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Minutes - CU Dems Executive Board Meeting

Date: Sunday, November 8, 2015 | Time: 5:00 PM 6:00 PM EDT

Location: Lerner 505L
In attendance: Kristen, Isabel, Annika (via Skype!), Allison, Adjua, Mike, Alex, Partha, Dan
Absent: Joelle, Kiana
Thank you to the Leads!
- Consensus: Awesome job, Leads!
- Leads: perhaps we could move the elections earlier in the semester?
- Discussed possibility of an informal post-campaign trip gathering
- Joelle suggests having a post-campaign trip family dinner
o Mike: we need someone to facilitate this though
This weeks General Body Meeting
- Isabel: we could do an around the world themed meeting one circle on California,
one on Kentucky, one on Canada;
o LBC: Keystone XL - Mike and ?
o Airbnb in CA: Isabel and Ben LaZeb
o KY Gubernatorial Race: Ben Swanson
o Race and Ben Carson: Kristen + someone else
o VOTE: 10 - 0
- Next week: activism-centered meeting
o Partha and Kristen: New York City Council Lobby Day
o Dan and Isabel: 2nd Amendment Activism
o Ben LaZebnik: LBC on Affordable Housing
Outside Opportunities
- Delta GDP Debate:
o VOTE on participating in the debate: FAILS
- TBTN Sexhibition
o VOTE on taking part in this: 10 0 (PASSES)
Chinese Students Club Intercultural Dinner
o VOTE on monetary cosponsorship: 0 10 (FAILS)
o Wants to do activism with us. Could be on a Saturday or at night.
o Kristen: could someone come from PPNYC to do an LBC
Shosh: most people are busy, but I could do one
TurboVote Update
- Presentation to JCCC has been pushed back to 11/15, 4 to 5 PM
- Presenters: Partha, Kristen, Alex
- Mike will help make presentation
- Will collect signatures from all the groups
Open Floor
- Endorsing Climate Divest
o Mike will send us a packet of info and we will vote by Wednesday
o Mike will stick around after the GBM to answer questions
- Event with Arun Chaudhary

Possibility of a big speaker coming in the future

Dan thanks the Board for making the event a success, and we thank him!
Roos doing a podcast on policy with him
Who will take part in that?
Reaching out to HFA and Columbia-Barnard for Bernie
o We will book space for them provided that were not limited in our room booking
No objections from Exec. Board
o Isabel will reach out to both groups and let them know what we can do for them
o Dan is soon getting the p-card, and we can then make buttons!
Allison pitches Fight for $15 event on Tuesday
Updates from Kristen
o Class Awareness Month
Kristen has been talking to SAUF and QB, and we are thinking of doing a
video on class at CU, and doing interviews.
Dan could help record and edit the video
o Idea for an event on race and the use of language in the 2016 election
Shosh wants to help for that
o And a third thing that Kristen will email us about!

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