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Prophecies for 2014 &

Prophet Abu Bako


This document is not an official publication of the Logos-Rhema Foundation.
It was taken from tapes and/or other documentation from the GAPNET website or
other source affiliated with Prophet Abu Bako, reformatted for easy navigation and
The unofficial blog of Prophet Abu Bako published by people who have been
positively impacted by his life and ministry does not warrant that the information
contained in this publication is complete and correct and shall not be liable for any
damages incurred as a result of its use.


About The Vessel

Abu Bako is a man sent from GOD (John 1:6)
who functions in many capacities.
He occupies the offices of a Prophet and Apostle.
He is also the Founding President & International
Director of the Logos-Rhema Foundation For
Leadership Resource Developmenta NonGovernmental Organization registered in Ghana.
The Foundation is a multi-faceted organization
committed to serving as a leadership resource
base. He serves as the Global Coordinator of the Global Apostolic and Prophetic
Network (GAPNET ).
He is also the Founding President of The College of Sustainable Transformation
and Development (COSTrAD)which focuses on the training and development of
the human resource base of leadership with the aim of recovering best practices for
sustainable living as well as reviving structures that have been neglected and have
been rendered obsolete but which are still useful and relevant.
The activities of this Servant of GOD are multi-faceted and multi/trans-disciplinary
in nature, global in their reach, and kingdom-centered, focused and driven. He is an
Economist by profession, a former lecturer in Economics and Senior Researcher in
Agricultural Economics.
All the above notwithstanding, Dr. Bako is primarily a people-builder, equipping
and developing quality leaders at all levels of public life, in all the 8 spheres
(domains, gates, mountains) of society, namely: Family, Belief System, Government,
Governance and Leadership, Economy and Business, Education, Science and
Technology Media, Arts, Sports and Culture.
He is a regular speaker at international conferences and hosts and leads
international conferences of his own. He operates as a consultant to some national
leaders, organizations, institutions and governmental bodies. Abu Bako serves on
various boards, among which are the Geneva Institute for Leadership and Public
Policy and The Rebirth of Africa.


Table of Contents
About The Vessel ..................................................................................................................... iv
Prophecies for the Year 2014 & Beyond .................................................................................. 1
A New Day Dawns .................................................................................................................... 1
Strategic Implementation & Manifestation ............................................................................. 1
Convulsion of Nations .............................................................................................................. 1
Candle Lighting Prophetic Action ............................................................................................ 1
The Judgment Of Mammon ..................................................................................................... 4
The Generation Of Davidic Dominion...................................................................................... 5
The Covenant with David and The Covenant With Day and Night .................................... 6
Laws of the Heavens ............................................................................................................. 8
Year Of Unstoppable Progress And Manifestation ................................................................. 9
Covenant Of Wealth ................................................................................................................14
Year Of Conquest And Disgrace Of Mammon.....................................................................14
Covenant Wealth Fund Account Details .............................................................................17
Covenant Prayer ......................................................................................................................18
PART 1: PROPHECIES FOR 2014 AND BEYOND - HIGHLIGHTS ....................................19
Families ................................................................................................................................20
Belief systems ......................................................................................................................20
Economy ...............................................................................................................................21
Education .............................................................................................................................21
Science & Technology...........................................................................................................22
Media ....................................................................................................................................22
PART 2: A NEW DAY DAWNS 5TH JANUARY 2014 .............................................................23
Year Of Distinction Of Voice And Significance Of Voice ........................................................39
Specific Prophecies For The 8 Gates And For A Few Nations ...............................................42
Family ..................................................................................................................................42
Belief Systems ......................................................................................................................43

Economy ...............................................................................................................................44
Education .............................................................................................................................45
Science & Technology...........................................................................................................46
Media ....................................................................................................................................47
Arts, Sports & Culture .........................................................................................................48


Prophecies for the Year 2014 & Beyond

A New Day Dawns
Give Him praise Hallelujah. We are just about to enter the new day. It is the
DAWNING OF A NEW DAY. One of the things that GOD laid on our hearts was for
you to enter the new day with your candle lit by the LORD. The one who normally
lights that kind of candle is the LORD Jesus himself. You notice in Revelation 1
that He came in the midst of the assembly of His people with the seven-channel
lampstand or the seven-candle stick [menorah]. That is what we will use. There will
be the dawning of a new day.

Strategic Implementation & Manifestation

We want to make certain proclamations over your life and this could be the
transformation you have been waiting for. Two thousand fourteen (2014) is very

Convulsion of Nations
As of September this year i.e. 2013, He said we have entered a SEASON OF
CONVULSION OF NATIONS. You have seen things happening in the nations,
[things have been happening] right across the globe. But He said in the midst of the
doom there will be boom. You Will Be Booming In The Midst Of The Doom.
That means when there is gloominess and doom taking place in the nation those
dedicated to Him in this particular season, will end up booming in their season.
We are entering the GENERATION OF RULERS establishing the Davidic kingdom.
Matthew 1:17from Abraham to David 14 generations, from David to the
Captivity, 14 generations and from David to the Christ 14 generations. They are
like that because Christ was ushering in the Jubilee. The fourteen generations
showed a shift, a new beginning and today the shift has come.
Candle Lighting Prophetic Action
As we light these candles in line with Psalm 18:28Let every, single enlightenment

that must come, come according to GODs original plan and purpose. I declare from
this day that your candle is lit in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. And
wherever you go you will shine because your light is come and the glory of the
LORD has risen upon you. Though darkness covers the earth and gross darkness,
the peoples the LORD shall arise over you and His glory shall be seen over your life
in the name of the LORD Jesus. And as you go wherever there is no light, you shall
bring light to the others in the name of the LORD Jesus. Just like from this one
candle stick others are being lit, so shall it be that you shall be lit by others that you
come into contact with in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. And I declare from
this day you will shine brighter and brighter. And your light will shine brighter and
brighter every day in the name of the LORD Jesus. We declare in the name of the
LORD that everyone who leaves here today is going to enter into the fullness of
GOD shining through you. It looks very simple. But in obedience to GOD, this is
the beginning of your transformation. And honestly, some of you are going to
wonder whether you are the same person.
Some things are about to break. THINGS THAT LOOKED IMPOSSIBLE TO YOU
WILL BECOME POSSIBLE TO YOU. So as we declare that your light has come
and the glory of GOD is upon you, though darkness covers the earth and gross
darkness the peoples, in 2014 your light will so shine that nations will come to your
light and kings to the brightness of your rising. From now on even distant shores
will come and want to identify with you. The abundance of the seas will come to
you. Every part of creation will begin to rejoice because they hear your name. We
declare that settled according to GODs original plan and purpose in the name of the
LORD Jesus. And we declare that as it is done let your light never cease to shine.
As it is written in Proverbs 4:18 that the path of the righteous is like the dawning of
the day that shines brighter and brighter every day till the full light of day so shall
it be with you. Everywhere you go you will get better and better. You will shine
brighter and brighter that people will wonder where you are from. They will
wonder what kind of man or woman is this. And it shall be said it is because they
have been with the LORD.
They wondered how come these things were happening to ordinary fishermen. They
recognized they had been with Jesus. May each one go out of this place later on
tonight as someone that will be recognized as somebody who has been with Jesus.
May [the year] 2014 that we just entered in the Gregorian calendar welcome you
with such joy and release the glory of GOD upon your life that everywhere you go
you will carry the glory of GOD. And the glory of GOD will also welcome you. You

will move in the blaze of the glory of GOD and you will leave a trail of the glory of
GOD in the name of Jesus Christ.
I declare from this day that the full light of day-type of anointing will come upon
you. That you will go forth with the full strength of the light of the Son of GOD
who is the Son of righteousness Himself that will rise with healing on His wings.
That anywhere you go you bring healing not only to individuals, not only to
institutions and organizations but you will bring healing to every family you come
into contact with, to every single community you come into contact with, you will
bring healing to every single city you come into contact with, you will bring healing
to every nation you come into contact with. I decree that and I declare that
established and I fasten it upon every part of creation - in the heavens, on the earth,
underneath the earth and everywhere else in the universe in the name of the LORD
Jesus Christ.
Even so LORD take all the glory. The hour has come for the expression of Your
glory according to Your covenant mysteries, expressions and establishments. Let
tonight be the night of encounter for everyone here. Let this be the beginning of new
beginnings for everyone. LORD, let this encounter leave each person a transformer.
Let it not be just one of those meetings we come for. Let it be a definite encounter
with You. As we go out of this place, let each person go as a carrier and courier of
your presence, Your glory, power, favor, dominion, rulership and everything that
has to do with the fullness of the ministry and expression of Your seven-fold spirits.
Thank You LORD for we know it is done according to Your original plan and
[For] everyone in this assembly both inside, outside in the overflow and those
watching live all over the world, over internet, via satellite, [LORD] go ahead and
establish each person as a praise in the Earth according to Your original plan and
Let the entrance of Your Word bring light and understanding to the simple. Let this
Word mold everyone into a transformer in the Name that is above all names: Jesus
Christ the Transformer of all transformers, who is the reason for this season of
transformation. Amen.
Proclamation of Psalm 24, Psalm 19
Psalm 19:2Day unto day uttereth speech night unto night showeth knowledge.

There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.

There is no speech or language where the voice of the day and the voice of the night
is not heard. Tonight will mark the beginning of the expression of the covenant of
GOD with day and night. He asked me to minister on and share with you because
His covenant with day and night is about to be released into expression. This year
which we have entered is the Gregorian calendar 2014. In terms of timing, the
evening and morning were the first day. So the beginning of the day was evening
(Gen. 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31and evening and morning was the day).
Evening precedes morning because even the beginning of time itself for the Earth
was in the evening. Darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of GOD
moved upon the face of the waters and the LORD said let there be light. And there
was light. And the LORD saw that it was good and GOD separated the light from
darkness. And GOD called the light day and the darkness He called night. So
evening before morning is called night before day.
So what GOD is saying in essence is that even for His own creation, time before
eternity begins with evening but will end with day. It started that way but ends
with no night in eternity. Eternity is speaking into time night and day; and His
covenant is with day.
Two thousand fourteen (2014) is a year that, apart from convulsion of nations and
other things that we will share including shakings of the Earth which will cause
earthquakes in places and floods in some places and fires in some others, there will
be [that] aspect of GODs own promotion coming. It is the TIME FOR STRATEGIC
It shall be a time of booming in the midst of the doom and gloom.

The Judgment Of Mammon

MAMMON IN HIS ASSEMBLY. If you are given to Mammon as a man or woman of
GOD wherever you are listening from across the globe, it is time for you to realize
that GOD wants you to change where you stand. One thing GOD kept saying to me
over and over again in the last month is: Do not allow what you attract to distract
That means what you are attracting whether it has to do with praise, criticism,
promotion, people castigating and despising you, it does not matter what you

attract, people you attract, including finances you attract, should not be allowed to
distract you. They should not cause you to lose focus.
Even if presidents kneel before you, do not get distracted by those things. Dont get
distracted by papers, fame, even finances that are about to come. In this particular
year GOD is about to judge Mammon in the midst of His people. Thus there will be
conquest and dominion over Mammon by many. You will see it.
If you understand what He is talking about in this particular time; for
example, in Matthew 1:17 which we read earlier when we talked about the
dawning of a new day, we said from Abraham to David were fourteen
generations, from David to Captivity fourteen generations, from Captivity to
the Christ was fourteen generations. If we look at that how many sevens are
in fourteen? There are two sevens (that is two times seven gives you
fourteen). So in all we have six sevens. The seventh seven, which is ushering
you into the Jubilee, has to be taken by the LORD Jesus Christ.

