Managment Syll Fall 15

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New York University

School of Professional Studies

Paul McGhee Division

Business Organization and Management
Fall 2015, 4 credits, Tue., 6:20 PM - 8:50 PM
Required text: Management Ricky W. Griffin
11th Edition, 2013, 2011
Publisher: South-Western, CENGAGE Learning
Instructor: Professor John F. Seely
(917) 282-3922 (Office Number)

Course Description
This course focuses on the processes and problems of competent management. Methods of setting and maintaining
high performance standards and high productivity are discussed, along with topics including management structure,
planning, organization, staffing, strategy formulation, decision making, leadership, and social responsibility. This
survey considers the general tasks associated with competent management and leadership, irrespective of
occupational area, industry, or sector of the economy. Methods for establishing and maintaining motivating
workplaces and high performance standards are considered.
Required Assignments - each student is responsible to:

Read and study assigned chapters prior to the indicated class meeting. Short quizzes, based on readings and
class discussions will be given frequently.
Read the business section of the New York Times or Wall Street Journal each day.
Complete a term paper on current events and topics related to business organization and management.

This course will be conducted in the following formats:
- Lecture and in- class discussion
- In-class group work
- Outside research
Grading Components

% of Final Grade

Final Exam
Term Paper1
Class participation and contribution


Grading Criteria
Students will be evaluated based on:

The accuracy, detail and depth of knowledge exhibited regarding the subject matter.
The ability to combine theoretical and practical/personal business experiences.
Writing clearly and effectively, using proper spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Overall attendance, participation and contribution in class.

1 See page 5 for details.


Please note that all assignments not turned in on time will not be accepted. Missed quizzes may be made up without
penalty only at the class meeting immediately following the original date of the quiz. Make-up tests will not be
given beyond that date.
NYU Plagiarism Statement
Plagiarism is presenting someone elses work as though it were ones own. More specifically, plagiarism is
to present as ones own a sequence of words quoted without quotation marks from another writer; a
paraphrased passage from another writers work, creative images, artwork or design, or facts or ideas
gathered, organized and reported by someone else, orally and/or in writing and not providing proper
attribution. Since plagiarism is a matter of fact, not of the students intention, it is crucial
that acknowledgement of the sources be accurate and complete. Even where there is no conscious intention
to deceive, the failure to make appropriate acknowledgement constitutes plagiarism. Penalties for
plagiarism range from failure for the paper or course to dismissal from the University.
To read more about the Universitys Academic Integrity and Plagiarism policies, please go to:

Reading Assignments and Learning Objectives

The class will meet on Tuesday evenings (as detailed below) from 6:20 PM to 8:50 PM.
At the end of this course, students should be able to:


September 8, 2015

Managing and the Managers Job

Identify the basic management functions
Describe the three levels of management
and the skills managers need to be successful
Identify the business functions for which manages may be responsible
Discuss how people become managers

September 15, 2015

Traditional and Contemporary Issues and Challenges

Summarize and evaluate early and more
contemporary perspectives of management theory
Relate management history and early theories to
todays management theory

September 22, 2015

The Environment and Culture of Organizations

Describe the components of the general, task and
internal environments and discuss their impact
on organizations
Identify the determinants of an organizations culture,
and the importance of managing an organizations culture
Identify and describe how organizations adapt to
their environments

September 29, 2015

The Ethical and Social Environment

- Discuss the three areas of ethical concern to
Discuss the concept of social responsibility and the
four types of organizational approaches to
social responsibility
Describe some of the activities organizations may engage
in to manage social responsibility

September 29, 2015

The Global Environment

Describe the nature of international business,

the structure of the global economy and the

challenges inherent in a global economy.

