Microsoft Surface-1

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INTRODUCTION user are multiple user to manipulate

digital content by the use of natural
For year engineers and motions, hand gestures, or physical
computer technicians have looked for
objects. Microsoft surface computer
a better way for people to is the in a new category of surface
communicate with their computer computing products from Microsoft
.keyboards while feeling natural to that will break down traditional
many of us has advanced very little barriers between people and
beyond the type writers which have technology. It is the next generation
been around for well over a hundred of computer interface these offer
years and though the mouse is a stop multi touch technology. Unlike most
above that it still takes practices for touch screens, surface computer can
someone who has never used one to respond to more than one touch at a
become used to idea of moving the time without keyboard or a mouse.
mouse with it and after years of The next generation of computer
using a computer many older people interface will be hands on.
still have trouble with the concepts of
double clicking, right, ducking,
dragging, dropping and other
techniques that can seem simple to
more advanced computer users.

Computer is usually Fig: surface computer

defined as the activity of using and 1. Screen 2. Infrared 3. C.P.U 4. Projector
developing computer technology,
computer hardware and software. It
is the computer specific part of Computing curricula 2005
information technology.
defined computing:
Surface computing or
In general way, we can
Microsoft surface is multi-touch
product from Microsoft which is define computing to mean any goal-
oriented activity requiring,
developed as software and hardware
benefiting from or creating
combination technology that allow a

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computers. Thus , computing members, to bring the idea to the
includes designing and building next stage of development.
hardware and software for a wide
In 2003, the team
range of purposes; processing ,
presented the idea to the Microsoft
structuring, and managing various
chairman Bill Gates in Group in a
idnds of information; doing
group review. Tater, the virtual team
scientific studies using computer;
was expended and a prototype
marking computer system behave
nicknamed T1 was produced within
intelligently; costing and using
a month.
communications and entertainment
media; finding and gathering The prototype was
information relevant to any based on an IKEA Table with a hole
particular purpose, and so on. The cut in the top and a Shoot of
list is virtually endless, and the architect volume used as a diffuser.
possibilities are vast. The team also developed same
applications. Including pinball, a
TIMELINE: photo browser and a video puzzle.

The technology behind Over the next year,

Microsoft built more than 85 early
surface is called multi touch and has
at least a 25-years history, beginning prototypes for Surface the Final
in 1982, with pioneering work being hardware design was completed in
done at the University of to Toronto 2005.
(multi-touch tables) and bell A similar concept was
labs(multi touch screen). The used in the 2002 science fiction
product idea for surface was initially movie minority Report as nested in
conceptualized in 2001 by Steven the DVD commentary; the director
bathiche of Microsoft hardware and Steven Spielberg stated the concept
Andy Wilson of Microsoft Research. of the device come from
In October 2001, a consultation with Microsoft during
virtual team was formed with the making of movies. One of the
bathiche and Wilson as key film’s Technology consultant’s
associates from MIT later joined

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Microsoft to work on the surface work with election maps for the
project. 2008 US Presidential Election on air.
MSNBC’S political director, chuck
Todd was placed at the helm.
The surface was unveiled by
Microsoft CEO Steven on May 30, HISTORY:
2007 at the Wall street Jamal’s ‘D:All
things Digital conference in Carlsbad,
Beyond the Mouse and
carifomla. Surface computing is part Keyboard:
of Microsoft productivity and Surface computing is a major
extended Consumer Experiences advancement that moves beyond the
Group, which is with in the
traditional user interface to a more
entertainment and Devices Division.
natural way of interacting with digital
The first few companies to content. Microsoft Surface™,
deploy Surface will Harrah’s Microsoft Corp.’s first commercially
Entertainment, Starwood Hotels and available surface computer, breaks
Resorts Worldwide, T-Mobile and a down the traditional barriers
distributor, International Game between people and technology to
Technology. provide effortless interaction with all
forms of digital content through
On the April 17, 2008 AT&T natural gestures, touch and physical
became the first retail to lunch in
June 2008 Harrah’s entertainment objects instead of a mouse and
lunched Microsoft Surface at Rio keyboard. Although customers will be
ibex and Disneyland launched it in able to interact with Surface in select
tomorrow-land, Innovations Dream restaurants, hotels, retail
Home. establishments and public
entertainment venues by the end of
On August 13, 2008 the year, the product has been years
Sheraton Hotels introduced Surface in the making at Microsoft.
in hotel lobbies at 5 Locations.
From P rototype to Product:
On September 8, 2008 The next phase of the development of
MSNBC began using the surface to Surface focused on continuing the

