Minor Magicks - Small-Scale Spells &amp Items

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Small-Scale Spells & Items

Author: Carrie Schutrick

Contributing Author: Ian Johnston
Cover Design: Ian Johnston
Interior Art: V. Shane
Editor: Charles Greathouse
Proofreader & d20 Rules Wrangler: John Cooper
Layout & Product Developer : Ian Johnston
Layout Elements: Cari Buziak

Product Download Password: Vordin

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Products Beyond Imagination™


(page 4)

(page 4)

Magic Items
(page 18)

Appendix I: Spell Lists

(page 29)

Appendix II: Licenses & Legal

(page 32)

Introduction Spells
For adventurers, magic is often literally a matter of life and Not every spellcaster, PC or otherwise, will have access to every
death. The adventuring wizard’s ability to cast powerful spells, spell on this list. In many cases the spells were developed as part of
both offensive and defensive, can tip the balance of a fight in an apprenticeship; only the developing character, her teacher, and
favor of her party; if that fails, the cleric can restore wounded anyone she chose to teach the spell to will know it. Many of the
and even dead comrades to health. remaining spells just aren’t useful to a spellcaster whose goal is to go
But there are more spellcasters in the world than those out and adventure.
who go out and adventure. From apprentices or novices just
beginning to learn the craft, through the druid who has been Alter Creature
content to stay peacefully in her forest, to a retired paladin Transmutation
who no longer seeks out evil to defeat, there are spellcasters Level: Clr 3, Drd 2
everywhere who just don’t cast fireball or holy smite—such Components: V, S, M
things tend to lower property values and annoy the neighbors. Casting Time: 1 standard action
But that doesn’t mean that there’s no market for their services; Range: Touch
there will always be those who can’t cast spells themselves, but Target: Living creature touched
who can both benefit from and pay for magic. Duration: Instantaneous
Wealthy nobles and merchants are likely to have very Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
little interest in magic that increases their attack bonus or Spell Resistance: Yes
ups their AC. It’s far more useful, from their point of view, to You make a small, permanent change to a creature that will be
enchant their shoes to resist mud or make it harder for a thief passed to its offspring. You cannot change the creature’s basic form,
to steal their jewels. They want magic that eases the problems type, or attributes with alter creature, nor may you add abilities it
of day-to-day living, displays their wealth, and feeds their does not have or take away those it does. Things that can be altered
vanity. And there are all those non-adventuring spellcasters include fur length or color, eye color, ear shape, and so forth. You
around who are more than happy to supply what the wealthy may also make the creature slightly (up to 5%) smaller or larger.
want…for a price. Once a given attribute has been changed with alter creature, that
There are also those magic users who, for whatever attribute may not be changed again except to return it to its original
reason, have not yet achieved a high enough level to cast the state. In addition to the save to avoid the effects of the spell, the
really world-shaking spells. But a low-powered spell caster creature must also succeed at a second Fortitude save or take 2
who has carefully chosen her spells can be a true asset even points of temporary Constitution damage.
to a party of relatively high-level characters; at the very least, Material Component: A mixture of rare herbs worth at least 100
she can give warning of approaching dangers and provide gp.
distractions. Besides, if you’ve got to nickel-and-dime the
dragon to death, you need all the nickels and dimes you can Alter Plant
get. Transmutation
There are hundreds of small problems that are far more Level: Clr 3, Drd 2
easily solved with magic than with technology. Granted, not Components: V, S, M
everyone can use magic—but that’s what magic items are Casting Time: 1 standard action
for. The important thing to remember is that magic works Range: Touch
even when you’re not Target: Living plant touched
adventuring. On Duration: Instantaneous
days when you Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
don’t feel up to Spell Resistance: Yes
seeking out evil, As alter creature, save that the spell affects plants and plant creatures.
keep in mind
that you can Animate Toy
use magic to Transmutation
make your Level: Sor/Wiz 1
living Components: V, S, F
instead. Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Object touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You grant motion and the semblance of life to a toy. The object
must be no larger than Tiny, and must be in the shape of a living
creature of some sort. As part of the casting, you designate a living
being to be the object’s master.
The object behaves in most ways as if it were a creature of the
type it mimics. However, it will not purposely injure any living
creature, nor will it willingly venture more than 10 feet from its Calculation
master. If it is taken out of that radius, it turns inert until it is Divination
within 10 feet again. Though it gains the physical abilities of the Level: Sor/Wiz 1
appropriate type of creature—a wooden bird can fly and a cloth Components: V, S, F
fish can swim—it has no real intelligence or will; a model of an Casting Time: 1 standard action
intelligent creature cannot talk or really understand speech. Any Range: Touch
animated toy can obey simple commands from its master, along the Target: 1 creature/level
lines of “sit down” or “come here,” however. Duration: 1 hour/level
Focus: A gem worth at least 10 gp that is firmly attached to the Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
object before casting begins. Spell Resistance: Yes
Popular with merchants, bankers, and engineers, calculation
Anosmia grants its target the ability to do arithmetic and simple
Illusion (Glamer) math without the possibility of error. At the DM’s option,
Level: Brd 2, Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 calculation may add a circumstance bonus of +2 to checks for
Components: V, S, M such skills as Profession (architect) or the more math-intensive
Casting Time: 1 standard action versions of astrology.
Range: Long Focus: A miniature abacus.
Area: 15-ft.-radius emanation centered on a creature, object, or
point in space Capture Image
Duration: 1 minute/level Illusion
Saving Throw: Will negates or none (object) Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Spell Resistance: Yes or no (object) Components: V, S, F
For the duration of the spell, no scent of any kind enters or emerges Casting Time: 1 standard action
from the affected area. While anosmia lasts, no creature within its Range: See text
area leaves a scent trail, foiling trackers who use that method. The Target: See text
effect is immobile but may be cast on a mobile object (like a stone). Duration: Permanent (D)
Material Component: A flower with no scent. You capture an image that you can see in the metal frame that
is the focus of the spell. The image may be anything you can
Appraisal see, whether with your own eyes or through the use of such
Transmutation spells as clairvoyance. The image will be whatever is enclosed
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1 in the frame at the time of casting, as seen from your point
Components: V, S, F of view. If you have low-light vision or darkvision, the image
Casting Time: 1 standard action includes those things that normal sight cannot see—and if it
Range: Touch was taken in total darkness, anyone who has normal vision
Target: Creature touched sees only solid black filling the frame. The image is opaque,
Duration: 1 hour/level but insubstantial; objects may pass through it without
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) disrupting it. The frame may be used as many times as you
Spell Resistance: Yes like, but each new image replaces the one already there.
You grant the target a +4 enhancement bonus to all Appraise checks. Focus: A metal frame worth at least 1 gp that can be held
Focus: A tiny model scale. in one hand.

Blood Tell Capture Sound

Divination Illusion
Level: Clr 2, Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close Range: See text
Target: 1 creature/level, all of which must be within 15 feet of one Target: See text
another Duration: Permanent (D)
Duration: Instantaneous You record the sounds that you can hear, whether through
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) your own ears or the use of remote-sensing spells such as
Spell Resistance: Yes clairaudience. You may capture sound for as long as you
You learn some specific information about the target creatures’ concentrate, for up to 1 minute per level. If you can hear
genetics or heredity, such as whether any of them has a disease that more than one thing and wish to capture only one, you may
they will pass to their offspring. You know whether any of them make a Concentration check at a DC of 10+5 per sound to be
are related to each other, and if so in what degree; you may also ignored; if you fail, everything you can hear is recorded. You
determine whether they are related to a specific other creature which must make this check once for every minute you record.
is not included in the spell, but only if you have some part of that Once a sound has been recorded, it can be played back
other creature, such as a hair or drop of blood. Illusions do not fool at will by any creature that holds the focus. The sound plays
blood tell, but a polymorph does. at the volume at which it was recorded. You may replace the
recorded sound on the focus at will, but doing so completely Clear Skin
erases whatever was there originally. Conjuration (Healing)
At the DM’s option, bards may use capture sound to make Level: Clr 0
a sort of audible scroll. If this is allowed, the rules regarding Components: V, S, F
time, expense, and XP cost should be the same as a paper Casting Time: 1 standard action
scroll. Triggering the stored spell then destroys the focus. Range: Touch
Sorcerers and wizards cannot store a spell in this fashion. Target: Creature touched
Focus: A hand-held model drum worth at least 1 gp. Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Cat’s Balance Spell Resistance: No
Transmutation You remove minor blemishes and imperfections from a creature’s
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1 skin, and prevent it from developing any more until the spell’s
Components: V, S, M duration ends. Clear skin can handle acne, smallpox scarring, small
Casting Time: 1 standard action birthmarks, and so forth, but large scars or birthmarks require
Range: Touch stronger measures. Discolored skin caused by actual damage such as
Target: Creature touched sunburn or the growth of tumors is also unaffected.
Duration: 1 hour/level Focus: A piece of smooth quartz.
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes Clever Hands
You grant the target a +4 enhancement bonus to all Balance Transmutation
and Tumble checks. Level: Brd 2, Clr 2, Drd 2, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Material Component: A pinch of cat’s fur. Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Chill Water Range: Touch
Evocation [Cold] Target: 1 creature/level
Level: Sor/Wiz 0 Duration: 1 hour/level
Components: V, S Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: Yes
Range: Close You grant the target creatures a +4 competence bonus to all Craft
Target: 1 gallon of water checks for the duration of the spell.
Duration: See text Material Component: A miniature set of appropriate tools.
Saving Throw: None (object)
Spell Resistance: No Confetti
You cause water to become colder at a rate of 1 degree per Conjuration
round. It will continue to chill as long as you concentrate or Level: Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
until it freezes. When you cease concentration, the spell ends Components: V, S, M
immediately and the water will warm up again at whatever Casting Time: 1 standard action
rate the environment dictates. This spell can be used to Range: Close
inflict 1d3 points of cold damage to creatures with the water Area: 10-ft radius emanation centered on a point in space
subtype. Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Clean Wound Spell Resistance: No
Conjuration (Healing) You fill the air with multicolored confetti, which flutters to the
Level: Clr 1, Drd 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1 ground over the course of about three rounds. In still air the drifting
Components: V, S, M confetti provides partial cover (10% miss chance) during the round
Casting Time: 1 standard action in which it appears.
Range: Touch Unlike prestidigitation, confetti creates real, solid slips of paper
Target: Creature touched that do not fade away. They can even be gathered and used as
Duration: Instantaneous material components for further castings.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) Material Component: A few pieces of confetti that are thrown
Spell Resistance: No into the air as the final action of casting the spell.
You clean a wound so that its bearer is less likely to get an
infection. Dirt and foreign matter are painlessly removed, and Cook
the subject gains a +5 circumstance bonus on his next roll to Evocation
resist the effects of diseases caused by attacks, e.g. filth fever or Level: Brd 0, Clr 0, Sor/Wiz 0
mummy rot (see the DMG for more information on diseases). Components: V, S
If clean wound is cast within 10 rounds of when the wound Casting Time: See text
was received, the subject gets an extra saving throw to avoid Range: Touch
contracting the disease in the first place. Target: The contents of a container of no more than one cubic foot
Material Component: An ounce of clean water. capacity
Duration: Instantaneous Count
Saving Throw: None (object) Divination
Spell Resistance: No Level: Clr 0, Drd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
You cause the contents of a container to cook according to a recipe Components: V, S
you recite as part of the casting. A simple recipe (“heat three eggs Casting Time: 1 standard action
until cooked, while stirring”) will of course take considerably less Range: Medium
time than a complex one. Regardless of how long it would take Area: Up to 100 sq ft/level
normally, the spell completes the cooking in the length of time it Duration: Instantaneous
takes to recite the recipe. Saving Throw: None
You must put all the relevant ingredients in your container Spell Resistance: No
before you begin to cast the spell. If any ingredients mentioned in You specify a type of creature or object, such as “horses” or
the recipe are not present, the spell fails. It is likewise ineffective if “sacks of grain.” Upon casting the spell, you know how many
you attempt to use it to prepare anything but food; you cannot brew of that type of thing there are within the target area. The spell
a potion using cook. functions only on external appearance, so a dragon under an
Note that the spell functions even if the container you are using illusion that made it appear to be a horse would be counted as
is not suitable for the finished product--you can cook soup in a a horse.
porous container, but you may regret it afterwards.
Detect Cheating
Copy Divination
Universal Level: Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Level: Clr 1 (or Clr 0, see text), Sor/Wiz 1 Components: V, S
Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action
Casting Time: 1 round/page or see text Range: Close
Range: Touch Target or Area: See text
Target: 2 pages/level Duration: See text
Effect: Copies a text Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Duration: Permanent Spell Resistance: No
Saving Throw: None (harmless) You enchant creatures, areas, or gaming equipment so that
Spell Resistance: No games in which they are involved are harder to cheat at. This
Copy allows you to exactly duplicate as many pages of text as your spell comes in several versions, depending on what is to be
level permits. The pages may be no larger than two feet on a side, enchanted.
and you must provide the blank parchment or paper upon which Creatures: In this case, the targets are up to 4 creatures
you wish to copy. (Objects other than pieces of paper may be used, per level. They must all be within 15 feet of each other when
but if they are not roughly flat, or are thicker than ½ inch, the the spell is cast, though they may move apart afterwards.
spell fails.) You may also copy illustrations, but the spell produces If any creature resists the effects, the caster will know. Any
a monochrome rendering rather than a full-color picture. Thus, of the creatures affected may then begin playing a game. If
sketches, line drawings, and other black-and-white images are the any participant performs an action that is not allowed by
best candidates. the rules, all targeted creatures are immediately aware of
To copy a page, you must lay the original flat, face up, and cover the infraction’s nature and who committed it. This can be
it with the blank sheet. The triggering word may be spoken as many anything from changing the position of a piece in chess to an
times as your level permits, copying onto a fresh sheet each time; illegal blow in trial combat. At least one of the target creatures
you may also change originals. The extended casting time is a result must have a thorough knowledge of the rules of the game.
of having to move your originals and blanks. Detect cheating lasts until the game is finished or 1 hour per
While you may use copy on spells written in spellbooks or on level, whichever comes first. The spell also keeps score.
scrolls, many of the limitations on pp 178-179 of the PH still apply. Area: Detect cheating may be cast on a playing field of up
The process still costs 100 gp per page, though it takes only half as to 100 square feet per caster level. Anyone using the field is
long (12 hours, instead of the normal 24). If the pages are disturbed subject to the spell’s effects. Duration and effect are as above.
while the spell is at work, the process is disrupted and must begin Object: When cast upon gaming equipment, detect cheating
again. Casting copy on a scroll transfers the text from the original to affects one “set” per level, where a set is enough equipment
the new page, leaving the original blank. to play a standard game, e.g. a chess board and all the pieces,
Material Component: A pinch of charcoal (or other powdered a ball and goal markers, etc. Though the duration and effect
pigment) or a drop of ink. The color of the pigment determines the are standard, the spell’s duration does not take effect until
color of the copy. someone starts playing. This version can be cast at any time;
Note: Clerics whose god grants the Knowledge domain have it remains quiescent until players begin using the equipment.
access to this spell as an orison. If the equipment itself is dishonest—weighted dice, for
example—the spell fails, and the caster will know why.