Reading Assignments and Learning Goals (continued)


October 6, 2015

The Multicultural Environment

Describe the nature of and trends in diversity and
Discuss the primary effects of diversity and
multiculturalism in organizations
Identify individual and organizational strategies for
managing diversity and multiculturalism

October 13, 2015

Legislative Day No Class

October 20, 2015

Basic Elements of Planning and Decision Making

Discuss the functions of decision making and
the planning process
Describe the different levels of goal setting
and planning and explain managers'
responsibilities for these activities
Identify the key barriers to goal setting and
planning and explain how business overcomes them

October 27, 2015

Managing Strategy and Strategic Planning

Discuss the components of business strategy
and the distinction between strategy formulation
and implementation
Identify alternate ways in which business strategies
can be formulated
Describe how corporate and business-level
strategies are formulated and implemented

November 3, 2015

Managing Decision-Making and Problem Solving

Define decision-making and discuss types of
decisions and decision-making conditions
Discuss rational decision-making and the steps in
various decision-making models
Describe the behavioral nature of decision-making
Discuss group and team decision-making

November 10, 2015

Basic Elements of Organizing

Describe the alternate approaches to job design
Discuss the common rationale used for grouping
jobs into departments
Describe the basic elements involved in establishing
reporting relationships
Discuss how authority is distributed in organizations
Discuss the basic coordination activities undertaken
by organizations


Reading Assignments and Learning Goals (continued)


November 10, 2015

Managing Organization Design

Describe the basic nature of organization design
Identify and explain the basic universal perspectives
on organization design
Identify and explain several situational influences on
organization design
Describe how an organizations strategy and design
are related
Describe the basic forms of design that characterize
many organizations


November 17, 2015

Managing Organization Change and Innovation

Describe the nature of organization change,
including forces for change and planned vs.
reactive change
Describe the steps in organization change and
how to manage resistance to change


November 24, 2015

Managing Employee Motivation and Performance

Define motivation, including its importance
and historical perspectives
Identify and discuss the major content and
process perspectives of motivation
Identify and describe popular motivation strategies
and the role of reward systems


December 1, 2015

Managing Leadership and Influence Processes

Differentiate between leadership and
Discuss and evaluate the trait approach to
leadership as well as the behavioral and
situational approaches to leadership


December 1, 2015

Managing Work Groups and Teams

Define and identify the various group and
teams commonly found in organizations
Identify and discuss the stages of group and
team development
Discuss the role of conflict in organizations
and how conflict can be managed


December 8, 2015

The Basic Elements of Control

Explain the purpose of control and different
types of control
Identify the consequences of poor control
Identify and discuss the steps in a management
control mindset
Explain how to overcome resistance to control


December 15, 2015

The Basic Elements of Control (Continued)

December 22, 2015

Final Exam

Business Organization and Management

Description of Term Papers Requirements
Background and Objective
The term paper will allow you to apply the business processes and concepts that we will study in the Business
Organization and Management course to actual current business situations.
During the semester we will study a range of managerial processes and responsibilities. Each week we will use
current business events (as reported in the financial press and elsewhere) to discuss the real-world application of key
management concepts. The term paper, which will involve your tracking, analyzing and critiquing the current
decisions made in a company you will choose, is a continuation of this process.
Getting Started
To get started, identify a company whose business activities you will follow for the term. During the semester you
will be responsible to gather information (from the financial press, credible business publications, the company
website, etc.) concerning the events and decisions (e.g. new product introductions, management changes, key
problems encountered) which have occurred in that company. In advance, I would like to review with you the
company you select.
Your Deliverables
Your completed paper will consist of a typed report of not fewer than five double-spaced pages in length (not
counting the cover sheet and works cited page) containing the following information:

Company name, brief business description and history.

A description of the key activities and events which have occurred in the company during the term.
The key decisions that company managers have made regarding those activities and events.
For at least two of those decisions, your critique (agree or disagree) with company managements decisions and
an explanation of why you either agree or disagree.
Facts and information footnoted throughout the paper.
Works cited page.

Important Reality Check Regarding Your Paper

The purpose of this paper is to get you to apply this courses subject-matter to the key issues, events and decisions
which have occurred in your target company. This will require thoughtful analysis and interpretation on your part.
Please note that simply summarizing the articles / other background materials you have collected without the
required critique (as described above) will not meet this assignments requirements.
Due Date
This paper is due not later than Tuesday, December 8, 2015.

Your grade for this assignment will be based on your ability to successfully identify and communicate the papers
requirements. Since spelling and the use of proper grammar are important in todays business environment, those
factors will be considered as well when arriving at your papers grade. If English is not your first language, please
have a qualified person edit your paper before you submit it.

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