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Gemilerde kan yangnlar yznden her yl milyarlarca liralk hasarlar ve can kayplar
olmaktadr. Bu yangnlarn temel nedeni insan hatalardr. Dikkatsizce yaplan bir hareket
gemi ve iindeki insanlar tehlikeye atmaktadr.
Karada kan yangnlarda, sndrme iin birok yardmc varken gemi yangnlarnda ise
sndrme ii, gemi mrettebatnn bilgisine ve yangn sndrme donanmnn yeterliliine
baldr. Bu nedenle yangn donanmnn eksiksiz ve her gemi adamnn da iyi bir itfaiyeci
kadar bilgiye sahip olmas gerekmektedir.
Yangnla mcadele yerine yangn nleyici tedbirlere arlk vermek daha kolay ve ucuz


A- Yangn Kaynaklar
Gemide bulunan malzeme, donanm ve alma artlar yangn kma olanan olduka
arttrmaktadr zellikle makine dairesi yangn olumasna ok msaittir. Geminin hemen

hemen her yannda ya ve boya gibi yanc maddeler bulunur. Dikkatsiz bir davran ate
almalarna neden olur ve umulmayacak kadar ksa bir srede yangna dnebilir.
Gemideki eitli blgelerde yangna sebep olabilecek tehlikeler aadaki gibi sralanabilir.
1-Yaam yerlerinde

Sigara iilmesi; zellikle kamaralarda sigara imek ve sigaray iyice sndrmeden

veya sndremeden uyumak.


Kamaralardaki elektrik devrelerine eitli ekler ve balantlar yapmak. zellikle

kamaralar stmak iin elektrikli stclar kullanmak.


Elektrik devrelerinin eskimesi.

Lo k elde etmek iin kamaralarda bulunan aydnlatclarn zerine bez veya

kat koymak.


Elektrikli cihazlarn kapatlmamas.

Salonlarn yannda bulunan bfelerdeki ocaklarn kapatlmamas.

Kamarann dzensiz olmas ve yal giyeceklerin bulundurulmas.

Kamaradaki kaloriferlerin zerine bez konulmas.

Makine dairesinde


Skaven mahallerini temiz olmamas.

Sintinedeki yalarn temizlenmemesi.

Temizlik malzemesi olarak benzin gibi ok uucu ve parlayc maddelerin


Sigara iilmesi.

Makine dairesinde tiner, benzin gibi maddelerin bulundurulmas.



Kuzinelerdeki yangn sebeplerinin banda s kaynaklar gelmektedir. Gaz

kaa, elektrik devrelerinin eskimesi, yetersiz kalmas, fazla g ekilmesi kvlcm

kmasna ve eitli maddelerin alev almasna neden olur.

Kuzinede yangna neden olan bir baka neden de tavadaki kzgn yalarn


Havalandrma fanlarnn temiz olmamas da kuzinedeki scakln artmasna

ve gaz kaa varsa ortamda kalmasna neden olur. Ayrca tanlarda toplanan yalarda


Tanan yklerin kendi zelliklerinden dolay yanmalar.

Portulara dzensizce konulan malzemeler. Portularda gvertede bulunan

elektrikli donanmn ana alterleni ve elektrik donanmlar bulunmas nedeniyle buralara

konulan yal ve dier yanc maddeler her an yanabilir.

Baaltna konulan halatlar, boya tiner gibi maddeler de tehlikeye aktr.


Telsiz daireleri

Telsiz dairelerinin elektrikli cihazlar ve bunlarn devreleri ile dolu olmas elektrik
yangnlarna neden olmaktadr.

Ak dairesi

Akler arj olurken ortama yanc hidrojen ve yakc oksijen gaz yayarlar. Ak
dairelerin kapal tutulursa patlama eklinde yangna neden olabilir. Bu gazlarn ok iyi
havalandrma ile dar atlmas gerekir. Akler arj olurken akden beslenen tm devreler

Statik elektrik

Gemide ve karada pek dikkat edilmeyen bir ate kayna da statik elektriklenmenin
neden olduu kvlcmdr. nsann zerinde ve alan aletlerde statik elektrik birikir.
zellikle gaz karan maddelerle temas edilmeden nce yanmayan bir metal yzeye
dokunularak topraklama yaplmaldr


Tamir ileri

Tamamen alanlarn ve sorumlularn dikkatsizlii ve bilgisizlii nedeniyle

tamirler srasnda eitli yangnlar olumaktadr. Bazen bu hatalar patlamalara neden
olarak can kaybna da sebep olmaktadr. Kaynak yaplan tamirlerde kaptandan izin
alnmal, kaynak yaplacak yerin etraf yanc maddelerden temizlenmeli, gazl
blgelerde kaynak yapmadan nce gaz lmleri yaplmaldr.