Detect Contagion caused by the presence of a creature not native to the plane. Detect
Divination outsiders functions similarly to detect undead. Note that you will
Level: Clr 0, Drd 0, Pal 1, Sor/Wiz 0 detect yourself if you cast the spell on a plane to which you are not
Components: V, S native.
Casting Time: 1 standard action Focus: An item that has spent at least one day on another plane
Range: Close or in the possession of an extraplanar creature.
Target or Area: One creature, one object, or a 5-ft. cube
Duration: Instantaneous Dry
Saving Throw: None Transmutation
Spell Resistance: No Level: Brd 1, Drd 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
You determine whether a creature, object, or area is diseased Components: V, S, M
or carries disease. You may make a Wisdom check (DC 20) Casting Time: 1 standard action
to determine the exact disease or diseases, and another to Range: Close
discover the method of disease transmission (see the DMG for Target: 1 cubic foot/level of nonliving matter
more information on diseases). Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None (object)
Detect Friends and Enemies Spell Resistance: No
Divination [Mind-Affecting] You remove excess water from nonliving matter. The usual use of
Level: Clr 2, Drd 2, Pal 2, Sor/Wiz 2 this spell is to preserve meat or herbs for long-term storage, but in
Components: V, S a pinch it could be used to dry a character’s clothing, gear, and hair.
Casting Time: 1 standard action Though it removes moisture from a character’s skin, dry will not
Range: Personal harm most living creatures in any way. It deals 1 point of damage to
Target: You water-based creatures such as water elementals.
Duration: 1 minute/level Material Component: A pinch of salt.
You gain a +10 enhancement bonus to any Sense Motive
checks made to discover the attitude held by other creatures Elemental Rune
towards you. Abjuration [see text]
Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 0
Detect Lies Components: V, S, F
Divination [Mind-Affecting] [Language-dependent] Casting Time: 1 standard action
Level: Brd 2, Clr 2, Pal 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Range: Touch
Components: V, S Target: Object touched, weighing no more than 10 lbs.
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: Permanent until discharged (D)
Range: Personal Saving Throw: Reflex half
Target: You Spell Resistance: No
Duration: 1 minute/level You trace a magic rune on an object. Thereafter, the first creature to
For the duration of the spell, you gain a +10 enhancement touch that object takes 1d4 elemental damage of a type determined
bonus to Sense Motive checks to determine the truth of by you at the time of casting. Even you cannot touch the object
statements you hear. You must understand the language in safely unless you first dismiss the spell. Elemental rune is a Fire spell
which a statement is made in order to judge its truth. Detect if cast to do fire damage, a Water spell if cast to do water damage,
lies will not help you tell whether a statement is complete, etc.
only whether it is true; a thief who says that the door opened, Focus: A pen made from an eagle’s feather.
but does not add that he picked the lock, will still pass the
spell’s test. You must use your unmodified skill to determine Elfsight
such lies of omission. Furthermore, if the speaker believes Transmutation
his statement to be true, detect lies will not reveal that he is Level: Clr 1, Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
mistaken. Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Detect Outsiders Range: Close
Divination Target: 1 living creature/level
Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1 Duration: 1 minute/level
Components: V, S, F For the duration of the spell, the target creatures gain low-light
Casting Time: 1 standard action vision.
Range: 60 ft. Material Component: An elf ’s eyelash.
Area: Quarter circle emanating from you to the extreme of the
range Empty Hat
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D) Illusion
Saving Throw: None Level: Brd 0, Clr 0 (see text), Sor/Wiz 0
Spell Resistance: No Components: V, S
You sense the subtle disturbances of the fabric of existence Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch Fitted Garment
Target: A nonmagical container of no more than 1 cubic foot Transmutation
capacity Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Duration: 1 hour Components: V, S, F
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: 1 standard action
Spell Resistance: No Range: Close
Beloved of poor performers everywhere, empty hat causes a small Target: 1 garment/level
container to appear empty, no matter what is actually in it. It Duration: Permanent
therefore allows the classic “watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat” Saving Throw: None (object)
trick, among many others. As the name suggests, the usual target Spell Resistance: No
is the performer’s hat, but it also works on small boxes, bags, or You ensorcel a garment so that it automatically adjusts itself
pockets. to fit any creature that dons it. The fit becomes as flattering
Note: Clerics whose god grants the Trickery domain have access as possible, as if tailored for the creature, but a design that
to this spell as an orison. is inappropriate for the creature’s build will still look bad.
The garment must be made in the largest size it will fit, and
Fasten cannot adjust itself more than one size category down; a Large
Universal dress will not fit a Small creature. The garment resizes itself
Level: Sor/Wiz 1 every time it is donned by a different creature. The magic fails
Components: V, S, M if a creature that is not vaguely humanoid attempts to don the
Casting Time: 1 standard action garment—extra limbs or a tail will also defeat it.
Range: Touch Focus: A measuring tool.
Target: 1 object/level
Duration: See text Float
Saving Throw: None (harmless) (object) Transmutation
Spell Resistance: No Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Objects targeted become slightly sticky to the touch, as if coated in Components: V, S, M
a thin layer of glue. One minute (10 rounds) after fasten is cast, the Casting Time: 1 standard action
affected objects bond permanently to whatever non-living objects Range: Close
they are touching. The bond has approximately the strength of Target: 1 non-living object/level
normal wood glue, though it is waterproof and will not weaken with Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
time. If its strength is exceeded, the bonded objects separate without Saving Throw: None (object)
damage; another casting of fasten is necessary to attach them again. Spell Resistance: No
Living and undead creatures are not affected: they cannot be You enchant small objects to float close to an object, creature
made sticky, nor may objects be stuck to them. When determining or point that is their anchor. No individual object may weigh
what a tacky object bonds to, treat it as if it really were coated in more than ½ lb. A floating object may be ordered to orbit its
glue; for example, something sitting on the ground at the crucial anchor at the time of casting, but once determined its orbit
moment may get a crust of dirt on one side of it. cannot be changed. In no case may a floating object move
A potion of fasten can be fabricated, which acts like glue (the more than 10 feet from its anchor; if it is removed from that
number of applications is determined by the brewer’s level). Each radius, the spell is broken and any remaining duration is lost.
application coats an area approximately 6 inches on a side. It begins If the anchor is a point in space, the floating object hovers or
to harden on exposure to air. orbits in a fixed position, but it remains stable relative to a
Material Component: A small piece of hide, horn, or hoof. moving creature or object.
Material Component: A length of very fine thread.
Find Break
Divination Glowing Page
Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1 Evocation [Light]
Components: V, S, M Level: Clr 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S
Range: Close Casting Time: 1 standard action
Target: 1 object Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous Target: One book, page, or scroll
Saving Throw: None (harmless) (object) Duration: 1 hour
Spell Resistance: No Saving Throw: None (harmless)
You become aware of the most significant malfunction in an object. Spell Resistance: No
You may attempt to exclude known problems, but doing so requires You enchant a book so that its pages glow enough to be read
a Concentration check at a DC of 5+2 per break to be ignored. Find in near or total darkness. You may also target a single page or
break does not give any information about how to repair or remedy scroll. The glow of the pages does not cast significant light; it
the malfunction. is the bare minimum that allows you to read the text given the
Material Component: A pinch of sand. ambient light in the area.

Glowskin Casting Time: 1 standard action
Evocation [Light] Range: Touch
Level: Sor/Wiz 1 Target: 1 living creature
Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Range: Touch Spell Resistance: Yes
Target: 1 Medium or smaller creature/level You cause the target to grow hair over a portion of his body of
Duration: 1 hour/level (D) up to 1 square foot. The hair is of whatever color and texture is
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) appropriate to the being in question. Though the spell energy lasts
Spell Resistance: Yes for only an instant, the effects are not visible immediately; after
You cause the target creature’s skin to glow softly. You may about an hour there will be noticeable growth, leading to hair
choose whatever colors and patterns you wish. The glow is not about an inch long one day later. After that the growth slows to
very bright; an affected creature with its entire skin exposed the normal rate for the affected being. Note that this spell can be
provides only half as much illumination as a torch. applied to parts of the body that do not normally have significant
Material Component: Powdered crystal or gemstone worth hair, allowing for bearded women and the like.
at least 1 gp. Material Component: Powdered charcoal, which is brushed over
the area to be affected.
Hair Color
Transmutation Halt Labor
Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 2 Abjuration
Components: V, S, M Level: Clr 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 standard action
Target: 1 living creature Range: Touch
Effect: Creature’s hair changes color Target: 1 living creature
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: See text (D)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resistance: Yes
The target creature’s hair (or fur) changes color to whatever You halt the labor of a female creature in the process of giving birth.
you specify. This is not limited to solid or natural colors; aqua If more than one hour has passed since labor began, you must make
and pink zebra stripes are perfectly allowable. The creature’s a Spellcraft check at a DC of 5+5 per elapsed hour. If you fail the
hair grows out in its natural color. All of the creature’s hair is check, the spell does not function and is wasted. Halt labor lasts for
affected, including that on its face, arms, and legs. one hour per level or until the target engages in strenuous physical
For humanoids, application of this spell adds a +2 activity such as running or combat. She may cast spells and use all
circumstance bonus to Disguise checks, or removes half the mental skills without fear of restarting labor. Halt labor counters and
penalty for working without a disguise kit. Animals can have dispels induce labor.
their appearance so completely changed that only someone Material Component: A cord tied in a knot.
who knows the creature very well will be able to recognize it
at all. Heat Water
Material Component: A drop of lemon juice or vinegar. Evocation [Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 0
Hair Color, Greater Components: V, S
Transmutation Casting Time: 1 standard action
Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 3 Range: Close
Components: V, S, M Target: 1 gallon of water
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: Concentration
Range: Touch Saving Throw: None (object)
Target: 1 living creature Spell Resistance: No
Duration: Instantaneous You cause water to become warmer at a rate of 1 degree per round.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) It continues to heat as long as you concentrate or until it boils.
Spell Resistance: Yes Once you cease to concentrate, the water cools again at whatever
As hair color, save that the creature’s hair will also grow out in rate the environment dictates. You can maintain it at boiling in
the new color. order to use it to cook.
Material Component: A drop of lemon juice or vinegar and
a pinch of powdered herbs. Heighten Sensation
Hair Growth Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 2
Transmutation Components: V, S
Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 2 Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M Range: Touch
Target: 1 creature/level Itch
Duration: 10 minutes/level Transmutation
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Level: Brd 0, Clr 0, Drd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Spell Resistance: Yes Components: V, S, M
This spell heightens creatures’ sensations of pleasure and pain. Evil Casting Time: 1 standard action
creatures have been known to cast it on captives during torture to Range: Close
add an extra measure of suffering to the proceedings. Creatures Target: 1 living creature
affected by heighten sensation suffer a –5 circumstance penalty to Duration: 1 minute/level
Will saves. Heighten sensation counters and dispels relieve pain. Saving Throw: None (but see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
Induce Labor The target of itch is afflicted with a maddening sensation
Conjuration that persists as long as the spell does. You may designate a
Level: Clr 2 part of the target’s body to be affected, or the itch may move
Components: V, S, M about at random; in neither case will scratching or any other
Casting Time: 1 standard action conventional remedy help. The target ceases to itch if he
Range: Touch moves into an area of no magic, such as an antimagic field.
Target: 1 living creature Characters unexpectedly affected by itch while attempting
Duration: Instantaneous to do something else (cast spells, fire ranged weapons, use
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Dexterity based skills, etc.) should make a Concentration
Spell Resistance: Yes check or Will save to avoid unfortunate effects.
When cast on a pregnant female, induce labor causes her to begin Material Component: A leaf from a poison ivy or poison
the process of giving birth. In addition to failing if she makes her oak plant.
Fortitude save, induce labor also fails if the infant is too immature
to easily survive the outside world. Induce labor counters and dispels Jack of All Trades
halt labor. Transmutation
Material Component: Yarrow flowers. Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Infertility Casting Time: 1 standard action
Transmutation Range: Touch
Level: Clr 3, Drd 2 Target: 1 living creature
Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour/level or until discharged
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: Will negates
Range: Touch Spell Resistance: Yes
Target: 1 living creature This spell remains quiescent for 1 hour per level, or until the
Duration: 1 year target needs to use a skill in which he has no ranks. At that
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates point the spell’s energies are activated. The target may act as if
Spell Resistance: Yes he had 2d4 ranks in the skill for one minute per caster level. If
The target becomes unable to sire (male) or bear (female) children. the skill is exclusive to a class in which the target has no levels,
In addition to the save to avoid the effects of the spell, the target he gains only 1d4 effective ranks.
must make a second Fortitude save at the spell’s DC or take 1 point Material Component: A gem worth at least 10 gp.
of temporary Constitution damage.
Know Age
Insect Ward Divination
Abjuration Level: Clr 1, Drd 2
Level: Brd 0, Clr 0, Drd 0, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 0 Components: V, S, F
Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action
Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close
Range: Touch Target: 1 creature/level, all of whom must be within a 15-foot
Target or Area: 1 creature/level or 1 10-ft. cube/level radius of each other
Duration: 1 hour/level Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None (harmless) Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No Spell Resistance: No
Normal insects such as mosquitoes or houseflies are unable to enter You know the ages of the target creatures, both absolutely
the warded area or approach closer than 1 foot to a warded creature. and in relation to each other. Your knowledge is based on the
This spell has no effect on magically summoned insects, such as calendar with which you are familiar.
those created by summon swarm. Focus: An appropriate divination tool, such as cards, coins,
Material Component: A piece of rind from a citrus fruit. runestones, etc.

