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Safe Use of Chlorine from Drums and


GEST 94/206
2nd Edition
January 2013


This document can be obtained from:
EURO CHLOR - Avenue E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 4, Box 2 - B-1160 BRUSSELS
Telephone: 32-(0)2-676 72 65 - Telefax: 32-(0)2-676 72 41

GEST 94/206
2nd Edition

Euro Chlor
Euro Chlor is the European federation which represents the producers of chlorine
and its primary derivatives.
Euro Chlor is working to:

improve awareness and understanding of the contribution that chlorine

chemistry has made to the thousands of products, which have improved

our health, nutrition, standard of living and quality of life;

maintain open and timely dialogue with regulators, politicians,

scientists, the media and other interested stakeholders in the debate
on chlorine;

ensure our industry contributes actively to any public, regulatory or

scientific debate and provides balanced and objective science-based

information to help answer questions about chlorine and its derivatives;

promote the best safety, health and environmental practices in the

manufacture, handling and use of chlor-alkali products in order to

assist our members in achieving continuous improvements (Responsible


This document has been produced by the members of Euro Chlor and should not be reproduced in
whole or in part without the prior consent of Euro Chlor.
It is intended to give only guidelines and recommendations. The information is provided in good
faith and was based on the best information available at the time of publication. The
information is to be relied upon at the users own risk. Euro Chlor and its members make no
guarantee and assume no liability whatsoever for the use and the interpretation of or the
reliance on any of the information provided.
This document was originally prepared in English by our technical experts. For our members
convenience, it may have been translated into other EU languages by translators / Euro Chlor
members. Although every effort was made to ensure that the translations were accurate, Euro
Chlor shall not be liable for any losses of accuracy or information due to the translation process.
Prior to 1990, Euro Chlors technical activities took place under the name BITC (Bureau
International Technique du Chlore). References to BITC documents may be assumed to be to
Euro Chlor documents.

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Chlorine is essential in the chemical industry and consequently there is a need
for chlorine to be produced, stored, transported and used. The chlorine industry
has co-operated over many years to ensure the well-being of its employees, local
communities and the wider environment. This document is one in a series which
the European producers, acting through Euro Chlor, have drawn up to promote
continuous improvement in the general standards of health, safety and the
environment associated with chlorine manufacture in the spirit of Responsible
The voluntary recommendations, techniques and standards presented in these
documents are based on the experiences and best practices adopted by member
companies of Euro Chlor at their date of issue. They can be taken into account
in full or partly, whenever companies decide it individually, in the operation of
existing processes and in the design of new installations. They are in no way
intended as a substitute for the relevant national or international regulations
which should be fully complied with.
It has been assumed in the preparation of these publications that the users will
ensure that the contents are relevant to the application selected and are
correctly applied by appropriately qualified and experienced people for whose
guidance they have been prepared. The contents are based on the most
authoritative information available at the time of writing and on good
engineering, medical or technical practice but it is essential to take account of
appropriate subsequent developments or legislation. As a result, the text may
be modified in the future to incorporate evolution of these and other factors.
This edition of the document has been drawn up by the GEST (Storage, Transport
and Safety Working Group) to whom all suggestions concerning possible revision
should be addressed through the offices of Euro Chlor.

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Systematic use of the word package


Generalised to all types of customers (not specific to swimming

pools anymore)


Update with information from packagers/distributers and from

UK HSE guideline


Brought drawings and some other items in appendix


Include here elements on chlorine users from GEST 88/138

Removed details already in GEST 92/171





Types of Installation


Single cylinder or drum arranged to deliver gas


Multiple cylinders or drums arranged to deliver gas


Drums arranged to deliver liquid


Risk of Overfill


Chlorine Flow Rate



Delivery to Site: Access


Delivery to Site: Offloading


Movement of Packages by the Customer



Order of Consumption





Location of Storage and Process Areas



Fire Risk



Outdoor Storage



Leakage of Gaseous or Liquid Chlorine



Proximity of Building Ventilation System Intakes


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Design of Storage and Process Areas


Storage and Dimensions












Fittings and Accessories



Chlorine Leak Detector



Safety Devices



Pipework and Fittings


Positioning and Securing Chlorine Packages











Chlorinator Connection Mode



Chlorinator Installation



Plant Design - Safety Features






Water Supply







Proximity of Access

Chlorinator Operation








Cylinder Changing



Preliminary Preparation - All Installations



Disconnection (Manual Changeover)



Disconnection (Automatic Changeover)






Dealing with Stiff Valves



Materials and Equipment



Inspection and Maintenance









Emergency plan

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Plan Details












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This document describes safe storage and use of liquid chlorine delivered in
drums and cylinders to small and moderate demand consumers such as nondomestic swimming pools, potable water or sewage treatment works, or small
industrial consumers.
The construction, filling and handling of cylinders and drums is covered in GEST
88/138 Small Chlorine Package Construction, Filling and Handling.
This document does not cover bulk liquid chlorine; storage, transport and use of
bulk chlorine are addressed in various other GEST documents (mainly GEST
73/20, GEST 73/25, GEST 78/72, GEST 78/73 and GEST 79/76).
It is not the purpose of this recommendation to address matters such as
swimming pool or water treatment chemistry or the optimum chlorine content
needed to maintain adequate water quality. The objective is to minimise any
risk to the staff or public at the consumers premises due to use of chlorine.
It is expected that chlorine is delivered in liquid phase in cylinders of capacity
typically not exceeding 100 litres or drums with a capacity not exceeding 1000
litres (see definitions in GEST 88/138).
Finally, it is strongly recommended that a sufficient number of operators of the
user site should be periodically trained to ensure the necessary competence in
handling chlorine.


Types of Installation

Drums and cylinders can be arranged to deliver chlorine in a variety of ways,

depending primarily on the required supply rate. You should seek advice on the
most suitable arrangement from the proposed chlorine supplier at the planning
1.1.1. Single cylinder or drum arranged to deliver gas
This type of installation can only deliver a low steady rate of supply
(depending on temperature see 1.3 below) or an occasional short period
at a higher supply rate. If the supply rate of chlorine is excessive,
condensation or frosting may appear on the outside of the package.
1.1.2. Multiple cylinders or drums arranged to deliver gas
Several packages can be connected to a common manifold. It is
recommended that no more than six cylinders or drums be connected in
this way. Procedures must be established to safeguard against passage of
chlorine in significant quantities between packages.
1.1.3. Drums arranged to deliver liquid
This arrangement usually serves a vaporiser in order to supply chlorine gas

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at a higher rate than is possible from either above options. It is also more
complex and requires greater safeguarding (e.g. chlorine detectors linked
to automatic isolation valves on the drum), because the mass release
rates from a hole in pipework carrying liquid are significantly greater than
those for the same hole in pipework carrying gas. This system should
never be arranged to draw liquid chlorine from more than one drum at a
time (see 1.2).


