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plan according to the video

3 main front crawl technique mistakes Drills to avoid them

For quick swimmers

Details / to notice

Duration For Beginners


Arbitrary easy swimming

-> not just crawl but other strokes as well

6x25m CLe, per 15 P

Choose if with or without board


-> swim slowly, but correctly

submerge wrong
per 20 P

On every lane alternate between submerging

your hand extremely far outside and extremely
far inside
-> Exaggerating is important on this drill!

8 Min 4x25m
per 40 P

8x25m BALe Ball

per 30 P

Kick an imaginary ball towards the pool roof

with every kick of your feet
-> Your foot should burst the surface every time
you kick

12 Min 4x25m
per 40 P

increase within every
per 15 P

Each stroke starts in slow motion and ends in

full speed; Increase speed within the stroke and
concentrate on your hand*
-> Try to avoid causing bubbles! Build up
pressure slowly but steady and push it back

6 Min 2x25m
per 25 P

per 25 P

50m easy

Easy swimming, shake arms and legs

2 Min 50m


Endurance part

250m C with Paddles

(if Paddles available)

Without rubber band around your wrist; just fix

it on your finger
-> paddle needs to be hold just by the water
pressure then you can be sure that your hand
position is correct

15x100m CwS
DT 210

Every third lane is one of the following drills,

the rest is Crawl whole stroke:
Increase speed within a length (starting
from slow motion, ending in sprint)
Submerge extremely far outside
Backstroke: Kick the imaginary ball

Easy swimming

-> laxly to cool down


Alternating C/BA per length


Overall achievement

10 Min 100m
6 Min 4x25m
Duration For Beginners

Duration For Beginners

6 Min 50m

33 Min 4x100m
DT 300

Duration For Beginners

5 Min 50m

1:28 1.000m

For Advanced
For Advanced
per 30 P


For Advanced

DT 230

For Advanced


* The hand position should be as follows: Open your hand slightly (dont keep your fingers close together, but not to far apart
either the space between the fingers should be about a half a finger between each finger). Dont slap the water with your
arms and hand. When keeping the elbow bend high, enter the water slightly slanted with your hand. The angle between your
hand and the water surface should be about 20 to 30 degrees. Your hand should also be twisted inward at an angle of around
20 to 30 degrees. Just after your hand enters the water, stretch your arm forward instead of pulling it up or down. By doing
this it is possible to reduce the bubbles forming. Thats the best starting position to then grab the water and to get the
pressure on.

Required is a 25m-length; different levels depending on time and skills; all specifications are rough; rather shorten drills than skipping
C=Crawl, BR=Breast, BA=Backstroke, Ar=Arms, Le=Legs, wS=whole Stroke, P=Pause, DT=Departure Time (between 2 starts)


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