Know Dominant Alignment the passage of time in one of three ways.
Divination Absolute: You know what time it is. Your knowledge is precise at
Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 2 the moment at which it is granted, but unless you have a timepiece
Components: V, S, F/DF of some sort you will begin to lose track again immediately. Your
Casting Time: 1 standard action knowledge is based on any clock system with which you are familiar,
Range: Personal and its precision is limited by that system. Therefore, the same
Target: You time might be rendered as anything from “halfway between sunrise
Duration: See text and noon on the third day of the first moon of summer,” through
You become aware of the alignment traits, if any, of the area “morning prayer on the fifteenth day of Cancer in the 1835th year of
immediately surrounding you. If you cast the spell in an area the Age of Capricorn,” to “8:30:48 am July 6th 1854,” depending
that has no alignment traits, it remains quiescent until you on your background and preferences. The spell keeps track of time
enter an area that does, or for 1 hour/level, whichever comes for you personally, which may cause problems when adventuring
first. You know both the direction and the strength of any on planes with differing time flow (see MotP for more information
traits that are present; in a lawful good plane, for example, on this). If you cast the spell on a plane where seconds pass for each
you would be aware of both the mildly law-aligned and mildly year on the Material Plane, you might be very surprised when you
good-aligned nature of the plane. return to your home! However, this also means that it continues to
Arcane Focus: A small metal disk inscribed with symbols for function on planes such as the Astral, where the passage of time has
Good, Evil, Chaos, and Law, worth at least 10 gp. very different effects.
Countdown: You pick a specific time in the future such as
Know Dominant Element “sunset,” “three hours from now,” or “when fly ends.” This time
Divination may be up to one day in the future per level. You may not pick an
Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 1 event whose time you do not know—unless you are aware that the
Components: V, S, F ritual begins at midnight precisely, it cannot be used as a referent.
Casting Time: 1 standard action Thereafter, at any time as a free action you can know how much
Range: Personal time remains until the duration elapses. If you concentrate on
Target: You a given action (e.g. traveling a set distance, using a skill, etc) for
Duration: Instantaneous one round, you can determine whether you have enough time to
As know dominant alignment, save that you are aware of the complete it. The spell takes into account only those factors that you
elemental and energy traits of the area. know of, such as how fast you can run, how many ranks you have in
Focus: A set of small pieces of glass, crystal, or gemstone, a skill, or any magic items you have which might speed the process.
worth at least 10 gp, in colors corresponding to the possible Elapsed: You know how much time has elapsed since you cast the
elemental and energy traits. spell. This effect lasts for one day per level.

Know Gravity Lengthy Tresses

Divination Transmutation
Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1 Level: Clr 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V, S, F Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close Range: Touch
Target: 15-ft. radius emanation centered on a creature, object, Target: 1 living creature
or point in space Duration: 1 minute/level
Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Saving Throw: Will negates or none (object) Spell Resistance: Yes
Spell Resistance: Yes or no (object) You cause the hair on the targeted creature’s head to grow at a rate of
You become aware of the direction and approximate strength 1 inch per minute for the duration of the spell. The subject’s entire
of all gravity fields in the target area. For as long as the spell’s head is affected, causing male humans to grow beards. (Eyebrows
duration lasts, you are also aware if any of the fields change for and eyelashes have a natural maximum length which they only
any reason including your movement. The effect is immobile slightly exceed before the spell ceases to work on them.) Lengthy
but may be cast on a mobile object such as a stone. tresses does not restore lost hair nor cause it to grow anywhere it
Focus: A pendulum with a weight in the shape of a fruit. wouldn’t naturally.
Material Component: A length of thread, longer than the subject’s
Know Time current hair.
Level: Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 0 Lover’s Eye
Components: V, S Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Casting Time: 1 standard action Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 3
Range: Personal Components: V, S, M, F
Target: You Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: See text (D) Range: Close
Depending on the version you choose, you gain knowledge of Target: 1 living creature
Duration: 1 day/level (D) Match Color
Saving Throw: Will negates Transmutation
Spell Resistance: Yes Level: Sor/Wiz 1
The target reacts more positively towards one other creature, which Components: V, S, M
you designate when you cast the spell. Her attitude shifts towards Casting Time: 1 standard action
being more favorable by 1d4 levels (see NPC Attitudes in the Range: Close
DMG). Target or Area: 1 cubic foot/level or 5 square feet/level
This spell may also be cast without designating a creature to be Duration: Instantaneous
liked. In that case, the target feels more favorable towards the first Saving Throw: Fortitude negates or none (object)
creature, living or undead, that she sees after the spell is cast. Lover’s Spell Resistance: Yes or no (object)
eye counters and dispels lovesbane. You color an object so that it exactly matches a sample you
Material Component: A spoonful of honey. provide. You may use match color on liquids, which produces
Focus: An item intimately connected to the creature to be liked, dye, or on the surface of objects or creatures’ skin. The color
such as a hair or favorite possession (the material component is only is permanent on non-living things; a creature fades back to its
required for the specific target option). normal skin tone over the course of one month.
Material Component: A sample of the color to be matched.
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Measure
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 3 Divination
Components: V, S, M, F Level: Clr 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S
Range: Close Casting Time: 1 standard action
Target: 1 living creature Range: Personal or 10 miles/level
Duration: 1 day/level (D) Target: You
Saving Throw: Will negates Duration: Instantaneous
Spell Resistance: Yes You may choose any one measurement of a single object,
The target reacts negatively towards one other creature, who you such as its height, weight, volume, or area. Upon casting the
designate when casting the spell. His attitude shifts towards being spell, you know that measurement in any measuring system
less favorable by 1d4 levels (see NPC Attitudes in the DMG). with which you are familiar. Your knowledge is limited by the
This spell may also be cast without designating a creature to precision of that system—if the smallest unit of length is the
be disliked. In that case, the target feels less favorable towards the width of a barleycorn, you cannot measure anything smaller
first creature, living or undead, that he sees after the spell is cast. than that.
Lovesbane counters and dispels lover’s eye. Alternatively, you may designate a specific point such as
Material Component: A small piece of wormwood. “the center of the next town.” Provided that point is within
Focus: An item intimately connected to the creature to be ten miles per level, you know how far it is from you. You may
disliked, such as a hair or favorite possession (the material not specify a creature, living or otherwise, as the focus of the
component is only required for the specific target option). spell.

Luster Mordant
Illusion Abjuration
Level: Brd 0, Clr 0 (see text), Sor/Wiz 0 Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, F Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch Range: Close
Target: Gems (see text) Target: 10 lbs/level of cloth
Duration: Permanent (D) Duration: 1 month/level
Saving Throw: None (harmless) Saving Throw: None (harmless) (object)
Spell Resistance: No Spell Resistance: No
You cause gems to appear more valuable. The effect may take a You fix the color of freshly dyed cloth so that it will not fade
number of forms, from hiding flaws to causing a gem to appear with time. The color of cloth affected by mordant stays bright
to be of a different sort entirely—a ruby instead of a garnet, for until the spell’s duration ends, whereupon it begins to fade
example. You may add up to 50 gp of apparent value per level, normally. The cloth may be cut and sewn with no ill effects
spread among as many gems as you wish. An Appraise check at the on the spell; clothing made from it will not rub dye off on its
spell’s DC reveals the true value of the gems. wearer until mordant has expired.
Note: Clerics whose god grants the Trickery domain have access Material Component: A pinch of salt.
to this spell as an orison.
Focus: A piece of iron pyrite that is touched to the gems. Mute
Level: Brd 2, Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action Pack
Range: Medium Divination
Target: One living creature Level: Sor/Wiz 0
Duration: Permanent (D) Components: V, S, M
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Casting Time: 1 standard action
Spell Resistance: Yes Range: Close
The subject becomes unable to speak, sing, or otherwise Target: See text
communicate verbally. Her lips and tongue still move, but no Duration: Instantaneous
sound emerges; others may use the Read Lips function of the Saving Throw: None (harmless) (object)
Spot skill to try to discern what she is “saying.” She may not Spell Resistance: No
cast spells with verbal components. She can still read, write, Upon casting pack, you become aware of the most efficient way
and understand the speech of others. of arranging the objects you designate inside a container you are
A restore voice or heal spell returns the creature’s vocal touching. Unfortunately, the spell does not take into account
abilities. such factors as the size of the container’s opening or the fact that
objects may have to pass through each other to achieve the desired
Nature’s Message arrangement. If a given object is too large to be enclosed in the
Illusion [Language-dependent] container, pack ignores it; if there is too much material to fit, the
Level: Drd 2, Rgr 3 spell works on that which is closest to you.
Components: V, S Material Component: A short, flat piece of wood suitable for use
Casting Time: 1 standard action as a lever.
Range: Close
Target: 1 living creature/level Pleasant Dreams
Duration: 10 minutes/level Enchantment [Mind-Affecting]
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Spell Resistance: Yes Components: V, S, M
As nature’s voice, but the affected creatures may also speak Casting Time: 1 standard action
to one another. Those not included in the spell hear only Range: Touch
animal noises. No one creature may exceed 25 words over the Target: 1 creature/level
duration of the spell; beyond that limit, they must speak in Duration: See text
their normal voices to be understood. Nature’s message does Saving Throw: Will negates
not translate languages that the hearers do not understand. Spell Resistance: Yes
Pleasant dreams produces no effect unless the target goes to sleep
Nature’s Voice within one hour per level of the time it was cast. If so, the target
Illusion has unusually interesting and vivid dreams that are very restful,
Level: Drd 1, Rgr 2 reducing his normal required amount of sleep by one hour plus
Components: V, S one additional hour per three caster levels (maximum 5 hours).
Casting Time: 1 standard action However, while sleeping, he is so caught up in his dreams that
Range: Close he is difficult to awaken early from this slumber; normal noise or
Target: 1 living creature/level even the sounds of combat will not awaken him, though shaking,
Duration: 10 minutes/level slapping, or injuring him will. Pleasant dreams does not affect beings
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) of races that do not sleep, such as elves.
Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: Rose petals.
For the duration of the spell, the target creatures can perfectly
mimic the cries of wild and domestic animals. The targets may Reduce Fever
switch animals once per round, or may choose to speak in Conjuration (Healing)
their normal voices. Level: Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1
Components: V, S
Nose of the Hound Casting Time: 1 standard action
Transmutation Range: Touch
Level: Drd 2, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Target: Creature touched
Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Range: Close Spell Resistance: Yes
Target: One living creature You reduce the fever caused by a disease, removing all fever-related
Duration: 10 minutes/level effects and conditions. You may choose whether to drop the
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) creature’s temperature to normal, or to just reduce it enough that it
Spell Resistance: Yes is no longer dangerous. Reduce fever provides no protection against
You grant your target the ability to track by smell, as if he had fire damage. It can be used to lower the temperature of a creature
the Track feat and Scent special ability (see PH and DMG). suffering from heat stroke, but unless the environment is cooled in
Material Component: A tuft of fur from a canine. some way it will be a temporary solution at best.
Relieve Minor Condition You restore the power of speech to a creature affected by mute.
Conjuration (Healing) Material Component: A spoonful of honey.
Level: Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1
Components: V, S Settle Stomach
Casting Time: 1 standard action Conjuration (Healing)
Range: Touch Level: Clr 1
Target: Creature touched Components: V, S
Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 1 standard action
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) Range: Close
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Target: 1 living creature/level
You relieve the subject of the uncomfortable effects of a minor Duration: See text
disease or condition such as the common cold or allergies. For the Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
duration of the spell, she will not suffer from coughing, fatigue, Spell Resistance: No
shortness of breath, or whatever other discomforts the condition You relieve the subjects of the effects of nausea, heartburn,
causes. Note, however, that if she has a disease she is still contagious and other upsets of the stomach. Certain effects, such as a
and remains so for the normal length of time. If the condition troglodyte’s stench, are simply removed and the target regains
is dangerous, the patient still suffers from it, and must make the the ability to function normally. Ongoing effects, such as
normal saves to avoid harm, but she will be more comfortable. seasickness or disease, are relieved for one hour per level.

