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Section VII: Planning for the Future

Part A: Long Range Goals

Goal 1:
The goal is to design the media center so that it has a coffee shop theme that promotes
leisure, technology, and collaboration.

The survey results indicated 45.5% of the teachers and students visited the media center to
simply check out books. While only 9% of those surveyed, indicated they visited the media
center for other reasons. Therefore, changing the environment to a coffee shop theme will
motivate teachers and students to spend time in the media center daily reading, researching, and
working on class assignments. The American Association of School Librarians (2009) indicates
pleasure reading and learning is the core of the school library program, where independent
reading is valued, promoted, and encouraged.
In fact, Johnson (2013) states not all students are comfortable in our classrooms and hallways.
Bored in classes, intimidated in common areas, these kids need a place where they are welcome,
safe, and valued. The library above all else creates a program that serves students who are
diverse-socially, economically, culturally, and academically (p. 9). The climate Wayne County
High School media center nurtures is that of a cozy and inviting space that fosters a love of
reading. Again, survey results indicated the media specialist must market the usefulness of the
media center for all stakeholders. The media specialist must collaborate with teachers to
determine how he/she could help meet the needs of teachers and students. Johnson (2013) goes
on to explain if the media center provides resources, facilities, and learning opportunities that are
more suitable to the students and the students have a genuine appreciation for them and what
they offer, the media center will be valued by the next generation.
Goal 2:
The school librarian markets the media center and develops a brand for the media center
to accomplish long range and short range goals. The AASL promotes in Empowering
Learners that the school librarian should create opportunities to involve stakeholders in
reading. Also, to create an environment where independent reading is valued, promoted,
and encouraged (2009).
According to Johnson, teachers, administrators, and parents are made aware of the changing

roles of their librarians, (2013, p. 13). Marketing the media center is a key ingredient to make
this happen. By involving all stakeholders, librarians create the feeling of ownership and gain
buy-in of key members of the community for the school library program. According to LaGarde
(2013), only 10% of regular marketing reach the stakeholders. Librarians must be creative in the
ways to reach the students, parents, teachers, administration, other librarians, and members of the
community and bring them into the media center. One way to do this is to bring the media center
out to the students. Promote reading by putting books and technology on display during lunches
so that students and teachers can see what the media center has to offer.
Part of marketing the media center is providing the technology and the space that will allow
students to develop the 21st century skills. To be able to do this an AASL Guideline from
Empowering Learners can be applied: The school library program has sufficient funding to
support priorities and make steady progress to attain the programs mission, goals, and
objectives, (p. 35). This aligns with Wayne County High Schools mission statement: All
students at Wayne County High School will earn a meaningful high school diploma. It is the
librarians responsibility to provide students with the best high school learning experience. By
encouraging activities like STEM, and a Book Club the librarian can create an environment that
encourages reading and learning with technology. To bridge the digital divide, librarians must
make it a priority to find funds to provide students with access to technology that they may not
have at home. This can be accomplished by writing grants, fundraisers, and actively searching
out donations from the community; thus meeting guidelines from Empowering Learners to seek
additional funding from different resources.
The long range goal is to add another classroom to the media center. This will allow more than
one class at a time to use the resources available. The outdoor classroom can be funded by
fundraisers developed by marketing the media center and with public buy-in perhaps E-splost
can be used for part of the construction. With an outdoor classroom, teachers and students would
still be able to use mobile technology and wireless internet provided by the media center. This
would also give students the opportunity to get outside and enjoy the outdoors while learning.
Our environment at the school is restrictive, because students rarely go outside the building
during the school day. This media center classroom would provide both the need for more space
in the media center and for student moral.

The school librarian must justify to stakeholders how much money the library is given by the
state, money from fund raisers, and donations and how this money is spent. Also, by involving
the school library committee the librarian can justify spending by having their support.
According to AASLs Empowering Learners, a librarian should create a budget, justify spending,
and make this public. Also, we should justify spending with research based evidence.
Goal 3

