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An insider view of Signal transformation

By MSG John E. Reinburg IV enabled the company leadership to and maintain the latest version of the
begin the team building process with  +

Here is an insider view of how a all members of the company. Addi- tion for OIF 07-09 we went through
battalion Signal company transforms tionally, Fort Gordon offered the latest two distinct phases of preparation as
to operate within a Stryker Brigade IP-based training. a result of different commanders with
Combat Team. The Signal company would provide  


In addition to outlining the time- all voice, data and video support to mander focused on the basics, down
line and training of the Soldiers and the brigade commander’s C2. The to the level of Soldiers’ common tasks.


Signal company would establish the All personnel spent countless hours
standards and professional knowl- Wide Area Network which allowed 



edge in preparation for a 15 month the brigade commander and staff to trained on close quarter marksman-
deployment in support of Operation  


ship, close quarter battle and basic

Iraqi Freedom, this article provides a Within the Operational Environment combat skills and many other areas.
review of lessons learned in the cru- the commander would be able to see The succeeding commander em-
cible of daily operational challenges in 


phasized the company’s training on
theater. under the commander’s direct respon- technical expertise on all assigned
On 14 July 2005, I assumed the sibility. signal equipment, while transitioning


- After Fort Gordon, we returned through training phases at Pohakuloa
pany, 125th Signal Battalion for a tour 

Training Area and the National Train-
that lasted four years until 01 June Signal company became part of the ing Center.
2009. During this four-year period, 225th Brigade Support Battalion. The Both commanders, while distinc-
I worked with and supported three brigade managed our mission set. We tively different in leadership style and

- approach, focused on the develop-
Shortly after taking responsibil- trol relationship to the 225th Brigade ment of the individual Soldier as well
ity, the Signal Company departed to Support Battalion. This was a unique as the company’s combat skills. All
Fort Gordon, Ga., to attend Cohesion organizational structure. We were a actions were geared toward preparing
and Operational Training. The four- brigade asset that installed, operated the Signal Company for a successful
month long COHORT training was the and maintained the brigade’s tactical deployment in support of OIF.
foundation for the company’s trans- signal infrastructure. Due to the lack Prior to NTC, the brigade held a
formation. B Company, 125th Signal of direct guidance from the higher <

& -
Battalion had deactivated and become headquarters to the BSB, the lines of cise began with 556 Signal sustaining
known as 556 Signal Company. The responsibility were often blurred as to a 2Mb satellite link with the Wahiawa
new company was now a part of the what role the BSB played in manage- Standardized Tactical Entry Point
2nd Brigade Combat Team (Stryker), ment of the Signal company. site. This complex exercise allowed
25th Infantry Division. The company Our mission set was split into six us to experience the whole spectrum
was composed of personnel from B 


of COMSEC changeovers and sustain
Company who had volunteered to be-  !

24-hour communications support to
come members of the Stryker Brigade. Signal Battalion to 556 Signal Com- the brigade tactical operations cen-
Upon activation 556 Signal Company pany; transformation from a light ter. During the last month, 556 Signal
became the Wild Boars. infantry to a Stryker brigade combat Company members provided Internet
While at Fort Gordon the company team; COHORT training; brigade services and phone services to the
trained on the Joint Network Node,  
& '

brigade staff and command group,
a hands-on experience that included for OIF 07-09; deployment to OIF 07- according to the brigade directive that
computer based training and 3D 09; and redeployment and reset. the entire brigade staff would conduct
computer simulations. Other training The common theme throughout all administrative and training opera-
included the Battalion Command Post was modularity and the ability to pro- 



Communication package; Ku Band vide C2 combat assets in a dynamic 



satellite; and Beyond Line of Sight. environment. The transformation DIGEX with all of the brigade and bat-
All of the training was hands-on and from a battalion signal company to a talion digital systems. We interfaced
Internet protocol based, which is the brigade Signal company, along with with 1st Armored Division in Ger-
new generation of voice and data com- all associated equipment (JNTC-S many as our higher headquarters. A
munication.  *

contracted agency injected our Army
This was the Army’s transforma- responsibility as the sole proprietors Battle Command Systems with digital
tion into a quicker and a more reliable of the brigade’s entire signal assets. feeds simulating enemy activity. The
communication package. All aspects COHORT training prepared our  

of the training were important. It Soldiers and leaders to install, operate erability of all our digital systems, our