Risk of Overfill

Chlorine packages are delivered with a gas space above the liquid to allow for
expansion. If this space is lost and a package becomes hydraulically full there is
risk of rupture or distortion if the temperature increases.
Whenever packages are connected together via a common manifold, there is risk
of chlorine passing from one vessel to another. This may occur when one vessel
is at a significantly different temperature from the others, for example, when
exposed to a cold wind (causes in-flow from warmer packages) or direct sunlight
(causes out-flow to cooler packages). The risk of significant mass transfer is
much higher in liquid phase and this is why liquid valves should not be connected
in this way.
If you suspect that packages are almost hydraulically full, they should not be
isolated (except in an emergency) until it is possible to reduce the level of liquid
in the vessel and restore the gas space.


Chlorine Flow Rate

The gas flow rate from a single chlorine cylinder or drum is sufficient for some
applications. Some installations may require multiple packages in parallel.
The maximum chlorine gas flow rate is dependent on temperature. Based on
experience, typical flow rates are indicated in the following table with some
examples of package sizes:
Temperature, C





50 kg cylinder

71 kg cylinder


980 kg drum

Table 1 - Recommended maximum gas flow rate from packages (kg/h)

* no data available

Chlorine packages should not be subjected to ambient temperatures higher than

Where higher rates are required than can be supplied directly as gas from the
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package, a liquid chlorine feed can be supplied to a vaporiser. Vaporisers (also

known as evaporators) are discussed in a separate recommendation (GEST 75/47
Design and Operation of Chlorine Vaporisers).
To ensure continuity of supply, a changeover panel can be provided to switch
over automatically to fresh packages when the pressure in the supply vessel falls
to a pre-set level. This pressure has to be sufficiently high to prevent the
possibility of suck-back; a set pressure of 1 bar gauge or more is recommended.
To prevent re-liquefaction of chlorine in the pipework, it is good practice to
install a pressure reducer immediately after the gas take-off point from a drum
or cylinder and always after a vaporiser. Localised re-liquefaction occurs when
the ambient temperature is less than the saturation temperature corresponding
to the pressure of the chlorine gas. For example, if the gas is at 6 bar absolute
pressure, the corresponding saturation temperature is about 20C. If the
pipework temperature is somewhat lower (e.g. 15C) re-liquefaction may occur.
Any liquid chlorine will increase the risk of internal corrosion/erosion. It will also
tend to re-vaporise and the latent heat of vaporisation will be taken from the
pipework, which then cools. Moisture will condense on the cold pipework, and
present a risk of localised external corrosion. Therefore, if a pressure reducer is
not fitted, it is strongly recommended that the temperature of chlorine process
rooms is at least 5C higher than that of the storeroom to prevent reliquefaction.


See also section 9 regarding regulations for transport of chlorine.


Delivery to Site: Access

2.1.1 Generally vehicles should not be unloaded on any public road.

Warning signs and pedestrian barriers must be used to keep
unauthorised persons at a safe distance.
2.1.2 The offloading and handling of cylinders will be simpler and safer if
the delivery vehicles are able to draw alongside the store or the
offloading area. The delivery area should be planned to minimise
the amount of vehicle manoeuvring.


Delivery to Site: Offloading

2.2.1 Cylinders may be delivered either on vehicle fitted with a tail lift,
or on platform vehicles. An acceptable alternative is to offload
onto a dock at the same height as the platform or tailboard of the
delivery vehicle (see Figure 1). Cylinders must never be dropped off
the vehicle.

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2.2.2 The offloading of both full and "empty" cylinders is the joint
responsibility of the customer and the vehicle driver.

Figure 1 - Offloading of chlorine cylinders

2.2.3 Drums are normally delivered by road using dedicated drum

delivery vehicles (see figure 2).

Figure 2 - Chlorine Drum Delivery Vehicle

Suitable lifting equipment should be available such as:

Overhead lifting beam to carry drums directly to the user point.
Suitably sized forklift truck with dedicated attachments for the
secure transfer of drums.
Alternatively it may be possible to use a delivery vehicle with an on board crane
for transfer to strong, low bogies positioned alongside.

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Movement of Packages by the Customer

2.3.1 Cylinders should be kept upright at all times, handled with care and
never dropped. Cylinders should always be moved as soon as
possible into the store using specially constructed wheeled carriers
that have a clamp or chain securing the cylinder (see Figure 3 next
page). The protective cap, dome or guard should always be in
position over the valve when the cylinder is being handled. It is
permissible to move the cylinder over short distances in the near
upright position by holding the cylinder shoulder and rotating the
whole cylinder. All cylinders should be secured and never in such a
position that they cause an obstruction. Never use the protective
cap, dome or valve to support the cylinder during handling.
2.3.2 Drums should be moved by forklift truck with a dedicated drum
handling attachment, by bogie, or (for short distances in straight
lines) by rolling if approved by the supplier. The valve cover must
be in place during drum handling. Stored drums should be secured
in cradles or using chocks and not stacked more than two levels

Figure 3 - Wheeled Chlorine Carrier

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2.3.3 The following points should be observed when moving packages on

a vehicle:
a) Packages shall preferably be loaded in open or ventilated vehicles.
If this is not feasible and packages are carried in other closed
vehicles, the cargo doors of the vehicles shall be marked with the
following letters not less than 25 mm high: WARNING NO
b) Each cylinder must be securely fixed preferably in an upright
position in the delivery vehicle, or placed in proprietary pallets.
c) An instruction in writing shall be displayed or carried on the vehicle.
All necessary transport regulations shall be observed, including
driver training.
d) Adequate personal protective equipment must be available in the
cabin of the vehicle (ADR 8.1.5).
e) An ammonia-water bottle or chlorine detector should be carried on
the vehicle.