Relieve Pain Sharpen

Conjuration (Healing) Transmutation
Level: Clr 0, Drd 0, Pal 1, Rgr 1 Level: Brd 0, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V, S, M Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched Target: 1 item/level
Duration: 1 hour/level Duration: Instantaneous
You relieve the target creature of physical pain. The spell completely Saving Throw: None
negates the effects of pain as severe as that of a sprained ankle, while Spell Resistance: No
decreasing the intensity of anything more severe. The target creature You restore the keen edge to a dulled cutting implement.
gains a +5 circumstance bonus to Will saves made to prevent giving Normally used on shears, knives, and other everyday tools,
information to questioners using torture. Relieve pain counters and sharpen may also be cast on edged weapons, i.e. those that do
dispels any additional pain suffered via a heighten sensation spell. slashing or piercing damage. However, the harsh conditions of
Material Component: Powdered willow bark. combat rapidly reduce its effect.
The first successful attack made with a sharpened weapon
Resist Dirt after the spell is cast deals +1 damage. If the attack misses by
Abjuration 5 or less, the fine edge is ruined by contact with armor and
Level: Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1 the bonus is lost. Sharpened missiles that miss their target and
Components: V, S, M are retrieved later have a 20% chance of retaining their edge if
Casting Time: 1 standard action they hit something resilient such as mud or soft earth.
Range: Touch
Target: 1 object/level Shave
Duration: 1 day/level (D) Transmutation
Saving Throw: None (harmless) (object) Level: Brd 0, Clr 0, Drd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Spell Resistance: No Components: V, S, F
An object affected by resist dirt will not become dirty or soiled even Casting Time: 1 standard action
if doused in mud. Note that ink, paint, and dye count as “dirt” for Range: Touch
the spell’s purposes. Target: 1 creature/level
Material Component: A scrap of white cloth. Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Restore Voice Spell Resistance: No
Transmutation Popular with male spellcasters, shave instantly and
Level: Brd 2, Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 2 painlessly removes hair from part of the target creature’s
Components: S, M body. Commonly treated areas include the face, legs, and
Casting Time: 1 standard action underarms.
Range: Medium Focus: A charm-sized model razor that is touched to the
Target: One living creature area to be affected.
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Skill Transference When one apprentice was being berated, the other would cast sneeze
Transmutation on their master, interrupting his train of thought and usually ending
Level: Sor/Wiz 2 the lecture. Since the wizard often sneezed on his own due to dust
Components: V, S, F and pollen in the air, he didn’t catch on until after the two had left
Casting Time: 1 standard action him. A spellcaster affected by sneeze while casting a spell with a
Range: Touch verbal component must make a Concentration check to avoid losing
Target: Creatures touched (see text) the spell (see the PH). The DM may rule that sneeze has a chance to
Duration: 1 minute/level (D) spoil the aim of characters using ranged weapons.
Saving Throw: Will negates Material Component: A pinch of pepper or dust.
Spell Resistance: Yes
You take one creature’s skill and transfer it to another. For Sort
the duration of the spell, the recipient may act as if he had Universal
as many ranks in the skill as the donor has, ignoring level Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
restrictions on skill ranks. The recipient uses his own ability Components: V, S
and miscellaneous modifiers, however. For example, a halfling Casting Time: 1 standard action
with a 14 Dex who was borrowing 4 ranks in Move Silently Range: See text
would have a total of 8: 4 ranks, +2 Dex modifier, and +2 Target: Up to 100 items/level
halfling racial bonus. While her skill is being borrowed, the Duration: See text
donor acts as if she were untrained, which may mean she is Saving Throw: None (harmless)
unable to use the skill at all. If the skill being transferred is Spell Resistance: No
exclusive to a class in which the recipient has no levels, he The objects you designate are put into order according to the criteria
gains only one half of the donor’s ranks. Both the donor and you desire. The objects must fall into some sort of logical group,
the recipient may make Will saves to avoid the effects of the e.g. “the papers on my desk,” “the books in this room,” or even “the
spell; if either succeeds, the spell fails. kittens in the box.” All the objects must have whatever quality is
Focus: A small vial worth at least 10 gp. used to order them; any that do not are ignored. For example, if you
want all the books in the room ordered by title, any which do not
Skin Color have an obvious title are overlooked.
Transmutation You may use any order that you personally understand:
Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 2 alphabetical order for any language you can read, level of the
Components: V, S, M spells on scrolls, age of living beings, etc. You cannot sort based on
Casting Time: 1 standard action information unavailable to you--people whose names you do not
Range: Touch know cannot be put into alphabetical order unless they are wearing
Target: Creature touched nametags, for example.
Duration: Instantaneous If the objects are nonliving and weigh less than half a pound
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) apiece, they are physically reordered. This takes approximately one
Spell Resistance: Yes round per 10 objects. Living creatures and heavy objects cause a
The target’s skin changes to whatever color you designate. different manifestation of the spell’s energies. The first item in the
This is not limited to natural or solid colors; you may apply a order glows slightly to your eyes until you touch it, whereupon the
black and white checkerboard if you so desire. The creature’s second begins to glow instead, and so forth. This effect lasts until all
skin fades back to its natural color over the course of about a the items have been ordered, or for 1 hour per level.
month. For most humanoids, application of this spell adds a
+2 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks, or removes half the Stone Nails
penalty for working without a disguise kit. Creatures mostly Transmutation
covered in hair or fur are more or less affected depending on Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
how much of their skin is visible. Components: V, S, M
Material Component: Powdered herbs that are sprinkled on Casting Time: 1 standard action
the target. Range: Touch
Target: 1 living creature
Sneeze Duration: 1 day/level (D)
Enchantment (Compulsion) Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Level: Brd 0, Clr 0, Drd 0, Sor/Wiz 0 Spell Resistance: Yes
Components: V, S, M Developed by a hapless court wizard to appease a vain and spoiled
Casting Time: 1 standard action princess, stone nails causes the target’s fingernails to become hard
Range: Close and strong enough to be considered natural weapons. The target’s
Target: 1 living creature unarmed damage is considered lethal and inflicts an additional point
Duration: Instantaneous of damage. Creatures that already have natural weapons (such as
Saving Throw: None claw attacks) only gain the additional damage. Also, until the nails
Spell Resistance: Yes grow out (about two weeks), they will not chip, split, or break, and
The two apprentices of a wizard with severe allergies and a the target will indeed find it difficult to cut them on purpose.
bad temper developed this spell as a means of distracting him. Material Component: Powdered stone.
Thief ’s Touch spell can absorb 1 point of damage per caster level (maximum
Transmutation 5) from water-based attacks or creatures with the water subtype.
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1 Focus: A tiny model umbrella.
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action Unwrinkle
Range: Touch Transmutation
Target: Creature touched Level: Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Duration: 1 hour/level Components: V, S, F
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Casting Time: 1 standard action
Spell Resistance: Yes Range: Touch
You grant the target a +4 enhancement bonus to all Escape Artist Target: 1 garment/level
and Open Lock checks. Duration: Instantaneous
Material Component: A drop of oil. Saving Throw: None (harmless) (object)
Spell Resistance: No
Transparency You remove the wrinkles from crumpled fabric permanently.
Transmutation While unwrinkle is intended for use on clothing, it can also be
Level: Sor/Wiz 2 used on draperies, crumpled parchments, and other nonmagical
Components: V, S, M fabrics if the caster desires. Each garment affected by an
Casting Time: 1 standard action unwrinkle spell cannot be wrinkled again by normal means for
Range: Close as long as the garment exists.
Area: 5 sq ft/level Focus: A flat, palm-sized piece of metal.
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: None (harmless) (object) Waterproofing
Spell Resistance: No Abjuration
You render the target material as clear as glass. The effect covers the Level: Brd 0, Clr 0, Drd 0, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 0
area you designate, but if the targeted material is more than one Components: V, S, M
inch thick, you will only be able to see part of the way through it. Casting Time: 1 standard action
The transparency cannot be one-way; anyone on the other side of an Range: Touch
affected barrier will be able to see you as easily as you can see them. Target: 1 object/level
Material Component: A small piece of clear glass or crystal. Duration: 1 day/level (D)
Saving Throw: None (harmless) (object)
Treat Spell Resistance: No
Conjuration You treat the targeted object so that water will not penetrate or
Level: Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0 damage it, instead running off as if the object were completely
Components: V, S frictionless. Liquids such as ale or fruit juice are also affected.
Casting Time: 1 standard action The effect works both from the outside in and the inside
Range: Personal out; you could carry water in a fabric sack if it had been
Duration: Instantaneous waterproofed.
You produce a morsel of food of any type you like, one piece per Material Component: A small amount of oil or grease.
level. Typically, this spell is used to produce candies for children or
rewards for animals. The created food appears in your hands or in a Whisper
container you are holding. Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Brd 1, Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 2
Umbrella Components: V, S
Abjuration Casting Time: 1 standard action
Level: Brd 0, Clr 0, Drd 0, Sor/Wiz 0 Range: Medium
Components: V, S, F Area: 15-ft radius emanation centered on a creature, object, or
Casting Time: 1 standard action point in space
Range: Close Duration: 1 minute/level
Target: 1 creature/level Saving Throw: Will negates or none (object)
Duration: 1 hour/level Spell Resistance: Yes or no (object)
Saving Throw: None (harmless) Like the closely-related silence spell, whisper affects the
Spell Resistance: No production of sound in its area. All sounds that originate in,
You summon a field of energy above the heads of the target creatures pass through, or enter the emanation become no louder than a
that blocks the passage of water and other normal liquids. It is also whisper—generally, undetectable from more than 10 ft. away,
proof against holy or unholy water, but liquids that deal damage, and unintelligible at a distance of more than 5 ft. Spells with
such as acid or alchemist’s fire, destroy the shield almost instantly verbal components suffer a 50% chance of failure, while saving
(it can only block 1d6-1 points of damage before collapsing). Flasks throws vs. sonic or language-based effects gain a +5 bonus.
used as grenadelike weapons go right through the shield and hit the Move Silently checks made by creatures within the emanation
creature beneath. Characters under the protection of an umbrella gain a +5 circumstance bonus.
Magic Items
Magic Items a buyer pays a lower one, and so forth. In a shop, a merchant may
Everyone loves a +1 flaming sword, right? Well, at least either haggle or just set slightly higher prices, which most people
everyone whose goal is to risk life and limb in search of will simply pay. A successful Will save (against the amulet’s creator’s
treasure, glory, or whatever excitement the day may bring. For DC for a spell of that level) allows the opposing party to avoid the
those of a more homebound persuasion, magic items should effects. If she rolls a 20, she avoids the effects and may roll again;
be of a more practical nature. There’s not much use in a sword if the second roll would have saved successfully, she realizes what
that’s been enchanted to +5 versus orcs if the closest an orc the amulet does. In any case, she may make a new save for every
ever comes to your home is the fresco in the town square transaction she conducts with the amulet’s wearer. Two opposed
recounting ancient deeds of long-dead heroes. It would be far amulets of commerce cancel out and have no effect whatsoever.
more useful to have a pot that cooks the evening stew. Faint enchantment; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, charm person;
There’s also the matter of price. Spellcasters creating items Price 2,000 gp; Weight --.
with little utility to the adventuring crowd often find that
people just aren’t willing to pay their asking prices: it’s much Amulet of Infertility: While worn, this item prevents its user from
easier to convince a person to spend thousands of gold pieces being able to sire or bear children. It lasts for a year of continuous
on a sword that may save his life than on a glorified writing wear before becoming useless. Each time it is donned, the user must
pen, no matter how many substances it can write on. make a Fortitude save or take 1 point of temporary Constitution
The following can therefore be deduced: there is a need and damage.
market for simple magic items that do little more than make Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, infertility;
daily life a bit easier. None of them require a creator of higher Price 6,000 gp; Weight --.
than 3rd level. Those that are activated by a command word
generally have it written on them somewhere prominently; Amulet of King’s Armor: This unobtrusive amulet renders the
otherwise, the seller reveals it at the time of purchase. wearer immune to critical hits and the extra damage from a rogue’s
sneak attacks, even when flanked or denied his Dexterity bonus.
Alchemist’s Gloves: Made of thin leather, alchemist’s gloves This effect does not function if the user is wearing any armor that
look like normal, if highly decorated, hand wear. However, provides more than a +1 bonus to AC, but spells that provide an AC
they have been enchanted to resist the corrosive effects of bonus do not affect the function of the amulet.
the chemicals an alchemist works with. While they are worn, Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, mage armor;
the user can plunge his hand into a bowl of acid with no ill Price 2,000 gp; Weight --.
effects—as long as the level of the liquid doesn’t go above the
cuff of the glove. Thus, most pairs of alchemist’s gloves extend Animated Laces: Lengths of cord that have been enchanted to tie
to at least the wearer’s mid-forearm. Elemental damage other themselves, animated laces have many uses. Most commonly they
than acid damages the gloves normally. They provide no bonus are found lacing boots or the backs of noble ladies’ dresses. When
to AC against such effects as a green dragon’s breath weapon commanded to do so by a user holding them, animated laces thread
or acid arrow spells. themselves through eyelets or grommets and tie themselves into firm
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, resist energy; knots. They can be unlaced by a similar voice command, but only
Price 18,000 gp/pair; Weight 1 lb/pair. from the wearer of the garment they fasten.
If used to bind a creature, animated laces add +10 to the DC of
Amulet of Amplification: More like a collar than a pendant, Escape Artist checks. However, they are only as strong as normal
the amulet of amplification sits snugly against the base of its cord; if they are broken, their magic is ruined.
wearer’s throat. While worn, it amplifies the wearer’s voice Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, animate
enough that he can be heard up to 500 feet away. Everyone rope; Price 1,800 gp; Weight --.
within range hears him at a normal volume; those standing
close are not deafened. Antinausea Pendant: An antinausea pendant protects its wearer
Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, ventriloquism; from the effects of motion sickness, and adds +5 to the results of
Price 2,000 gp; Weight --. Fortitude saves made to resist other types of nausea.
Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, settle stomach;
Amulet of Beauty: This item projects a subtle illusion that Price 2,000 gp; Weight --.
slightly improves the wearer’s appearance. The wearer gains
a +2 effective increase in Charisma when dealing with any Arch of Revealing: Intended as a permanent installation, the arch
character who finds his or her race and gender attractive. This of revealing is most commonly built into the main door of a temple
is not necessarily an unmixed blessing, as the wearer may also or palace. Worked into the stone are the magical forces of one or
find it increasingly necessary to fend off unwanted advances more detection spells such as detect undead or detect good. When a
from drunks and lechers. being or item with the relevant attribute passes through the arch,
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, alter the stone indicates its presence in some way—usually, it glows, but
self; Price 2,000 gp; Weight --. audible and mental indicators are also possible. The arch may have
more than one spell, in which case the indicator is usually different
Amulet of Commerce: Unscrupulous merchants have been for each; each extra spell adds 2,000 gp to the price.
known to invest in an item called an amulet of commerce. This Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, the relevant
unobtrusive pendant improves the final terms of any business detect spell(s); Price 2,000 gp; Weight --.
deal by 10% in the wearer’s favor—a seller gets a higher price,
Magic Items
Augur Stone: Once per day, the user may consult the augur
stone as to the outcome of an action. See augury in the PH for the Calcoran’s Calculator: Calcoran’s calculator performs simple
limitations on the stone’s answer. While the most common form of arithmetical functions. Its most common form is a thin
this item is a small stone that changes color, other, more elaborate metal plate, about a foot on one side and 8 to 10 inches on
forms may be available at higher prices. the other. The user “writes” on the plate’s surface, entering
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, augury; Price the mathematical equations to be solved, and the calculator
12,000 gp; Weight --. displays the answer—generally in the user’s own handwriting,
which can be disconcerting.
Bells of Alarm: This set of four small bells must be placed, Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item,
touching the outer wall, at the corners of a rectangular structure, calculation; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
or equidistantly around the perimeter of a circular one. No
two adjacent bells may be more than 50 feet apart. A set of bells Calcoran’s Clever Cleaners: One of the many uses of
protects an area of up to 50 feet per side and 50 feet in height, prestidigitation is to clean things. The wizard Calcoran knew
which covers as much area as they can enclose—this means that this effect could be bound into a small item, which is then
towers and other tall buildings may require more than one set to activated either by use or by command word. Pebbles and
be completely protected. To be used for structural purposes, the small rocks are often used as bases, if only because the caster
bells must be permanently attached to the building in question; can get them for free.
once installed, removing them renders their magic useless. The bells The most common types are Calcoran’s tooth cleaner,
of alarm function as the alarm spell, save that the creator decides Calcoran’s clothes cleaner, and Calcoran’s room cleaner. A tooth
whether a given set produces a mental or an audible alarm. Bells cleaner brushes the user’s teeth, taking about 30 seconds, upon
that produce an audible alarm can be rendered ineffective if all four being placed in the mouth. A clothes cleaner removes dirt from
bells comprising a single set are placed within the area of a silence a character and his clothing and gear over the course of about
spell, but can otherwise be heard by anyone within 60 feet of the a minute when the stone is held and a command word spoken.
structure. A room cleaner, which also requires a command word, takes
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, alarm; Price an hour to complete its task in a 30-by-30 room, and only
2,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs (all four bells). performs the equivalent of dusting, washing the floor, and so
forth; it will not put anything away or take the dishes back to
Belt of Slimness: Donning this belt has no immediately noticeable the kitchen!
effect, but the user begins to lose weight at a rate of 2 lbs per day Faint universal; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item,
until he has lost 10% of his starting weight. If he continues to wear prestidigitation,; Price tooth cleaner 1,000 gp, clothes cleaner
the belt thereafter, he will not gain any weight, no matter how much 900 gp, room cleaner 900 gp; Weight up to ½ lb for a room
he eats. If he removes it and puts it back on, however, he will lose cleaner.
another 10%. Any wearer who goes below his minimum racial base
weight (see PH) begins to suffer the effects of starvation. Carpet of Revealing: This large (5 foot by 10 foot) carpet is
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, reduce; Price woven in elaborate patterns. When unrolled and laid flat, the
2,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. carpet reveals invisible creatures standing on it or flying within
five feet above it. It does nothing but show the locations of
Breakfinder: When touched to an object, the breakfinder begins invisible creatures. The carpet does not function unless its
to pull gently in the direction of that object’s most significant flaw bottom surface is in contact with something fairly flat; it
or malfunction. It only indicates the most important malfunction, will not work when carried, even if there is someone at each
and will not detect anything that does not actually cause the target corner to hold it taut.
object to cease to work—it does not warn of incipient breakage, Faint conjuration or evocation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous
only actual breaks. Item, faerie fire or glitterdust; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 15 lbs.
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, find break; Price
2,000 gp; Weight --. Cheater’s Cards: In some places, the mere possession of a
deck of cheater’s cards can get the owner thrown out, banned,
Bugball: This small metal sphere glows or even beaten. They look like a normal deck of cards,
with an eerie blue light that attracts but contain an extra, blank card. The possessor
normal insects and kills them when of this extra card can concentrate as a standard
they touch it. It lasts for about a action to change the values of any cards he is
month of normal use; throwing touching. Whatever cards he “discards” in this
it into a thick concentration manner swap places randomly with the cards
of insects, such as a beehive or that have the values he desires. He cannot
anthill, will burn it out in just a control where his “discards” go, so he may
few minutes. Once created, the inadvertently improve an opponent’s hand as
bugball can be recharged by any caster who well as his own. Detect cheating reveals a deck of
knows the correct spell, even if he does not have the cheater’s cards for what they are.
Craft Wondrous Item feat. Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, silent image;
Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, chill touch; Price 2,000 gp; Weight --.
Price 1,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Magic Items
Cheater’s Dice: Like cheater’s cards, cheater’s dice are severely to do so. Such a trigger must be visual or audible. In the absence of
frowned upon in almost any gambling establishment. They the trigger, she continues to sleep as long as she wears the circlet. The
come in sets of three. When two of the dice are rolled, the item is not cursed; it can be removed normally, and may even fall
character possessing the third die may make a Dex check at a off if the wearer is a vigorous sleeper. In addition, if the sleeper takes
DC of 10. If he succeeds, he can control how the dice land. He even 1 hp of damage, she wakes up immediately.
must also make an opposed Bluff check lest his fellow players Faint enchantment; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, sleep; Price
notice what he is doing; users of cheater’s dice tend to develop 2,000 gp; Weight --.
flamboyant styles as camouflage. If any of the three dice are
lost or destroyed, the magic ceases to function. Cloth of Blindness/Cloth of Deafness: A creature wearing a
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, mage cloth of blindness over the eyes or cloth of deafness over the ears is
hand; Price 1,000 gp; Weight --. affected as if targeted by a blindness/deafness spell. The creature is
not restrained in any way and may remove the item by whatever
Childfinder: Each childfinder is a pair of metal tokens, one means it would normally use; a character could untie a cloth of
slightly larger than the other but otherwise identical. The blindness, while an animal might simply shake its head until a cloth
tokens may be worn as pendants, sewn into clothing, or of deafness fell off. Once the item is removed, the creature’s affected
simply carried. As a standard action, the possessor of the larger senses return to normal. For double the price, a self-securing hood
token can concentrate to discover the location and direction of blindness and deafness, that affects both sight and hearing, can be
of movement of the smaller one. A creator who can cast cure obtained.
or inflict spells may also add the ability to know the general Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, blindness/
state of health of any individual holding or wearing the smaller deafness; Price 12,000 gp; Weight --.
token, i.e. healthy, injured, etc. This doubles the price. Neither
property functions if either token is encased in lead. Cold Box: This wooden box, two feet on a side, keeps items placed
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, locate within it at a temperature just below freezing, regardless of the
object, any cure or inflict spell; Price 12,000 gp or 24,000 gp; outside temperature. The effect functions only on items completely
Weight --. enclosed in the box; the contents begin to thaw at a normal rate
when the box is open. Living creatures small enough to be enclosed
Circlet of Color: These items vary from simple metal hoops in the box suffer the normal effects of low temperatures rather than
to elaborate pieces of jewelry in their own right—the price being instantly frozen stiff.
given is for the simple model. When the circlet is worn and Faint evocation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, any spell with
its command word spoken, it changes the wearer’s hair color the Cold descriptor; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 10 lbs.
to whatever color is desired. The color is permanent, but the
wearer’s hair grows out in its natural color unless the Cold Goblets: Popular in hot climates, cold goblets
circlet is worn continuously. Similar items are lower the temperature of liquids placed within them
available that incorporate the effects of skin color, to just above freezing. There are also hot goblets, which
though they are more often amulets or necklaces. raise the temperature of their contents. For double the
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous price, goblets with both spells are available; the user
Item, hair color; Price 1,800 gp; Weight --. must specify whether a given liquid is to be kept hot or
Circlet of Enemy Detection: The wearer of the Faint evocation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, chill
circlet may use the effects of detect friends and enemies water and/or heat water; Price 1,000 gp (just hot or
for up to one hour per day. This time may be continuous cold) or 2,000 gp (both hot and cold); Weight ½ lb.
or broken into several smaller periods of time that equal one
hour. Coldproof Bracelets: Usually made of silver, the coldproof bracelets
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, detect allow their wearer manual dexterity in even the coldest weather.
friends and enemies; Price 10,000 gp; Weight --. While worn, they protect the wearer’s hands—and only his hands—
from cold. The bracelets provide no protection against cold-based
Circlet of Intelligent Thought: For up to 10 minutes per attacks and do not keep the rest of the wearer’s body warm. The
day, the wearer of the circlet of intelligent thought is aware of same creature need not wear both bracelets, but only the hand with
the location of any intelligent beings (Int 3 or greater) within the bracelet is protected.
50 feet of him. The circlet’s effect is blocked by 3 feet of earth, Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, resist energy;
2 feet of wood, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of most metals or a Price 3,000 gp; Weight --.
thin sheet of lead. A creature wearing a lead-coated helmet is
also undetectable. The circlet’s wearer cannot read the beings’ Collar of Calming: An animal wearing this collar is affected as if
thoughts or intentions. by a calm animals spell. For twice the price, riding gear is available
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, detect which also gives a +2 circumstance bonus to any Ride checks made
thoughts; Price 8,000 gp; Weight --. by the animal’s rider in circumstances where the animal has been
spooked or frightened.
Circlet of Sleep: When worn, a circlet of sleep causes its user to Faint enchantment; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, calm animals;
do just that. Before it is donned, the wearer may specify a time Price 2,000 gp or 4,000 gp; Weight --.
at which she wishes to awaken, or a trigger that will cause her
Magic Items
Collar of Holding: When placed on an animal, the collar of holding Empty Safe: This large metal box has a built-in lock and
subjects the creature to the effects of a hold animal spell. The animal appears to be quite ordinary in every respect. However, an
may make a Will save every hour to throw off the effect. empty safe seemingly causes all objects placed within it to
Faint enchantment; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, hold animal; vanish so that the safe appears to be totally empty no matter
Price 48,000 gp; Weight ½ lb. what is in it. An empty safe can make up to twenty items
disappear in this manner (provided they fit within the volume
Cooking Pots of Ease: Available in a number of varieties, cook pots of the box). If the safe’s capacity is exceeded, the magic
have been enchanted to cook their contents without the usual heat temporarily fails and its contents are rendered visible until the
sources and human intervention. In general, the user must put the excess items are removed.
appropriate ingredients into the pot, then speak the command word Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, empty hat;
and recite the recipe to be prepared. A user who knows how to cook Price 1,000 gp plus the cost of the lock; Weight 50 lbs.
may also teach the pot recipes by using it as a normal utensil. The
same recipe must be prepared at least once a day for five successive Enhanced Jewelry: Jewelry that has been affected by the spell
days in order for the pot to “learn” it and each recipe must be given luster appears to cost more than it does, allowing people to
a distinctive name, to be spoken along with the command word. wear impressive items on a limited budget. Note that the spell
Although the general cooking pot is the most common type can only affect items that incorporate gems, and does nothing
to be enchanted in this way, in larger towns and cities one can for shoddy workmanship or poor materials in the setting.
often find specialized cookware, such as pie tins or bread pans. In Unscrupulous shopkeepers may attempt to pass off enhanced
addition, some pots are sold having already been taught a few simple items as more valuable than they are, but honest ones charge
recipes. Each recipe a pot knows adds 5 gp to the market price. The the price listed below.
pot may also have been enchanted with create water, in which case Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, luster; Price
it provides its own when needed, and purify food and drink. Each of 1,000 gp plus the cost of the jewelry; Weight varies, but is
these options adds 500 gp to the price. generally negligible.
Faint evocation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, cook; Price 1,000
gp, 1,500 gp, or 2,000 gp; Weight varies by type. Everlight: An item which has had continual flame cast on it
has a permanent glow equivalent to a torch. People fed up
Copying Plate: The copying plate is a flat sheet of metal, about 2 ½ with buying candles and torches might have a small item
feet on a side, which can be used to duplicate the effects of the copy enchanted in order to have a light source that never needs
spell up to 10 times per day. The sheet to be copied and the blank refueling. In a large city, there might even be everlight street
must be laid on the plate and the command word spoken. lamps; inns and taverns might provide lighting for their
Faint universal; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, copy; Price 1,800 patrons.
gp; Weight 5 lbs. A special case is the adventurer’s light, based on a burnt-out
ioun stone. Circling a character’s head at just above eye level,
Crafter’s Tools: These magical tools, of the appropriate type for the stone provides a hands-free, fuelless light source which
the craft in question, add a +4 circumstance bonus to all Craft furthermore does not consume oxygen, and which can be
checks made using them. Such items are available for most crafts; “turned off” by the simple expedient of snatching it out of the
the creator of the item must have at least 2 ranks in the appropriate air and putting it in a lightproof container. The DM may rule
skill. that a circling adventurer’s light causes a penalty when a PC
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, clever hands, attempts delicate work such as lock picking or the exercise of
2 ranks in appropriate Craft skill; Price 1,655 gp; Cost to Create Craft skills, and any prolonged attempt to read by the moving
855 gp; Weight as appropriate tools. light may necessitate a Fortitude save to avoid a bad headache
(-1 to Will saves and mental skills for 1d6 hours).
Dinnivun’s Loom: This large floor loom warps itself and weaves cloth Faint evocation; CL 3rd; continual flame; Price 60 gp plus
with no intervention, as long as it is provided with yarn or thread. the cost of the item to be enchanted (torch- or candle-sized
It can perform a simple weave on command, but complex ones such wooden dowel, free; metal rod, 1 gp; ioun stone, 25 gp); Cost
as brocades require a pattern for it to follow. It can also be used as a to Create 30 gp plus the cost of the item to be enchanted;
normal loom (it functions as a masterwork tool), though it performs Weight up to 1 lb for a metal rod.
its tasks in approximately one-tenth the time it would take a skilled
character. The loom is activated by a simple command word. Everwarm Platters: Large, metal serving plates suitable for
Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, unseen servant, banquets, everwarm platters keep food placed upon them at
2 ranks in Craft (weaving); Price 1,800 gp; Weight 100 lbs. the proper temperature. A simple command word activates
them for a period of twelve hours, after which the plates
Dinnivun’s Spindle: When placed upon a pile of raw fiber, Dinnivun’s return to room temperature until activated again. One can
spindle can be commanded to spin it. The user may specify the weight also find everchilled platters that keep foods cold and fresh for
of the finished cord, from fine thread to heavy yarn. Made of exotic the same period of time.
wood and carefully balanced, the spindle counts as a masterwork tool Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, heat
if used normally, though it spins about 10 times faster than a skilled metal or chill metal; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
character can.
Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, unseen servant, Festival Lights: There are many types of festival lights, from a
2 ranks in Craft (spinning); Price 1,800 gp; Weight ½ lb. length of cord that glows along its length to cascades of beads,
Magic Items
each with its own differently colored flame. Though not very Fireworks: Fireworks come in a number of varieties, but they all
bright in themselves—it takes 5 lengths of festival lights to share one common characteristic: when ignited, they produce
equal the illumination of a torch—en masse the lights can colored flames or sparks. The flames last for up to 5 minutes, and
produce a very impressive effect. Temples and governmental may produce patterns rather than simple bursts of color; the more
buildings use them to decorate for major holidays; a complex type is naturally more expensive. Some fireworks have also
sufficiently rich private citizen might do the same. The lights been enchanted to float into the air before exploding, which lessens
cannot be turned off, and are sometimes used for illumination the risk of setting fire to something on the ground.
in storage areas when they are not in use. Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, pyrotechnics
Faint evocation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, continual (and levitate if desired); Price 300 gp (600 gp for levitating
flame, dancing lights, or light; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs. fireworks); Weight up to ½ lb.