The Generation Of Davidic Dominion

Abraham to David were fourteen generations. The years here are prophetic
expressions for this particular millennium. It is not every time you link that back to
the other millennium. By the time you get to the second fourteen in 1928, we had
the Great Depression because that period was dedicated to Babylon.
You are supposed to enter into Davidic anointing of dominion. To have that
dominion you must understand where the son of David is supposed to sit - Isaiah
We are not talking about children that are born, adding to the population. We are
talking about sons who are a gift. A Son is given. The government, responsibility of
organizing and leading people and ensuring everyones needs are met the way GOD
ordained before time began, shall be upon the shoulders of the Son. His name shall
be Miracle, Counselor, Mighty GOD, or GOD or champions, Father of eternity
trans-generational thinker and operator; the Prince of peacethe peace maker.
Matthew 5:9blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called sons of GOD. It
talks about not only Jesus but also [it talks about] you.
I want you to understand [that] once you become a peacemaker, you are a son of
GOD yourself. Not just a peace keeper. You make peaceyou dont keep peace that

you do not have.

You are not only going to be a son who is a prince of peace, or initiator or peace but
a son who of the increase of his government and peace; there shall be no end upon
the throne of David. He will seek to order it for justice and judgment from now and
forever. He will end up putting systems in place.
When we say we have entered into the season, we heard that even [with] the aspect
of women that GOD will set patterns for women. We saw the few prophecies that
have been fulfilled with specific names and things happening in different parts of
the world.
It is a three and a half year development plan from heaven. [It is the plan for]
sonship; sons to birth nations. Take Him seriously when He says it is time for
implementation, strategic implementation and strategic manifestations. It means
it is not every harvest that you [will] go into. Look to see how strategic that
harvest is. If you have choices dont jump into any harvest you see. In fact, before
you jump into any harvest ask the LORD - is this a distraction? Remember, do
not let what you attract distract you. You will attract harvest this year but dont
let it distract you.
For you to order [your steps], you need to understand [the] order of things. The
other word for order is ordinance.
Jeremiah 33:20-26
Can anybody break the covenant that GOD Himself made? To show [that] He was
serious He said day and night will not cease as long as the earth remains. The day
this present heaven and earth passes away there will be no more night.

The Covenant with David and The Covenant With Day and Night
If I break my covenant with day and night in their seasons then my covenant will be
broken with David my servant. [It is the] season of Davidic dominion, the anointing
that helps you [to] exercise that type of dominion. He is bringing you into that type
of covenant that cannot be broken. He is not only talking about kingship but
priesthood (1 Peter 2.9). We are the generation that has been chosen with this dual
role. We are a royal priesthood. Ask Apostle John. When he [John] saw the
revelation in Revelation 1.5-6 and Revelation 5:10 the LORD introduced himself as
One who made us kings and priests to our GOD.
When King Saul tried to make an offering of sacrifices what happened? He was

sacked. But when David came he could offer sacrifices easily. Why? [Because] He
was both a king and a priest. That is why Jesus Himself became king and priest.
That is why they do not trace the genealogy [of Jesus] in Matthew 1 from anyone
else but Abraham and David. You realize it was about kingly priesthood.
Abraham could actually meet the High Priest Melchizedek and the man brought
Him bread and wine. It was not Abraham giving him bread and wine but
Melchizedek [giving Abraham bread and wine]. Abraham understood that. The kind
of covenant you are renewing tonight in GOD, in the blood of Jesus, is the one that
will make you above mundane things of earth. It does not mean that you are not
going to get physical things including finances and wealth most importantly, but
you [will] actually distance yourself from one that is contaminated but you [will]
collect their tithes and pray on their behalf so [that] they have [the] mercy of GOD
(Genesis 14)
David and Abraham did that. Did you notice [that] when Jesus came, for that
dynasty to be everlasting He had to be the Son of David? In Revelation 5 the elders
said Weep not John. The Lion of the tribe of JUDAH, the root of David. He was
the one sitting on the throne. It means that GOD kept this covenant.
If you understand covenant with day and night and the way to activate that
covenant, after tonight there is nothing that can beat you. It needs to occur outside
day and night to be able to beat you. There is nothing that occurs outside of day or
Remember at some point both northern and southern kingdoms were dispersed and
it seemed they were finished. The LORD says the covenant I have with them, it
does not matter what has happened, it does not have to be this generation but they
will come back. But we have entered a particular generation that will come. We
enter into that [which] GOD ordained for us whether the devil likes it or not. He
cannot stop you. Nothing can stop you.
In Jeremiah 33:20 He said it and again in verse 25 He said it again so [that] in the
same breathe He repeats Himself for emphasis. Notice He did not say night and
day. The day is the one that will be continuous, night will only be an intervention.
As you renew this covenant tonight, and GOD is the one renewing the covenant
with day and night with you; it means that things that were hitherto impossible to
access will run to you. They want to befriend the one [that] day and night is in
covenant with. That is how GOD is about to disarm mammon.

Laws of the Heavens

If I have not appointed the ordinances (Job 38:31-33); By the way if you wonder
whether these things rule everything check verse 33. The NIV version is clearer on
this [it says] Do you know the laws of the heavens? Can you set up GODs
dominion over the earth? If you remove the do you and the can you then you read
Know the laws of the heavens, set up GODs dominion over the earth.
[This applies] even when you are not necessarily a child of GOD, not to talk of those
who enter covenant with GOD. In verse 31 [of Job 38] it says can you bind the sweet
influences of Pleiades. Pleiades is a group of seven stars in the neck of the bull
Taurus. In Williamsons library in Trinity Theological Seminary, there was an
encyclopedia of world religions in [which it] was [reported] that the reason why the
people [were able to] set prices for stock markets is that they have understood the
influences of the heavens. When there is sweet influence and the market is booming
what do you say? You say the market is bullish. In verse 32 of Job 38 it asks Can
you lead out the bear with its cubs? When you are being led out of the market what
do they say? They say that the market is bearish.
OF HIS GLORY THROUGH YOUR LIFE when you understand basic things that
have to do with the mysteries that govern the day and night. The sun scientifically
is one of the stars and GOD said, let there be lights in the firmament to separate
the day from night and light from darkness. He says in Genesis 1.16 that the two
great lights; the greater light shall RULE the day and the lesser light shall RULE
the night. They are supposed to be governing the heavens.
If you know the laws that govern the heavens you can set up GODs dominion on
earth. If you know what the heavens and earth are supposed to be proclaiming
together (Psalm 19.1-6) [you can set up GODs dominion on earth]. In them hath He
set a tabernacle for the sun which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber
and like a strong man running a race. Even if you hide from the light you cannot
hide from its heat. There is a covenant that is written in the codes of the
expressions. Could that be the reason why the Son of Righteousness will rise with
healing in His wings so you come out of your stalls like calves jumping (Malachi 4)?
You will now enter a level of operation where people will want to find out what is
governing your life that you seem to be invincible, unconquerable, you are
unperturbable, ungrabbably ungrabbable. The sun governing the day has a lot more
than you think. The moon governing the night has a lot more than you are thinking.

Psalm 104:19 and Psalm 89:37. By divine appointment the moon must mark certain
seasons. In the first month of 2014 it marks the season of two new beginnings in
one month. There are two new moons in January 2014. [One on the] 1st and [one on
the] 30th. When you have not understood it you wonder what is happening.

Year Of Unstoppable Progress And Manifestation

AND CRUNCH for some people. Some people will have economic woes. We warned
America last year that they have a window of 18-24 months to get it right. Those
who can reach the authorities there please tell them it is time to seek the LORD
and get it right otherwise He said the woes will continue. Besides, there is a window
of opportunity that you could get certain things you could not get as a nation.
Twenty fourteen, from the little I heard from GOD, is the year of unfettered
progress and it could include America.
It shall be established forever like the moon even like the faithful witness. So the
moon is supposed to be a faithful witness that this is your year of double new
beginnings because it is actually not only the seven times two (7 x 2). In this new
millennium [this is the14th year] and it is supposed to be expressing our 14
(Please refer to the prophecies of 2013; He said a word after 2013, then 2015,
2018 then after 2020.[] 2013 is the year of rebirth and renewal and the
key word is SONSHIP[]From 2008-2015 that we had the kick starting of
the end-time revival. This was for the growing sons to a place where they
would wake up. From now to 2015 it is the time of sonship in expression a
That is why you should not joke. GOD knows what He is talking about.
This teaching is very important. If there is a time I got a clear word that this would
Here you have a faithful witness in the sky. From the mouth of two or three a thing
shall be established. Amplified version Proverbs 16.33 the lot is cast into the lap
the decision is wholly of the LORD [even the events that seem accidental are really
ordered by Him].
There is no accident in GOD. I am not an accident, my being here is not an accident,

my being on earth is not an accident. What GOD said I will accomplish in 2014 is
not an accident. It may appear like an accident but it is ordered by Him. What am I
saying in essence?
GOD is saying THIS IS YOUR YEAR. There will be all kinds of challenges in the
year but in the midst of all of that you are rising. So the only thing is to know the
secret because many times we go for meetings we shout amen in the name of Jesus
and by the end of the year you remain the same. It is about knowing how to operate
knowing the laws that govern the heavens and set up GODs dominion on the earth.
He says I will give you keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on
earth is bound in heaven and what you loose on earth it is loosed in heaven. How
can you enter if you have no keys? If you go to a door you may choose to open by
might; knock it down or pray it down; or you can enter by a spiritual key or you ask
the LORD to show you the physical key and it opens it up.
I heard clearly that the abundance of the harvest will be spiritual, in the realm of
the soul and physical. Instead of pushing the door by might, find out from the Holy
Spirit what He wants then you will be able to move in.
GOD wants you to understand the covenant with day and night. Notice, I have not
told you what the covenant is or when it was established. All we have heard is that
there is a covenant with day and there is a covenant with night. If that can be
broken then the people of Israel will cease to be Israel. That is why after 1800 years
dispersion they still came back.
You may have been plundered, scattered, shattered and torn in pieces even after
1800 years if GOD said you will never cease to be, then you will be. That is what
happened that after 1800 years of dispersion they came back to the land and
became a nation once again.
In Jeremiah 33 we are talking about the covenant with day and night, if that can be
broken Genesis 1:3-5; that was the time of covenant. Any time GOD entered
covenant with somebody or something, He changed its name. In the Edenic
covenant there was a garden. Eden was not a garden but the garden was planted
eastward in Eden.
Edenic covenant had to do with work and specific boundaries.
Adamic covenant had to do with grace after the fall.
Each time He would change the name, character or clothing or simply change

the image.
Noahnic covenant; He entered it in Genesis 9:9-17.