Order of Consumption

It is strongly recommended that the store area and procedures be arranged such
that chlorine packages can be used in the order that they are delivered. This
minimises the risk of packages being left in storage for long periods. Long term
storage by customers increases the risk of valves being found to be stiff when
called upon to operate, and also may mean the packages are not subjected to
statutory testing in a timely manner.


Chlorine storage and process areas can vary from relatively simple installations,
which use only one or two cylinders, to multiple drums or cylinders coupled
together incorporating change over devices. A risk assessment shall be
performed to allow all such areas to be designed and operated in a way ensuring
safety to operating personnel and the public. The following guidance identifies
the factors that must be considered.


Location of Storage and Process Areas

The selection of a site and the design of a storage room should take into account
the following potential hazards:
3.1.1. Fire Risk
Although the storage room itself shall be constructed from non-combustible and
low heat conductivity materials, there is still the risk to be considered in respect
of the remainder of the building. Chlorine gas packages are at risk of rupture if
the temperature exceeds 70C and in the event of a fire they will have to be
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kept cool or removed from the premises. Packages should never be stored near a
source of heat.
3.1.2. Outdoor Storage
Outdoor storage of unused drums and cylinders should be secured and under
cover to keep off rain and radiation from the sun. The boundary of an outdoor
storage area should be at least 5 m away from flammable materials.
Packages must not be allowed to stand in water because this will lead to
corrosion of carbon steel vessels. Also, as wet chlorine is extremely corrosive to
most metals, a slight leak may rapidly escalate into a significant one.
3.1.3. Leakage of Gaseous or Liquid Chlorine
Chlorine can be lethal and it follows that storage rooms must be well ventilated
at all times.
To remove packages easily and rapidly, it is strongly recommended that the
storage room be situated at ground floor level. Storage rooms sited below
ground level are not recommended; such installations pose problems in handling
cylinders and dealing with any chlorine leaks (heavy chlorine gas accumulates in
low areas).
It is possible to arrange the storage area to be vented to an absorption unit, but
this is not covered in detail in this document (see GEST 76/52 - Equipment for
the Treatment of Gaseous Effluents Containing Chlorine).
3.1.4. Proximity of Building Ventilation System Intakes
The storage/process room and all other parts of the chlorine system including
the outlet of any exhaust ventilation system should be sited well away from
windows or doors which open onto areas liable to be occupied, and in particular
from air intakes and ventilation systems.
The layout of buildings in the vicinity should not be such as to hinder the
dispersal of any leakage of gas or likely to channel any leakage towards air
intakes or other openings into the buildings.
3.1.5. Proximity of Access
Chlorine should be kept separate from normal working areas and access should
be limited to people working directly with it. The storage area should be
dedicated to the storage of chlorine, immediately associated equipment and
compatible materials and should be clearly identified.
The chlorine area should not be closer than 5 m to a roadway used by vehicles
unless adequate barriers (crash barriers or substantial walls) are provided. If the
walls of the store are intended to provide the impact protection, the structure
should be such as not to collapse onto or damage the installation. Where
vehicles have access into a store for loading and unloading, adequate high kerbs
or other fixed wheel stops should be provided.
The storeroom and the process installation should be sited away from public

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areas and be secured against unauthorised access and vandal-proof. If the

storage room or installation adjoins an area of public access, then it is
recommended that no direct means of access or air vents connect the two areas.


Design of Storage and Process Areas

3.2.1. Storage and Dimensions

The storage room may be separated from, or combined with the room for the
process equipment, depending on the size of the installation.
The dimensions of the storage/process room should be related to the number of
full, standby, on-line and empty packages needed to operate the installation.
Sufficient room should be allowed only for normal maintenance, in order to
minimise the risk of the room being used as a general store. E.g. for a single
cylinder installation the dimensions of the room could be approximately 2 m x
1.25 m to allow for one cylinder in use, one as standby, one empty and a
Pipes and ducts should preferably not pass through the store, but if this is
unavoidable, then all passages through the walls must be securely sealed against
3.2.2. Access
The storage/process room shall not have connecting access with other parts of
the building. Access should only be from the outside. The room should have a
level floor and if this is above or below the level of access, then a ramp should
be constructed to facilitate the movement of wheeled cylinder carriers. Doors
must be capable of being held securely in the open position whenever personnel
are working in the room. An appropriate warning sign should be fitted on the
outside of the doors. As far as possible the package store area should be gas
tight to other sections of the building. It is recommended that doors open
outwards, be fitted with crash bar escape fittings, and a window to allow
viewing inside the room before entering.
3.2.3. Ventilation
Good natural ventilation through louvred doors and windows may be adequate
for many installations. If this cannot be obtained a suitable exhaust fan should
be provided, operated manually by a switch located outside the store. The
exhaust fan may be linked to a chlorine gas detector and/or automatically
started by the opening of the door. The suction side of the exhaust fan must be
located at or near floor level to draw out chlorine laden air and must not
discharge to a location used routinely by personnel, near windows or ventilation
system intakes (see Section 3.1.4). The exhaust system must be capable of
achieving at least 12 changes of the room volume per hour to deal with minor
leaks. For major leaks the exhaust fan must be switched off until the gas can be
dispersed safely under controlled conditions.

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Certain national regulations require water sprinkler systems to be installed near

the doors of the chlorine room and chlorine absorption systems to be used in the
event of chlorine release. It is important that these systems do not spray
water directly onto the leaking packages as this could cause a significant
increase in chlorine release due to rapid corrosion.
3.2.4. Temperature
To obtain a sufficient flow of chlorine gas, packages should not be allowed to
become too cold particularly as a result of draughts (vaporisation of the chlorine
extracted from the vessel) and therefore some degree of background warmth
may be desirable.
A minimum temperature of about 15C is recommended. The source of heat in
the room may be a hot water heated coil or a non-radiant electrical heater. A
maximum temperature of 40C must not be exceeded. Direct heat should never
be applied to chlorine packages.
3.2.5. Fittings and Accessories
The room must be equipped with a normal main light and some form of
emergency lighting should be provided. Fittings of the waterproof and sealed
type should be used. Sufficient shelving should be provided for the storage of a
set of cylinder/drum keys, spare flexible coil, ammonia-water test bottle or
chlorine detector, gaskets etc. The ammonia-water test bottle must be suitably
labelled and secured on a rack to prevent accidental spillage.
3.2.6. Chlorine Leak Detector
Early warning of chlorine leaks, particularly in buildings that are not
continuously staffed, can allow prompt remedial action. Installation of chlorine
detectors and alarms in areas housing chlorine drums, cylinders, or process plant
is therefore strongly recommended. For outdoor installations, the quantity of
detectors should be assessed by considering factors such as the size of the
installation, the staffing levels and the response times achievable. On detecting
a leak the detector system should:

