SAC Senate Minutes - Meeting 12

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2009 – 10 SAC Senate – Meeting 12 03/23/10

I. Call to Order
 Vice-President Oren Lefkowitz called the SAC Senate Meeting to order on Tuesday,
March 23rd, 2010 @ 11:45am.

II. Roll call

 Please see attendance sheet.

III. Approval of Minutes – March 2nd, 2010

 The minutes were approved.

IV. Opening Issues

1. Goldfish (President Raphael Elkabas-Besnard)
 This school needs a school pet.
 A proposal will be written up so that the school can get a pet (a fish?).
 We can bring the pet (a fighting fish) to school games.
 Q. Can we can get a pet goat? A. We have to look into this. Some laws restrict
having farm animals as pets.

2. Littering Initiatives (Vice-President Oren Lefkowitz)

 There have been some complaints from the administration about the amount of
 Raphael has talked to Dov (the Environmental Senator) and they are looking into
buying a real tree.
 The Senate and SAC Executive are student leaders that should come up with
initiatives. We need to tackle the school issues.
 An annoying song should be played on over the p.a. system until all the garbage is
cleaned up.
 Propaganda posters about littering should be put up around the school.
 It’s difficult to change students’ mentality about littering.
 Can we give detentions to people who litter? Or people can walk down the
hallways with garbage cans strapped to them (public humiliation)? Can we throw
eggs at people who litter?
 Northern should set-up 4 houses (Hogwarts style) and see which section litters the
 The environment club meets on Monday at lunch in the family studies department

V. Statements by Executive
1. President Raphael Elkabas-Besnard
 There were no statements.

Designed by Sarah Feeney (2009 -10 SAC Secretary)

2009 – 10 SAC Senate – Meeting 12 03/23/10

2. Vice-President Oren Lefkowitz

 There were no statements.
3. Treasurer Casey Li
 There were no statements.
4. ESD Sally Rylett
 There were no statements.
5. ISD Shannon Hill
 A Northern Film Fest will take place on April 16th.
 It will be free of charge. Location – Auditorium.
 The GAA, BAA, and Buddies are all interested in being involved.
 Talk to club heads to see if they are interested.
6. Secretary Sarah Feeney
 There were no statements.

VI. Statements by Senators

1. PTA Senator (Meng Bao)
 Requested $1000 from the school council. (Not sure if it was approved).
 The front lawn landscaping proposal will cost $100,000. They are in the process
of raising money for it.
 They already have most of the money to start with the project, so it will most
likely be ready for Fall 2010.
 The History & Family Studies departments will be merged.
 The Economics, Law & Business Departments will be merged.

2. Super Council Senator (Albert Hu & Dustin Stern)

 Both Senators were absent from this meeting.

3. Foundation Senator (Daniel Sorek)

 Next week on Monday will be a meeting regarding the time capsule.

VII. New Business

SAC Elections Committee
 Forms will be available on Friday (in the SAC mailbox and Dale’s office).

VIII. Discussion and Question Period

 There were no discussion topics or questions.

IX. Adjournment
 The meeting was adjourned at 12:05pm.

Designed by Sarah Feeney (2009 -10 SAC Secretary)

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