In the Edenic covenant He changed the face of the earth and changed the name. He
said the whole earth carries My presence - Eden, but I plant a garden there. That is
why when He drove them out He did not drive them out of Eden but out of the
Garden of Eden and put Cherubim at the gate eastward. When He was sending
Cain away He drove him from Eden. Cain said You have driven me from your
presence and if anybody finds me he will kill me because automatically I am a
danger to myself and anybody I come into contact with.
When you get into the presence of GOD and you walk within the boundaries where
GODs love can reach and touch you and you go [according to Jude] you are walking
in the presence of GOD then nobody can catch and kill you. Nobody can mess you up
or stand in your way. Gabriel said he was an angel standing in the presence of GOD
and if anybody tried to stop him Michael would come.
You see at the time of Noah there was a renewal of the earth; a change of image, a
change of dress. If you understand the basic seals of a covenant then you will
understand this.
The Edenic, Adamic, Noahnic covenant and New covenant were all with all of
creation. It is the Mosaic covenant that became the one with Israel; Davidic is with
Israel and in shadow form with the rest of the nations.
If creation is drawn into covenant it yields everything to you. Oil will come to those
who begin to renew covenant. Remember what GOD said about Kenya and other
nations. When they renewed the Jubilee covenant with GOD they discovered oil.
What happened in Ghana? When we renewed the Jubilee covenant oil in
commercial quantities was discovered. What about 1932, 1933 for Saudi Arabia,
1938 for Kuwait -go and check certain principles and you will discover that if you
follow certain principles the things will come to you.
Over 3500 to 4000 years this thing holds for Israel because of a covenant. When you
understand; there are things you have fought that somehow have put you down.
After tonight they will literally surrender because you are in covenant.
GOD said this is the covenant. I set my bow in the cloud. Do you see the rainbow
today? The Noahnic covenant is with all creation and it is everlasting. When it

came to GOD covenanting with the day and night [occurred] when he changed the
name (like Abrahams covenant where he changed his name from Abram to
Abraham in Genesis 17). Noah had built an altar [before GOD entered into the
covenant with all of creation].
The way to provoke a covenant is to raise an altar to GOD. Before GOD entered
covenant with Abraham he built an altar. Before He renewed [the] covenant with
Isaac in Genesis 26, GOD kept saying for the sake of your father Abraham. The
boy wondered why is everything in reference to my father only? He had dug all the
wells some of them that had been stopped - he reopened them. Then he raised an
altar and the moment that happened, not only did he become Isaac but ended up
with Abimelech and his commander- in- chief coming to him. Then He became the
GOD of Isaac.
Those who drove him away said we must enter covenant with you because GOD is
with you. When you have understanding, people will have to beg you to enter into
relationship with them. So there is an offering, sacrifice why? Because GOD wants
to see those who want to enter covenant with Him (Psalm 50:5-6) by sacrifice that
the heavens will declare that the righteous are still rewarded in the land of the
living because GOD is a judge Himself. So you end up being Daniel without being
called Daniel (meaning GOD is judge). When you enter a nation you actually bring
the judgment of the LORD to the point that Nebuchadnezzar(s) will acknowledge
In Genesis 9 GOD smelled a sweet savor and it touched His heart. (Psalm 89)
David was a man who had extravagant worship and therefore had an altar that
gave sweet savor to GOD. It caused GOD to say I have found David a man after my
own heart. It appears sometimes some people after they have [strayed will]
actually somehow get back to GOD because they understand covenant. David in
Psalm 51 says against thee and thee only have I sinned, when he had killed
somebodys husband. Hadnt he sinned against her? He took her because he was
king. He had sinned against the people of the nation. But the person who had the
greatest stake in the matter was his covenant partner. The one he hurt most was
GOD said I know this boy understands covenant and because of that I shall make
sure he has an everlasting dynasty.
When GOD smelled the savor of Noahs sacrifice He said He would not [destroy the
earth by flood again]. In Eden He said I shall curse the ground for your sake and it
shall grow thistles and thorns. But when you activate the covenant of wealth

(Deuteronomy 8.18), He will give you power to make wealth.

In Genesis 8:22 we see seed time and harvest. It is not harvest time. Seedtime may
be once. A mango seed may have one seed time. When it grows the mango will
continue giving you fruit for as long as that tree exists. For a palm tree the seedtime
may be once but the harvest is 50 times minimum if it is annual. It will be 50 years.
How about vegetables - seedtime is once as long as you continue watering, it shall
continue to sprout.
After tonight you may be told do it once and if you do it, it shall continue for the rest
of your life and your generations. That is why His blessing is to one thousand
Genesis 8:22 says - cold and heat, summer and winter. When the seedtime occurs
whether it is springtime or summer it has to be within day and night. There are
people, especially in the west who even harvest in the night with lights. When you
understand this, it means after tonight once you enter your harvest, whether day or
night, as long as the covenant with day and night has not been broken in your own
case, the harvest will never cease. He says seedtime will never cease, harvest will
never cease, cold and heat will never cease, summer and winter will never cease; all
the others and day and night. Whether it is summer or winter there will always be
day and night.
TO BE RENEWED OVER YOUR LIFE tonight is one that will transcend (trans
means to go across); it shall transcend and transform. It shall go beyond any
particular place, position, ascension, and will go across forms because of day and
Just as He changed the name of Abram to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah when you
enter covenant with Him whether it is Abraham, then Isaac renewal, or Jacob
renewal He becomes the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Could it be that today
he could become the LORD GOD of [your name].
[Look at] Psalm 50:5-6.I took it earlier but we will go thru it again. He said gather
my saints. The saints that will do the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4). That is
one of my specific assignments tonight; to gather the saints according to Ephesians
Transcends He ascended because He descended first. In His case the LORD
transcends day and night. He gave some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists,

pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints. So here we are supposed to be
equipping His saints to do the work of the ministry. So the saints are the ministers.
We are the coaches, the equippers. You do not take the coaches to play on the pitch.
They give direction. You cannot be coach and player at the same time. You can
demonstrate things but you do not go to play on the pitch.
Equip the saints to do the work of the ministry.
Gather the saints to me; those who have made covenant with me by sacrifice. GOD
is asking certain people to enter into a covenant of wealth and it is not just [for] a
few but [it is for] every-one of us. In the amplified version of the same Psalm 50:5 it
says - gather to me my saints who found grace in my sight. Favor can take you
where nothing else can take you. In the message version it says in Psalm 50:5 round up. So I have an assignment to round up the saints. Not everyone, but it has
to be His own saints. Round up my saints who swore on the Bible to Me.
He is saying that these people understand office. They understand how to enter
office by swearing, [by taking] the oath of office to now be the saints that are
ministers. Psalm 50:6 of the Message version says; the whole cosmos; every
arrangement of universe attests to the fairness of this court that here; GOD is
The whole cosmos; all universe, the galactic systems, down to the various solar
systems within the galaxies, down to the planetary systems within the solar
systems; down to the various systems including the eco systems and financial
systems within the planet called earth; ;that here GOD is judge.

Covenant Of Wealth
I was listening to GOD and He told me a few things. He said you will cause people
to enter a covenant of wealth tonight. That covenant will usher people into things
they never dreamed of.

Year Of Conquest And Disgrace Of Mammon

He said it is the year of conquest and disgrace of mammon in line with Colossians
2.15 and Matthew 6.24. Jesus Himself that is how He established the Ecclesia [by
entering into the New Covenant]; [He said] this is the blood of the new covenant in
my blood. Jesus is a covenant. Covenant with day and with night that cannot be
broken. You have seen how long it shall last - for as long as the earth remains. But
the day the earth ends and the old heaven passes away there will be a new day

dawning for you and it shall last forever. According to Revelation 21:1-3 in the new
day the tabernacle of the LORD will be with you so you will dwell in the presence of
I will touch on the 8 gates when I finish with this assignment. I want you to know
nothing happens on earth outside of the day or night. That is why we have the
expected date of delivery (EDD) [for pregnant women]. In the airline industry we
have expected time of arrival (ETA) and expected time of departure (ETD). It
happens within days - Day of Atonement, day of this or that. Day of departure,
wedding day, birth day etc; how about your day of promotion? It is here tonight.
To show that it is a new day something I have not done before GOD said do, because
I want you to round them up.
Reverend Mrs. Blankson came to show me something she had scribbled earlier
today and it reads;
Tell my son [Abu] that his holiday is over. Yes he has been busy but he will now
put in proper structures and he will oversee. The real work begins now, the
empire starts now. Tell him I have given him enough faithful servants. Some he
does not know who will be put in charge of the structures he will erect all over the
world. It is time my son for the real work to begin. Open your mouth and ask me
what you need to begin the work I have assigned to you. It is kingdom structures
that will go far and wide all over the world beginning from Ghana and Africa.
Bring back the people I had you train for this time who for one reason or the other
have left due to hurts and misunderstandings. Abu I have brought you this far
and allowed you to go through the many misunderstandings just to toughen you
for this great work you have been assigned to do in your peculiar way. You know I
have been with you. Remember all the things that I told you three years ago and it
seems they have not come to pass. Now it is the time. Arise my son, look at your
faithful few all over. Do not delay. Treat this with the urgency I have given it. It
shall come to pass my son, it shall come to pass. Amen.
One of the things GOD said [was that] He was raising multi-millionaires. I heard open your mouth and speak and the people will respond.
Reverend Mrs. Blankson also wrote earlier concerning Dr. Abu Bako:
You will set up an arrangement that would ensure that funds are managed to
send people out to the nations to do various things the LORD has purposed in this

I met with Pastor Harding, Pastor Ayivor and Brother Ken before this service began
and told them that GOD gave me a specific thing he wants me to do tonight. It is a
covenant of wealth that has to do with specific things that are spiritually significant
for this particular season. I was like - well if GOD it is you who said you will
confirm. I came and stood up to light the candle and she [Mrs. Blankson] gets the
other words and that is the one that was read. It was scribbled fast. It had to do
with making funds available. Even the aspect of some of the people whom I said to
you that they are certain things I am putting in place including the gathering of the
sons. I mentioned that somebody would be put in charge - Apostle Yemi Adefarasin.
He leads a ministry in Abuja he should be there tonight but he is here. There are
others like that.
Could it be an appointment with destiny that GOD is asking you to come and keep
He wants 24 elders bearing incense to surround the throne so the cry of the
saints for resources to carry out his work will no more go in vain. The 24 elders
bearing incense in line with Revelation 5:7-8 are those who represent companies or
ministries. You may be able to afford it as an individual but it is not a gimmick for
you. It is not individuals we are calling. If we have 24 before you come you can still
do it in the next set.
At a conference at Accra Technical Training Centre (ATTC) we made Dr. Amoa the
altar for economy. It was not a covenant where he was asked to give anything.
Thereafter, almost all major business coming to Ghana were coming through him.
He came to me and asked - Pastor how come these things are happening? I said,
because you are a channel, an altar. Dr. Amoa is the one of those who established
the Ghana stock exchange.
So for the 24 elders it is those who represent companies and organizations. They
will give a 1000USD offering for 12 months in 2014.
By the time you see what happens in these lives, unless GOD did not speak what
He spoke to me; those who know me you have never seen me raise people for money.
Every 24th of the month wherever you are in the world you will be given a particular
way to hook into what we will be doing. We will be praying with you. Some will
share their testimony to encourage others. We will give you specific keys that GOD
will give to us. You are bringing incense so in terms of GODs enthronement you
will see some things in the various areas where you operate including various
contentions people are brining your way. They will come to an end.


There will be 50 - a company of the sons of the prophet GOD will show you
things He will do next. You will bring 500 USD as a monthly minimum. They
will represent families or a group of people but do not come just for yourself. In this
case you are representing a family or group of people which includes you coming but
you must name even a group or friend you want that blessing to go to. You will see
that change over. It was the company of 50 prophets in 2 Kings 2:7 that actually
saw when there was transfer from Elijah to Elisha. There will be a transfer of
wealth. You will see it.
Then seven2 elders in the land who represent tribes; even if it is a tribe from
another nation. They will give USD250 a month minimum. They will literally
be representing tribes. So you can take a tribe in another nation in the world. We
are going to for example; this is going to be the first seed part of the seed that will
lay foundation for the people that will come together to plant what will grow into a
harvest for all the nations of the world. By October 2014 GOD has commanded us to
have worship from the nations; a celebration of continents.
We will have 120 upper room experience people who will give USD120
minimum per month.
Everyone else give a minimum of USD10 a month unless you do not want to
be part of the covenant. For this particular one we have somebody who will be in
charge of the funds that is Brother Ken Tshribi. There will be a special account
opened for this fund and those from the nations who would like to participate in the
covenant sacrifice may communicate by email for further details of how they can
participate as the Holy Spirit gives you guidance.