The library media program provides students and staff with the necessary 21st century
skills to be effective and ethical users of information and technology.
According to AASLs Empowering Learners (2009), the school library program should
include support for school librarian and teacher professional development to sustain and
increase knowledge and skills (p. 43) Professional development is important for all faculty and
staff so they can learn about emerging changes in education and technology. The media
specialist should work collaboratively with faculty and staff to create a professional development
plan that focuses on improving student achievement (AASL, 2009, p. 43). The Library
Advisory Committee will be responsible for creating this professional development plan. The
Library Advisory Committee will survey the faculty and staff to get an idea of the types of
professional development they would like to participate in. According to Johnson (2013), having
library users complete surveys is an effective means of collecting information about the impact
of the library programs (p. 27). The media specialist should strive to attend as much
professional learning as possible so she can share new materials to faculty and staff. As the new
material is shared, the media should strive to provide staff with opportunities for participatory,
hands-on learning (AASL, 2009, p. 43).
According to the Stakeholder Survey administered to teachers, there are several areas of
professional development that the teachers would like to see. Thirty-seven percent of the
respondents would like training on new Web 2.0 tools that would be beneficial in the classroom.
Twenty-seven percent of the respondents would like training on Google Drive and Google
Classroom. Twenty-seven percent of the respondents would like training on collaboration
techniques to use with students involving technology. Nine percent of the respondents would
like training on developing classroom blogs for student use. These topics will be a starting point
for beginning a professional development schedule.
The Stakeholder Survey also revealed that 36% of the respondents either have not
observed or disagree with the following statement: The library media program provides students
and staff with the necessary 21st century skills to be effective and ethical users of information
and technology. According to AASLs Empowering Learners (2009), the mission of the school
library program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information
(p. 8). The media specialist should empower students to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic
readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information (AASL, 2009, p. 8). Since onethird of the respondents have not observed or do not believe the library media program is
providing these skills to students and teachers, it is essential for the media specialist to provide
the staff with professional learning in the area of 21st century skills. The media specialist will
also need to conduct 21st century skills lessons with the students.

Goal 4: The school library program will work to build collaborative partnerships. In
accordance with Empowering Learners (2009), the school library program will promote
collaboration among members of the learning community.
A library advisory committee is essential in order to create a strong library media
program that is data and goal oriented. The media committee will be involved in the planning
process which should be done annually and purposefully. Once the library committee is formed,
the media committee will meet three to four times a year to discuss, evaluate, and create the
goals for the media center. The committee will meet at the beginning of the year to develop the
stakeholder survey and review annual goals of the media center. The second meeting will be used
to discuss feedback from the stakeholder survey. The committee will meet again to ensure the
goals of the media center as well as the feedback from the survey results are being met. Lastly,
the committee will meet at the end of the year to assess the goals met and formulate new goals
for the upcoming year. According to Johnson, input from these committee meetings should be
used to modify, reprioritize, and/or add to the annual objectives, (Johnson, 2013, p. 41).
Johnson declares that getting valuable input from other professionals and community members
will give the school the annual reality check it needs to determine areas of importance.
Johnson also states that the media specialist should conduct few, but important, meetings,
meeting three to four times a year (Johnson, 2013, p. 42).
Collaborative partnerships should be at the forefront of the school library media program.
According to the AASL, Empowering Learners (2009), the school library program should
promote collaboration among the members of the learning community. According to data
received via the Stakeholders Survey, 45.5% of teachers stated collaborative efforts would
increase if they had access to a predetermined list of co-teaching lessons to choose from. In an
effort to increase collaboration, the media committee will work to develop a list of pre-designed
lessons for teachers to choose from. Additionally, the media center will work to increase
collaboration by having a Google calendar available for collaborative lessons and co-teaching
times in the library. The media specialist will attend grade-level PLCs to determine the type of
co-teaching lessons that should be made available. The above actions will allow the school
library program to act as an extension of the classroom.
The media specialist will work closely with administrators to promote, support, and
implement collaboration effectively. In an effort to promote collaboration, the media specialist
will create a monthly newsletter to discuss upcoming events and possible collaborations. The
newsletters will be shared among the learning community of teachers and administrators.
Interactive displays will be used throughout the media center to encourage reading and co-

teaching options. For example, a Banned Books week display could attract the attention of
teachers and encourage a co-teaching activity including either an informational or persuasive
A Google calendar will be created for the media center to promote a flexible schedule
conducive of collaboration. This will allow the teachers to sign up for computer labs and
designated co-teaching opportunities without having to remember to stop by the media center to
sign up. To evaluate the effectiveness of this scheduling method, the media specialist will survey
teachers to see if they like the Google calendar option for reserving computer labs and coteaching times. Additionally, the media specialist will see if more training is needed on Google
Part B: Short Range Goals



Goal 1:

Objective 1a:

Evaluation 1a:

The goal is to design the

media center so that it has a
coffee shop theme that
promotes leisure, technology,
and collaboration.