Raise an audible alarm - preferably in a continuously staffed area or

control centre

Activate distinct audible and visual alarms in the affected area

Control the mechanical ventilation, if fitted (see 3.2.3)

Operate the automatic isolation valves, where fitted (see 3.2.7)

Typically, chlorine sensors need to be located in or near the entrance to ducts

carrying chlorine pipework, the air intakes to extractor fans and at the outlets
from absorber units (where fitted). Where forced ventilation systems have been
installed, the detector should preferably be located at the outlet of the system.
The manufacturer or supplier of the system should advise on the best location
for the sensors; typically sensors in the storage area are mounted between 0.3 m

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and 0.5 m above ground level. Chlorine gas sensors should be tested regularly in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions to demonstrate that the
detector and its associated circuits are functioning correctly.
Detection systems need to provide a continuous monitoring function when
chlorine is in storage or in use, and be able to operate the alarms in the event of
power loss, sensor failure, or low state of charge of stand-by batteries.
Detector activation concentration levels should be defined after considering
factors such as the size and location of the installation, and the available
equipment (ventilation systems, absorption systems etc.). Small installations
may have a single alarm at low-level concentration, whereas larger installations
may have more sophisticated response systems. An example of activation levels
is described below:

First alarm: chlorine concentration of 1-5 ppm. (Lower settings than this
are liable to activate the system at every drum/cylinder change, unless a
duration requirement is also imposed. For example, some companies set
the first alarm at 0.5 ppm, but require the sensor to register this
concentration for at least 30 seconds) The first alarm should activate the
ventilation fan, open the intake louvres, and activate the local audio and
visual alarms and any remote telemetry alarm.

Second alarm 3-15 ppm,(depending on the duration that the sensor needs
to register this level. Some companies set the second alarm at 2 ppm with
a 30 second duration requirement). On activation of a second alarm the
detector system should shut off the ventilation system and operate the
auto-shutdown system.

The tone of the first and second alarms should be different and operators should
be trained to recognise the difference and how to respond in each case.
If such an automatic system is provided, it must be possible to override it and
lock on the ventilation before anyone enters the room to work on the chlorine
Some sensors can be damaged by high chlorine concentrations, therefore
detector systems should be checked following any high level alarms.
3.2.7. Safety Devices
Consideration should be given especially at larger installations taking liquid
from drums - to provide remotely-operable shutdown valves, in order to
minimise the size of a release. The need for an automatic system arranged to
shut off the chlorine supply when a leak is detected will depend on the
likelihood and size of potential leaks and the proximity of any neighbours.
Some shutdown valves operate by automatically closing the drum or cylinder
valves directly (see Figure 4). It is important to check with the chlorine supplier
the recommended minimum and maximum closure torque for the valves, as this
can vary greatly from one valve type to another (e.g. soft seat versus hard seat).

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Figure 4 Example of Proprietary Cylinder Shutdown System

If remotely operable shut-off valves are used, they should be as close as

practical to the storage packages. Arrangements should be made and maintained
to operate these valves as appropriate from remote manual operating points
outside the chlorine area or, for an unmanned facility, from chlorine detectors.
Care must be taken to avoid trapping liquid between valves.
3.2.8. Pipework and Fittings
In all installations the pipework between the supply vessels and the point of use
should be as short as practicable. Where a long run is unavoidable, as much as
possible of the run should be only used for low-pressure gas.
Pipework for lines carrying liquid chlorine or gaseous chlorine under pressure
should be constructed generally in accordance with Euro Chlor GEST 73/25
Transport of Dry Chlorine by Pipeline. Pipe runs should be kept short and
protected against impact. Plastic pipes should not be used.
Depending on the risk assessment conclusions, long lengths of liquid-filled
pipework can require a suitable pressure relief system, for example in the form
of an expansion chamber with rupture disc (see GEST 87/133 Overpressure
relief of chlorine installations).
As with other parts of the installation, pipework should be subject to routine
inspection and maintenance. All pipework should be kept clean and dry inside.
After any exposure to moisture the pipework should be thoroughly dried; the
joint rings should be changed after any hydraulic test.

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For gaseous chlorine at atmospheric pressure or slightly below, plastic pipework

(preferably reinforced) may be considered when there is a risk of moisture.
Advice should be sought from the chlorine suppliers on suitable materials.
All packings, gaskets and diaphragms, and all components of pipes, valves and
fittings should be resistant to the action of chlorine between the foreseeable
extremes of operating temperature and pressure. Gaskets should never be
reused for chlorine service.
Flexible connector pipes are often made from copper or alloys which are subject
to work hardening. They should be inspected at each cylinder change,
periodically heat treated and replaced if necessary.


Positioning and Securing Chlorine Packages

3.3.1. Cylinders

Figure 5 - Securing Cylinders

Full cylinders in the store should be protected from accidental dislodgement by

means of securing clamps, chains, or bars (see Figure 5).
Caps or domes, as appropriate, must be fitted to the empty cylinders which must
then be stored upright in a separate section of the area with similar securing
arrangements as for full cylinders. These empty cylinders should be clearly
marked "Empty".
Cylinders in use must be individually securely fixed to ensure that they do not
move when connections are made to the pipework or when valves are operated;
purpose made chains or wall brackets securely fixed to the wall will be suitable.
The securing device, for example, must be fitted with hinged closing bars or
clamps using butterfly nuts or screws to hold them in place.
Local regulations may require cylinders to be locked securely to prevent theft or
unauthorised removal. This requirement can be met by storage in a secured,

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2nd Edition

locked room or by lockable cylinder clamps within the chlorine room.