Covenant Wealth Fund Account Details

For those outside of Ghana you can transfer the money to:
Name of the account:
Account number:
Swift Code:

Silver Star Towers
Logos-Rhema Foundation (CWF)

For those in Ghana the dollar account is:


Silver Star Towers

Name of the account:

Account number:

Logos-Rhema Foundation (CWF)


For those in Ghana the Cedi account is

Name of the account:

Silver Star Towers
Logos-Rhema Foundation (CWF)

Account number:


Covenant Prayer
LORD, I enter this covenant with You tonight in the name of the LORD Jesus. I
cut the covenant of wealth in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, in the
Person of Jesus. As I cut this covenant, let bread and wine, activate that covenant
tonight in the name of the LORD Jesus. But right now I declare I enter a
covenant of wealth with the Most High GOD by raising this altar of this sacrifice
on the altar unto the Most High GOD. As I make this sacrifice LORD let Your
Voice burst through the heavens and speak to me in a special way. Let every
limitation be broken. Let the renewal of the covenant tonight bring me into the
covenant you have made for me with the heavens and the earth and particularly
with the day and night. In the Name of the LORD Jesus I declare from this night
[that] covenant wealth is my portion and I will never ever be in lack, or suffer
shortage because I will express you. LORD you say it is the consecrated ones that
should be gathered to you. I consecrate my life to You. I consecrate my life to You.
I consecrate my heart to You. I consecrate every part of my being to You to be one
of those separated to you. Help me O LORD not to mix the wheat with the chaff.
Separate the chaff out of me. Separate the chaff out of our company. Separate the
chaff out of our ministry. Separate the chaff out of our organization. Separate the
chaff out of our family, out of our clan, our tribe and every part of the nation. In
the name of the LORD Jesus. Amen.
Hosea 2:18-22 - Understand what you have just done. I shall proclaim that
[Hosea 2:18-22] over your life:
I declare the covenant of the LORD made for you with the beasts of the field. Let
every covenant the LORD was referring to with birds of the air be released into
manifestation on your behalf in the name of the LORD. Let every creeping thing
on the ground begin to recognize you and acknowledge you as GODs covenant
person in the name of the LORD Jesus. Bow and sword of battle I will shatter

from the earth- there are certain things that the bow and sword end up creating
for you. There is always contention around you even when you are not guilty of
anything; I declare them shattered from the earth in your own experience, in the
name of Jesus. From this day you will lie down safely. You will not be
intimidated, frightened, castigated and invaded by anything . The LORD betroth
you to himself forever, in righteousness and in justice. So that, righteousness and
justice, which are the foundation of the LORDs throne, will be seen in operation
in your life in the name of the LORD.
From this day the loving kindness of GOD and the mercy of GOD will never
depart from you. From this day GOD will answer the heavens on your behalf.
And they shall answer the earth. May the earth be answered by the heavens on
your behalf. The earth will bring rain necessary for your crops. The earth will
answer with grain, wherever grain needs to come it shall come to you and new
wine and oil. They shall answer Jezreel the planting of the LORD.
It means from this day wherever GOD meant for you to be planted may GOD
plant you in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. I declare from this day
everywhere you go you will be seen as the LORDs anointed. One who is planted of
the LORD who will give glory to GOD at unprecedented levels. In the name of
Jesus Christ who is the LORD of the covenant whose blood seals this covenant.
[ Taking of Holy Communion to seal the covenant ]


I am giving you a few things that are very important for the nations and for you as
an individual especially for the first three weeks of January. It does not mean
everything will apply to the first three weeks but some will begin to happen during
the first three weeks and some in the first three days. So it is important to take
Some of you GOD will ask you whatever somebody gives you [that you should sow].
[Even if] he said it is for you personally. GOD said that is what you will sow as a
covenant for your family different from whatever else he told me later. Even if it is
the last thing he has shown you.
For 2014 it is almost like a year [where there] will be so much of one thing
happening one after the other that you can easily get distracted by the things

coming your way. If you get easily distracted by what you attract you can miss what
GOD is showing you.
It will be a FAST YEAR. So many things will be accomplished in such a short time.
Things that would have taken 30 years He will do in one year. There are things
which He will finish with you in one year.

It is the year of cultivation and consolidation of family relationships and ties. There
will be restoration and there will be so many marriages that had been thought
impossible. Not only in terms of restoration of marriages but [in terms of] people
getting married [for] whom it looked impossible. Ancient covenants and various
things that had been put in place will end up being established in the right way
that GOD wanted but He will also permanently deal with those which are not of
Him. Ancient covenants and infirmities will be permanently dealt with by GOD and
it will be for the faithful.
There will be 12 to 14 year olds who will bring solutions to many things even at
[the] family level.

Belief systems
It will be a year of mindset transformation for many. People will say when did this
one change? It will be because GOD is doing such a wonderful job. It shall be
mindset transformation for those going from religiosity to reality. [It will be] a year
of cleansing - it will be individual cleansing, corporate cleansing and global
cleansing. Do not be surprised to see a minimum of 12 big trees fall as part of [the]
If there are sins you are holding on to let go of those sins. [Are there] corporate sins
you need to stop doing? If you have been taking all kinds of unethical routes and
ways of doing things - stop. This time there will be exposure and dealing with issues
as part of cleansing.
There will be ministry level cleansing so that there will be men and women of GOD
whom there will be separating between chaff and wheat. He will take certain people
out of their present positions. Some will end up leaving their ministries in disgrace.
There might be a few who will end up falling like the trees falling.


Ancient trees and systems will be shaken. One thing GOD said during the June
prayer and fasting 2013 concerning Nigeria [was] that Dr. Goodluck Jonathan was
to put certain things in place or by September certain things would happen. You
saw what happened to him in September. For Nigeria GOD has brought her to a
cross roads where literally there will be manifestations of that which is right being
upheld as against that which is wrong. GOD will come strongly against that which
is wrong.
Do not be surprised if even at governmental levels they become watchdogs for
themselves. If they do not, within the first three weeks there will be signs that GOD
is not joking in Nigeria. What GOD says is that it is important for them to become
like watchdogs to themselves. There is an aspect of media function which will come
not as watchdogs but watchmen. If they do not, at least begin the process within the
first 3 weeks to show that GOD is serious He will allow certain things to happen as
part of shaking.
It is time for GHANA to deal with CORRUPTION head on - the same thing [applies
to] LIBERIA. If they do not within the first 3 months of this year there will be clear
signs that GOD is sweeping. He will sweep with the broom of destruction. So
shaking of ancient trees and shaking of ancient systems. Some of the ancient trees
will end up being uprooted.

[There will be] recovery of wealth that certain nations did not know of which GOD
will help them discover. There will be recovery of wealth [that has been] taken to
other nations that GOD will begin to show and the nations will go for that.
There will be humiliation, exposure, confrontation and disgrace of mammon.
Beware of greed. Very important He emphasized that very much. They say the love
of money is the root of all evil. The Greek word for greed [also means] devious ways
of doing things. They will definitely be exposed. GOD is repeating the same thing
He talked about in cleansing.

There will be revolutionary patterns of education released to the nations. So if He
[has] asked you to do anything that looks revolutionary do not be afraid. Step out
and do them.

Science & Technology

People ages 20-30 this is your year and this is your season. If you fall within that
particular age bracket - if you had not sought GOD for specific things that will be
solutions for many nations, this is the time to seek him. He will show you. If it is
the same GOD who spoke you will see it come to pass.
There will be 12-14 year olds who will bring new ideas to the table that will affect
arts, sports and culture and also science and technology.

GOD wants the media to understand this is the year of greater responsibility. There
will be more responsible media that will be more constructive and more directional
and true watchmen. Not watchdogs. Watchdogs stop things from coming in that are
not supposed to. But watchmen on the walls stop things from coming in that are not
to come in and stop thing that are going out that are not supposed to go out.
GOD is actually going to use little children to become more prophetic. If you have
any 4 year old please understand that.
Concerning GHANA, a few things will be happening in the next three months and
will go on for the year 2014. GOD will shift things into place. It is important that
people who are strange children around the President be moved. Otherwise, they
could lead people into a ditchand I am not just talking about him but many others
in the leadership of this nation. It should be handled clearly with GODs direction.
Do not ask me who are the strange children. He will show you who the strange
children are and will expose them one by one.
There are certain things that will happen that will show that GOD is bringing a
blessing. I heard him clearly about GHANA, NIGERIA, LIBERIA [and] RWANDA
that it is time for agricultural focus because of what He wants to do. There are
certain things He wants to do that makes feeding people easy.
I heard concerning MONROVIA - water and gardening. It may apply to Liberia but
it was more for Monrovia as a city. Focus on water and gardening. Backyard
gardens that will feed the people with the type of food that will bring health.
Generally GOD repeated the aspect of water for the continent of Africa. For next 3
years if Africa will focus on clean, safe, healthy water GOD will promote a lot of
African nations to the point that literally people will come to Africa to learn. Those
who were [here] in 2013 concerning 2013 [GOD said] that as people give attention to

water GOD will give them water. (In KENYAwater was discovered in the north, a
discovery of 200 billion cubic meters of water that will last seventy years)
GOD spoke about ending refugee camps and in KENYA whole camps were closed
down in 2013. GOD said, beyond closure of camps, He will harness those who were
hitherto refugees to become some of the best industrialists.
If there is anybody that you have been fighting, you have held any grudge against,
you are bitter against, you have not forgiven, this is the time this year to release the
person. Otherwise, you could literally be sitting on the release that GOD has given
you. By tomorrow, some of you, your release must begin and I do not want you to
miss it.
Especially for those who entered covenant with GOD tonight GOD wants you to
provide Him with a receptacle. That means, He may ask you to register a business,
do something else, just to set up a particular system. Do it! Because after tonight, it
could start from tomorrow; there will be release.


which day is not special? Every day of your life is a special appointment with GOD,
but some are assigned for a special purpose. That is why you have Day of
Atonement, day of Pentecost, then there is the ordinary day of Pentecost and there
is the Day of Pentecost.
Acts 2:1when the day of Pentecost was fully come... So the year 2014 according to
Matthew 1:17, we say that all generations from Abraham to David were fourteen
and then from David to captivity in Babylon were fourteen and from captivity were
fourteen. We said that every time you see fourteen it is supposed to be a new
beginning not only because of the regular new beginning, not only because every
seventh year there is an end and eight is the new beginning, but this time with
double grace you will be able to begin afresh.
We say that the six sevens what we talk in essence forty-two and these were six
Sabbaths and in the seventh Sabbath is the preparation for the Jubilee. So it was
saying that from the captivity to the Christ were fourteen generations because
Christ is the one who prepares us to go into our Jubilee. He is our Jubilee. He
prepares to usher us into our Jubilee. When it comes to the Jubilee, GOD actually
prepares people for seven years.

Even when it comes to the Jubilee of Jubilees - the Feast of Tabernacle and all
Feasts of Tabernacle will be after a seven year preparation by the Bridegroom. That
is the reason why when we go to the feast of the marriage supper of the lamb it is
seven years. That is because of various appointments. I am going somewhere with
the covenant with day and night.
If I were you before the first quarter [of the year], I would have listened to that
message more than twenty-one times so it becomes a revelation. So I can walk in
the light of the covenant with day and night. Foundations are important.
So when it comes to GOD, He has specific days when specific things happen so we
have various kinds of days. So for the day of Pentecost every day of Pentecost is
special, but there was a particular day of Pentecost when Jesus said tarry ye in
Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high, Luke 24:49. They tarried
and He actually said you will wait because the power is coming: Acts 1:8.
Did they receive it that day? No they did not, Act 2:1-4. So what was in Acts 1:8 and
Luke 24:49they were waiting for an appointment. When we come to covenant
with day and night, when it comes to GODs covenant with the day, there is a day
GOD has covenanted with each one of us to have our promotion, your exaltation,
your revelation or your manifestation.
It does not mean 2014 is different from every year because it is called 2014. It is just
that GOD chose that this is the year of strategic implementation and strategic
manifestation. For me it is a year of strategic implementation and strategic
manifestation. [It is a year of] strategic expression of His purpose thru my life and
[a year of] unfettered progress. So much so that I enter places that would be
otherwise impossible for me to enter. So much so that what I would do in thirty
years I will do in one year according to His word. Our challenge is that when we
listen to messages we listen for information against [listening for] instruction.
If you came for fellowship meeting [-that is where] people who are being coached
[meet]. Like yesterday was the commissioning of a particular coach. One thing I
wanted to say is coaches do not realize they are coaches and players do not realize
they are players. He gives some coaches to be apostles, prophets, evangelists,
pastors and teachers - for coaching and equipping of the saints. The player is to be
the minister; the players are to do the work of the ministry.
Imagine that we come to a coaching session and all you think of is He is giving me
information so I can choose what I want. How are you going to fare? How will you
excel as a player?