The media center will be

designed with the coffee shop
theme to include the purchase
of lounging furniture, a bar,
book shelves, tables, and
chairs. In addition, include
sky lighting and printed

Have students/teachers signin upon entrance of the media

and indicate the purpose for
the visit and use of materials.

Objective 1b:

Evaluation 1b:

The media specialist will

collaborate with teachers to
design lesson plans that
incorporate the use of the
media center as an extension
of the classroom so students
can make use of media center
resources more often.

The use of the circulation

report will give an accurate
account of the number of
teacher classes visiting the
media center.

Goal 2:
The school library needs
another classroom connected
to the media center to host
more than one class at a time.
to accomplish this long range
goal, the school librarian will
market the media center and
develop a brand to
accomplish long range and
short range goals. The AASL
promotes in Empowering
Learners that the school
librarian should create
opportunities to involve
stakeholders in reading. Also,
to create an environment
where independent reading
is valued, promoted, and
encouraged, (2009).

Objective 1c:

Evaluation 1c:

Promote literacy through the

use of technology such as the
use of e-readers, tablets,
smartphones, etc. in the
leisurely seating area.

Student surveys will be

administered to indicate
frequency, type, and purpose
of technology used in the
media center.

Objective 2a:
Produce slides to be shown on
the closed circuit TVs in
classrooms and in the
commons advertising new
books in the media center.

Evaluation 2a:
Record the number of
students who report that they
saw the book promotion and
it brought them into the media
center each month. Question
students What brings you in
today, and tally responses.

Objective 2b:
Once a month promote media
center in the commons during
lunch to promote reading.

Evaluation 2b:
Record the number of
students who visit the
promotion table.

Use Follett Destiny to

produce records of circulation
and compare them to the
previous years data on a
monthly basis.
Objective 2c:
Create and host a book club
for all stakeholders in the
media center.

Evaluation 2c:
Membership and attendance
records of discussions.
Survey members for
suggestions and ideas for
meeting discussions and
books chosen.

Objective 2d:
Book club will do fundraisers
to buy technology for a
makerspace and an outdoor

Evaluation 2d:
Online-Public records of the
Funds raised
Purchases and reasoning
behind it.
Validation must be approved
by library committee support.

Objective 2e:
Media specialist will write
grants and seek community
donations to raise money for
the media center.

Evaluation 2e:
Online-Public records of the
Grants written.
Funds raised
Purchases and reasoning
behind it
Validation must be approved
by library committee support

Goal 3

Objective 3a

The library media program

provides students and staff
with the necessary 21st
century skills to be effective
and ethical users of
information and technology.

The Library Advisory

Committee will develop a
professional development
plan to ensure the media
specialist is providing staff
members with the training
needed to develop essential
21st century skills.

Evaluation 3a
Before the end of the first 4
weeks of each school year,
the Library Advisory
Committee will create and
distribute a needs assessment
survey to all faculty and staff
to determine what type of
professional development
they would like to receive.
Before the end of the first 9
weeks, the Library Advisory
Committee will create the
professional development
plan and submit it to
administration for approval.
Once approved, the plan will
be distributed to all faculty
and staff.
The professional development
plan will be reviewed at the
end of each school year to
determine if changes need to
be made to the plan.

Objective 3b

Evaluation 3b

In order to stay current on

changes in education and
technology, the medial
specialist will participate in
local, regional, state, and
national educational
conferences as a learner.
(Empowering Learners, pg.
43) The Library Advisory
Committee will be
responsible for making sure
the media specialist attends at
least one educational
conference that will be
beneficial to the media
specialist as well as faculty,
staff, and students. The
media specialist will be
responsible for holding a
professional development
meeting and re-delivering
knowledge/content obtained
from conferences within 30
days of returning from the

Staff members will complete

an evaluation at the end of
each professional
development meeting to help
determine if the delivered
content is beneficial to the
staff. The results will be used
to determine if the conference
provided beneficial