3.3.2. Drums
Prior to connection to a process system, drums must be secured in a stillage,
cradle or using chocks.
It can be beneficial to use cradles mounted on load cells this allows monitoring
of drum contents during use.
Cradles incorporating rollers are helpful in correctly positioning a drum prior to
use. The correct position for a drum is with the dip tube marks on the
protective cover (and hence the internal dip tubes) in the 12 oclock and 6
oclock positions this ensures one dip pipe is always in liquid; the other in gas
(see Figure 6).
Dip tube mark


Dip tube mark

Figure 6 - Typical Chlorine Drum

As described in the introduction, chlorine supplied in drums and cylinders can be
used to supply a wide range of different consumers. The process equipment
connected to the chlorine supply is generally outside the scope of this
document, and reference should be made to the list of Euro Chlor GEST
documents to determine which may be applicable.
One common use however is in simple chlorination equipment for treating water
associated with swimming pools or potable water supplies. An example of a very
simple installation is given in Figure 7 here below, which shows a chlorine
cylinder providing gas to a chlorinator, controlled by a free chlorine analyser.
Recommendations for similar types of installations are covered in this section.

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Chlorine cylinder room

AC Active


Treated water

Figure 7 Principle of a Chlorinator Arrangement


Chlorinator Connection Mode

A single chlorinator may be connected to the chlorine cylinders by suitable

pipework or an individual chlorinator may be directly mounted onto each
cylinder. With the second design, there is no part of the equipment under


Chlorinator Installation

4.2.1. Plant Design - Safety Features

The chlorinator should be of solution feed-type working on a vacuum principle so
that the metering equipment operates at pressures less than atmospheric, and
be of fail safe design so that the gas supply is shut-off in the event of loss of
operating vacuum. The chlorinator unit will be separated from the injector
device (see different principle drawings in Appendices 1 to 3).
The injector must incorporate one or more devices to prevent a back flow of
water into the gaseous system part of the gas control unit. A gas pressure gauge must be provided at or on the chlorine
gas control unit to indicate the gas system pressure. The
cylinders should be returned with 1 barg chlorine remaining in
them to ensure no water has been sucked back into the
cylinder. This is normally achieved by the user having an alarm
on the pressure gauge set at 1 barg which would switch the
supply over to the stand-by cylinder.
The configuration of the pipework must be such that a vacuum cannot be
created when the plant is shut down.

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GEST 94/206
2nd Edition An adequate instruction manual shall be available to give the

operator a full understanding of plant operation and
maintenance at the dosing unit.
4.2.2. Securing
The control unit must be securely mounted and fixed to either the wall or floor
with ready access to all parts of the unit for its operation and maintenance. In
the case of a cylinder-mounted chlorinator, this must be securely fitted to the
cylinder, which must itself be securely fixed to prevent movement.
4.2.3. Water Supply
When the gas supply is turned on, a supply of water adequate to meet the
equipment manufacturer's specification must be available to operate the
injector. The solution discharge pipe should be made from tubing resistant to
the chlorination level of the water. A check valve and a manual shut-off valve
should be installed to prevent back flow to the chlorine package.


Chlorinator Operation

1. The control unit must be operated only in accordance with the

manufacturer's instruction manual, a copy of which shall always be
available at the unit.
2. The chlorinator shall only be operated when the water is circulating.
3. When the chlorinator discharge line feeds pipework where the
pressure is below atmosphere, for example in case of swimming pools
when the point of application is on the suction side of the main
recirculation pump, particular care should be taken when the
chlorinator is turned off. To prevent the vacuum induced by the main
circulating pump from pulling chlorine gas through the chlorinator,
the chlorine supply to the chlorinator should be isolated as well as the
operating water supply. Under these conditions it is still possible for
the chlorinator to inject a small quantity of air into the system. If this
does occur, an anti-siphon injector should be fitted.

This section gives an example of recommended operating procedures for a small
chlorine installation using chlorine gas from cylinders for water treatment. Such
installations are shown in appendix 3. Many of the points are also applicable to
larger installations and those consuming liquid, but it is expected that such
consumers will develop their own robust procedures after carrying out thorough
risk assessments and discussions with their supplier.

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2nd Edition



If the gas pressure in a cylinder were to fall below atmospheric pressure there is
a danger of water being drawn back into the cylinder, potentially resulting in
severe corrosion damage. In order to prevent this, it is essential that the
pressure in a cylinder is never allowed to fall below 1 barg (approx. 15 psig). At
this point there is no liquid left in the cylinder (gas pressure only) so it is
essentially empty.
To prevent the pressure falling below this value, it is recommended to equip the
cylinder with an automatic shutdown valve. An automatic changeover device, if
fitted, will maintain the supply of gas to the chlorinator by switching to a full
standby cylinder.
There should be a clear indication of which cylinder is online.


Cylinder Changing

The detailed procedure to be adopted when changing cylinders will depend on

whether an automatic changeover panel is fitted and it is important that the
appropriate instructions are carried out.
5.2.1. Preliminary Preparation - All Installations Ensure that a second person familiar also with the routine
and respirator use is present, preferably near the door or
outside, but in a position to see the sequence of operations.
Both the operator and the second person should be equipped
with respiratory protection. Clearly establish and identify the cylinder(s) to be
disconnected. Check that each cylinder is securely held by the
clamp so that it cannot turn when the valve is closed.

Bring the replacement cylinder(s) to an adjacent position. Whether or not an automatic shutdown valve is installed,

confirm manually that the cylinder valve is properly closed.
Where a key is used, complete closing by striking the key
sharply with the palm of a gloved hand. Do not apply too high
torque (values to be confirmed with the cylinder supplier e.g.
valves with soft seated seals ~max. 7 Nm, hard seats ~30 Nm).

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GEST 94/206
2nd Edition If the valve spindle is stiff, or if it is uncertain that the valve

has seated, try to work the spindle back and forth and then
reclose the valve. If this treatment is unsuccessful follow the
procedure given in Section 5.3 (Dealing with stiff valves). These
instructions are also given on the cards issued by the chlorine
suppliers. Never use excessive force or sustained pressure on
the valve key, and never use lubricants or direct heat to free a
stiff valve.