Fingernail Hardener: Rather than being meant to be drunk, Flask of Acid: Though the most common form of this item is a
fingernail hardener is a salve or oil rubbed on the user’s glass flask such as acid is usually bought in, other types of container
fingernails. Until they grow out, the user’s nails become are possible. The item changes any liquid placed within it
resistant to breakage and chipping, and she finds it into acid. This process takes one day per pint of liquid
difficult to cut them. For higher prices, fingernail (sixteen ounces in a pint, two pints in a quart, four
hardener is available that also colors the nails. Each quarts in a gallon). If the liquid is poured out before the
vial contains enough to treat 10 fingernails. If transformation is complete, it takes on the approximate
ingested, the imbiber suffers 1d3 points of acidity of lemon juice but is otherwise unaffected. Potions,
temporary Intelligence damage (no save). magical liquids such as holy water, and liquids that do
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Brew damage have their properties destroyed by a completed
Potion, stone nails (and prestidigitation transformation. The appearance of the liquid changes only
for colored nails); Price 25 gp (clear); 50 gp slightly; a character who does not suspect what has happened
(colored); Weight --. requires a Spot check with a DC of 15 to notice the skin of green
iridescence. The creation of a flask of acid consumes alchemical
Firestarter: This wooden dowel, about the size and shape of a components worth 100 gp per pint of the container’s capacity, or 10
pencil, produces upon command a small flame from one end, gp for a one-ounce vial. The container is impervious to the effects of
equivalent to that of a candle. The flame is completely normal the acid it produces, allowing waterskins of acid and the like.
in all respects save that it will not go out in heavy wind or Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, any spell with
even under water. It persists for up to one minute, then goes the Acid descriptor, two ranks of Craft (alchemy); Price 210 gp
out. While a firestarter could be used as a light source, it has (one-ounce vial), 300 gp (one-pint flask), 400 gp (quart bottle), 600
only 50 charges before becoming useless. Attempts to use one gp (half-gallon waterskin), 1,000 gp (gallon jug); Weight up to 1 lb
in melee are at the same penalties as any other improvised for a jug.
weapon. Any spellcaster who can cast a spell with the Fire
descriptor may create a firestarter, provided she has the Fleabane Amulet: When worn, a fleabane amulet creates a magical
Craft Wondrous Item feat. Temples to fire deities often sell field that extends about 1 foot from the wearer. Normal vermin
firestarters for minimal profit or even at cost. cannot enter this space, and flee if brought within it. A slightly
While a firestarter costs much more than 50 tindertwigs, larger version, the fleabane medallion, is activated by command word
it has a number of advantages: it takes up less room, does not and protects a 10-ft. cube. Both are good for a month of continuous
become useless if wetted, produces a longer-lasting flame, and use before they must be recharged. Any spellcaster knowing the
will not go out when one is trying to start a fire in the rain. appropriate spell may recharge a fleabane amulet or medallion,
Faint evocation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, any spell whether she has the Craft Wondrous Item feat or not.
with the Fire descriptor; Price 750 gp; Weight --. Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, insect ward;
Price 1,000 gp (amulet); 900 gp (medallion); Weight --.
Fire Ward: Available in many forms, the fire ward is a
small figurine that warns of and guards against unexpected Freidoc’s Branding Iron: Those who own large numbers of
fires. It ignores fires in protected spots, such as fireplaces or livestock (or slaves) may also have a Freidoc’s branding iron.
candleholders, and any flame source a character is touching; This item, the first of which was created by the infamous slave
any other fire within 50 feet of it causes the fire ward to emit lord, Freidoc the Cruel, produces a mark on the skin of a living
a piercing screech that wakes even the deepest sleeper. It creature, which does not fade with time. Paradoxically, for having
continues to give its alarm until a creature touching it speaks been invented by such a foul-tempered and sadistic man, the
the command word. branding iron is painless to apply. The mark may be erased, and
For double price, one can obtain a fire ward that actually may eventually be negated over the course of a month spent in a
douses small fires before they can spread. It is incapable of non-magical area, such as an antimagic field. The mark is rendered
extinguishing a flame larger than that of a candle. unrecognizable if the area on which it is branded takes 1 hp
Faint abjuration (and faint conjuration for the upgraded of damage, and can be removed entirely with 2 hp of damage.
version); CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, alarm (and create However, natural healing leaves scars that clearly indicate that the
water for the upgraded version); Price 2,000 gp or 4,000 gp; mark was there.
Weight ½ lb. Faint universal; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, arcane mark;
Price 1,000 gp; Weight --.
Magic Items
Gag of Muting: These items usually appear as mere strips of cloth, 12,000 gp; Weight 25 lbs.
but any shape that can cover the victim’s mouth when worn is
possible. A gag of muting not only deprives its wearer of the power Hairdresser’s Comb: Thrice per day as a standard action, the
of speech, it also inhibits any other vocal sound, including clearing user of a hairdresser’s comb may command it to untangle and
of the throat or grunting. Those wearing the gag are not necessarily dress her hair. The untangling of the hair is always painless.
restrained in any other way; a humanoid whose hands were free For a similar price, one may also purchase hairdresser’s shears,
could simply remove it. which cut hair in the style specified by the user.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, mute; Price Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, unseen
12,000 gp; Weight --. servant; Price 1,800 gp; Weight --.