14 Winter - 2010
ability to run a brigade domain and e-mail server, while rity for the commander and signal support for the Mounted
sustaining long-term communications support. Battle Command on the Move and FM communication
On 4 December 2007, 556 Signal Company deployed systems. They covered the entire battle space, mounting
to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Wild over 50,000 miles on various routes. On several occasions
Boars were unique for two reasons. Not only were they the 





the Soldiers and NCOs distinguished themselves from their







and NCOs received the Combat Action Badge for their ef-
radio system. Through 556 personnel efforts, high band- forts while engaged in direct contact with the enemy.
width communication support was provided to the brigade Overall, the company was successful in adapting to the
down to the company level at 15 combat outposts, across a operational needs of the brigade and providing reliable
1,300 square mile operational environment. voice and data communications down to the maneuver
Their tactical network, managed by the Network Op- 

erations Center section, equaled closely the size of the plished this task. Finally, redeployment and reset opera-
network managed by the G6 of Multi-National Division tions brought the company, its personnel and its equip-
Baghdad. NETOPS was an integral part of Headquarters 


and was responsible for the monitoring and troubleshoot- of life or equipment. Reset operations focused on family/
ing of the entire 2nd Brigade network architecture and was personal time and the reset of all equipment to a Fully Mis-
able to assist all battalions in maintaining their network sion Capable state.
portion as well. NETOPS tracked all links associated to Tactically, our NCOs quickly gained technical compe-
the 2nd Brigade and report any issues to 4ID in its daily tence on Commercial off the Shelf equipment and on the
reports. The communications security custodians were new JNN. Once the tactical network stabilized the primary
well trained Soldiers and NCOs that ensured that all crypto 



material was available to the battalions at all times. The Operationally, Soldiers and NCOs took the lead in
headquarters platoon provided the life support systems implementing this communications support down to the
for the Company ensuring all supplies were readily avail- company level, while, doctrinally, signal companies are
able at all times. This included Class I, arms room and supposed to provide connectivity to the battalion level.
morale, welfare and recreation events within the company. This change in itself represented an operational shift to
Through their efforts, Soldiers of 556 Signal Company maneuver units, being more decentralized and indepen-
were able to receive much needed supplies, Army Direct dent, and a corresponding change in the Signal company’s
Order and mail services. Headquarters platoon was also concept of support.
responsible for the maintenance and repair of all controlled Strategically, there has been impact within our OE by
cryptographic items, and electronic equipment used in the providing more intelligence to circulate from the compa-
company as well as equipment from other signal assets. nies to the Battalion and Brigade and vice versa. Company
They also provided all administrative support. Commanders were sending email, making VOIP calls,
The Soldiers of 556 Signal Company adapted to every sending BATS/ HIDES data, watching streaming UAV


feeds and JLENS feeds. Such data intensive applications
HARRIS RF-7800W LOS radio with no prior training and 


deployed it to 15 combat outposts across a 1,300 square the OE without the installation of the COTS HARRIS
mile OE. They quickly developed training classes to gain RF-7800W radio systems. Ultimately, commanders at all
competency on all equipment and formed teams. The levels had more intelligence at their disposal, more C2 over
NETOPS cell, where all the planning took place, was able subordinate units, and a more robust Common Operating
to design the network architecture and create portable Picture. The capability of SIPRNET and NIPRNET down
connectivity packages that disseminated Secret Internet to the Company level did fundamentally change how the
Protocol Router Network and Non-Secure Internet Protocol Brigade Combat Teams conducted operations. The ability
Router Network down to the company level. to provide such large bandwidth provided commanders
During OIF 07-09, 556 Signal Company ran a diverse 


and a complicated set of missions. We received the HAR- resulting in having strategic level affects within the OE.
RIS RF-7800W LOS radios late in the cycle. This forced us Several Soldiers and NCOs of the 556 Signal Company


were experts on certain pieces of equipment, while others
the company level in theater rather in a training environ- lacked the necessary knowledge and expertise to trouble-
ment. We set up retransmission sites across the brigade’s shoot a situation in their absence. This issue led to having
OE and eventually built a 150’ platform on a 500’ tower in challenges in having the right person on the job, which
order to provide better FM and Enhanced Position Location became a problem when doing 24 hour operations for 15
Reporting System coverage to the brigade. Rather than months. Inoperability of equipment was typically not an
sitting on a hilltop with radios, Soldiers on the RETRANS issue. The robustness of the network, the redundancy,
team found themselves as an integral part of the brigade caused routing loops and other networking issues that pre-
commander’s personal security detachment. During the vented us from reaching a stable state for months. While
Signal company’s operations out of Camp Taji, 2nd Platoon in theater, we developed a mission essential task list based
augmented the brigade commander’s personal security de- on current operations. From this METL we were able to
tachment. Over a period of 15 months, they provided secu- develop a set of classes over the course of several months of