Key operated valve

1. Use the proper key
2. Hold it on with one hand and strike
the key sharply with the other (this
unseats the valve) and then it can
be turned easily
Do not use sustained pressure on the
key excessive pressure will shear
the spindle.
Close valves in the same manner.
5.2.2. Disconnection (Manual Changeover) Put on the respirator, check that it is fitted correctly and
ensure that the seal around the face-piece is airtight. After closing the cylinder valve(s) leave the chlorinator
operating until the pressure gauge reads zero, or the pressure
warning flag on the cylinder mounted chlorinator shows the
appropriate colour and the flowmeter indicates zero flow. Close the auxiliary valve, if fitted (see appendix 3 for
example), and proceed as described in section and
subsequent sections.
5.2.3. Disconnection (Automatic Changeover) Put on the respirator, check that it is fitted correctly and
ensure that the seal around the face-piece is airtight. After closing the cylinder valve(s), close the auxiliary valve,
if fitted, on each cylinder and also close any valve(s) fitted on
the manifold. Do not use excessive force when closing valves
(see Use two keys of the correct size. Fit one to the body of the
auxiliary valve and the other to the union nut. It is important
that the valve body is not allowed to turn during disconnection
as damage to the connecting pipe may easily occur. Cautiously
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ease the union nut and allow the chlorine trapped in the
fittings to escape. Avoid straining the unsupported flexible coil.
Normally the gas should escape in a few seconds. Using the
ammonia- water test bottle (see Figure 8 below), blow
ammonia vapour close (5 cm) and across the connection to
rapidly confirm1 that all the chlorine has escaped. If gas
continues to leak, immediately tighten the union nut and check
with ammonia vapour that the union is gas tight.

Figure 8 - Use of Ammonia-Water Bottle

Note: to use an ammonia water bottle, squeeze it and direct the ammonia
vapour nearby the connection you want to test, but do not spray liquid on the
connection. If the spindle is stiff, exercise the cylinder valve as per Ease the union nut and test for leaks with the ammonia
water test bottle. If a leak persists follow the instructions given
in Section 5.3 for dealing with stiff valves. When the test with ammonia vapour confirms that the
cylinder valve is closed and all the chlorine has escaped from
the fittings, slowly unscrew the union nut and disconnect the
auxiliary valve. Replace and tighten the cover nut on the cylinder valve and,
if appropriate, fit the protecting dome.

The detection limit of this test is about 30 ppm volume chlorine in air.

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GEST 94/206
2nd Edition To prevent moisture entering the auxiliary valve, keep it

open as briefly as possible. If it is to remain disconnected for
more than a few minutes, use custom-made plugs or caps.. If several cylinders are connected to the manifold, repeat
the procedure for each empty cylinder. When the vacuum regulator is directly mounted on the
cylinder, loosen the yoke clamping screw, test for chlorine gas
leaks using the ammonia water test bottle, remove the
regulator and put it in a safe place, or preferably mount it
immediately on a new cylinder. When all the cylinders have been disconnected and are
ready to be moved, go out of the chlorine room into fresh air to
take off the respirator. Check the chlorine room is free of
chlorine, for example with a chlorine detector, before reentering (do not rely on the ammonia water test bottle to
demonstrate the atmosphere is safe to breathe due to its
relatively high detection limit). Unclamp the empty cylinder(s),
mark or label the cylinder(s) "Empty" and remove to the area
set aside for storing empty cylinders.
5.2.4. Connection

Put on a respirator and check that the face piece is airtight. Cautiously ease the valve cover nut and test for leaks. If
there is a leak of chlorine, retighten the cover nut, remove the
cylinder and put on the side. Mark the cylinder valve "Faulty",
note the cylinder number and contact the chlorine supplier for
further advice. Even if there is no leakage of gas do not remove
the cover nut at this stage. Where flexible connections are used remove the plug from
the auxiliary valve, remove the used gasket, clean the surfaces,
check that the threads of the union nut are in good condition
and that the valve orifice is clean and free from obstruction.
For a chlorinator unit, which is mounted directly on the
cylinder, remove the used gasket and clean the surfaces of the
connection. Fit a new gasket. Never re-use gaskets. (see GEST 94/216 Experience of gaskets on liquid and dry chlorine gas
service). Do not use any grease except if compatible with
chlorine (e.g. totally chlorofluorinated grease). Remove the cover nut from the cylinder valve, check that
the valve nozzle is clean and is not obstructed by part of the
cover nut joint before fitting the auxiliary valve or vacuum
regulator (in the case of the cylinder mounted unit).

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GEST 94/206
2nd Edition Use two keys to tighten the union nut but do not use
excessive force. Do not allow the valve body to turn. Check
that the auxiliary valve is closed. For cylinder mounted units,
withdraw the clamp bar to its fullest extremity, place the
yoke/regulator unit over the cylinder valve and check that the
gasket is still in position. Carefully tighten the yoke clamp
screw to pull the unit evenly against the cylinder valve union.
Avoid using unnecessary force. Open the cylinder valve shortly approximately one turn by
hand or using the correct valve key to flood the union with
chlorine, then close the valve. Valves fitted with hand wheels
and O-ring or diaphragm seals should only be turned by hand.
These valves do not have gland packing which can be further
tightened. Test for leaks at the union and the valve gland, if it
is a gland type valve. Gently tighten the gland nut if the gland
leaks. If a leak occurs at the union connection it may be
possible to tighten the joint, but if the leak does not stop
immediately when the union is tightened, the joint should be
remade taking all the precautions laid down in Sections 5.2.2
and 5.2.3 dealing with disconnection of cylinders. When remaking the joint it is essential that a new gasket is
used and every effort should be made to find the cause of the
leak. If necessary and applicable, change the auxiliary valve. If
a satisfactory joint cannot be made, refit the cover nut to the
cylinder valve, note the cylinder number and inform the
chlorine supplier. If emergency kits are available secure the
cylinder properly (see 7.1). When a new joint has been made, open the cylinder valve,
close again and retest the union connection (see Repeat the connecting procedure if several cylinders are
connected to a manifold. After finishing the procedure open all
cylinder valves and auxiliary valves fully and turn them back
about half a turn, to enable easy identification of the valve
position. On installations fitted with a changeover panel, open the
auxiliary valve(s), the manifold valve(s), if fitted, and test all
connections for leaks. Operate the changeover panel to check that the pressure at
the chlorinator panel is satisfactory and the flow of chlorine gas
is maintained. On vacuum operated changeover systems, close
the valve on the duty cylinder and observe that the changeover
relay operates and that gas flow is maintained by the new

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GEST 94/206
2nd Edition Change over to the cylinder(s) which were on line or, for the
vacuum operated system, re-open the duty cylinder valve and
close the new cylinder valve to cause the relay to revert to its
previous position. After the relay has changed back to the duty
cylinder supply, re-open the new cylinder valve ready for
subsequent automatic changeover to take place. Where a cylinder or cylinders are connected directly to a
chlorinator, start the chlorinator, open the auxiliary valve(s)
and manifold valve(s), if fitted. Test all connections for leaks, check the chlorinator pressure
gauge reading is satisfactory, and set the flow of chlorine to
the required rate.