Many of you know, for example, soccer. If your coach gave you instruction because
he is coaching you and you thought it was just information, I choose what I want,
what will happen? You will end up missing the point. You miss the fact that as a
player you were being helped to excel and you will end up being left behind. Those
who take it seriously will end up excelling. We are in a coaching session.
You will take instruction and look for ways of implementing those instructions so
that if you do not understand any aspect you will ask the coaches or the members of
the bench. The technical benchthere are many in the technical bench that are
supposed to be helping. That is why the head coach will give you instruction
generally. There will be a special coach for the goalkeeper, coach for strikers,
because they have been there before.
May GOD help you in 2014 because it is for strategic implementation and
I believe GOD [I believe] what He said about conquest and disgrace of mammon in
2014. It will not come by sitting and proclaiming that. It will require proper
instruction and hearing how to go about it. Sometimes the Holy Spirit will show you
some things directly. So do not take it lightly.
Since GOD has chosen 2014 to be [the] year to do that, who am I to say, Why? This
is my year of this, my this and that. Some of those things are people having wishful
thinking. Almost every year there are all kinds of stickers, my year of this, my year
of that, but they remain stickers. I hope your year does not end up on a sticker.
The point I make is that when GOD said 2014 and still says- it is the year of
booming in the midst of doom; some of the things GOD said about water; things that
have to do with wind and fire; some of them began too early it appears. When I was
saying I could not close that night [of the 31st] without saying a few things because
they may happen [during the] first three days [of the year] - I think it is clear now
[as they have started happening].
For the west, in particular America and Europe there will be a lot of shaking to
show the limitation of men. I was asking that people should do their best to help
especially America. For those who have access to those in power make sure you tell
them [that] the window is still there for 18 to 24 months. If they miss it, [it will be]
too bad. GOD will turn up the heat a bit as He tries to draw their attention.
Europe will go through quite a bit to shaking [by GOD] to get their attention. For
example, in a place like the Philippines, I saw that floods were supposed to come

and other so-called natural disasters. One was going to be worse than last year. But
with people of GOD, sons of GOD taking their position both will pass by and not
enter the Philippines. It will be important if you are watching from the Philippines
take note of this so you do something about it.
2014 will be year of boom in the midst of doom for people in covenant with GOD
that is why we are taking [the] time to make people understand the covenant.
Jeremiah 33.20-26, 31:31-36, Jeremiah 30:3. Then I can share with you the
covenant with the day and how you can implement it. Then we can pray certain
things into manifestation.
If you can break His covenant with day and His covenant with the night THEN
Can you? So they cannot be day and night in their season. The first time [on the
31st] it was just introduction. Today I am breaking it down. That means that there
is a day in its season.
There is a day for Pentecost in its season that is meant for the Holy Ghost to come
upon His people. There are many days of Pentecost because it is the 50th day after
the Passover. That is why it is Pentecost. Just as we have Jubilee the year 50th after
seven sevens. So also, we have the 50th day after seven sevens of days - and it is
called Pentecost.
So every year they were commemorating the Passover right from Exodus. After the
49th day the 50th day was Pentecost. But there was a particular day that GOD
promised that His Holy Spirit was coming upon his people. That day was coming
[for many years]. My day is coming. Because when the day was fully come, that
means it has been coming but it had to come in its fullness. Then it finally arrived;
the day is about to arrive. My day is coming, your day is coming, our day is coming.
When the day of Pentecost in its season was fully come; the day in its season, the
night in its season; Genesis 1.14. Did you know [that] within the day will be the
revelation of the sign? Within the day will also be revelation of the season.
These lights - the sun, moon and stars- are supposed to be the signs and seasons for
days and years. But it is actually within the days and within the years that you will
see the signs and the seasons.
Within each year the sun and moon are supposed to be proclaiming the seasons of
that year too. Each year is supposed to be part of a season. There is a season of
years. That is why we can have a particular season of law. There is a season of
grace. Then there will be a season which will be of closing up everything. For

example, there will be a day even for trumpets. There are different trumpets for
different purposes. Apart from Numbers 9 and 10 [where]we have [the] shofar and
silver trumpets we have an aspect that has to do with the day of the LORD, the day
of his vengeance and the day of His favor. That is why when it comes to the Day of
the LORD, with announcement of angels, the time when Jesus was coming there
were angels announcing. And at the second coming there will be angels announcing.
But then, between that day of His coming the first time - he came and there was a
day of grace announced, and then after that there will be a time of closing the day
and season of grace for the great tribulation. After the great tribulation there will
be an announcement again. At the time of closing this there will be a trumpet but
the LORD himself will sound that trumpet with [the] shout of arch angels with [the]
shout of the LORD. The LORD will come with a shout. 1st Thessalonians 4:16.
For the LORD Himself will descend with a shout. There is a shout appointed for
you. Touch not my anointed
Many of you are thinking of a shout. Come up hither! Revelation 4.1 I heard a voice
like a trumpet. There might be a voice every day inviting you into a place of
fellowship, a place of communion, a place of intimacy with GOD. If you dont hear
that voice, you may not know something was being released. May GOD cause you to
hear that voice. May GOD cause you to know that there is an appointment with
GOD. It is Psalm 19. The heavens declare the glory of GOD. Day unto day utters
speech. Every day is uttering speech. There is a particular sentence decree, a
particular instruction, proclaiming a shout over your life, a cry over your life that is
supposed to be inviting you into intimate relationship and place of appointment.
There is a time of appointment for each day. Some days it is early in the morning;
sometimes it may be the early part of the evening. Sometimes it might be in the
night seasons or some days it might be in the midnight hour. You need to know your
time of appointment. GOD has an appointment with each day for each one of us.
There is a time of the day that GOD has for me as a person that may be different
from [the time He has for] my beautiful wife; that may be different from any one of
our childrens own time of appointment.
So that, if GOD has an appointment with you, it may mean [that He] wants to see
you one by one and then He wants to put you together.
That is why even for husbands and their wives, if there is something that needs to
be resolved it may not be about resolution. It [may have] to do with the fact that I
may have to do homework first with one who is more difficult to convince. Then talk
to the other, then I put you together and it is all for your progress.

There is a day He has an appointment with you. We know this is the day the LORD
has made I will rejoice and be glad in it. Day unto day utters speech. Every day
there is something to rejoice in but you must know your appointment with GOD or
you may end up with the devils own appointment with sorrow for you. May GOD
forbid that, but you too must forbid it.
There is an appointment from Psalm 118:24. Nehemiah 8:10 it is not about the joy
of the LORD. It is about the particular day that is when it becomes your strength.
When I said if you do not get any other message do not miss this one.
Day unto day uttereth speech. It may be a shout. There is a shout and there is a
time when He ascends not only with a shout but amidst your own shout Psalm
47:1,5. GOD descends with a shout. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 says he descends with a
shout and He has gone up with a shout. I pray that GOD will give you revelation.
There is a shout appointed for you on a particular day. Loose him and let him go.
Lazarus come forth!.
May GOD help you know the day that there is a shout calling you forth from the
grave and your grave clothes will be removed. And every single burial ceremony
that had [been held for you] will be wasted because death cannot keep you down
because the voice of the LORD has come. It does not matter how dead and hopeless
your situation is, your day is coming. That is why Psalm 29 says the voice is upon
the water. The voice is thundering. The voice is upon many waters. Whether they
be turbulent or still waters the voice... day unto day uttereth speech. Night unto
night showeth knowledge.
Night unto night reveals knowledge that is knowledge of the glory of GOD in the
face of Christ. We are talking about the aspect of the day. There is a covenant the
LORD signed with the day to deliver a particular thing to you. There is an
agreement, a contract signed. Imagine your father signed a contract that when you
are 18years of age, they would give you this account and give you this particular
instruction or document and you are supposed to take charge of the estate. Then the
time comes and there is no announcement for you because you dont even know you
are supposed to go there on that day.
There are specific things GOD has ordained for you today, tomorrow, the day after,
a particular year. It is not everyone necessarily that will experience exactly the
same things this year but there are those appointed by GOD. The earlier you
understood this the better it will be. Then there is something so special [that] GOD
has signed a covenant with a particular day of this year for you. You are just to
make sure that covenant is brought into manifestation and fruition.

Many of us know Jeremiah 50:15 about GOD making us special instruments. Then
in Jeremiah 51:20-23 you can deal with certain group of shepherds. This is talking
about Babylon.
There have been shouts from other people - there is the shout of the LORD, the
shout of trumpets, the shout of angels, the shout of people, human beings and there
are different kinds of shouts. There is a kind of shout of war, a shout of defeat,
where people are weeping- the voice of weeping. Then we have the shout of triumph
or the voice of triumph. It says shout unto GOD with a voice of triumph. So here we
have a particular type of shout from people who are saying something- [they are
saying] that it is time for you to judge.
What happened to Egypt? GOD said go to my people the Hebrew slaves, for their
cry has come up to my ears [Exodus 1,2]. It means your prayers may not have been
wasted. All the cries have been heard. Many times you think every tear you shed is
wasted. No it is not. In fact, there is a bottle collecting all tears.
There is a day of appointment and maybe part of your crying is part of the process
to get [you] to the place where you are ready to collect.
Their cry has come before me and now, I am sending you. The one who was being
sent does not want to go. But when [the] time comes if GOD has to force [you] He
will force the person to come. It does not matter what it takes if He has to force,[He
Exalt the LORD has been ringing. There are certain things [that] must worship at
His footstool. Maybe when they worship at his footstool there are things on earth
that must serve His purpose on earth. You may be thinking that and He is thinking
this. When you start aligning them they will do this as against that. Whatever your
level of dreaming [is], it is still too low compared to GODs own level.
Jeremiah 51:20-23 when the day has fully come then you become His battle axe - I
will break not just individuals but nations. With you I will destroy Kingdoms
(plural), with you I will break the horse and its rider. Has He done it before? How
did the Passover day start? He said this is the beginning of years for you. Exodus
12. Even if the rest of the world has a different day to begin the year, for you this is
the beginning of years.
When Is The Beginning Of Years For Ghana? 6th March. How About
Nigeria? 1st October. There is an appointment. It means there is a particular day
set to grant your independence. The discussion did not just start on the 6th of

March. The whole struggle did not start in 1957. It means you may have been going
thru [times] of preparation but the time is here. [For] some of you it may be this
month, others just next month, others it is March or others April, May, for some it
may be June, July, August, September or December but it does not matter which
particular month. But there is a particular appointment. It is according to GODs
own pattern.
You do not understand [that] it is not about what I want. In fact, I was thinking
maybe I should spend much time giving [the] prophetic words. The Holy Spirit said,
prophetic words can be sent. But this word I want it to be [given to] the people
because they have come for instruction. They need to understand how it works out.
Every appointment I have I will keep but if my people are not there, they will not
enjoy the benefits of that appointment.
Maybe somebody was sent from the United Kingdom, with probably the letter of
administration of the estate of your father or your husband. They have left you not
only fortunes but opportunities. Then they say the flight arrives at such a time.
Make sure you are there and dont leave until all the people have come out [of the
airport]. What will you do? If you are not there that day the person comes and they
dont know you personally. They cannot know how to find you. They told you the
person will be dressed in this [way]. As for you, that person does not know what you
will be dressed in. When that came to me clearly I said - LORD if I use all the time
to make sure it is clear I shall make it clear. There is an appointment.
Jeremiah 51:21, with you I will break down horse and rider. He did it with Israel. It
had to be on that day. But the same people had been under slavery and oppression.
But now on that day with you I can; you do not have to lift a hand. All you have to
do is walk with the LORD in the light of His word, [is to] trust and obey. (The hymn
Trust and Obey was sang)
That is all they needed. Moses what is in your hand? Stretch it over the waters. Did
Moses part the red sea? With you I will. GOD will but He wants to use you. You
are the instrument in His hand. That is why you should never allow somebody to
label you. They dont have the qualification.
Did I say people should not speak? They can speak but I will not accept their label.
Only the manufacturer is qualified to label what he produces. Have you heard
somebody label what you made? How come you allow people to label what GOD
made the way they want, not the way GOD wants? If GOD is with them labeling
that is a different story.