Objective 3c
The media specialist will host
professional development
meeting at least once every 9
weeks. The topic of each
meeting will be determined
based on the needs
assessment survey results.
Faculty and staff will be
required to attend. The media
specialist will strive to make
the professional development
meeting as participatory and
hands-on as possible.
(Empowering Learners, pg.
43) The professional
development meetings will be
coordinated with school
administrators to make sure
the meetings do not interfere
with other meetings or

Objective 3d
The media specialist will
attend at least 2 grade-level
meetings each 9 weeks and
develop at least one
collaborative lesson plan for
each grade level each 9
weeks. The collaborative
lesson will be presented in the
media center to students and
will focus on developing 21st

Evaluation 3c
All professional development
meeting attendees will
complete an evaluation at the
end of each professional
development meeting. The
media specialist and the
Library Advisory Committee
will use the evaluations to
improve or enhance future

Evaluation 3d
Students will complete an
assessment at the end of the
lesson to determine if they
met the goals of the
instruction. Assessment
results will be used to
improve or enhance the

Goal 4
The school library program
will work to build
collaborative partnerships. In
accordance with Empowering
Learners (2009), The school
library program will promote
collaboration among members
of the learning community.

century skills.

Students will complete an

evaluation at the end of the
lesson. This feedback will be
used to improve or enhance
the lesson.

Objective 4a
The media specialist will
form a library committee
comprised of stakeholders,
parents, local librarians,
teachers, and administrators.

Evaluation 4a
The media committee will
meet three to four times a
year to discuss, evaluate, and
create the goals for the media
center. The committee will
meet at the beginning of the
year to develop the
stakeholder survey and
review annual goals of the
media center. The second
meeting will be used to
discuss feedback from the
stakeholder survey. The
committee will meet again at
the end of the year to assess
the goals met and formulate
new goals for the upcoming
year. Additional
communication will be
carried out via shared
documents and emails
between committee meetings.

Objective 4b
The media specialist will
collaborate with a team of
teachers, administrators, and
instructional specialists to
design, implement, and
evaluate inquiry based
lessons, activities, and units.

Evaluation 4b
Feedback on the types of
lessons needed will be
gathered through surveying
methods. The media specialist
will sit in on grade level PLCs
to increase collaboration and
discuss possible collaborative
efforts for specific lessons.

Objective 4c
The media specialist will
work closely with
administrators to actively

Evaluation 4c
The media specialist will
create a monthly newsletter to
discuss upcoming events and

promote, support, and

implement collaboration
effectively. As a result, the
media center will be an
extension of the classroom.

possible collaborations.
Interactive displays will be
used throughout the media
center to encourage reading
and co-teaching options.

Objective 4d
A Google calendar will be
created to promote a flexible
schedule conducive of

Evaluation 4d
The media specialist will
survey teachers to see if they
like this method of reserving
computer labs and coteaching times. The media
specialist will see if more
training is needed on Google

Part C: Evaluation
Wayne County High School Five Year Plan
Long Range Goals

Short Range

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Goal 1:

Objective 1a:
The media center will
be designed with the
coffee shop theme to
include the purchase
of lounging furniture,
a bar, book shelves,
tables, and chairs. In
addition, include sky
lighting and printed






October, December,
March, & May
To determine
Effectiveness of
lounging area,use
of technology, and

October, December,
March, & May
To determine
Effectiveness of
lounging area, use of
technology, and

October, December,
March, & May
To determine
Effectiveness of
lounging area, use of
technology, and

October, December,
March, & May
To determine
Effectiveness of
lounging area, use of
technology, and

October, December,
March, & May
To determine
Effectiveness of
lounging area, use of
technology, and

Objective 1b:






Evaluate monthly
circulation report to
determine usage data

Evaluate monthly
circulation report to
determine usage data

Evaluate monthly
circulation report to
determine usage data

Evaluate monthly
circulation report to
determine usage data

Evaluate monthly
circulation report to
determine usage data

The goal is to design

the media center so
that it has a coffee
shop theme that
promotes leisure,
technology, and

The media specialist

will collaborate with
teachers to design
lesson plans that
incorporate the use of
the media center as
an extension of the
classroom so students
can make use of
media center
resources more often.