Dealing with Stiff Valves

If a cylinder valve is difficult to operate or if a valve cannot be closed fully,

inform the supplier and then carry out the procedure described in the suppliers
A stiff valve can often be caused by ferric chloride on the valve
spindle preventing its movement: ferric chloride can be softened by gentle
heating (see below) to allow the spindle to move, but direct heating, e.g. by a
blow torch, must never be used.
The following is an example of techniques that are used on packed-gland hardseat valves.
5.3.1 Ensure that the union nut is tight and gas is not leaking from the
joint (never use water on chlorine leak).
5.3.2 Tie a rag around the body of the valve and pour on a kettleful of
hot water over a period of 1-2 minutes (see Figure 9 here below).
As the valve warms up, gently work the valve spindle back and
forth until it becomes free (pay attention: the valve is hot!).
Continue to work the valve until it can be fully closed.
5.3.3 If the valve still leaks when the union nut is eased and the leak is
very slight, it may be possible to disconnect the union and fit the
cover nut to the valve. This must only be done by the supervisor
wearing an appropriate respirator, after he has assessed the
situation and confirmed that it is safe to carry out this operation.
5.3.4 If it is considered unsafe to deal with the cylinder in this way,
contact the chlorine supplier for further advice or assistance. The
Emergency Telephone Number should always be visible near all

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2nd Edition

Figure 9 - Hot water treatment for stiff valve


Materials and Equipment

5.4.1 Chlorine gas is highly corrosive in the presence of moisture and the
use of other than specialised equipment and materials can prove
both dangerous and ineffective.
5.4.2 When new, the flexible copper coil connecting the auxiliary valve
to the manifold and/or the chlorinator can be carefully bent into a
desired position to suit the connections. Once this position is
established and the coil subjected to use, further bending of the
coil may result in fracture as a degree of brittleness in the metal
develops in use, which is not apparent visually. The flexible
connections should be checked regularly to ensure they are in good
condition and changed in accordance with recommendations from
the chlorine supplier (e.g. every year). Each flexible should have a
tag with the date by which it should be changed.
5.4.3 Tools, ammonia-water test bottles should be retained in a store
cupboard or on a storage shelving; the same applies to spare valves
and flexible copper coils, preferably in their original packing. To
prevent the entry of moisture, valves, coils and pipes should retain
their blanking end covers until they are brought into use.
5.4.4 Euro Chlor recommended gaskets (See GEST 94/216 - Experience
of non-asbestos gaskets on liquid and Dry Chlorine Gas Service)
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2nd Edition

of the correct size should be used when making and remaking

connections. Gaskets must never be re-used.


Inspection and Maintenance

5.5.1 The equipment must be maintained in good working order and

subject to regular testing and maintenance.
5.5.2 Chlorine gas is both toxic and corrosive and for these reasons it is
important that any leakage of gas should be traced and dealt with
as quickly as possible. When one person, equipped with appropriate
protective equipment, is inside the room attending to a gas leak,
there must always be another person stationed outside and also
equipped with a respirator.
5.5.3 The chlorinator/storage room should be visited regularly
throughout normal operating hours and any indication of gas escape
investigated and corrected. It is good practice to check the
equipment for chlorine leaks at the beginning of each day using the
vapour from an ammonia water test bottle. A chlorine in air
detector, with alarm, can be very helpful to monitor continuously
the atmosphere of the room; portable detectors are also very
5.5.4 In the absence of an automatic changeover system, cylinder
pressure gauge readings should be noted at least daily. Cylinders
must be withdrawn from use when the pressure falls to 1 barg (15
psig). Never keep a cylinder on line, even if it is not in use, when
the pressure falls to this level. Pressure gauges should be calibrated
at intervals to establish their accuracy.
5.5.5 When cylinder valves are stiff or faulty in any way the supplier's
recommendations must be followed.
5.5.6 Whenever chlorine supply lines or valves are removed for a short
time, screwed plugs should be inserted in the open ends to avoid
ingress of moisture. For longer periods of storage (more than 24
hours), the pipework etc., must be first washed out with warm
water and thoroughly air dried before plugging and storage.
5.5.7 The Supplier's Operating Instruction Cards should be displayed in
the storage/chlorinator room at all times and operating staff must
note and apply the directions given.
5.5.8 It is recommended that respiratory protective equipment for two
people should be kept in two locations: one adjacent to, but not in,
the store; the other at the approach to the area.

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2nd Edition


Chlorine is a toxic substance which can be rapidly fatal in acute exposure. The
GEST 92/171 - Personal protective equipment for use with chlorine gives all
details on the different types of equipment available and recommendations on
how to use them.


Emergency plan

All chlorine consumer installations should have a written emergency plan. A

chlorine leak usually is unexpected and an immediate response allows mitigating
the consequences. Chlorine emergency intervention is an essential part of such a
plan. Emergency kits for safe handling of leaking packages should be available
and the supplier may have "salvage" vessels and other specialised emergency
equipment (see Figures 10 and 11 below).

Figure 10 - Examples of cover for leaking valves

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2nd Edition

Figure 11 - Examples of salvage vessels for drums and cylinders



The emergency plan shall be discussed with the local authorities and fire


Plan Details

In planning for possible chlorine leaks, the following checklist can be used:
Conduct a safety audit of the chlorine installation and list the points of
possible chlorine releases.
Train qualified personnel in the proper operation of chlorinator
systems, with particular emphasis on connecting and disconnecting
the packages.
Install in the storage and process rooms chlorine detectors as
described in 3.2.6.
Establish standard response procedures for each possible failure
case. Include a decision tree to determine if outside help is needed
and if evacuation is required.
Post a list of home telephone numbers of personnel to be called in
case of emergency. Also, post a list of emergency telephone numbers

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2nd Edition

(nearest fire and police departments, chlorine supplier, etc.) in case

help is required to handle the emergency.
Train personnel to aid in evacuating colleagues and/or the public
from the danger area, and assign specific persons to specific tasks
(one person should have the overall control in case of emergency).
Establish definite escape routes depending on wind direction, and
systems to inform the public to use these where necessary.
Train employees to administer first aid for personnel exposed to
chlorine gas.
Conduct periodic drills for handling emergencies. Vary the scenarios
to ensure all eventualities are covered.