Who says that it shall come to pass when the LORD has not commanded it?
Lamentations 3:37. That is why for that particular passage every-one of us had to
proclaim twice Psalm 19:2-6.
Psalm 19:7 the law of the LORD - The Torah of the LORD is perfect converting the
soul. That is actually what is converting the soul of every nationality, national and
nation. The Ten Commandments are still applicable to all. They continue to apply
You shall have no other gods before Him. What is He talking about? Will there ever
be a time that this will change? No graven image. There will never be at time it will
change. Even the aspect of you shall not covet your neighbors wife or husband, will
it ever change?
So from today, understand that the law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul.
The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. Take your time and
study because English is a bit limited. When He is talking about testimony -the
witness, in terms of GOD, is there a witness in your spirit? The spirit of GOD bears
The statutes of the LORD are right rejoicing the heart. Why is there joy? [The word
translated precepts or statutes in Psalm 19:8 is the Hebrew word] Piqqud
[pronounced pik-kood] which means a mandate you receive a mandate. The
permission - Day unto day uttereth speech. There is a mandate on a daily basis that
should be rejoicing the heart.
The commandment of the LORD, the Mitzvah - for those in Israel up to this day
they have a session to talk about the Mitzvah. The reason why a lot of Jews are
successful in life more than the rest of the so called civilizations, these are the
things. Here are people receiving the mitzvah so there is enlightenment [so that]
they end up with insight. Proverbs 24:3-4 by wisdom a house is built and by
understanding - by insight comes establishment and by revelation knowledge rooms
are filled.
You need to get a clear understanding that on a daily basis there is wisdom
assigned for you and there is understanding that you should receive so that you
walk under the things you are standing under. Whatever you understood will be
responsible for your moving. There are certain places you cannot enter because of
what you are standing under. That is why as short as you may be, this particular
thing you carry - if you go it may fall off. So your understanding will guide you.


The fear of the LORD is clean enduring the level of reverence that makes you a
reverent gentleman or lady. [This is] somebody to be revered. The judgments, the
verdict of the LORD - Whose report shall you believe? To whom has the hand of the
LORD been revealed? If you understand like you see in Isaiah 53 a lot of things will
change. Your salvation would have come, your deliverance would have come, your
recovery would have come, your restoration will come because you have seen a
revelation of the arm of the LORD in all that is going on.
I can see some people have decided they are not listening to the message but they
are praying - GOD give me revelation so that it is not a matter of I am receiving
information but [that] I want the instruction. What is the specific instruction for
me? This is supposed to be coaching. I will give general things but there are titbits
that are customized to your own position of play. If you do not catch it, it is your
fault. It is not just anything. I give you instruction but there are certain instructions
that are peculiar for your position.
Joshua 10:10-11 GOD did all of that but He used Joshua. He has said WITH YOU
I WILL. This time the LORD was not using Israelites but [He] was using angels.
But he still said, with you. Put this verse on hold and go to Revelation 9:13-16.
The covenant with GOD means that there is an agreement for an appointed day.
Just as was said [concerning the inheritance that the girl was to receive from the
United Kingdom -] when she turns 18 give these things to her.
Revelation 9:13-16 - Remember this is the day we are about to see a foretaste of the
release of the seventh angels trumpet which is in Revelation 11 - angels from the
There is a covenant assigned for you. A shout assigned. A cry assigned. An
utterance, a speech assigned for you, an instruction, a proclamation - a decree
assigned for you. There are things GOD has assigned for you for the rest of creation
and you must release them on a daily basis. In Revelation 9:14 there is a sixth angel
[who had the trumpet] a voice says release the four angels [which are bound at the
river Euphrates.]
There are certain things held back somewhere. [In] Daniel 10 they were held in the
heights above. Sometimes they are in a particular river. It means from now on there
are certain things held up in a particular sea or river for your family. It was not for
evil though the people being used thought they are doing it for evil. It was for an
appointed time. But when the day is fully come, there will be a sound suddenly as of
a rushing mighty wind [that will fill the entire house] and there will appear signs
that it has come. In the day of Pentecost it was the Person of the Holy Spirit and

when He came cloven tongues came. One sign of the Holy Spirit is fire. They were
filled [with the Holy Spirit] and began to speak in tongues as the Spirit gave them
I have something bubbling in my spirit. I see how GOD has favored me. In
Revelation 9:15 the four angels [that had been] prepared for the hour, day and
month and year were released. [This is] another dimension of the same covenant
day - There is an hour of each day when a particular thing should be happening.
Remember on the 31st I said I may share how the covenant with day works. So this
is the how aspect. So you know there is coming an hour. How do I enter the
covenant? You hear the instruction of the LORD. You hear a voice behind you
saying this is the way, walk [in it]. Isaiah 30:20-21.
Angels are prepared for every hour, of every day, of every month and year. That
specific time they were prepared to kill people. There are those which are prepared
to release certain people - like Peter was released from prison in Acts 12.
There are angels prepared to release you from certain situations. You do not in any
way help yourself if you are sulking, complaining and grumbling. You do not
resemble the person they are expecting. In Revelation 9:16 GOD for just one hour
could release 200 million angels. What is your situation like that GOD cannot
handle it? What does it take that GOD has no wherewithal [to handle]? If one angel
could finish 185,000 officers what are you talking about?
Why have we reduced our GOD to some tiny god we have created with the figment
of our own imagination? Philippians 3:13-l4 - When we come to Holy Communion
today we will be leaving some things in the past. From these verses [we will be
forgetting those things which are behind].
For it is GOD, who wills to work his good pleasure. [It is GOD] who is using you
[to] do all things. The whole creation has been waiting for the manifestation of the
sons of GOD according to Romans 8:1. How will they know? [They will know] when
we do all things without grumbling and complaining. So stop pouting, complaining
and grumbling. If somebody is coming to slander then, mark them, avoid them. If
people are castigating people - mark them. Romans 16:17 says avoid them. But
unfortunately, for many those are the ones whom we go closer to.
Do you know what you are counting yourself amongst? [You are counting yourself
amongst] those who are not qualified. There is an appointment for each day. There
is an appointment. There are specific things to be delivered to you on a daily basis.

But why do you miss those things? Because you dont look like the person they are
expecting. You look like an imposter. The character does not match what is
expected. May GOD help you from this day and give you the ability to conform to
whoever He entered a covenant with; [whoever it is] that He contracted , that he
gave directives to, to deliver something to you. That you will end up receiving it so
[that the] work is not delayed. It is not about you. It is about Him and His own
appointment with destiny not only for you as an individual, or with you as a family,
or your neighborhood, or community, or nation but with the whole of creation. All
creation waits for the manifestation [of the sons of GOD]. This is bigger than you or
me or all of us. It is about GOD and what He wants to do. Stop thinking about your
own food to eat. That you may become blameless and harmless. While they are
crooked and perverse you make the crooked path straight.
I will do a bit then I give you a few more prophecies. There is a man or woman
whom GOD has appointed to raise a shout over you. Isaiah 42:9-13, Behold,
former things have come to pass and new things I declare. GOD is about to release
some new things. Sing to the LORD a new song. There is a new song on a daily
basis that GOD has for you - and His praise from the end of the earth. You who go
down to the sea, you coast lines and inhabitants in them. There are certain things
that the whole world will celebrate you for but you need to know when the
appointment comes. Even for you Brother Kojo there are certain things that have
been delayed for you for three years but you have to move into position.
It is not only wilderness but every part of creation will be lifting up their voice
including the cities. There will be camels coming laden with goods - Isaiah 60. Let
the inhabitants of Sela sing and shout [Isaiah 42:11] Let them declare His praise in
the coastline. In [Isaiah 42:13] the LORD will shout like a mighty man He shall
call out. There is a cry, there is a shout over your life on a daily basis, over your
family on a daily basis. Maybe there is a man or woman the LORD has appointed to
raise a shout over you. There are people whom GOD has surrounded you with who
are supposed to raise a shout. And if they do not raise the shout [then] they along
with you will be defeated. There are times when the enemy will cause you to
castigate those who should lead you into your destiny. A sword for the LORD and
for Gideon and that led to their triumph. When you hear a sword for the LORD and
for Gideon and you just smash your pitchers and the torches will come forth and in
the Midianite camp they fled and left everything. (Judges 7). When GOD wants to
take care of something on your behalf [and] you want to go - then you go and suffer
and you cannot get 1/100th of what He wanted you to get. He shall stir up his zeal


like a man of war. He shall prevail against his enemies. You have seen Isaiah
Time will not permit us to go to Jeremiah 9 that is where we have the wailing
women. There are things GOD will release by people releasing a shout or cry. When
I enter a day I say - day unto day whatever you were appointed to proclaim over my
life, whatever was supposed to be proclaimed by you into the lives of men and
women, beginning with leadership and those under me today - I refuse to be denied
the ability to proclaim those things. It is a lot of work. But it will be a lot of glory
too. Seek ye first the kingdom of GOD and his righteousness and all these things
[will be added unto you]. That is what will happen. Matthew 6:33.
2 Peter 3 before we go to Philippians 3 and John 5 that everyone should know;
2 Peter 3:17- The heavens and the earth are reserved.
There are some things reserved for a particular day. What if the day [that was]
reserved has come and you are not there? There are things reserved for you. You
know the story of the prodigal son. [The father said] bring out the robe. He did not
say look for any robe but THE ROBE. [It was the robe that] he had reserved for the
day that the young man would come back home. The father of prodigal son had
reserved the robe for the day the boy will return. May you cease to be a prodigal son
or a prodigal daughter but you may come back. It is better to be a prodigal than the
senior brother. [The older brother] was told these things are yours. What are you
complaining about some sheep and ram that I have slaughtered for your brother?
He was dead but is alive. He was lost but he is found. He was complaining about the
things that were his already.
May GOD help us all. May we all come to the place where we are all stirred up by
the Spirit of GOD to come alive to GOD. To come alive to His Spirit. To come alive
to His movement. To come alive to His every single moving of the water. There is a
time when waters move. That is not the time to be distracted. I said do not be
distracted even by persecution you attract. Is it not what GOD said? This year do
not allow what you attract to distract you. It does not matter if it is positive or
negative. Dont allow that to distract you and I declare every distraction cut out. It
does not mean it shall not try [to distract you], but it shall be cut out as it tries to
One of the things I heard from the Spirit of the LORD was that the TIME HAS
certain people who you are very close to GOD will say, please keep a safe distance.

There are people that you are so far apart from and GOD will say bring them closer
for things that need to be done. Otherwise you end up with unnecessary challenges.
Elements will melt and things will happen but the key point is that there is a day
that things are reserved for. GOD may have given you prophecies. GOD may have
given you prophecies 20 years ago. There are three people whom GOD gave
prophecies 21 years ago but you have not yet seen them come to pass but this is the
year. What you need to know is [that] things were reserved - you know when they
were reserved for. You know the timing for that reserve.
The time has come for the revelation of the mystery of GOD as it pertains to his
covenant - especially to the covenant with day and night. Whatever has held you
back is about to leave you if you will leave it.
Something happened last night. [It was a] very innocent thing with one of our
children. And it just told me how seriously GOD takes the thing we are about to do
Marion, tell us about genetic engineering from GODs perspective. (Pastor Bako
called Marion to come from the audience to give her testimony. She said that she
did not remember everything.) Some of you may say some of these things flew over
your head.
I was teaching on genetic engineering. I am glad she does not remember everything.
I said each one of you there is something you have an appointment with. [There is]
an instruction that is your portion. Pick that. I was teaching in 1998. I was teaching
in Nima which is a part of Accra. I was teaching on divine genetic engineering and
[Marion was in that class]. I talked about how GOD can change DNA.
Marion [ who was a student in that class now gave her testimony]:
Then I had Sickle Cell I used to have a lot of crisis. My mom is AS and my
father is AC. So I picked S and C. When he was teaching us about it I was
like - okay if he says we can be infused and renew our genes then I renew my
genes. I take on the genes of Jesus Christ - which is in the blood of Jesus - to
run in my body. What is in there should go and I dont need it there. It went
away. I had to move from one lab to another. They said it is not possible that
they found no trace of sickle cell and up to now no trace.
[Dr. Bako resumed preaching.]