Goal 2:
The school library
needs another
classroom connected
to the media center to
host more than one
class at a time. to
accomplish this long
range goal, the school
librarian will market
the media center and
develop a brand to
accomplish long
range and short range
goals. The AASL
promotes in
Learners that the

Objective 1c:
Promote literacy
through the use of
technology such as
the use of e-readers,
tablets, smartphones,
etc. in the leisurely
seating area.






Student surveys will

be administered to
indicate frequency,
type of technology,
and purpose of
purpose of visit in
media center.

Student surveys will

be administered to
indicate frequency,
type of technology,
and purpose of
purpose of visit in
media center.

Student surveys will

be administered to
indicate frequency,
type of technology,
and purpose of
purpose of visit in
media center.

Student surveys will

be administered to
indicate frequency,
type of technology,
and purpose of
purpose of visit in
media center.

Student surveys will

be administered to
indicate frequency,
type of technology,
and purpose of
purpose of visit in
media center.

Objective 2a:
Produce slides to be
shown on the closed
circuit TVs in
classrooms and in the
commons advertising
new books in the
media center.

Evaluate monthly by
verbal questioning
and recorded

Evaluate monthly by
verbal questioning
and recorded

Evaluate monthly by
verbal questioning
and recorded

Evaluate monthly by
verbal questioning
and recorded

Evaluate monthly by
verbal questioning
and recorded
Re-evaluate program
to see if a better
method of delivery
can be found.

Objective 2b:
Once a month
promote the media
center in the
commons during
lunch to promote

Monthly record the
number of students
who visit the
promotion table

Monthly record the
number of students
who visit the
promotion table

Monthly record the
number of students
who visit the
promotion table

Monthly record the
number of students
who visit the
promotion table

Monthly record the
number of students
who visit the
promotion table

Use Follett Destiny to

record number of
checkouts and

Use Follett Destiny to

record number of
checkouts and

Use Follett Destiny to

record number of
checkouts and

Use Follett Destiny to

record number of
checkouts and

Use Follett Destiny to

record number of
checkouts and

school librarian
should create
opportunities to
involve stakeholders
in reading. Also, to
create an
environment where
independent reading
is valued, promoted,
and encouraged,

Objective 2c:
Create and host a
book club for all

compare to last years


compare to last years


compare to last years


compare to last years


compare to last years


Evaluate at end of
year to see if there is
a measurable increase
in media center
checkouts; make
changes to plan based
on data.

Evaluate at end of
year to see if there is
a measurable increase
in media center
checkouts; make
changes to plan based
on data.

Evaluate at end of
year to see if there is
a measurable increase
in media center
checkouts; make
changes to plan based
on data.

Evaluate at end of
year to see if there is
a measurable increase
in media center
checkouts; make
changes to plan based
on data.

Evaluate at end of
year to see if there is
a measurable increase
in media center
checkouts; make
changes to plan based
on data.

Meet with Library
committee to
establish a book club

Club Rush

Club Rush

Club Rush

Club Rush

Officer elections

Officer elections

Officer elections

Officer elections

Begin bimonthly club
meetings and book

Begin bimonthly club
meetings and book

Begin bimonthly club
meetings and book

Begin bimonthly club
meetings and book

Begin bimonthly club
meetings and book
Survey club members
to evaluate program

Officers will keep

minutes and

Officers will keep

minutes and

Officers will keep

minutes and

Officers will keep

minutes and

Survey club members
to evaluate program

Survey club members
to evaluate program

Survey club members
to evaluate program

Survey club members
to evaluate program

Make plans for two
fundraisers each
semester for the
media center

Make plans for two
fundraisers each
semester for the
media center

Make plans for two
fundraisers each
semester for the
media center

Make plans for two
fundraisers each
semester for the
media center

Make plans for two
fundraisers each
semester for the
media center

First meeting elect
Develop a plan for

Objective 2d:
Book club will do
fundraisers to buy
technology for a
makerspace and an
outdoor classroom.

Objective 2e:
Media specialist will
write grants and seek
community donations
to raise money for the
media center.

Online-Public records
of the following:

Online-Public records
of the following:

Online-Public records
of the following:

Online-Public records
of the following:

Online-Public records
of the following:

Funds raised.

Funds raised.

Funds raised.

Funds raised.

Funds raised.

Purchases and
reasoning behind it.

Purchases and
reasoning behind it.

Purchases and
reasoning behind it.