Gamefinder Amulet: When worn, this amulet grants the wearer Harvester’s Scythe: Favored by those with large fields and
knowledge of the location of the closest game animal of whatever few workers, the harvester’s scythe can be activated to cut and
type he chooses, provided there are any within one mile. He may bind a bushel of grain in approximately half the time it would
change the type of animal it detects by concentrating as a standard take a person to do so. While animated, the scythe cannot
action. strike any living creature and will cease functioning until
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, detect animals or creatures in the area have moved at least 10 feet away from
plants; Price 2,000 gp; Weight --. it. Though it is a masterwork tool, the harvester’s scythe offers
no bonus when used as a weapon; in fact, due to its unique
Gaming Table of Honesty: Made of wood, a gaming table of honesty balance, a character must have exotic weapon proficiency to
is inlaid with thin lines of metal which bind the magical energies of use it as a weapon without incurring a penalty.
detect cheating to its surface. The players of any game that uses the Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, unseen
table as a base are subject to that spell’s effect. The game must be servant; Price 2,318 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
one primarily played on a table, such as a card or dice game.
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, detect cheating; Hold Trap: Designed to look like a harmless objet d’art or
Price 1,000 gp per 100 square feet of surface; Weight 15 lbs and up. part of a larger item such as a doorknob, a hold trap subjects
anyone who touches it to the effects of hold person spell. In
Gloves of Smithing: These thin leather gloves have been addition to the save when he initially touches the trap, the
embroidered with magical symbols. The wearer is granted a +2 victim may make a new Will save every hour to throw off the
competence bonus to all smithing-related Craft skill checks (or a +8 effect. The creature is held until it no longer touches the hold
competence bonus to a single smithing skill), as well as the ability trap; due to the nature of the spell, the trap will most likely
to resist extreme heat. When worn, the user can pick up white-hot have to be knocked away by another. This must be done with
metal, smoldering embers, or reach into a fire with no ill effects. The a tool of some sort, as anyone else who touches the trap or the
gloves of smithing provide no protection against any other type of currently held creature(s) is held himself. Once the hold trap
elemental damage; while the wearer could reach into a forge, cold, has been triggered and its victim freed, it is rendered inert
acid, and electricity damage the gloves and their wearer normally. and must be reset by a caster who knows hold person. He need
Gloves of smithing do not increase the wearer’s AC, as they protect not have the Craft Wondrous Item feat, however. The hold
only the hands and forearms from fire. trap may be touched safely (deactivated) if a predetermined
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, resist energy; password is spoken first.
Price 12,000 gp/pair; Weight 1 lb/pair. Faint enchantment; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, hold
person; Price 1,200 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Glowing Book: This is a book enchanted with glowing page, such
that it can be read even in total darkness. The base book may be Hypnotic Trap: When a creature touches the hypnotic trap
on any topic, but it must be finely made and incorporate materials without first speaking the command word, it triggers the
worth at least 25 gp above and beyond the normal price for a book effect of the spell stored within. If it fails its Will save, it is
of its type. One can occasionally find blank glowing books suitable fascinated as if by a hypnotic pattern spell. It may make a
for use as wizards’ spellbooks. new save every hour until it throws off the effect or is found
Faint evocation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, glowing page; and awakened. A caster who knows hypnotism may make a
Price 1,000 gp plus the price of the book; Cost to Create: 500 gp hypnotic trap that instead gives its victim a single, reasonable
plus the price of the book; Weight up to 2 lbs. suggestion, such as “Wait here.”
Faint enchantment or illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous
Grates of Odor Suppression: Large and wealthy cities often have Item, hypnotism or hypnotic pattern; Price 1,800 gp
sewers that run beneath the streets. On hot summer days, the (hypnotism), 10,800 gp (hypnotic pattern); Weight 2 lbs.
vile and noxious odors associated with this fact can become both
unavoidable and highly offensive. These magical grates were created Inkwell of Disappearance: When ink is placed in the inkwell
as a solution to the problem, especially in wealthy cities where the of disappearance, it seems to vanish. However, it is still there
budget could accommodate their creation. Grates of odor suppression and can be used to write normally. The text so produced is
are enchanted to prevent the nauseating smells of the undercity invisible, and remains so until a creature touches the object
from rising. The grates allow rainwater and sewage to drain normally, upon which it is written and speaks a command word, which
but still protect the noses of the city’s inhabitants. is unique to each inkwell. The text also becomes visible if
Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, anosmia; Price taken into an antimagic field. Once it has been revealed, the
Magic Items
text cannot be made to vanish again. Wary spies write their of a specific animal when the user blows into it. The type of animal
invisible messages in the margins of a normal one to allay mimicked by a given lure pipe is determined at the time of creation
suspicion. and cannot be changed afterwards. Lure pipes cannot function
Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility; within a silence spell.
Price 10,800 gp; Weight --. Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, nature’s voice; Price
2,000 gp; Weight --.
Inkwell of Many Colors: This small glass inkwell changes the
color of the ink it holds when the command word is spoken Magic Detector: This is a small item enchanted to alert its user to
and a color named. It cannot change anything other than the the presence of magic. Common forms include a semi-precious gem
color of ink; specifying “lapis lazuli” causes it to produce ink that glows, a small bell that rings softly, or a mechanical contraption
of a deep turquoise blue that does not actually contain the that emits clicks. The item normally responds to the general level of
precious stone. The user must supply the ink. If the ink is magic in an area; as a standard action the user may concentrate to
applied to a quill or spilled, the color cannot be subsequently change exactly what it senses.
changed. However, any ink that remains in the inkwell can be General: The item responds to the general level of magic
altered normally. within 60 feet of it, ignoring its user, his equipment, and that of
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, match any creatures touching him. If it is not moved for 5 rounds, the
color or prestidigitation; Price 1,000 gp; Weight --. indicator changes to indicate the strength of the aura (a glow gets
brighter, ringing gets louder, clicks speed up, etc.). After 10 rounds,
Invisibility Box: A small wooden box with metal fittings, the it indicates the school of magic that is most predominant (the glow
invisibility box can render small items invisible 5 times per changes color, the ringing becomes a distinct melody, clicks come in
day. It has a capacity of about ½ cubic foot; the spell can only rhythm, etc.). If the user ignores the item for 5 minutes, it reverts to
be triggered when the lid is closed. The items stay invisible this mode. Note that it cannot be turned off, which can be a hazard
for 24 hours. If more than one item is in the box when the for users attempting to be stealthy.
command word is spoken, each item counts as a separate use; Closest: The item now reacts to the source of magic closest
if there are more objects than daily uses remaining, items are to it, assuming there are any within its range. If focused on the
chosen at random until no daily uses remain. same source for two or more rounds, it begins to pull slightly in
Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility; that direction. It gives more detailed information the longer it
Price 10,800 gp; Weight 1 lb. is concentrated on one source. If focused on the same aura for
2 minutes (20 rounds), the user may make a Spellcraft check to
Iron of Smoothing: This simple item is small metal disk that determine the exact spell in use, as detect magic.
removes all the wrinkles from up to 20 articles of clothing per Strongest: The item reacts to the strongest source of magic within
day. It is activated by touching the material of the garment to 60 feet. As above, the indicator gives the user information about the
be smoothed, so the user must be careful not to let her own location and nature of the magic if kept focused on one source.
clothing brush against it lest she waste a daily usage. An iron Most spellcasters prefer not to make magic detectors, as they
of smoothing generates no heat, even when active. remove one of the great advantages casters have over those who
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, cannot use magic. However, a caster might make herself one in
unwrinkle; Price: 1,000 gp; Weight --. order to avoid having to regularly cast detect magic, or for use by her
followers against rivals; such items may find their way onto the open
Lie Detector: This item is actually a pair of linked amulets, market or be found in treasure hoards.
one of silver and one of gold. The wearer of the gold amulet The item to be enchanted must be worth at least 50 gp, and the
automatically knows whether any statement made by the creation of the magic detector consumes spell components worth a
wearer of the silver amulet is the truth to the best of that further 25 gp.
creature’s knowledge. The wearer of the silver amulet can Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, detect magic;
make a Bluff check at DC 30 to avoid this effect; he must Price 1,025 gp; Cost to Create 525 gp; Weight --.
make a new check each time he utters a lie. He is also immune
if under the influence of any effect concealing his thoughts. Majara’s Needle: The user of a Majara’s needle must provide cloth
In large cities, one may be able to find versions of the lie or leather, suitable thread, and the pattern to be followed, which
detector which function only if the wearer of the silver amulet may be marked directly on the cloth or drawn on a sheet of paper or
has not yet reached her race’s age of adulthood (see PH). parchment. All these items must be touching each other when the
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, detect lies; needle is activated. When the command word is spoken, the needle
Price 12,000 gp; Weight --. embroiders the cloth in approximately one-tenth the time it would
take a character to do so. If it runs out of thread, it stops working
Lucky Token: These innocuous-looking items come in many until more is provided. It will not do structural sewing of any sort,
forms, from metal talismans bearing the symbols of various though it will embroider on an already completed garment or other
gods to rabbits’ feet. Once per day, the user of a lucky token item. It follows the pattern exactly; any mistakes in the drafting are
may activate the item, granting her a +1 luck bonus to a single duplicated.
attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. A Majara’s needle may also be taught patterns by a user who has
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, guidance; ranks in Craft (embroidery). She must physically use the needle for
Price 400 gp; Weight --. at least three hours or one repeat of the pattern, whichever takes
Lure Pipe: Favored by hunters, the lure pipe mimics the call longer. Each pattern the needle learns must be given a distinctive
Magic Items
name, to be spoken along with the command word. Faint universal and transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft
Similar items exist for sewing, which does the structural sewing Wondrous Item, arcane mark, erase; Price 3,600 gp; Weight --.
necessary to construct a garment from cut pieces of cloth or leather,
and other crafts such as knitting. In all cases, creation of such items Pendant of Odor Suppression: While worn, this ordinary-
requires 2 ranks in the appropriate skill. looking pendant has the beneficial magical effect of
Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, unseen servant, preventing the wearer’s body odor from becoming offensive to
2 ranks in Craft (embroidery); Price 1,800 gp; Weight --. humanoid senses. Additionally, the pendant of odor suppression
adds +2 to the DC to track the user by scent and grants
Mending Box: A wooden box, usually about a foot on a side, the a +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks involving
mending box affects objects placed within it as mending spell. The humanoids.
lid must be closed and the command word spoken for the effect to Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, anosmia;
function. For over ten times the price, mending boxes are available Price: 400 gp; Weight --.
that have been enchanted with make whole instead; see the PH for
the limitations of that spell. Larger boxes cost the base price for each Pillow of Dreaming: This item grants its user the benefits
cubic foot of capacity. and drawbacks of pleasant dreams.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, mending or Faint enchantment; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item,
make whole; Price 900 gp or 10,800 gp per cubic foot; Weight ½ lb. pleasant dreams; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Message Box: A small, hinged wooden box secured with leather Planting Sack: The fabric of which the planting sack is made
straps, a message box compels any Tiny animal to which it is affixed must be fine, despite its pedestrian task. On command, a sack
as a animal messenger spell. The box will not, however, summon an filled with grain animates and moves about on its own. The
animal; the user must supply his own. The character retrieving the sack can sow a field in half the time it would take a skilled
message, and no other, may use the same message box again to send character to do so.
a reply, after which the item becomes useless. The animal returns Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, unseen
to the spot from which it was originally dispatched and waits there servant; Price 1,800 gp; Weight 1 lb.
until the message is retrieved or the second spell’s duration expires.
Faint enchantment; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, animal Plate of Cookery: This flat disc or square of metal has a
messenger; Price 300 gp; Weight --. backing of wood or pottery. When the command word is
spoken, the metal surface of the plate quickly heats up enough
Message Stone: Made of some semiprecious gem, a message stone to be used as a cooking surface. It produces no light—and
can record up to 1 minute of speech per level of its creator. Once careless cooks may learn the hard way that a heated plate of
it has been recorded on, the stone’s contents cannot be changed. cookery looks exactly like a cold one! Some plates of cookery
Thereafter, any character who holds the stone in her hand and have several possible cooking temperatures, such as “simmer,”
concentrates can retrieve the message. The message plays back at the “sauté,” and “boil.” The heat does not radiate, affecting only
volume at which it was recorded, and can be listened to as many objects that are touching the metal surface, so a plate of
times as desired. cookery has little utility as an emergency heat source.
Faint illusion or transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, heat
capture sound or message; Price 1,000 gp; Weight --. metal; Price 10,800 gp; Weight 2 lbs.