She did not understand what I was teaching. She said all this genetic engineering I
dont understand those big things. All I know is that there is something about DNA
that will change so I take my own. Because I am about to tell you something - that
is why I called her. After today if you take it seriously, there are some of you
suffering from sicknesses that are inexplicable. Nobody can decode them but as you
do it literally [something will happen.] As I said last night [as] I talked to that child
and said it may have nothing to do with you. It is just GOD [who] is calling
attention to certain things. We said we are crossing over from death to life. We are
passing over from the realm of defeat and all that. And we drew a line because of
the way GOD led me. The moment you cross the first line of the last tile, that is
where the first row is, you will say I am crossing over. I will give you the scripture.
You may not understand it. Instructions are instructions. [Marion] did not
understand. She does not remember [that] it was genetic engineering [that] I was
teaching. [I was teaching about] how GOD will change your genes. And that there
was something called DNA. [Now Marion] do you have malaria?
Marion [answered]: No I dont get malaria.
[Dr. Bako resumed preaching] Those who are SC or SS [Sickle Cell Anemia (SS),
Sickle-Hemoglobin C Disease (SC)] dont get malaria. She still gets no malaria
because she got the benefits. The blood of Jesus had taken over. Is anybody having
a blood pass here? It was the same in 1998 when I taught [at a conference at Accra
Technical Training Center] ATTC on the blood pass. You can use the blood pass as
your passport as your identity card.
You are crossing over. Maybe you are watching from a different part of the world
[today] there will be genetic deliverance, breakthrough [and] recovery. There is
reconstruction, re-construction, reconfiguration going on genetically GOD can give
you [everything you need]. All you need is for you to understand [that] GOD is not
joking. He is serious about what He is saying. Do not leave it to [only the] aspect to
diseases because genetically there is a gene for success. Maybe there is something
GOD has to release into your life today but it takes you taking the step of faith to
say I cross over from death to life.
Let every other aspect that needs to be made whole in your life be made whole in
the name of Jesus.
There are certain things that have literally plagued individuals here, families here,
certain clans represented here, this organization and certain organizations
represented here. The aspect of ministries and organizations represented here.

GOD is putting an end to those things today. As we do this prophetic act there are
certain things GOD told me. Some of you may not have realized. Let me say here
every move of GOD is as led by the Holy Spirit.
For example, I saw some things pertaining to individuals here. There are two people
whom GOD showed me among others who are in this same service.
Every move should be led by the Holy Spirit of GOD. There are some of you, at least
36 people, whom people had built cocoons around so you cannot go out beyond the
image that they had given you [this is] including 3 leaders. And people saw
everything of you as evil. It is time for you to get out as you cross over today.
John 5:24. There are many [scriptures] including those in Jeremiah and
Deuteronomy, but I want to zero in on John 5:24. That means - Mike for example,
whatever has been distracting you say goodbye to it because that is where your
blessing is waiting. You must say bye to the things that are distracting you or you
will miss and the thing will pass. There is an appointed place. Let us proclaim the
above verse I will go ahead and proclaim that let that be a reality in your life.
I may not have mentioned your case, whatever it is you are receiving today,
including genetic reconstruction. It is not just engineering but reconstruction that is
taking place.
You are coming from something into another. He has crossed over. What is going to
happen is that today is your crossing over from death to life. Whatever is seed of
death in me as [your name] I cross over from that so it is dead with the past.
Philippians 3:13 you are forgetting the things that are behind and reaching forward
to that which is ahead. You are going to embrace the future Philippians 3:14. This is
the appointment with life. You may be watching. This is your appointment with
destiny. One of the people watching me has had this situation in their life. That has
to do with a condition with your respiratory system. It has been there for over 20
years. GOD is removing it as you do this as a simple act of faith I cross over.
There will be reconstruction. I taught this in 1998 but today there is a reconstruction, reconfiguration and reconstitution. Now you out there watching me by
internet, you can receive your reconstruction and if you have emblems of the Holy
Communion, [get them ready.] If there is something you can eat signifying the body
and the blood, if you dont worry you will get something to signify it. We enter into
covenant reactivating. From today there is supposed to be reactivation daily. Day
unto day uttereth speech.


Today as you cross over if you look at John 5.24 NIV, there will be destruction of
every yoke and sealing of your freedom. If you are out there, we touch you there
through the screen in Jesus name. Get oil on your own and pray with that. Ensure
everyone is touched [with the anointing oil] including babies.
Prayer for emblems of communion
Father we give you praise because the body of Jesus that was broken for us has
become the symbol of our passing over from death into life. In the same vein we
declare that the blood of the everlasting covenant that brought the author of
eternal salvation from death [will] bring his people from death to life. We cross
over from death into life as we take that prophetic act and cross over we also
partake of the emblems of our communion as saints in the body of Christ. LORD
you are amazing. The things you have shown - without having specifically spoken
to people they are already acting. It shows you are moving in the lives of your
people. As we dedicate this oil and if need be [it can be] poured into others so that
it activates [them also] so [that] it [will be] enough to touch each persons head.
We declare it holy, sacred anointing oil that as we use [it], it will activate our
covenant with life, our covenant of priesthood, peace, convent with every part of
creation, as your covenant for us with day and covenant with night. Especially,
the aspect of day as it pertains to the working out of the details not leaving out the
night we declare the activation now settled in the name of Jesus. And every yoke
is broken by reason of the anointing, at the same time there will be a restoration,
and a sealing of our progress, our inheritance, our new victory [which] we have
just experienced. In the name of the one who is the basis of everything we are
doing in You, with You the one whose blood reconciled all things with what you
said - Jesus Christ the lamb of GOD who was slain from the foundation of the

Year Of Distinction Of Voice And Significance Of Voice

this day your voice will be distinct enough to be understood. What you are shouting,
crying, instructing, writing or speaking forth [will be understood]. I declare that in
Jesus name. I declare [that you will be of] significance everywhere you go. Anything
you do will be significant as it will be - as ordained of GOD. I decree and I declare
and I shout it over you. I declare that anything that wants to contend and contest
your position - let the shout acting thru my voice [answer] even in your dream, let it
happen in Jesus name.

[The] 24 incense bearing elders, those who are taking that covenant with the LORD,
once a month they will be giving a minimum of 1000 US Dollar equivalent. Apart
from the fact that even reminds me, Psalms 19, 24, 47, 117 and 150 [are the Psalms
for 2012]. These are the Psalms for the year. Others have specific areas of
expression. [For the 24 incense bearers take] Psalm 119 and pray with it at least
once a week. Even if it is reading thru and proclaiming it. It means that 52 times
this year [you will pray using Psalm 119]. It means some of you will come out
having memorized the Psalm.
One of the scriptures - one of the things you proclaim is Psalm 117 as often as you
can for elders bearing incense and any of the people up to the 120. The 50 company
of prophets, the 72 elders of tribes and the 120 upper room experience people. We
can proclaim these scriptures but particularly these groups. Some of you will be
proclaiming into your promotion.
On the 24th of the month, some are asking what you need to do. On the 24th we will
see if we can make [the meeting at] 5.30pm or latest 6pm on the dot. Even if we are
not here I can be online. Those who are leaders will ensure that it is handled here.
There will be prayer testimonies, etc. if you need clarification on anything ask
questions, there is sharing and caring. [I believe that] 2 hours is enough. It is not so
much about how long.
You will have closed the last watch and entered the new day. Meeting between 5:30
and 7:30 is okay. There may be certain things GOD may want you to do before the
end of the first watch and you may be here and you are being distracted from that.
We will not keep you from doing that. [For the benefit of] those outside of Accra you
start at 5.30.
There is the aspect of what should I do at least once a week to deal with mammon?
Make sure on a weekly basis, you denounce mammon and renounce your association
with mammon and any tendency or mindset that pays allegiance to mammon. If you
do not renounce your allegiance in your mindset to mammon you may end up
[facing challenges.]. The warning may not have been clear from the beginning. I see
some people have already started here [by asking where] is the money coming from
as against what is GOD saying? It [is being a] mammonite. Your first thing is what
does GOD want? Then ask how do I go about doing that? [What] if he wants
somebody to sponsor you?
Conquest and disgrace of mammon - So make sure on a weekly basis that you
denounce mammon and renounce any association with mammon in your mindset
and your actions. You need to do that.

As much as [it relates to] any work of your hands - proclaim the blessing of the
LORD over them. You know the scripture the LORD will bless the work of your
hand - Deuteronomy 28. Then you proclaim this over the work of your hand. It could
be going to office and proclaiming that. You can proclaim that over projects. It is
very important.
Declare Deuteronomy 8:18 you establish your covenant it is possible for you to
take money physically and say the LORD has declared that He has blessed the
work of my hand. From today you are going to be blessed. Anywhere you go it is
with GODs blessing.
One person said to me on 31st night, that now I understand because there is
somebody who is a member of the Knights of Malta. And the guy said I am giving
you a very reasonable offering because I want my money to be mixed with yours.
They have seen something coming in the future in that persons life. He said I
cannot take it away from you. But I want my money to be mixed with yours so that
I can get the blessing somewhere.
When GOD started speaking to me I realized that is one other reason why anything
that is not of GOD will not gain access to my portion.
For the aspect to those going back to school [and those] sitting exams - I declare
that which GOD has spoken over your life will come to pass. You will excel. You will
pass with flying colors. You will be among the Daniel generation who were found 10
times better than their contemporaries in everything they were examined on.
Concerning everyone here and those watching , I declare concerning you in Jesus
name that from this day we have entered into your inheritance in GOD, in life, in
this season, in this generation in [that which] GOD [has] ordained for this day and
age and that every covenant GOD assigned with day and night will be activated.
You shall not miss it.
You shall not miss your timing. You shall not miss your opening, your window of
opportunity, even the visitation. You shall not miss the habitation - the room that
has been prepared for you. You shall see it. Every door that GOD has assigned you you will see and enter it. Wherever there is blindness, I command by the Spirit of
GOD that it will fall. It is the anointing that will do that. There is the aspect of the
shout that is by reason of the same anointing saying it. You will be enabled by the
Holy Spirit to keep in step with Him. You shall not miss any of his directions or his
instructions, his prompting or nudging, in Jesus name. From this day you shall
enter into the fullness of the expression of the glory of GOD. We declare that settled

until you finally leave here. You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the
mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will
clap their hands [Isaiah 55:12]. Every part of creation will rejoice because of you.
Everywhere you enter, you will be one of the greatest inspirations of praise and
worship to GOD. I declare from this day that you become a catalyst for praise and
worship for the most high. I declare from this day that you have entered the realm
of unprecedented, unfettered progress. Every explosion of GOD Almightiness to be
released thru you that makes you possess grace and establishment anointing be
released now. Beyond that, we declare from this day everything you have seen will
be nothing compared to what you are about to see in Jesus Name Amen. Shalom to
you all.
Psalm 2:7-8;

Specific Prophecies For The 8 Gates And For A Few Nations

Restoration of families. Celebration of marriage which will include weddings.
Marriage will be celebrated. Some places where people had come to despise
marriage it shall receive the honor that is due it. Especially for the people of GOD
in such nations - they will come out and put marriage back to where GOD put it
before the foundation of the world.
Family ties are being strengthened at various levels and family relationships
are being strengthened.
The wealth and health of families will be restored especially as more and more
people get to understand the importance of the blood of Jesus and the superiority of
that over any other blood as in bloodlines. One of the things GOD wants to do is to
relink our blood line to that of the last Adam and things that were in the first Adam
before the fall. As we allow GOD to operate he will do things that will baffle every
mind. People will ask - How was anybody be able to do this? They say because GOD
is taking man back to his foundations. That aspect will take place.
I see fact that between the months of May, June, September and October there will
be a few of these manifestations that will be more glaring on the global stage but
from this month things will happen at various places at local and national levels.