Purchases and
reasoning behind it.

Purchases and
reasoning behind it.

Validation must be
approved by library
committee support.

Validation must be
approved by library
committee support.

Validation must be
approved by library
committee support.

Validation must be
approved by library
committee support.

Validation must be
approved by library
committee support.

August -June
Media specialist will
write at least 3 grants
per year
Media specialist will
work with
community and
committee members
to seek donations
once a year

August -June
Media specialist will
write at least 3 grants
per year
Media specialist will
work with
community and
committee members
to seek donations
once a year

August -June
Media specialist will
write at least 3 grants
per year
Media specialist will
work with
community and
committee members
to seek donations
once a year

August -June
Media specialist will
write at least 3 grants
per year
Media specialist will
work with
community and
committee members
to seek donations
once a year

August -June
Media specialist will
write at least 3 grants
per year
Media specialist will
work with community
and committee
members to seek
donations once a year

Online-Public records
of the following:

Online-Public records
of the following:

Online-Public records
of the following:

Online-Public records
of the following:

-Funds raised.

-Funds raised.

-Funds raised.

-Funds raised.

-Purchases and
reasoning behind it.

-Purchases and
reasoning behind it.

-Purchases and
reasoning behind it.

-Purchases and
reasoning behind it.

-Validation must be
approved by library
committee support

-Validation must be
approved by library
committee support

-Validation must be
approved by library
committee support

-Validation must be
approved by library
committee support

Online-Public records
of the following:
-Funds raised.
-Purchases and
reasoning behind it.
-Validation must be
approved by library
committee support

Goal 3:

Objective 3a:

The library media

program provides
students and staff
with the necessary
21st century skills to
be effective and
ethical users of
information and

The Library Advisory

Committee will
develop a
development plan to
ensure the media
specialist is providing
staff members with
the training needed to
develop essential 21st
century skills.

Library Advisory
Committee will
create and administer
a survey to all faculty
and staff to determine
the type of
development that is

Library Advisory
Committee will
create and administer
a survey to all faculty
and staff to determine
the type of
development that is

Library Advisory
Committee will
create and administer
a survey to all faculty
and staff to determine
the type of
development that is

Library Advisory
Committee will
create and administer
a survey to all faculty
and staff to determine
the type of
development that is

Library Advisory
Committee will create
and administer a
survey to all faculty
and staff to determine
the type of
development that is

September October
Library Advisory
Committee will
develop a
development plan.
They will use survey
results to create a
schedule for the
media specialist to

September October
Library Advisory
Committee will
review the previous
years professional
development plan and
determine what
changes need to be
made for the
upcoming year. They
will use survey
results to create a
schedule for the
media specialist to

September October
Library Advisory
Committee will
review the previous
years professional
development plan and
determine what
changes need to be
made for the
upcoming year. They
will use survey
results to create a
schedule for the
media specialist to

September October
Library Advisory
Committee will
review the previous
years professional
development plan and
determine what
changes need to be
made for the
upcoming year. They
will use survey
results to create a
schedule for the
media specialist to

September October
Library Advisory
Committee will
review the previous
years professional
development plan and
determine what
changes need to be
made for the
upcoming year. They
will use survey
results to create a
schedule for the
media specialist to

Library Advisory
Committee will meet
to review the
development plan and
determine if changes
need to be made for
the next year.

Library Advisory
Committee will meet
to review the
development plan and
determine if changes
need to be made for
the next year.

Library Advisory
Committee will meet
to review the
development plan and
determine if changes
need to be made for
the next year.

Library Advisory
Committee will meet
to review the
development plan and
determine if changes
need to be made for
the next year.

Library Advisory
Committee will meet
to review the
development plan and
determine if changes
need to be made for
the next year.

Objective 3b:
In order to stay
current on changes in
education and
technology, the
medial specialist will
participate in local,
regional, state, and
national educational
conferences as a
Learners, pg. 43)
The Library
Advisory Committee
will be responsible
for making sure the
media specialist
attends at least one
conference that will
be beneficial to the
media specialist as
well as faculty, staff,
and students. The
media specialist will
be responsible for
holding a
development meeting
and re-delivering
obtained from
conferences within 30
days of returning
from the conference.

