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Functions of the IES Publications Committee

The Publications Committee has 6 Sub-committees that look after different

aspects of publishing:

IES Engineering Directory Sub-Com

The Singapore Engineer Sub-Com
Whos Who in Engineering Singapore Sub-Com
IES Journal Sub-Com
Web Publishing Sub-Com
General Publications Sub-Com

IES Engineering Directory Sub-Com

The IES Engineering Directory is primarily focused on providing
information of all of our members. The Directory also serves as a yearbook
as it initially evolved from the previous annual IES Yearbook, which is why
it includes information on Committees, Members on Committees, and the
organization chart of IES. Supported by advertising, the Directory is
distributed free to members. Since 2012, IES has given members the
option of receiving the Directory on a CD format so as to help reduce the
number of copies printed.
The Engineering Directory Sub-Com is in charge of exploring how to best
improve the content of the Directory for the use of members and to make
it more user-friendly.
The Singapore Engineer Sub-Com
The Singapore Engineer magazine is the monthly magazine published by
IES and distributed free to members. It contains mainly news and articles
about Engineering that is of interest to members. Initially published on a
bimonthly schedule, it was turned into a monthly magazine on January
The Sub-Com is responsible for overseeing the editorial direction of the
magazine while maintaining its viability in generating ad revenue. The
current focus of the magazine is on C&S and M&E Engineering fields
(which helps maintain the magazines attractiveness to advertisers). The
secondary focus is on other engineering disciplines represented by
Technical Committees covering areas like biomedical engineering,
aeronautical engineering, etc.
Whos Who in Engineering Singapore Sub-Com
The first edition of Whos Who in Engineering was published in 2007. The
second edition is scheduled to be launched during WES in September
2013. The objective of the Whos Who is to present prominent and
outstanding Engineers from all fields in Singapore. It serves to present the
profiles and accomplishments of these engineers in an attractive and
durable hardcover format for reference purposes.

IES Journal Sub-Com

The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering is edited by Prof C.M.
Wang commenced in 2007 and is presently in its 6th year of publication.
By being indexed and abstracted in Compendex and Scopus, it has made
a name for itself for being a good quality technical journal in the
engineering field. As articles from the Journal are referenced more and
more in other papers, it will continue to grow in strength and influence.
Over the years, there had been various proposals made for a Part B, to
focus on a different area of engineering.
The IES Journal Sub-Com is responsible for overseeing the running and
editing of the IES Journal Part A. They are also looking into potential
editors for Part B (Environmental Engineering).
Web Publishing Sub-Com
At present, IESs publishing history of online materials has been limited to
making the pdf soft copy of the Singapore Engineer magazine available on
the website for easy viewing and downloading by members.
The most recent suggestion is the creation of an online portal that would
serve as a search engine for finding specific members. This would be more
useful and user-friendly than the hard-copy Directory. Examples of such an
online search portal are provided by other engineering institutions like
IEM, HKIE and Engineers Australia.
The proposed online portal would have similar functions to the Directory
but would be tailored for the use of members or those seeking specific
members or IES. The Web Publishing Sub-Com and IES Directory Sub-Com
would both work together on this project.
General Publications Sub-Com
The General Publications Sub-Com looks after the rest of the other ad hoc
publications of IES such as the AGM Report, Annual Dinner Souvenir
magazine, guidebooks, handbooks, etc.

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