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journey from concept to product. new ideas and technologies for the
Although much of what would later company.
ship as Surface was determined, there
was significant work to be done to
develop a market-ready product that
could be scaled to mass production.
“So much work goes into turning a
prototype into a product that can
handle the strain and stress of
everyday use,” Keam said. “For Fi
instance, when we developed the T1
prototype, it couldn’t be moved g:
without having to recalibrate it. Now,
obviously the product can easily be m
moved. To get Surface to where it is
today, the code had to be rewritten o
from the ground up.” dern surface computer

Hardware Design
By late 2004, the software
development platform of Surface was
well-established and attention turned 2001:Idea of interactive
to the form factor. A number of table that could
different experimental prototypes
were built including “the tub” model, Understand the
which was encased in a rounded
plastic shell, a desk-height model with manipulation of physical
a square top and cloth-covered sides,
and even a bar-height model that pieces.
could be used while standing. After
extensive testing and user research, 2003: 1st prototype
the final hardware design (seen today)
was finalized in 2005. Also in 2005, model named T1 was
Wilson and Bathiche introduced the
concept of surface computing in a
paper for Gates’ twice-yearly “Think
Week,” a time Gates takes to evaluate

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2007: Final structure that took advantage of the unique

ability of Surface to recognize
Table-top device was physical objects placed on the table.
built. The team was also beginning to
realize that surface computing could
Humble Beginnings on an IKEA be applied to a number of different
Table: embodiments and form factors.

In early 2003, the new Consumer Fig: Tabletop computer

Products Group, led by David
Kurlander, presented the idea to Bill
Gates, Microsoft chairman, in a group
review. Gates instantly liked the idea
and encouraged the team to continue
to develop their thinking. The virtual
team expanded, and within a month,
through constant discussion and
What is surface
brainstorming, the first humble
prototype was born and nicknamed computer?
T1. The model was based on an IKEA
table with a hole cut in the top and a
The human touch:
sheet of architect vellum used as a Microsoft Surface puts
diffuser. The evolution of Surface had people in control of their
begun. experiences with technology,
making everyday tasks entraining,
enjoyable and efficient. Imagine
A variety of early applications were ordering a beverage during a meal
also built, including pinball, a photo with just the tap of finer. Imagine
browser and a video puzzle. As more quickly browsing through music and
applications were developed, the dragging favorite sonfs onto
team saw the value of the surface personal playlist by moving a finger
computer beyond simply gaming and access the screen. Imagine creating
began to favor those applications and sending a personal postcard and

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vacation pictures instantly to friends advertisement that moves beyond
and family, while still wearing flip- the traditional user interface to a
flops. more natural way of interacting with
information. Surface computing,
Surface also features the ability to
which Microsoft has been working
recognize physical objects that have
on for a number of years, features
identification tags similar to bar
access. This means that when a
customer simply sets a wine glass on Key attributes of surface
the surface of a table, a restaurant computer:
could provides them with
information about the wine they are Direct interaction: Users can
ordering . Pictures of vinayance it actually “grab” digital information with
their hands and interact with content
came from and suggested food
through touch andgesture, without the use
parings tiered to the evening’s
of a mouse or keyboard.
menu. The experience could
become completely immersive,
lasting user’s access information on
the wine-growing region and even
look at recommended plan a trip
without leaving the table

Surface computer at Microsoft is an

outgrowth of a collaborative effort
between the Microsoft hardware
and Microsoft research teams, which Fig: Direct interaction
were strut by the opportunity to
create technology that would bridge
the physical and virtual worlds.
What started as a high-level concept
Multi-touch contact: Surface
grew into a prototype and evolved
computing recognizes many points of contact
to today’s market-ready product simultaneously, not just from one finger as with
that will transform the way people a typical touch screen, but up to dozens and
shop, entertain and live. It’s a major dozens of items at once.

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Fig: Multi-touch contact

Multi-user experience: The

horizontal form factor makes it easy for
several people to gather around surface
computers together, providing a Fig: Object recognition
collaborative, face-to-face computing

Microsoft Surface
applications can be written in
windows Presentation Foundation or
XNA. The development process is
much like normal vista development,
but custom WPF can controls had to
Fig: Multi-user experience be created by the Surface team due
to the unique interface of Surface.
Object recognition: Users can place
Development already proficient in
physical objects on the surface to trigger
different types of digital responses, WPF can utilize the SDK to write
including the transfer of digital content.

