roughness
d. Unsymmetrical shape
e. Thickness of clearance

Thickness of clearance
What kind of salary are you looking for?

Tips for this question:

A loaded question. A nasty little game that you will probably lose if you answer first. So, do
not answer it. Instead, say something like, Thats a tough question. Can you tell me the range
for this position? In most cases, the interviewer, taken off guard, will tell you. If not, say that
it can depend on the details of the job.

Answer samples
1. Sir, salary is very secondary. What matters is you are providing me (given i clear this
interview) with the kind of work I have always wanted to do and the kind of work
environment too.
2. I am looking for the kind of salary that I can not only live on, but enjoy life with as well. I
dont want to be the person who works just to pay bills and have hardly anything left for
myself. I dont know about anyone else, but when I look for a job, it has to meet my needs
both mentally and money-wise or I dont take the job.
Why do you think you would do well at this job?

Answers samples
Give several reasons and include skills, experience and interest.
1. I am a person that learn quickly and perform better under pressure, am a very good team
player that motivate others in other to achieve the companys common goals
2. Will do well in this job because I already have previous experience in the similar field. so I
will use my previous experience in this job and I am interested in learning new things and
enhance my skills.
3. I believe I will do well in this job because I have the relevant skills and experience. I also
have the drive, interest and determination to make a real success of this role.
What motivates you to do your best on the job?

Answer tips
This is a personal trait that only you can say, but good examples are: Challenge,
Achievement, Recognition
For any person motivation is the main factor which should make him work in an efficient

And that motivation could be done my some rewards for doing good job, some
encouragements etc. Moreover an employees good work must be acknowledged by his
employer, which would definately boost him to work more harder to get more

Answer samples
1. I was motivated both by the challenge of finishing the projects on time and by managing
the teams that achieved our goals.
2. I want to be successful in my job, both for my own personal satisfaction and for my
3. Ive always felt that its important, both to me personally, and for the company and the
clients, to provide a positive customer experience.
How would you know you were successful on this job?

Answer tips
Several ways are good measures: You set high standards for yourself and meet them. Your
outcomes are a success. Your boss tell you that you are successful.
Answer sample
I m sure that I were successful in the because any job offered in your company is my dream
and I can do any thing for my dreams. another way I am like to do this from my heart not for
money. so
Do you think you are overqualified for this position?

Answer tips
Regardless of your qualifications, state that you are very well qualified for the position.
Answer sample: No. It is not like that. I am sure I am the perfect candidate for this post. You
are taking my interview which also indicates that I am the suitable candidate.
Other interview tips
Determine trends that is happening in your industry and how to face/solve them.
Attributes/traits/abilities related to this job and how to get them.
Review job specs, job description in job ads for this position and try to think how to prove
your capabilities.
Research the employer profile thoroughly, the aims of their recruitment and what are your

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