Edition 1 - MBO NEWS

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Rivas in Haiti

October 10, 2015

1st edition
Meet Chrisla!
Sweet, Sweet Princess
Chrisla When we first met
Chrisla in June, she always
wore a beautiful princess dress.
In fact she had two. One
white and one Blue. They are
both pretty worn and tore up,
but she always felt so pretty
and proud when she wore the
dress. I would call her Princess
and said ou bel (you are
beautiful) and she would
always respond in her sweet
voice ou bel too (you are
beautiful too) Very humble,
gentle little girl, with a sweet
spirit about her.
Meet JEFFREY ( picture on
the right)
Loving life as he takes a bath.
Jeery is the son of Djefney
and Berlie who are Managers
here at MBO. He has Cerebral
Palsey, but is always a joy to
play with. He brings such
great energy and abundant of
smiles for our day!

Rivas in Haiti

Ministere des Bras Ouverts

New ministry programs are in place at MBO We have a
family sponsorship ministry. This is to create
sustainability for a family to not depend on MBO or
visitors for handouts, but to provide jobs for each family
to bring home money of their own to provide for their
family needs. Discipleship program provides learning the
word of God through weekly mens bible study, children's
ministry, and youth bible programs along with Tuesday

Rivas in Haiti

Blessings from God

Wow! God is Awesome in his
Glory. What an amazing 4
months this has been. God has
placed a call to give up our
comforts of our world and trust
in him. We were scared and
unsure of the road ahead for us
as a family. From uncertainty to
assurance. From empty to full.
We now have 40 plus fruit trees
planted on the property, well
water garden, community
center, cistern to hold rain
water, a water well, community
latrine and transformation of
Amyese (picture above) she

was labeled as sad baby but

what a turn around for her.
Daily relationship, love, food
and water have sparked new
life in this young beautiful girl.
Malnourished, with no energy
when we first met. God has
blessed MBO to provide a job
for her Father. Now she has
Food and water and can just
enjoy the days as a kid! sounds
of her laughter travel along the

Rivas in Haiti

October 10, 2015

church service.
In Haiti 80% of the people live below the poverty line
and about 57% live in abject poverty. MBO is centered
in a small rural village that suers from abject poverty.
We are excited about the Home Ministry, and are ready to
get this one under way. $5500 can provide a family with a
solid, secure, healthy living environment that they can call
home. Currently families live in mud shack structures
with makeshift roofing. The floors are dirt which becomes
a mud puddle in the rainy season. The conditions the
people live in are very unsanitary and dicult. If you can
donate to any of these ministries please go to mbohaiti.org.
click on donate and follow the instructions. Thank you for
your Prayers above all else and for your support. Haiti is
not easy, not even for us Americans, as we live here longer
and only grasp a small understanding of the culture, it still
does not become easy. We face each day and moment with
the strength and the armor of God. Finally, be strong in
the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the
whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against
the schemes of the devil. Ephesians 6:10-11 what a great
and wonderful passage 6:10 -20 God is our protector, our
shield to help us fight o the adversary. This pops up in so
many unexpected ways. We have been blessed to be placed
in several other Ministry opportunities and placed in front
of many dierent class levels here in Haiti. God reminds
us daily that we are to be on mission for him in all our
environments. Who says we are to only share Gods word
to the poor? God commands us to Go and make disciples of
all nations, we are reminded of this daily.
Please continue to pray for us, for the (MBO) ministry,
for strength in him and to follow his will for his GLORY

Rivas in Haiti

October 10, 2015

He is all knowing and all powerful. Many have been drawn to know him as their personal
Lord and Savior! What a blessing to see them be drawn to him.

Praise the Lord!

Director of Ministry Attish and his assistant Renal are guiding these two women to the Lord. God
has placed MBO in front of these two women since over a year ago. They have been practicing Voodoo.
What a glorious day when now they have said YES we will honor and worship only the one and true
God. Tuesday night church has started at the property and each week is growing with attendance. We
will be looking to add Sunday service soon. Attish and Renal have lead this community to new
regeneration of life in Him, Many of the people walk miles from neighboring villages to get to church.

Rivas in Haiti

Faces of MBO
Rivas in Haiti

October 10, 2015

Taylor, Chrisla and Kenlove

Zach and Mary

Taylor and Amyese

MBO feeding program, runs every 2nd Saturday of the Month.We
need sponsorship for this program. (Intern Nic and Rekencia dish out
food for the people)
Mike (left) handing out bags of rice and beans for the 17 families in
the program. Amy (below) holding 4 month old baby David

Djefney, Nic and Mike talking with


Taylor and Zach enjoy Altonna


Sponsorship for 5 families, this is $200 a Month
Donations for Home Ministry ( need to build 6
homes.) Please visit mbohaiti.org to donate

Rivas in Haiti

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