For global exposure, it is from May to October you will get those things coming to
the forefront.
Certain pretentious relationships that have been there it is time for them to be
properly aligned with GOD. Especially those that have to do with men and women
of GOD. Things He had winked at he will not any more. He will bring them out so
they can be properly realigned. Those that have nothing to do with Him and were
not built on proper foundations will have to give way so that proper things can be

Belief Systems
There will be mindset transformation and there will also be an awareness even
around the world that if you really want to change any man [you will have to]
change their mindset. It has always been there but it will be brought to the fore and
media will play a key role in that in terms of spreading it all over the world. The
challenge is not whether some body went to school or not. It is their mindset and
mentality. For a nation to change there will be the work necessary on their minds
for mindset transformation that will inform peoples attitude in the nations.
What you believe and who you believe will become important in that regard. More
and more people will be brought to the point where they have no choice but to
declare without any shadow of doubt where they stand with regard to what they
believe and who they believe. A few prominent people will be thrust in the place
where they have no choice but to declare this is what I believe. This is who I believe
in. Some of the compromisers especially in the body of believers in Christ will be
forced into situations where they will deny him or proclaim him without any shame.
That is because of preparation s especially toward 2015 where they will be power
play between belief systems. So it will be necessary for people to look at this.

[He] spoke about big trees that will fall around the world around 12 of them. There
will be promotion for those who will acknowledge the LORD in government. Those
who compromise may lose what they had gained before in term of their stand with
him. More and more His people need to understand how it is best to stem the tide
when it comes to GOD. GOD uses people who are not necessarily completely
righteous. But if they are doing things in line with his principle that stems the tide
to slow down the spread and advancement of evil. That we will see quite a bit of this
year in some places. Especially in Europe there will be the release of certain natural
disasters that will cause men to begin to desire that we get back to GOD. Certain

things will be done right. There will be situations where GOD will open doors more
and more for His children to go and represent him in very sensitive positions and
very sensitive organizations. The running of government and governance of
organizations will be done according to the patterns of heaven. Even if some of them
look like they were satanic, even those who were wicked are prepared for the day of
evil by GOD. There will be several opportunities but depending on people
understanding that they are supposed to lead the organization and govern them
according to GODs pattern. Even those who are set up for evil purposes GOD will
use them to bring glory to Himself. It shall be all over the world.
I see that Australia actually would have an opportunity yet again for lack of better
word. What I saw in a flash was; how they give people awards in sports. You see
first, second and third on the rostrum. I saw somebody stepping up to the rostrum.
What I sensed in my spirit is the rostrum represents the opportunity that is coming
for Australia and her leadership especially civic leadership for her to step up to
the rostrum and declare that GOD can help any nation. More or less it was like
Psalm 33.12. With that some of the things that have been devastating Australia like
the fires which will still come this year will be reduced to the barest minimum and
it could go down in history as one of the years with the least outbreaks of fires and
bit of that in New Zealand.
I see Tonga and Fiji experiencing revival as people in power begin to acknowledge
the LORD.

agriculture, water and water based resources. Not just water. I talked about clean
healthy and safe drinking water. Water based productivity. Because I see the fact
that aqua culture and so many other issues will need to be looked at more closely
than ever before in Africa. GOD will bring Africa to the place where she can feed
her population and export to other nations. The respect that Africa had lost will
return to Africa soon. Whereas others will be struggling with all kinds of things
including weather related disasters Africa will be spared most of it. GOD wants,
like in the days of Joseph, Africa to become the bread basket. That is, the food
basket for the world. There is need for Africa to take that position and be helped by
the rest of the world even for the sake of their own preservation to do what needs to
be done. As things happen, in the next 4-5 years there will be need for Africa to
help quite a few nations even in terms of supply of food and believe it or not, even
disaster relief material will go from Africa. There will be need for a lot of the

leadership of Africa to strategically plan how to move things from the present level
to a level of not only self-sufficiency but being able to help others with strategic
surpluses that are being built. So buffers and bumper harvest. Bumper harvest will
give room for buffers to be put in place.
There is the aspect of more and more things being discovered. Not only in terms of
regular natural resources but human resources some of the hidden talents and
solutions for Africas problems. Some of them are very young people who will
suddenly be unearthed and will come up with such brilliant solutions that the whole
world will celebrate such solutions.
There is also true wealth beginning to get true recognition again. Before now people
were hoodwinked, ripped off, raped economically by being given nominal money for
their wealth. All you see are figures electronically but nothing to show for it.
Sometimes you get paper money and no adequate backing. And you give away your
birthright. I see GOD stemming that tide as leaders wise up in Africa. Few
exposures of sinister moves and motive of some of the western powers will occur.
[President] Mugabe really needs to turn fully to the LORD for direction now as to
what to do with diamonds and other things as they are released in the nation of
Zimbabwe or the consequences could be quite serious.
Japan will end up with quite some interesting experiences economically and even
Korea, actually South Korea will continue to make progress and that is because
they are relying on the LORD in many respects. Things that hitherto had been run
like the west will be taken over by South Korea in certain areas. There are certain
places where South Korea will take certain turf that seemed to have been reserved
for Japan and even China in some places. Even in the case of the North Korean
threat there will be a let up in terms of amount of the amount of pressure being put
by North Korea. GOD will actually cause them to begin to see from a different
perspective. There will be some compromise struck even though you will not have a
full peace accord. It has to give South Korea to move to that level that GOD wants
her to move even though certain people would not want it. But as the people
continue to pray these thing will come to pass.

GOD actually talked about new patterns of education. Then of course He will give
people divinely inspired ideas. Even in terms of funding of education. So that it will

no more be as difficult as it used to be to fund. Transformative education will be the

buzz word for the whole world. Everyone is looking at transformational education
and transformative education and educational transformation. Meaning, it is not
just education that will be transformative and transformational. There will be
educational transformation to make it possible for education to become
transformative. [Thereby], transforming education into transformative and
transformational education.
More and more youth will become dissatisfied with the system of education and
societal systems, attitudes and customs. The various things that would make them
feel they are just being ran thru the same old circles. Out of frustration, some will
be so restive. In some places which have been very calm there will be that [move to
Also the aspect of teachers and students beginning to look for something more than
what they were used to. There will be dissatisfaction of both teachers and students
with the status quo especially for those who are supposed to be the change agents
that GOD has planted in different parts and in different institutions. There will be
greater levels of restlessness in the spirit of men and women especially those who
fall in these two categories, teachers and students.
There will be more holistic ways of evaluating the value of education and the
content of education. The content and its value will be evaluated differently this
Education is going to become more strategically planned. GOD expects especially
African countries to become more strategic in their educational planning. Various
ministries of education should look at what is strategic for the nation for now to
develop curriculum around it. The days of factory worker type of education - mass
production for assembly lines of human beings now will come to an end. That age is
coming to a close and giving way to the right kind of strategic education.

Science & Technology

There will be yet new discoveries that will be so many that actually in 2014
alone there will be discoveries that have taken 5 years or 10 years before. They will
all come with such rapidity they will end up matching discoveries of past few years
just in one year in terms of numbers. In terms of significance it will be even much
more. The weight of each discovery is such that you need several other discoveries
to match the discoveries for this particular year. More and more people will look at
natural ways of staying healthy. For certain nations they will make it part of the

health policy. I saw a few nations at least 2 or 3 that did that. Locally available
harmless remedies will be preferred.
There will be simple solutions for farm challenges and farming challenges. There
are some nations that have been plagued by certain agricultural challenges there
where especially about 3 or 4 nations that have come to a standstill in term of
agricultural technology. He will open up to them now and all of a sudden there will
be the opening up of whole new areas.
There are also new methods and more effective ones at that of farming, not only in
terms of the green type of revolution where you talk about plants. So it will not only
be vegetation based. [There will be] things dealing with the animal kingdom and
animal husbandry. There will be things that have to do with birds. Technology will
be so simple they can be applied anywhere. This will lead to production of healthier
foods - whether it has to do with vegetation, animal kingdom or the bird family.
There is also that which has to do with local technologies bringing local solutions for
various things that need to be constructed including roads. It will not be limited to
that. The construction industry should get ready for local inputs with the local
content being higher.
I see a nation that became a source of big contention that internationals had to step
into but will come out for the best of everyone.

I kept seeing 12, 12, 12. My question was - what is this 12 about? I know it is the
number of governance but what does it mean as it pertains to media. It is like the
function of the media just like that of civic leadership could be that of giving
direction - bringing direction. Being constructive enough to always sow good seed
as against bad ones.
Then of course GOD helped me to deliver the aspect that media will have a
watchman function coming to the fore. Not watch dog but watchman.
Dont be surprised if you see about 2 different media so called gurus being exposed
and they lose the power. Also have the aspect of media houses beginning to follow
so called laid down regulations that are completely contrary to GOD and some are
unwritten practices. GOD will begin to change the focus. He will make the
difference. That is one thing I had left out in belief system. This is the year of
separating the wheat from the chaff.


Arts, Sports & Culture

As much as GOD will help Africa this year in many respects on the sport front,
Africa may not necessarily come tops unless His people step into the arena and
begin to do specific prophetic acts that will bring Africa to the fore and even
surprise the rest of the world.
In term of arts, GOD had already spoken a few years back that Africa will begin to
introduce new patterns. It has happened but not necessarily in the area of the
creative arts that are creative enough in term of adding value to the lives of people
[that are] kingdom related or kingdom based.
Just like people used to fill theatres to watch plays of western writers, so shall it be
that GOD will bring Africa to the place where those who were in obscurity will
suddenly pop up and people will come. Because the time for only a few people
monopolizing is completely over. Actually, as I speak I see something like bamboo
almost covering the sun and atmosphere. It is like I can hardly see the sky because
of that. My question was what was meant by that? It is like whatever was served
as the raw material for Africa and Africans is getting established in the realm of the
arts, sports and culture. GOD will show us to use it to build a bridge to arrive where
we are supposed to arrive. Just like bamboo can be used for various things even
cane chairs, in the same vein GOD will use the African to see their resilience in
arts, sports and culture. Things that we didnt know were simple and possible will
be used to enhance performance without any drugs or any- thing. It will not be
anything against the law.
In terms of culture, this is the time for cultural revolution where children that had
abandoned the cultures of their fathers and ancestors, there will be a revival but by
people who will not carry along the extra baggage of demonic things that the
ancestors and progenitors had done.
In essence, what will happen is there will be a combat of gods that are looking for
recognition in the culture. The Most High GOD will come thru.
There will be an interplay between technology and sports. Simple technology for
restorative therapy to damaged ligaments and various things. There will be specific
equipment that will help bring about restorative reconstruction to various parts of
the body.
I saw something that looked like shoes that would begin to restore health to the
entire body. It is just that I dont know if they are running shoes or sneakers.

GOD we thank you because at the end of the day you know everything.
Whatever we did not remember to give remind us and you will by mercy and
grace take us into the fullness of what you have already ordained especially in
2014. We declare that this is the year of most fruitful of those. It shall turn out
to be such a year that will have the glory of GOD in manifestation at
unprecedented levels. LORD you will bring people who will come and bring us
help from the north, south, east and west. We declare this for now on in Jesus
name. We thank you LORD GOD as we know it will be done. Take all glory
and honor. From now on we shall not sow and another man reaps. Whatever
was stolen, in terms of harvest, we recover in Jesus name. 2014 is the year of
abundance and strategic recovery. Nothing should be kept back from your
people. Whatever will be required - the technology necessary for access to [the]
harvest we declare it done now. In the most excellent name of the LORD Jesus
Christ the LORD of Lords and King of kings. Amen.


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