August - July
The media specialist
will attend at least 1
conference during the
school year. The
media specialist will
redeliver new
within 30 days of
returning from the

August - July
The media specialist
will attend at least 1
conference during the
school year. The
media specialist will
redeliver new
within 30 days of
returning from the

August - July
The media specialist
will attend at least 1
conference during the
school year. The
media specialist will
redeliver new
within 30 days of
returning from the

August - July
The media specialist
will attend at least 1
conference during the
school year. The
media specialist will
redeliver new
within 30 days of
returning from the

August - July
The media specialist
will attend at least 1
conference during the
school year. The
media specialist will
redeliver new
within 30 days of
returning from the

Objective 3c:
The media specialist
will host professional
development meeting
at least once every 9
weeks. The topic of
each meeting will be
determined based on
the needs assessment
survey results.
Faculty and staff will
be required to attend.
The media specialist
will strive to make
the professional
development meeting
as participatory and
hands-on as possible.
Learners, pg. 43)
The professional
meetings will be
coordinated with
school administrators
to make sure the
meetings do not
interfere with other
meetings or activities.

August - September
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

August - September
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

August - September
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

August - September
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

October - December
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

October - December
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

October - December
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

October - December
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

January - February
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review

January - February
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review

January - February
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review

January - February
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review

August - September
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course evaluations
to determine if
changes should be
made to enhance
future meetings.
October - December
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course evaluations
to determine if
changes should be
made to enhance
future meetings.

January - February
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course evaluations
to determine if

Objective 3d
The media specialist
will attend at least 2
grade-level meetings
each 9 weeks and
develop at least one
collaborative lesson
plan for each grade
level each 9 weeks.
The collaborative
lesson will be
presented in the
media center to
students and will

the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

March - April
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

March - April
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

March - April
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

March - April
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

August - September
Media specialist will
attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes

August - September
Media specialist will
attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes

August - September
Media specialist will
attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes

August - September
Media specialist will
attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes

changes should be
made to enhance
future meetings.
March - April
Media specialist will
conduct at least one
development meeting
for all faculty and
staff. The media
specialist will review
the course evaluations
to determine if
changes should be
made to enhance
future meetings.

August - September
Media specialist will
attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes

focus on developing
21st century skills.

should be made to
enhance future

should be made to
enhance future

should be made to
enhance future

should be made to
enhance future

should be made to
enhance future

October - December
Media specialist will
attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

October - December
Media specialist will
attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

October - December
Media specialist will
attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

October - December
Media specialist will
attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

October - December
Media specialist will
attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

January - February
Media specialist will
attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes

January - February
Media specialist will
attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes

January - February
Media specialist will
attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes

January - February
Media specialist will
attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes

January - February
Media specialist will
attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes

Goal 4:
The school library
program will work to
build collaborative
partnerships. In
accordance with
Learners (2009), The
school library

Objective 4a:
The media specialist
will form a library
committee comprised
of stakeholders,
parents, local
librarians, teachers,
and administrators.

should be made to
enhance future

should be made to
enhance future

should be made to
enhance future

should be made to
enhance future

should be made to
enhance future

March - April

March - April

March - April

March - April

March - April

Media specialist will

attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

Media specialist will

attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

Media specialist will

attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

Media specialist will

attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

Media specialist will

attend 2 grade-level
meetings and develop
on collaborative
lesson plan for each
grade level. The
lesson will be
presented to students.
The media specialist
will review the course
assessments and
evaluations to
determine if changes
should be made to
enhance future

Invite select members
to be a part of the
school library

Invite select members
to be a part of the
school library

Invite select members
to be a part of the
school library

Invite select members
to be a part of the
school library

Invite select members
to be a part of the
school library

Meet quarterly to
ensure long term and

Meet quarterly to
ensure long term and

Meet quarterly to
ensure long term and

Meet quarterly to
ensure long term and

Meet quarterly to
ensure long term and

program will promote

collaboration among
members of the
learning community.

short term goals are

being met. Set goals
for the upcoming
year. Discuss survey
results and
reprioritize as

short term goals are

being met. Set goals
for the upcoming
year. Discuss survey
results and
reprioritize as

short term goals are

being met. Set goals
for the upcoming
year. Discuss survey
results and
reprioritize as

short term goals are

being met. Set goals
for the upcoming
year. Discuss survey
results and
reprioritize as

short term goals are

being met. Set goals
for the upcoming
year. Discuss survey
results and
reprioritize as

Objective 4b:
The media specialist
will collaborate with
a team of teachers,
administrators, and
specialists to design,
implement, and
evaluate inquiry
based lessons,
activities, and units.