Army Communicator 15



derstanding Field Manuals and any other publication for
slides, which in conjunction with hands-on training were specialized equipment in use, is ultimately the necessary
used by Soldiers and NCOs of different MOS’s to teach in a stepping stone to mastering the challenge in becoming this
round robin fashion. We trained and developed our junior highly professional asset. Reading technical manuals is a
Soldiers and NCOs and helped them gain competency on key component of understanding the functionality of the
different systems. Based on the success of this training equipment. With the transition of the signal systems to an
system and the positive feedback from the Soldiers and IP-based architecture, computer networking should be a
NCOs, we developed our continuity books for the succeed- core competency that needs to receive much attention dur-
ing company, the 656 Signal Company. ing the early phases of training. The AIT phrase of, “You’ll
The lack of cross-training of the different MOS’s hurt us learn this at your unit,” should never be uttered again. The
during shift work and prevented some Soldiers and NCOs advancement of personnel in leadership positions is occur-
from developing certain core competencies, such as the ring at a rapid pace, often too rapid for them to develop
ASIP radio operation or RETRANS missions. The NCOs the leadership skills required to lead and manage their



subordinates successfully. Many are not adapting to the
and managing the people and resources assigned to them. rapid change seen in communications equipment due to a
Their most common trait was enthusiasm. They were  


motivated learners and showed a positive attitude with the sergeants should be more assertive providing junior of-
commitment to improving and exceeding.  



We accomplished our mission of providing reliable com- This can result in a bad impression of the NCO corps. Both
munications, voice and data, down to the Battalion level platoon leaders and platoon sergeants especially, need to
using organic Joint Network Transport Capability-Spiral know what “right looks like” as they quickly advance into
equipment. We surpassed expectations and provided those higher levels of responsibility. They must address this
same capabilities to the company level with greater band- requirement to think, train and respond to the challenges.
width. The 556 Signal Company received the Meritorious Unit
First platoon became part of the brigade’s tactical Commendation for its outstanding support during Opera-
reserve, responsible for detaining enemy combatants tion Iraqi Freedom. The unit excelled in a challenging and
designated as high value targets and providing security to complex environment while supporting combat operations
the Brigade’s embedded provincial reconstruction teams. in Multi-National Division-Baghdad’s Operation Environ-
Throughout the deployment they detained over 50 high ment.
value targets and provided security to ePRTs on countless
occasions. Their efforts helped stabilize the operational MSG John E. Reinburg IV earned an Associate and a
environment by removing harmful elements and enabling 
ePRTs to do their job. is currently pursuing a Masters degree from the University of
Completing successful Soldier tasks at all levels must Texas at El Paso. In addition to a number of personal awards,



his unit awards include the Joint Meritorious Unit Award (4
knowledge, consistent excellent performance, mentorship/      
guidance and a certain ethical code (Army Values). As   #$    % 
professionals we need to be willing to develop ourselves 
 & '
  )  *   

and each other on a continued basis. Soldiers and NCOs the recipient of the Bronze Order of Mercury given by the Signal
need to take more initiative in training, especially with Corps Regimental Association for his outstanding contributions



-   #   $

ABCS - Army Battle Command Systems EPLRS - Enhanced Position Location Reporting System
ADCON - Administrative Control ePRT - embedded Provincial Reconstruction Teams
ADO - Army Direct Order FM – Frequency Modulation
AIT – Advanced Individual Training FMC - Fully Mission Capable
ASIP – Advanced SINCGARS Improvement Program FSR - Field Support Representative
BATS/ HIDES feeds – Biometric Automated Toolset ID – Infantry Division
(BAT) and Handheld Interagency Identity Detection IED – Improvised Explosive Device
Equipment (HIIDE) JLENS – Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense
BSB - Brigade Support Battalion Elevated Netted Sensor
C2 - Command and Control JNN - Joint Network Node
CCI - Controlled Cryptographic Items JNTC-S Joint Network Transport Capability-Spiral
COHORT - Cohesion and Operational Training Ku – Frequency band directly below the K-band
COMSEC - Communications Security LOS – Line of Sight
COP - Common Operating Picture Mb – Megabyte
COTS - Commercial off the Shelf MBCOTM - Mounted Battle Command on the Move
CQB - Close Quarter Battle METL - Mission Essential Task List
CQM - Close Quarter Marksmanship MWR - Morale, Welfare, and Recreation