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Surface apps for deployments for the controls, design, and development
large hotels, casinos, and restaurants. of the visual aspects of windows
programs. It aims to unify a number
Windows presentation of application services: User
foundation: Interface, 2D and 3DDrawing, fixed
and adaptive document, advanced
The windows typography, vector graphics, raster
presentation foundation (or WPF) is graphics, animations, data binding,
graphical sub system for rendering audio and videos.
user interface in windows based
application.WPF, initially released as
part of .NET Framework 3.0, is
another step in Microsoft evolving
Ø Allow more advanced
rich client strategy. Designed to
graphical features when
remove dependencies on the again compared to windows forms
GDI subsystem, WPF is built on and its GDI underpinning.
DirectX. This provides hardware
Ø Routing the graphics through
acceleration and enables modern UI
Direct3D allows Windows to
features like transparency, gradients
offer some graphics takes to
and transforms. WPF provides a the C.P.U found on the
consistent programming model for computer’s graphics card .this
building application and provides a
can reduces the workload on
clear separation between the user
the computer’s C.P.U. Since
interface and the business logic.
C.P.Us a fast, parallel pixel
WPF also refers a new processors this also tends to
markup language, known as XAML speed up screen refreshes.
which is an alternative means for Ø Supports vector-based
defining UI elements and graphics, which allows lossless
relationships with either UI scaling.
elements. A WPF application can be Ø Supports 3D model rendering
deployed on the desktop or hosted and interaction in 2D
in a web browser. It also enables rich applications.

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Ø Interactive 2D contents can be windows XP, windows Vista, and
overlaid on 3D surface, Xbox 350. Since XNA games are
natively. written for the run time, they can
run on any platform that supports
the XNA frame work and minimal or
no modification games that run on
XNA: the frame work can technically be
written in any .net compliant
Microsoft XNA(XNA not Acronymic)
language, but only C# and XNA game
is a set of tools with a managed
studio express IDE and all version of
runtime environment provided by
visual studio 2005 are officially
Microsoft that facilitates computer
game development and
management.XNA attempts to free XNA frame work thus encapsulates
game developers from writing low-level technological details
“respective boilerplate node and involved in coding a game, marking
bring different aspects of game sure frame work itself taken care of
production in to a single system. the differences between XNA build is
a set of game asset pipeline
XNA currently
management tools, which help by entire game
defining, maintaining, debugging,
development of .NET Compact
and optimizing the game asset
Framework 2.0 for Xbox 350
pipeline of individual game
development and .NET Framework
development efforts. A game asset
2.0 on windows .it includes an
pipeline the process by which game
extensive set of class libraries,
content, such as textures and 3D
specific to game development, to
models, are modified to a from
promote maximum code reuse
suitable for use by the gaming
across target platform. The frame
engine. XNA Build helps identify the
work run on a version of the
pipeline dependencies, and also
common language runtime that is
provides API access to enable further
optimized for gaming to provide a
processing of the dependency data.
managed execution environment.
The dependency data can be
The run time is available for

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analyzed to help reduce the size of
game by finding content that is not
actually used. For example, XNA
Build analysis revealed that 40% of
the textures that shipped with were
and could have been emitted.

What surface can do?

For years engineers and computer
technicians have looked for a better
way for people to communicate with Ø Large surface area to view
their computer. Keyboards while different windows and
feeling natural to many of us has applications.
advanced very little beyond the
Ø Data Manipulation -
typewriter which have been around
Selecting, moving, rotating
for well over a hundred year and
and resizing (manipulating
though the mouse is a step above
objects on the screen is
that it still taken practice for
similar to manipulating
someone who has never used one to
them in the manual world).
become used to the ide of moving
the mouse with it and after years of Ø Quick and easy to use.
using a computer many older people
Ø More Than One User –
still have trouble with the concepts
Several people can orient
of double clicking, right clicking,
themselves on different
dragging, dropping and other
sides of the surface to
techniques that can seem simple to
interact with an application
more advanced computer users.
simultaneously (Max 52
points of touch).
What make it unique
Ø Object Recognition -
Increased functionality

Direct interaction

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aiding user in speed and Ø Microsoft Surface is the
ease of use future of computers.

Ø Time saving by eliminating

Ø Fundamentally changes the
many processes.
way we interact with


Ø Not portable and very Ø Surface takes existing

expensive. technology and presents it in
a new way. It isn't simply a
Ø Privacy - Open for many to
touch screen, but more of a
Ø Screen Visibility - Glare, and-place-objects-on-top-of-
finger prints/dirt and screen and this opens up new
human interaction possibilities that weren't
obscuring interface. there before.

Ø Poor Accuracy - Fat fingers

are not as accurate as a
mouse or stylus.

Ø Fatigue - Reaching across

the table often can cause
the arms to ache.

Ø Objects needs to be tagged

(domino tags or RFIDs).


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