Administer survey to
determine lessons
that are most needed.

Continue working on
designing inquiry
based lessons,
activities, and units
that were identified as
most important. The
team will focus on
one subject area at a

Continue working on
designing inquiry
based lessons,
activities, and units
that were identified as
most important. The
team will focus on
one subject area at a

Continue working on
designing inquiry
based lessons,
activities, and units
that were identified as
most important. The
team will focus on
one subject area at a

Continue working on
designing inquiry
based lessons,
activities, and units
that were identified as
most important. The
team will focus on
one subject area at a

Objective 4c:
The media specialist
will work closely
with administrators to
actively promote,
support, and
effectively. As a
result, the media
center will be an
extension of the

Meet with
Administrators to
determine ways to
promote support and
collaboration among
the learning
community in August
and again in January.

Meet with
Administrators to
determine ways to
promote support and
collaboration among
the learning
community in August
and again in January.

Meet with
Administrators to
determine ways to
promote support and
collaboration among
the learning
community in August
and again in January.

Meet with
Administrators to
determine ways to
promote support and
collaboration among
the learning
community in August
and again in January.

Meet with
Administrators to
determine ways to
promote support and
collaboration among
the learning
community in August
and again in January.

Objective 4d
A Google calendar

Introduce Google

Survey teacher to

Continue using

Continue using

Continue using

Begin working on
designing inquiry
based lessons,
activities, and units
that were identified as
most important. The
team will focus on
one subject area at a

will be created to
promote a flexible
schedule conducive
of collaboration.

Calendar to faculty.
professional learning
sessions to train
faculty on Google
Drive if necessary.

assess if they are in

favor of this method
of reserving computer
labs and co-teaching

Google Calendar for

flexible scheduling.

Google Calendar for

flexible scheduling.

Google Calendar for

flexible scheduling.

Part D: Advocacy
Communicating the school librarys strategic plan to all stakeholders is very important.
All stakeholders need to be aware of the goals and objectives of the school library program.
They also need to know what the school library program is doing to help the school and student
achievement. The media specialist has identified the audience as the principal, the staff, parents
and guardians, and the community. The librarys strategic plan will be hand delivered to the
school principal at the beginning of each school year. The strategic plan will be placed on the
schools website and the media centers website. At the beginning of each school year, a
newsletter will be sent to all staff members and parents/guardians to inform them of the location
of the strategic plan on the schools website and the media centers website. In order to inform
the community of the strategic plan, the media specialist will present the plan at various service
organizations and/or community meetings, such as school board meetings, Rotary meetings,
Lions Club meetings, city council meetings, etc. The media specialist will plan to schedule these
presentations with the organizations close to the beginning of the school year.
The media specialist will also have scheduled communications with the principal, staff,
parents and guardians. As recommended by Johnson (2013), a bimonthly principals report (p.
45) will be given to the principal to keep them informed of all activities of the media center and
media specialist. The report should include new resources and how they are being used,
professional development attended or administered, circulation statistics, teacher and media
specialist collaboration, and problems or concerns. The report will be sent to the principal and
then a follow-up face-to-face meeting will be scheduled. In order to communicate with staff, the
media specialist will create a monthly newsletter. To preserve paper, the newsletter will be emailed to all staff members at the beginning of each month. The newsletter will include a list of
newly acquires resources, a highlight of a particular library service, collaborative lessons taught
with other teachers to encourage collaboration, and other information deemed important. A
similar newsletter will be created for parents and guardians. The newsletter will be produced
monthly in the middle of each month. It will be sent home with all students and it will also be
placed on the schools website as well as the media centers website. The newsletter will include
a list of newly acquired book titles, newly acquired technology, technology tips, literacy tips, and
upcoming events.

KA Part VII Roles:

Lisa Harrison- Goal 1 Creator, Contributor, Editor
Jennifer White- Goal 3 Creator, Contributor, Advocacy section, Editor
Melanie Kirby- Goal 4 Creator, Contributor, Part B Table Maker, Editor
LaRae Thornton- Goal 2 Creator, Contributor, Part C Table Maker, Editor

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