16 Winter - 2010
Next generation intercom system work begins
By Stephen Larsen Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research, auditory dis-
abilities affect veterans of all ages and represent the most
On Oct 16, 2009 the U.S. Government Accountability prevalent individual service-connected disability among


- veterans. “Total compensation to veterans for hearing loss
lowing work to proceed in providing the next generation of and tinnitus disabilities exceeds a billion dollars a year, and
vehicular intercom systems under the estimated $2.4 billion 


Vehicular Intercom Systems-Extended contract, which the importantly, hearing loss and tinnitus can have a life-long
Army awarded on June 25, 2009 to Northrop Grumman negative impact on communication and quality of life for
Cobham Intercoms LLC. Soldiers.”


Next-generation of vehicular intercom features



According to Arnold McBean, deputy APM VIS, VIS-X
VIS-X program to be managed by the Vehicular Intercom will provide multiple interfaces to electronic devices – such
Systems assistant project manager in the Defense Communi- as alarms and digitized voice prompt systems and will


?  employ a human-machine interface that retains the tactile
According to COL Jeff Mockensturm, DCATS project features of a classic radio, with knobs and switches that are
manager, the current VIC-3 VIS has been an extremely well- easy to handle.
received piece of equipment for Soldiers in Iraq and Afghan- “When Soldiers are in vehicles, crossing terrain at high
istan. The system not only serves as a communications tool rates of speed, they want to be able to reach down and op-
utilizing both active and passive noise reduction technology, erate the intercom system without having to look at a touch
but also as a safety device that protects Soldiers’ hearing screen and navigate through nested menus,” said McBean.
from high-decibel intra-vehicle noise and from improvised MAJ Henderson concurs. “Having served throughout the-
explosive device blasts. “VIS-X will offer all the capabilities ater, I can appreciate a system that lets you keep your eyes
and safety features of the VIC-3 and more,” said COL Mock- and focus your concentration downrange where it is most
ensturm. needed,” MAJ Henderson said.
MAJ Mark Henderson, the APM VIS, noted that McBean said VIS-X will support VoIP communica-
the ‘extended’ version of VIS-X will meet an immediate tions, and that because VIS-X takes an open standards ap-
requirement to provide a vehicular intercom system for proach, a variety of equipment can connect to VIS-X – such
larger vehicles with up to 18 crew members and up to eight as the vehicle-mounted Gunslinger anti-sniper system, that
or more radios, such as Mine Resistant Ambush Protected tells crew members the azimuth and elevation of incoming
vehicles, Stryker armored vehicles and Abrams tanks. 

In addition to the extended version for larger vehicles, According to MAJ Henderson the timeline for the
Henderson added, there will also be a basic version of VIS- transition from VIC-3 to VIS-X is about a year. “The exact
X for smaller vehicles with crews of two-to-four members demand and schedule for lifecycle upgrades and reset to
and only one or two radios, such as humvees and two-man VIS-X will depend on the requirements of individual ve-
trucks. hicle PMs,” Henderson said, adding that the Army expects
“I want to stress that high up on the list of what we’re 


trying to accomplish with VIS-X is to further protect Sol- line in about 12 to 14 months.
dier’s hearing,” said Henderson, pointing out that, accord-
ing to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ National Mr. #$ 
Defense Communications & Army Transmission Systems.
(Continued from Page 16)
MOS – Military Occupational Skill
APM VIS - Assistant Project Manager, Vehicular
Intercom Systems
NETOPS - Network Operations Center
DCATS - Defense Communications and Army
NIPRNET - Non-Secure Internet Protocol Router
Transmission Systems

NTC - National Training Center
IED - Improvised explosive device
OE - Operational Environment

OIF – Operation Iraqi Freedom

LLC - Limited Liability Corporation
PTA - Pohakuloa Training Area
MRAP - Mine Resistant Ambush Protected
PSD - Personal Security Detachment
NCRAR - National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory
RETRANS – Retransmission
SIPRNET - Secret Internet Protocol Router Network

STEP - Standardized Tactical Entry Point

TOC - Tactical Operations Center Information Systems
UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle PM – Project managers
VoIP – Voice over Internet Protocol VoIP - Voice over Internet Protocol
VIS-X - Vehicular Intercom Systems-Extended

Army Communicator 17

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