E2 M5 La Rochelle

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You are

Level 3  I can work effectively in a small group to create a conversation

 I can give opinions on three different holiday activities
 I can ask a question about the town or activities
 I can answer a question
 My pronunciation is good
Level 4  I can link opinions on holiday activities together using the connectives
‘et’ and ‘mais’
 I can give reasons for my opinions using ‘parce que’
 I can ask two questions about the town or activities
 I can answer two questions
 My pronunciation is accurate
Level 5  I can work with others to create an interesting conversation using
some new vocab we found in a dictionary
 I can say at least two sentences in the future tense
 I can ask one question in the future tense
 My pronunciation is confident and convincing
Level 6  I can take an active and fair part in group work
 We have produced and presented a detailed conversation using
impressive and sophisticated vocabulary correctly
 I can ask and answer a range of questions in the past and future tenses
 My pronunciation is of a very high standard and I took part in the
conversation without using a script
Level 7  I can use the conditional tense confidently in the je and nous forms
OR: I can use the conditional in the vous form to ask questions
 I can use the imperfect phrase c’était to describe opinions in the past
 I can correctly answer two surprise questions I had not prepared
before hand
 My use of vocabulary is outstanding and my pronunciation is excellent
on holiday in the beautiful seaside town of La Rochelle with a friend. You have decided that
you are going to spend the day with your friend, but tomorrow you will do activities separately.
To find out more about La Rochelle, you have decided to visit the Tourist Information Centre.
Here you will be able to find out about activities, places to visit, prices and opening times. You
need to prepare the conversation you have in the tourist office and be ready to perform it to
the class.
Useful phrases:
Vous avez ……? Do you
J’ai besoin de …… I need ……

Il y a un(e) …… à La Rochelle? Is there a …… in

La Rochelle?
Où est le/la ……? Where is the ……?

C’est combien pour un billet pour le/la ……?

How much is a
ticket for the…..?
Le/la …. ouvre à quelle heure? What time does
the …. open?
Le/la …. ferme à quelle heure? What time does
the …… close?

J’adore/J’aime/Je n’aime pas/Je déteste… +

parce que …………
Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire demain? What are
you going to do tomorrow?
Je vais… I’m going to…
Nous allons… We’re going to…

Qu’est-ce que tu as fait hier? What

did you do yesterday?
J’ai visité ….
Je suis allé à la/au….. etc.

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