Murgan’s Mystical Mothballs: These marble-sized balls, carved Purifying Dish: A purifying dish is always made of metal,
of aromatic wood, have been enchanted to keep moths and other and is usually elaborately decorated. When the command
such destructive vermin out of stored clothing and food. For the word is spoken, the dish alerts its user, usually by glowing,
listed price the purchaser gets one dozen mothballs, each of which if any poison is present. The user may then speak a second
keeps up to 10 cubic feet of space free of insects for up to a year. command word, causing the dish to purify its contents (up to
The mystical mothballs must be used in an enclosed container such one cubic foot of food) and render them fit for consumption.
as a drawer or closet; a mothball in a space too big for it is useless. A There are also purifying goblets and even serving platters,
chest with a capacity of 15 cubic feet, for example, would need 2 of though each cubic foot of capacity adds 1,800 gp to the price.
Murgan’s mystical mothballs for useful protection. Faint divination and transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, insect ward; Wondrous Item, detect poison, purify food and drink; Price
Price 1,000 gp; Weight --. 1,800 gp; Weight ½ lb.

Notetaker: Notetakers are wooden blocks about 6 inches on a side Purse of Alarm: Popular with those who must carry their
and 1 inch thick. When the user speaks the command word, she can cash and valuables on their persons, a purse of alarm warns
write on the surface of the wood with any implement that comes to its owner if someone tries to pick his pocket. The purse
a relatively sharp point; even the edge of a fingernail will work. She recognizes its owner; if anyone else touches it, it begins
may also erase previous writing by scratching it out. Most notetakers to shriek. Until its owner speaks a command word while
only hold as much writing as will fit on their top surface, but the touching it, the purse announces loudly in whatever language
user may buy extra “pages” of capacity at 50 gp each. The notetaker its creator chose that it is being stolen. Its voice has the
becomes inert if its command word is spoken again, or if it is not volume of an alarm spell. As carrying vessels, purses of alarm
written on for 5 minutes. have a capacity of ½ cubic foot. One might also find a chest
Magic Items
of alarm, which is activated if anyone but its owner opens slope is more than 30 degrees but less than 45, the DC increases
or moves it. Such an item has a capacity of about 5 cubic to 20. Above 45 degrees of slope, the user is no longer walking
feet. Items such as these might also be set to raise the alarm but climbing, and the rope’s magic fails. At least a foot of the rope’s
if a creature with a given quality (evil alignment, undead, length must be used at each end to secure it, so one rope may be
etc) touches them; in that case, the price is doubled and the used to span a gap a maximum of 48 feet wide. The rope of balance
creator must know the relevant detect spell(s). is completely normal in terms of durability and carrying capacity. If
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, alarm, it breaks or is severed, its enchantment is lost, leaving two shorter
magic mouth, relevant detect spell(s); Price 1,800 gp (standard), pieces of normal silk rope.
3,600 gp (with detect spell); Weight ½ lb. Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, cat’s balance
or cat’s grace; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Quiet Pillow: A creature whose head rests upon a quiet
pillow finds his sense of hearing dulled. Even the loudest Rope of Binding: Thinner than the rope usually used for climbing,
noises are no more intrusive than a conversation in the next the silk rope of binding holds only half as much weight before
room, allowing him to sleep peacefully even if sounding brass breaking. However, it adds +10 to the DC of Escape Artist checks
instruments pass under his bedroom window. made by a creature struggling to escape it.
Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, animate
blindness/deafness; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. rope; Price: 10,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.

Radnall’s Eraser: A Radnall’s eraser is a small wooden cube Sarwit’s Savory Seasoning: Sold in one-ounce bags, Sarwit’s savory
measuring a single square inch per side with an unadorned seasoning can be added to a serving-sized quantity of raw, prepared,
metal disk set into one face. Three times per day, the user or even spoiled food to enhance and improve its flavor. It will
can cover the disk with a finger and rub the eraser over a not make raw or spoiled food healthy, just palatable. One bag of
selection of text or an illustration he wishes to eradicate. Only seasoning contains about 50 uses.
non-magical writing is affected in this manner – a Radnall’s Faint universal; CL 3rd; Brew Potion prestidigitation; Price 375
eraser has no effect whatsoever on spells written in a wizard’s gp; Weight --.
spellbook or on a scroll.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, erase; Scrivener’s Pen: A scrivener’s pen is a small metal rod, about the size
Price 2,000 gp; Weight --. of a pencil. It produces indelible marks on any nonliving substance
unless the marks are subjected to an erase spell. Marks can be made
Radnall’s Reading Lenses: Small pieces of clear crystal, on a living creature, but they will fade over the course of a month or
Radnall’s reading lenses allow the user to see and understand so. The creator decides what color the marks are, the most common
text she otherwise could not. The lenses must be placed upon being black, white, and very occasionally red. Most scrivener’s pens
the text to be read, and it only reveals or translates the text come to a point, but some have flat tips to produce broad lines.
it covers. If any of the text is a triggered spell such as a glyph Note that the scrivener’s pen may be used as an impromptu weapon
of warding or sepia snake sigil, the spell goes off and anyone (at the same penalty as any other such) or as a tent stake or climbing
within range is affected accordingly. There is a 10% chance spike, but breaking it ruins its magic permanently.
that the reading lens is destroyed by such an event. Faint universal; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, arcane mark;
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, any of Price 1,000 gp; Weight --.
comprehend languages, read magic, or see invisibility; Price:
1,000 gp (read magic), 2,000 gp (comprehend languages), Shroud of Repose: Made of fine linen or silk, the shroud of repose
12,000 gp (see invisibility); Weight --. preserves a corpse as gentle repose spell. The corpse is preserved as
long as it is wrapped in the shroud. For each size category smaller
Ring of Marking: This appears as a normal signet ring, than Medium, double the number of creatures that can be wrapped
save that the stone has been enchanted to produce its mark in a given shroud; for each size larger, halve it. Thus, two halfling
whenever held against a nonliving object and the command corpses may be preserved by one shroud, but a Large creature
word is spoken. As arcane mark, the mark created does not requires two shrouds.
harm the marked object in any way and may be either visible Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, gentle repose;
or invisible as the owner of the ring desires. The design may Price 12,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
be anything that can be carved on
a flat surface of a ring. A ring Sleeping Powder: Sleeping powder resembles nothing so much
of marking has three uses per as fine sand. It is usually sold in parchment packets of 10 doses.
day. When ingested, it allows the user to fall asleep even under adverse
Faint universal; CL 3rd; circumstances; adventuring spellcasters occasionally carry a few
Craft Wondrous Item, arcane doses to be sure of being able to rest and regain spells in the field.
mark; Price 900 gp; Weight --. The powder allows sleep rather than compelling it; only characters
who have missed at least the previous two nights’ rest need make a
Rope of Balance: This otherwise ordinary 50-foot Fortitude save to resist its effects. In addition, the sleep granted is
length of silk rope has been enchanted such that the DC to completely normal; the user has no extra difficulty awakening.
use it as a tightrope is reduced to 10. The rope may be slanted Faint enchantment; CL 3rd; Brew Potion, sleep; Price 15 gp/
at up to a 30-degree angle without increasing the DC. If the dose; Weight --.
Magic Items
Solomon’s Scarecrow: Most Solomon’s scarecrows are stuffed Talking Collar: This set of items includes a leather collar and
humanoid effigies, but they can be made in any shape the creator small pendant of stone or metal in the shape of an animal.
desires as long as they incorporate at least 1 lb of matter taken from A character wearing the pendant may communicate with
a creature that eats meat—hide, hair, bone, etc. Intended to be a the animal wearing the collar as if using a speak with animals
permanent ward for a given location, Solomon’s scarecrow grows spell. The pendant determines the class of animal that can
more effective the longer it remains in one place. A scarecrow placed wear the collar—a pendant in the shape of a cat is useless if its
within the previous week will not keep away anything larger or corresponding collar is placed on a canine. Rich people and
smarter than a beetle, but one that has been in the same field for nobles have been known to use these items to communicate
5 years deters even a deer. Affected animals do not willingly enter with favorite pets.
a protected field, and attempt to leave it as quickly as possible if Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, speak
placed there. Pollinating insects and carnivores are unaffected, as are with animals; Price 4,000 gp; Weight --.
any creatures with an Intelligence of 3 or greater. A single Solomon’s
scarecrow can protect a field of up to 10,000 square feet, whose Timekeeper: The recent development of the know time spell
boundaries must be defined when the scarecrow is placed; redefining has led to the availability of small, portable devices which tell
the boundaries afterwards counts as moving the scarecrow. time in a fashion much more accurate than a water clock.
Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, scare; Price: They are still limited almost entirely to the wealthy, though
12,000 gp; Weight up to 10 lbs for a human-sized dummy. some military organizations have begun to realize how useful
it could be to have a simple method of coordinating multiple
Speaking Stones: The two speaking stones of a pair transmit sound groups of combatants. A timekeeper is usually a disk of metal
between them at a range of up to 100 feet. Sets of more than two about 3 inches in diameter, with a face like that of a water
stones are available, but each extra stone doubles the price, and clock. Though it easily accounts for such things as regular
there is no way to direct the sounds; any sound heard by one stone leap years, after creation its timekeeping system cannot be
is transmitted to all other matched stones that are within range. changed, nor can it be reset to account for arbitrary, one-time
Encasing a speaking stone in lead prevents its magic from working calendar adjustments. If the king decides to skip two weeks
entirely. If any stone of a set is destroyed, the set’s magic fails. because the calendar has drifted, a new timekeeper will be
Faint illusion or transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, needed.
message or ventriloquism; Price 1,000 gp/pair; Weight --. Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, know
time; Price 1,000 gp; Weight --.
Stall Mucker: Looking much like an ordinary pitchfork, the stall
mucker keeps the pens of livestock clear of waste. Activated by simple Trackless Shoes: When worn, these soft leather shoes obscure
command word, a single stall mucker can clear up to 2,500 square feet the user’s footprints, adding +10 to the DC of any attempt
of space—enough for approximately 20 horse-sized stalls. to track him by sight. Tracking attempts using scent or other
Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, unseen servant; senses are unaffected. Both shoes must be worn by one being
Price 1,800 gp; Weight ½ lb. for the magic to be effective. There are also trackless horseshoes,
sets of four that confer the same benefit on a horse, for an
Statue of Entangling: Favored by nobles for protecting their equal price.
gardens, the statue of entangling is a metal or stone figure, normally Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, pass
of a humanoid. When the command word is spoken, the statue without trace; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
affects an area within 50 feet of it in a manner similar to an entangle
spell. For twice the price, the creator may include alarm. In that Translation Pendant: A translation pendant grants its wearer
case, speaking the command word prepares the statue to create its the ability to speak and understand a single language. She
effect, but it does not do so until a creature enters the area it affects does not gain the ability to read or write the language in
without speaking the password—which is not the same as the question unless already familiar with the alphabet it uses. (See
command word. A statue of entangling is a permanent installation; the PH for more information about the alphabets used by
once placed and activated, it cannot be moved without disrupting various languages.) An effort to read or write can be made
its magical energies. It takes a week for the statue to settle into a even without this knowledge, but such endeavors will be far
new place, during which time none of its abilities function. Anyone from accurate. The language to which the pendant is keyed
knowing the command word may change the password. is chosen by its creator and cannot afterwards be changed.
Faint transmutation (and abjuration); CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous The creator must either speak the granted language himself
Item, entangle, (and alarm for the upgraded version); Price 1,800 gp or have an assistant who does. In the latter case, the assistant
or 3,600 gp; Weight 30 lbs. must be present during the entire creation process.
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item,
Steadfast Compass: This hand-held item looks and functions comprehend languages or tongues; Price 2,000 gp; Weight --.
exactly like a normal compass, containing a needle that always
points north. The only visible difference is that the needle is steadier Tray of the Spectral Servant: Usually wooden in
than that in a magnetic compass, as the magic holds it straight north construction, the tray of the spectral servant has been
at all times. enchanted to follow simple directions from a user who speaks
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, know direction; its command word. It can “follow,” “stay,” or “go” to a specific
Price 1,000 gp; Weight --. location it has visited before. It may also be commanded to
“search” for a creature it has encountered before, though it
Magic Items
only does so for ten minutes per creator’s level and cannot Whistle of Wonder: The whistle of wonder can duplicate up to
leave areas with which it is familiar. The tray of the spectral one dozen different birdcalls and animal cries, allowing its user and
servant can carry up to 18 lbs; if this capacity is exceeded, it his friends to assign different meanings to each call. The user may
falls to the ground and does not move until enough weight change the type of cry once per round as a free action.
is removed for it to continue. It has a maximum speed of 15 Faint illusion; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, nature’s voice; Price
feet. 2,000 gp; Weight --.
Faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, unseen
servant; Price 1,800 gp; Weight 2 lbs. Wizard’s Key: An elaborate metal skeleton key engraved with
magical runes, the wizard’s key unlocks any non-magical lock into
Vordin’s Universal Opener: This ingenious device was which it is inserted. It does not open portals that are stuck or
created by an obscure alchemist named Vordin several secured with a physical barrier, arcane lock, or hold portal, nor does
hundred years ago. Having grown tired of manually opening it disarm any traps or even warn of their presence. A wizard’s key
the sundry containers in his laboratory over and over again, opens a keyed wizard’s lock (see below), but not one that only opens
he ensorcelled a small, lightweight metal disc to do the job for for a specific individual.
him. Since that time, many alchemists, wizards, and others Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, knock; Price
have seen the utility of the device. Simply touching Vordin’s 12,000 gp; Weight --.
universal opener to the stopper of a bottle, jar, scroll case, chest
lid, or similar container opens it. The item can also be used to Wizard’s Lock: This is a high-quality lock with the arcane lock spell
open doors and gates so long as they are not magically locked. added to it. The purchaser can choose to have the lock open only for
A popular use for this device is removing the corks of wine him, or with a key. If he chooses the key, a thief of sufficient skill
bottles, to avoid getting powdered cork in the wine. Vordin’s may pick the lock, but the enchantment adds +10 to the DC. Since
universal opener can also close or re-seal any container or door the spell can only be cast on a lock of good or amazing quality, the
that it has been used to open. minimum DC to pick a keyed wizard’s lock is 40; this will deter all
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, open/ but the most skillful and determined thieves. The wizard’s lock also
close; Price 1,000 gp; Weight --. adds +10 to the DC to break open the item it locks, as the spell.
Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, arcane lock;
Vordin’s Wondrous Window Frame: The only other Price 12,380 gp (good lock), 12,450 gp (amazing lock); Cost to
invention directly attributable to the alchemist Vordin besides Create 6,380 gp (good lock), 6,450 gp (amazing lock); Weight 1 lb.
Vordin’s universal opener (see above), this finely-crafted,
wooden window frame can be easily unfolded and placed
within a normal window frame of any size, where it will
automatically adjust its dimensions to fit perfectly when the
command word is spoken. The frame allows the window to be
open, admitting fresh air from the outside without letting in
unwanted bugs, noise, or bad smells. These items are popular
among wealthy citizens of large cities and sprawling rural
estates. If the command word is spoken a second time, Vordin’s
wondrous window frame reverts to its normal size.
Faint illusion and/or abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous
Item, anosmia, insect ward, and/or silence or whisper; Price
12,000 gp/10 sq ft (anosmia), 1,000 gp/sq ft (insect ward),
12,000 gp/10 sq ft (silence), 2,000 gp/sq ft (whisper); Weight
10 lbs/10 sq ft.

