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Trafalgar School at Downton

MFL Department: French

Year 8 Term 4

You have just moved to the tropical island of the Seychelles to open a beach café!
You should aim to include:
 A labelled map and short fact file about the Seychelles in French:
Population, capitale, climat, industries, gouvernement,
produit intérieur brut (GDP), langues, drapeau.
 A short introduction to your café in French
 A menu for your café using exciting, tropical vocabulary in French (Food, drink)

Success Criteria (WILF)

Level 2  I can show where the Seychelles is on a map
 I can find out two of the facts in the fact file
 I can produce a menu giving at least 3 choices of food and drink
Level 3  I can find out 4 of the facts in the fact file
 I can produce a menu with at least 6 choices of food and drink
 I can use the connective et:
Level 4  I can find out all 8 facts from the fact file
 I can give at least opinions using c’est…
 I can produce a menu with at least 10 longer items
 I can correctly use the words for ‘some’ : au, à la, à l’, aux:
Eg. un cocktail à l’ananas, au noix de coco et à la papaya
Level 5  I can give at least 5 opinions with reasons using parce que
 I can use an excellent range of accurate vocabulary
 I can use the future tense to give at least five comments from
customers saying what they are going to buy:
Eg. Je vais acheter une glace à la banana parce que j’adore la fruit
Level 6  I can use the past tense as well as the future to give opinions
from trial customers who tasted some products:
Eg. J’ai mangé une salade aux crevettes et j’ai bu un cocktail vert
 I can use c’était to give opinions in the past:
Eg. Le poisson grillé aux artichauts était super délicieux !
For this task, you will also be given a level for Citizenship and this part of the task
will be in English

 You need to explain how the design and construction of your café will protect
and not harm the local environment. For example, will you use local materials?
Recycled materials? Blend your building in with the landscape? Use local people to
help you? You could draw a sketch of your building if you like.

 You also need to explain how you will use local ingredients and fair trade
ingredients and how these will benefit the community.

Success Criteria (WILF)

Level 2  I can briefly explain how using local produce benefits local
 I can explain briefly how Fair Trade products are different to
standard products
Level 3  I can use these key words to explain several advantages of
Fair Trade: economy, community,fair trade, free trade
Level 4  I can explain how increasing Fair Trade would benefit
community projects and give three suggestions of possible
projects saying how each would help the community
 I can compare and contrast Fair trade and Free Trade and
explain why they are fair/unfair
Level 5  I can give specific and detailed examples of successful Fair
Trade projects and how these have made a difference to the
local people
 I can explain how people in the UK can participate in Fair Trade
Eg. Which shops to go to, which products to choose etc

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