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It was a new era after the fall from heaven.

Many of us as angels no longer

knew what our roles would be on this strange new planet that is now referred
to as earth. Those of us who were left behind became agreeable with the idea
of creating humans, of course not all agreed. As it was, and is, majority
ruled. The devil himself gave his cunning to the making of the human mind,
before he fell from grace. Many years after the fall of the human race, after
the disgrace of Eden, the devil was considered the most disagreeable.
That is until he met his wife.

It was a warm spring day, as the devil was planning his next deceit, a lovely
young lady came upon him and asked, “why is it that you are seen to be the
most disagreeable." The devil replied that it was not he who gave him that
title. The young lady said “why just this evening I have destroyed two
families." The devil said, " oh really how so?" The young lady recounted this

This morning as I was traveling this way I ran into a town where a wedding
was being prepared. Seeing that I hate human happiness, I decided to ruin the
wedding. While dressed as an elderly priestess, I told the young bride of the
ancient ritual of dying the neck and breasts red for luck. Which she allowed
me to perform for her. After this, I went to the young husband and told him
of the affair his lovely bride has been having with a dyer over in the next
village. For evidence I showed him that the dyer only dyes in red. I then took
him to see his young bride with red dye on her neck and breasts. The young
husband became so enraged that he drew his sword and stabbed his young
wife. I then went to the family of the young wife and told them how the
young husband had slain their daughter. The family took up weapons and
went to slay the young husband. I then went to the family of the young
husband and told them of the plot to kill their son. This started a feud that
will last for hundreds of years. I now hold the title of The Angel of War.

The devil was impressed. The young woman said so why should you be held
as the most disagreeable. The devil again told the young lady that it was not
he who gave the title. The young woman said well why we don’t hold a
contest. Let us see who can do the most evil by the end of this day, as it
stands, it would appear that I am ahead. The devil says, “Well all I have
planned is the breeding of the first liar and gossip monger. The young lady
said, “and how do you plan to do that?" The devil says look out to the east,
there is a young man coming from the east. Now, look to the west, there is a
young woman coming from the west. Soon they shall meet, and I will have
them in each others arms. I will fill them full of lust, and they shall commit
fornication out of wedlock. This sin will produce a child that is disagreeable.

The time was nearing evening as the devil finished his tale. Let us not forget
that evening prayer was to begin soon. The young lady in the attempt to beat
the devil at his own game ran to the young woman and the young man and
told them what the devil had planned. Of course this took a long time to do,
having to go both east and west. Having done this she went back to the devil
and gloated in all that she had done. With a smile on his face, the devil
looked at the young woman and said, "You are now the most disagreeable, for
you have missed evening prayer." You will now hold the title of the mother
of all witches, and you shall forever be my wife and my slave.

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