Operators should be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment
(gloves, eye protection, respiratory protection, etc.) and be trained in its use.
The site operating procedure should meet high safety standards and be agreed
with the suppliers (see GEST 92/175 A Scheme for Safety Visits to Chlorine
Customers Plants). There needs to be adequate operational, maintenance and
inspection procedures. Site personnel should be properly trained and practised
in each procedure. Management and supervisory staff must be responsible for
drawing up and implementing a training programme, which must include both
"off-the-job" and "on-the-job" aspects.
Off-the-job training should include basic information on the physical, chemical
and toxic properties of chlorine, properties of the materials used, particulars on
the packages used as well as a detailed description of the process operations for
which the operators have responsibility.
On-the-job training should be carried out under the guidance of an experienced
operator who is familiar with the process, with emphasis being given to safety
precautions and methods of dealing with emergencies. Particular attention
should be given to the following aspects:
a) Safe methods of equipment operation, including handling of chlorine
packages and the connection to supply systems.
b) Safe methods of maintenance, in particular the application of
relevant standards and codes; maintenance and repairs of chlorine
equipment should be carried out only by competent persons.
c) Special operations; for example, equipment shut-down and start-up,
methods of isolation and preparation of equipment for periodic
maintenance and inspection.
d) Location and operation of emergency shut-off valves.
e) Procedures to be followed if chlorine releases occur.
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2nd Edition

f) Training in the use and maintenance of all personal protective

equipment supplied.
Following training, the competency of personnel should be validated and
Regular refresher training should be carried out, at least every 5 years.
Appendix 4 gives also suggested training content.

9. Transport of Chlorine
The transportation of full/empty chlorine bottles or drums runs under the

GEST 73/25 Transport of Dry Chlorine by Pipeline
GEST 75/47 Design and Operation of Chlorine Vaporisers
GEST 76/52 Equipment for the Treatment of Gaseous Effluents
Containing Chlorine
GEST 87/133 Overpressure Relief of Chlorine Installations
GEST 88/138 Small Chlorine Packages Construction, Filling and Handling
GEST 92/171 Personal Protective Equipment for Use with Chlorine
GEST92/175 A Scheme for Safety Visits to Chlorine Customers Plants
GEST 94/216 - Experience of Gaskets on Liquid and Dry Chlorine Gas
UK HSE guide HSG40: Safe handling of chlorine from drums and cylinders
(ISBN 978 0 7176 1646 6)
Additional information can also be found in the publications (freely
downloadable) from the European Industrial Gasses Association (


Appendix 1: Chlorine systems - UK design
Appendix 2: Chlorine gas system - US design
Appendix 3: Chlorine gas system - German design
Appendix 4: Headlines for training sessions for people working with chlorine

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2nd Edition

Appendix 1 UK Chlorine System Designs (from HSG40)

Chlorine gas system fed from cylinders

Chlorine gas from vaporiser fed from drums

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Appendix 2 US Chlorine System Designs

Cylinder-Mounted Chlorinator

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2nd Edition

Appendix 3 German Chlorine System Designs

Pressure reduction system

Vent and vacuum system

1. Chlorine cylinder

2. Chlorine cylinder valve

3. Chlorine cylinder safety bracket

4. Chlorine cylinder auxiliary valve

5. Flexible connection pipe with pipe sockets

6. Chlorine pressure indicator

7. Filter

8. Pressure reducing valve

9. Excess pressure safety valve

10. Vent to absorption unit

11. Flowmeter

12. Chlorine mass flowrate regulating


13. Vacuum safety valve

14. Flexible or rigid connection pipe

15. Check valve

16. Injector

17. Drive-water piping

18. Shut-off valve

19. Filter

20. Solenoid valve (actuated by

pressure increase or circulation pump)

21. Check valve

22. Regulating valve

23. Pressure indicator


25. Check valve

26. Shut-off valve

27. Solution diffuser (up to pipe-middle)

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2nd Edition

Typical German Swimming Pool Installation

(courtesy Gerling, Holz & Co. Handels GmbH)

Chlorine System

Sprinkler System

Swimming Pool Water

A Chlorine cylinders

I Water suppy

1 Water tank

B Safety valves

II Manual valve

2 Flocculent addition

C Activated carbon filter

III Auto valve

3 Filtration System

D Dosing regulator

IV Sprinkler heads

4 Booster pump

E Injector/chlorinator

V - Drain

5 Gravel filter

F Atmospheric monitor

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6 Return flow analysis

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2nd Edition

Appendix 4 - Headlines for training sessions for people working with chlorine
Part 1: Technical Introduction
1.1 Physical Properties
1.2 Chemical Properties and Important Reactions
1.3 Production of Chlorine
Part 2: Handling with Chlorine
2.1 Chlorine Cylinders, Drums, Valves
2.2 Storage Area
2.3 Dosing equipment
2.4 Importance of residual pressure
2.5 Cylinder and/or drum Changing
2.6 Dealing with stiff valves
2.7 Loading and unloading of cylinders and drums
Part 3: Transport of Chlorine

ADR/RID Transport regulations

National legislations
Types of packages
Identification and labelling of cylinders and drums

Part 4: Emergencies
4.1 Emergency planning - General Rules
4.2 Protective Equipment
4.3 First aid
Part 5: Practical training (package changing)

Handling of protective equipment

Shut down of a dosing equipment
Cylinder and/or drum changing
Dealing with stiff valves
Start up of dosing equipment
Dealing with emergencies
Use of emergency kit

Part 6: Introduction into the role of chlorine in society and the Responsible
Care programme
Part 7: Recording of training traceability

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2nd Edition

Industrial consumers of chlorine, engineering and equipment supply

companies worldwide and chlorine producers outside Europe may
establish a permanent relationship with Euro Chlor by becoming Associate
Members or Technical Correspondents.
Details of membership categories and fees are available from:
Euro Chlor
Avenue E Van Nieuwenhuyse 4
Box 2
B-1160 Brussels

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+32 2 676 7211

+32 2 676 7241

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