The new spells presented in this volume are categorized by class and level on Detect Contagion: Reveals whether an object or creature is afflicted
the following lists. An M or F appearing at the end of a spell’s name in the spell with a disease.
lists denotes a spell with a material or focus component, respectively, that is not Glowing Page: Enables a page, scroll, or single book to be read in near
normally included in a spell component pouch. or total darkness.
Insect Ward: Non-magical insects are repelled for 1 hour/level.
Bard Itch: Afflicts target with distracting itching sensations.
The following spells supplement the bard spell list found in the Player’s
Lengthy Tresses: The hair or fur of the target creature’s head grows at a
rate of 1 inch per minute.
0-Level Bard Spells (Orisons) Measure: You discern a single measurement of a given object: height,
Confetti: Creates a burst of real paper particles that provide partial cover. weight, volume, or area
Cook: Perfectly cooks a quantity of food within a single container. Relieve Pain: Reduces or eliminates the sensation of pain in the target
Detect Cheating: Reveals cheating by specific individuals, within an area, or creature.
with a certain object. Shave: Instantly and painlessly removes hair from part of the target
Empty Hat: Makes one small container appear empty, even if full. creature’s body.
Insect Ward: Non-magical insects are repelled for 1 hour/level. Sneeze: Causes target to instantly sneeze.
Itch: Afflicts target with distracting itching sensations. Umbrella: Shields targets from normal liquids.
Luster: Gems appear to be more valuable. Waterproofing: Wards one object from liquid damage and penetration.
Sharpen: Restores keen edges to blunt or dull blades or tools.
1st-Level Cleric Spells
Shave: Instantly and painlessly removes hair from part of the target creature’s
Clean Wound: Removes dirt and infection from wounds, provides +5
bonus to saves.
Sneeze: Causes target to instantly sneeze.
Copy: Creates exact duplicates of a number of pages of text.
Treat: Produces a morsel of food of the caster’s choosing.
Detect Outsiders: Reveals presence or nature of creatures not native to
Umbrella: Shields targets from normal liquids.
the caster’s plane.
Unwrinkle: Permanently removes wrinkles from fabric, other materials.
Elemental Rune F: Wards an object with elemental energy of the caster’s
Waterproofing: Wards one object from liquid damage and penetration.
1st-Level Bard Spells Elfsight: Temporarily imbues the target(s) with low-light vision.
Appraisal F: Grants +4 bonus to Appraise checks. Find Break: Detects the significant malfunctions within a device or
Capture Sound F: Enables caster to store and recall sounds heard. object.
Cat’s Balance: Grants +4 bonus to Balance and Tumble checks. Hair Color: Alters target’s hair or fur color to one specified by the caster.
Dry: Removes all excess liquid from nonliving matter. Hair Growth: Creates a patch of hair on the target up to 1 square foot
Reduce Fever: Can be used to lower the body temperature of a creature to its in size.
normal level. Heighten Sensation: Heightens a target’s sensations of pleasure and
Relieve Minor Condition: Removes effects of a minor disease or physical pain.
condition. Know Age F: The caster instantly knows the age(s) of the target
Resist Dirt: Wards object from dirt or becoming soiled. creature(s).
Thief ’s Touch: Grants +4 bonus to Escape Artist and Open Lock checks. Know Dominant Alignment F: Discerns the primary alignment of an
Whisper: Reduces sound in an area to no more than a whisper. area.
Know Gravity F: Discerns locations and strengths of gravity fields in an
2nd-Level Bard Spells area.
Anosmia: Eliminates odors within a 15-ft. radius.
Pleasant Dreams: Reduces length of time target(s) must sleep to be fully
Clever Hands: Grants +4 bonus to all Craft checks.
Detect Lies: Grants +10 enhancement bonus to Sense Motive checks to
Reduce Fever: Can be used to lower the body temperature of a creature
determine the truth of statements.
to its normal level.
Lover’s Eye F: Other creatures view the target more positively.
Relieve Minor Condition: Removes effects of a minor disease or
Lovesbane F: Other creatures view the target more negatively.
physical condition.
Mute: Renders target unable to use speech.
Resist Dirt: Wards object from dirt or becoming soiled.
Restore Voice: Enables mute targets to speak.
Settle Stomach: Relieves the subject of the effects of nausea, heartburn,
Cleric and other upsets of the stomach.
The following spells supplement the cleric spell list found in the Player’s Skin Color: Target’s skin color temporarily changes to a color of the
Handbook. caster’s choice.
Sort: Instantly categorizes or organizes 100 items/level according to the
0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons) caster’s criteria.
Clear Skin F: Removes minor blemishes and skin conditions from target. Stone Nails: Subject’s fingernails become hard and unbreakable,
Cook: Perfectly cooks a quantity of food within a single container. inflicting an additional point of damage in unarmed combat.
Count: Determines the number of a specified type of object within the spell’s Whisper: Reduces sound in an area to no more than a whisper.

Appendix I: Spell Lists
2nd-Level Cleric Spells breed true to succeeding generations.
Anosmia: Eliminates odors within a 15-ft. radius. Blood Tell: Reveals information about target creatures’ heredity and genetics.
Blood Tell: Reveals information about target creatures’ heredity and Clever Hands: Grants +4 bonus to all Craft checks.
genetics. Detect Friends and Enemies: Grants +10 enhancement bonus to Sense Motive
Clever Hands: Grants +4 bonus to all Craft checks. checks to determine friendliness of creatures.
Detect Friends and Enemies: Grants +10 enhancement bonus to Sense Infertility: Target is unable to sire or bear children.
Motive checks to determine friendliness of creatures. Know Age: The caster instantly knows the age(s) of the target creature(s).
Detect Lies: Grants +10 enhancement bonus to Sense Motive checks to Nature’s Message: Perfectly communicate using the sounds and calls of wild
determine the truth of statements. and domestic animals.
Hair Color, Greater: As hair color, except the effects are permanent. Nose of the Hound: Target can temporarily track and locate via scent.
Halt Labor: Temporarily suspends labor for female creatures.
Induce Labor: Causes target to begin process of giving birth.
The following spells supplement the paladin spell list found in the Player’s
Jack of All Trades M: Target gains 2d4 or 1d4 effective ranks in a given
Know Dominant Element F: Discerns the primary elemental trait of an 1st-Level Paladin Spells
area. Clean Wound: Removes dirt and infection from wounds, provides +5 bonus to
3rd-Level Cleric Spells Detect Contagion: Reveals whether an object or creature is afflicted with a
Alter Creature M: Make a minor but permanent change to a creature disease.
that will breed true to succeeding generations. Insect Ward: Non-magical insects are repelled for 1 hour/level.
Alter Plant M: Make a minor but permanent change to a plant that will Reduce Fever: Can be used to lower the body temperature of a creature to its
breed true to succeeding generations. normal level.
Infertility: Target is unable to sire or bear children. Relieve Minor Condition: Removes effects of a minor disease or physical
Mute: Renders target unable to use speech. condition.
Restore Voice: Enables mute targets to speak. Relieve Pain: Reduces or eliminates the sensation of pain in the target creature.
Resist Dirt: Wards object from dirt or becoming soiled.
Sharpen: Restores keen edges to blunt or dull blades or tools.
The following spells supplement the druid spell list found in the Player’s
Waterproofing: Wards one object from liquid damage and penetration.
2nd-Level Paladin Spells
0-Level Druid Spells (Orisons)
Detect Friends and Enemies: Grants +10 enhancement bonus to Sense Motive
Count: Determines the number of a specified type of object within the
checks to determine friendliness of creatures.
spell’s area.
Detect Lies: Grants +10 enhancement bonus to Sense Motive checks to
Detect Contagion: Reveals whether an object or creature is afflicted
determine the truth of statements.
with a disease.
Insect Ward: Non-magical insects are repelled for 1 hour/level. Ranger
Itch: Afflicts target with distracting itching sensations. The following spells supplement the ranger spell list found in the Player’s
Relieve Pain: Reduces or eliminates the sensation of pain in the target Handbook.
Shave: Instantly and painlessly removes hair from part of the target 1st-Level Ranger Spells
creature’s body. Clean Wound: Removes dirt and infection from wounds, provides +5 bonus to
Sneeze: Causes target to instantly sneeze. saves.
Umbrella: Shields targets from normal liquids. Dry: Removes all excess liquid from nonliving matter.
Waterproofing: Wards one object from liquid damage and penetration. Insect Ward: Non-magical insects are repelled for 1 hour/level.
Know Time: You gain knowledge of the passing of time in one of three ways.
1st-Level Druid Spells Reduce Fever: Can be used to lower the body temperature of a creature to its
Clean Wound: Removes dirt and infection from wounds, provides +5 normal level.
bonus to saves. Relieve Minor Condition: Removes effects of a minor disease or physical
Dry: Removes all excess liquid from nonliving matter. condition.
Elfsight: Temporarily imbues the target(s) with low-light vision. Relieve Pain: Reduces or eliminates the sensation of pain in the target creature.
Nature’s Voice: Perfectly imitate the sounds and calls of wild and Resist Dirt: Wards object from dirt or becoming soiled.
domestic animals. Sharpen: Restores keen edges to blunt or dull blades or tools.
Reduce Fever: Can be used to lower the body temperature of a creature Waterproofing: Wards one object from liquid damage and penetration.
to its normal level.
Relieve Minor Condition: Removes effects of a minor disease or 2nd-Level Ranger Spells
physical condition. Clever Hands: Grants +4 bonus to all Craft checks.
Resist Dirt: Wards object from dirt or becoming soiled. Nature’s Voice: Perfectly imitate the sounds and calls of wild and domestic
2nd-Level Druid Spells Nose of the Hound: Target can temporarily track and locate via scent.
Alter Creature M: Make a minor but permanent change to a creature
that will breed true to succeeding generations. 3rd-Level Ranger Spells
Alter Plant M: Make a minor but permanent change to a plant that will Nature’s Message: Perfectly communicate using the sounds and calls of wild
and domestic animals.
Appendix I: Spell Lists
Sorcerer/Wizard Illusion
The following spells supplement the sorcerer/wizard spell list found in the Player’s Capture Image F: Captures images the caster sees within a metal frame.
Handbook. Capture Sound F: Enables caster to store and recall sounds heard.
0-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells (Cantrips) Animate Toy F: This spell gives semblance of life to a mundane toy of Tiny or
Abjuration smaller size.
Elemental Rune F: Wards an object with elemental energy of the caster’s choosing. Appraisal F: Grants +4 bonus to Appraise checks.
Insect Ward: Non-magical insects are repelled for 1 hour/level. Cat’s Balance: Grants +4 bonus to Balance and Tumble checks.
Umbrella: Shields targets from normal liquids. Dry: Removes all excess liquid from nonliving matter.
Waterproofing: Wards one object from liquid damage and penetration. Elfsight: Temporarily imbues the target(s) with low-light vision.
Conjuration Fitted Garment: Enables one garment to automatically re-size itself to
Confetti: Creates a burst of real paper particles that provide partial cover. perfectly fit whoever wears it.
Treat: Produces a morsel of food of the caster’s choosing. Float: One or more non-living objects float or orbit around a designated
Divination anchor point set by the caster.
Count: Determines the number of a specified type of object within the spell’s area. Match Color: Exactly matches the color of two objects.
Detect Cheating: Reveals cheating by specific individuals, within an area, or within Stone Nails: Subject’s fingernails become hard and unbreakable, inflicting an
a certain object. additional point of damage in unarmed combat.
Detect Contagion: Reveals whether an object or creature is afflicted with a disease. Thief ’s Touch: Grants +4 bonus to Escape Artist and Open Lock checks.
Know Time: You gain knowledge of the passing of time in one of three ways. Universal
Measure: You discern a single measurement of a given object: height, weight, Copy: Creates exact duplicates of a number of pages of text.
volume, or area Fasten: Creates a permanent adhesive bond between targeted objects.
Pack: Reveals the most efficient way of placing objects within a container. Sort: Instantly categorizes or organizes 100 items/level according to the
Enchantment caster’s criteria.
Sneeze: Causes target to instantly sneeze.
Evocation 2nd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
Chill Water: Lowers the temperature of up to 1 gallon of water. Divination
Cook: Perfectly cooks a quantity of food within a single container. Blood Tell: Reveals information about target creatures’ heredity and genetics.
Glowing Page: Enables a page, scroll, or single book to be read in near or total Detect Friends and Enemies: Grants +10 enhancement bonus to Sense
darkness. Motive checks to determine friendliness of creatures.
Heat Water: Raises the temperature of up to 1 gallon of water. Detect Lies: Grants +10 enhancement bonus to Sense Motive checks to
Illusion determine the truth of statements.
Empty Hat: Makes one small container appear empty, even if full. Know Dominant Alignment F: Discerns the primary alignment of an area.
Luster: Gems appear to be more valuable. Illusion
Transmutation Anosmia: Eliminates odors within a 15-ft. radius.
Itch: Afflicts target with distracting itching sensations. Whisper: Reduces sound in an area to no more than a whisper.
Lengthy Tresses: The hair or fur of the target creature’s head grows at a rate of 1 inch Transmutation
per minute. Clever Hands: Grants +4 bonus to all Craft checks.
Sharpen: Restores keen edges to blunt or dull blades or tools. Hair Color: Alters target’s hair or fur color to one specified by the caster.
Shave: Instantly and painlessly removes hair from part of the target creature’s body. Hair Growth: Creates a patch of hair on the target up to 1 square foot in
Unwrinkle: Permanently removes wrinkles from fabric, other materials. size.
Heighten Sensation: Heightens a target’s sensations of pleasure and pain.
1st-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells Jack of All TradesM: Target gains 2d4 or 1d4 effective ranks in a given skill.
Abjuration Mute: Renders target unable to use speech.
Mordant: Protects the colors of cloth from fading for 1 month/level. Nose of the Hound: Target can temporarily track and locate via scent.
Resist Dirt: Wards object from dirt or becoming soiled. Restore Voice: Enables mute targets to speak.
Divination Skill Transference: Temporarily transfers a skill possessed by one creature to
Calculation F: Temporarily enables the target to do arithmetic and simple math another.
without errors. Skin Color: Target’s skin color temporarily changes to a color of the caster’s
Detect Outsiders: Reveals presence or nature of creatures not native to the caster’s choice.
plane. Transparency: Makes target material clear like glass.
Find Break: Detects the significant malfunctions within a device or object.
Know Dominant Element F: Discerns the primary elemental trait of an area. 3rd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
Know Gravity F: Discerns the locations and strengths of gravity fields in an area. Enchantment
Enchantment Lover’s Eye F: Other creatures view the target more positively.
Pleasant Dreams: Reduces length of time target(s) must sleep to be fully rested. Lovesbane F: Other creatures view the target more negatively.
Evocation Transmutation
Glowskin M: The skin of the target creature glows in colors and patterns set by the Hair Color, Greater: As hair color, except the effects are permanent.

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