Various JND Examples

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BP Beyond Petroleum
To shake off its image of a traditional oil company and as part of its effort to be perceived as an
energy provider committed to the environment and solar power, BP decided to move away from
its inter-state shield to a Helios symbol in form of a green and yellow sunflower. Syncing the
launch of the new logo with introducing a new corporate slogan Beyond Petroleum provided
not only a meaningful definition of the company name but proved to be the Just Noticeable
Difference for audiences to perceive BP as a company with bigger ideas for the future.

As pervasively known by the public, Starbucks coffee has changed their logos since they started
coffee business in the market. Historically there has been four stages. The first (and consistent)
symbol of Starbucks coffee was the image of Siren. Around her image, the words STARBUCKS
COFFEE TEA SPICES were written. And the colour was brown. The image of Siren worked and
helped Starbucks survive in the market. But there were opinions that the brown colour didnt
suitable to food and beverage brands because consumers recognize the colour brown as dirty and
unpleasant when it comes to foods.


An easy way to think of it is as continuous improvement of packaging. As shown below,

just-noticeable differences eventually add-up to big changes:

4. iPod Headphones

The ultimate example of Just Noticeable Difference might be the iPods white
headphones. Using white headphones to launch Apples mp3 player wasnt
merely disruptive for a category with commonly black headphones, it was also
ownable as the iPods signature color. Further, the distinctive color publicly
identified the consumers brand preference a fact previously hidden in the
consumers pocketcreating a tribe-like community and encouraging a wider
audience to join the digital music revolution.


Target RX Packaging
Target revamped the conventional amber prescription bottle and replaced it with
clear containers. The new pill bottles, dubbed ClearRX, were paired with six colorcoded rings to help family members identify their drugs. These minor changes
successfully marry function with intelligent design making it noticeably more userfriendly and safer (nearly 60 percent of prescription drugs are taken improperly as
result of unclear labeling). Targets prescription drug sales increased 14 percent in
the first year after ClearRXs launch.




Coca Cola Packaging Updates is done in coca cola


Campbells Soup


Toms Order Deodorant: Toms of Maine is a brand name and manufacturer of natural-ingredientsonly personal care products, a partially owned subsidiary of Colgate-Palmolive since 2006.

Headquarters: Kennebunk, Maine, United States


Comparing both the current Freddo packaging (on the left) with the Freddo packaging I
remembered (on the right), there are some obvious differences. It seems that the Cadbury
marketers have attempted to updated the existing packaging without losing the ready
recognition of consumers who have been exposed to years of their advertising. There are a

number of small changes evident, including alterations to the ground colours and fonts used. If
these were the only changes made I probably would not have noticed the difference in the
packaging unless both were side by side, but the change in the Freddo frog character made
me look twice to check I wasnt eating an imitation chocolate.

11. Its a united states Company.

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