B- Eitim ve Talimler
Yangnla mcadelenin en nemli basamaklarndan bir eitimdir. Bu eitim gemiyi
tanmak, tehizat tanmak, yangn tanmak ve sndrmeyi bilmek olarak sralanabilir.
Yangnla mcadelede baarl olabilmek iin u unsur gereklidir
1- Tehizat
2- Eitim ve talim
3- Grev dalm.
Yukarda saydmz unsuru bir olay zerinde canlandralm Ve karlaabileceimiz
aksaklklar tahmin edelim.(tp C02 tp)
Kamaramzda bir madde ate ald sndrmek iin harekete geiyoruz; k
Ne eit yangndr, ne eit sndrc lazm?.
Sndrc lazm; uygun sndrc var m?, nerede?,yerini biliyor muyuz?.
Sndrcy bulduk; yerinden kyor mu?.
Sndrcy kardk; dolu mu?.
Sndrc dolu, kamaraya getirdik, valf alyor mu?.
Sndrc ald, C02 kyor; nozulu nasl tutacaz?.
C02 yi atein neresine tutacaz? ne kadar mesafeden tutacaz?
C02 gaz ne kadar srecektir?, yangn sndrebilecek mi? veya bu kadar vakit
kaybetmeye deer miydi?.

Yangn grldnde yaplacak ilk i alarm vermektir.

Grld gibi naslsa biliyoruz diye geitirilen basit bir uygulama acil bir durumda umulmadk aksilikler karabilir. Hatta bilgi dahi bazen yeterli olmamaktadr, nk bilginin
kullanlabilmesi iin uygun tehizat olmal ve bu tehizat ta her an kullanma hazr
olmaldr. Buna ek olarak, tek bamza byk bir yangna mdahale edemeyiz, btn
tehizat bir anda kullanamayz. Bu nedenle grev dalm yaplmaldr. Biri yangn
elbisesini giyen, dieri, hortumu tutar, bir dieri muhabereyi salar vs. ancak bu ekilde
yangnla mcadelede baarl olunabilir.
Bu anlatlanlar ise, gemide dzenli aralklarla role talimlerinin yaplmas ile baarlabilir.
Bir ok konu teoride anlatlnca kolay zannedilir. Karanlkta yrme ekli, dumanda ka
ekli gibi; fakat bu anlatlanlar ile karlanca sylenildii gibi kolay olmad grlr. Bu
tr zorluklar amak iin role talimleri geree uygun yaplmal, rnein alev karmadan
duman oluturularak dumanda ka talimi yaplabilir.

Yangn geni
Her yanma yangn deildir, kontrol altnda olmayan yanmalara yangn denir.
Yanmann oluabilmesi ve devam edebilmesi iin unsur gereklidir, bunlar;
1- Yanc madde.
2-Yakc madde (oksijen).
3- Yeterli s.

Bu unsur bir genin kenarlar ile temsil edilir ve yangn geni olarak adlandrlr.
Yukarda saylan unsur herhangi bir nedenle bir araya getirildiinde yanma oluur.
Bunlardan biri uzaklatrld takdirde yanma olay son bulur.

Birinci unsur olan yanc madde, (kat, tahta, bez, ya gibi )her yerde bulunabilir. kinci
unsur olan oksijen de her yerde her tr yangn iin yeter miktarda bulunur. nc unsur
olan yeterli s istisnai baz artlar hari her yerde bulunmaz, varsa bile muhtemelen kontrol
eitli s kaynaklar vardr, bunlar;
Kimyasal enerji; kmrn, yan vs. nin yanmas sonucu oluur,
Mekanik enerji; srtnme ile oluur,
Elektrik enerjisi; kvlcm, ksa devre, ile oluur,
Nkleer enerji.

Yangnn Yaylmas
Yangn ekilde yaylr;
1- Radyasyon, Radiation
Havada snn yaylmas eklindedir

2- Konveksiyon, Convection
Alevin ve snn yukar doru ykselmesi, st katlara doru yaylma.

3- Dokunma, temas, Conduction

Is kaynana temas eden maddenin de snarak enerjiyi tamas.

Yangnn Gelimesi
Bir yanmann oluabilmesi iin yanc maddenin yanmasna yeterli snn ve oksijenin
olmas gerekir. Daha sonra aadaki olaylar srayla gelierek yanma balar.
1- Ar snma; yanma iin gerekli s olduu takdirde yanc madde nce snr.
2- Buharlama; snmaya balayan cisimde bulunan yanc
gazlar dar kar.
3- Alevlenme; dar kan gazlar, s yanma iin gerekli snr getii an alev
alarak yanmaya balar.
Yanc maddenin cinsine gre yukarda aklanan olaylar birka dakika ile birka saat
arasrda deiebilir. Yan snp buhar karmas birka dakikadan ksa sre yeterli
olurken bir aa paran iin birka saat srebilir

Yangnlarn Snflandrlmas ve Uygun Sndrme Tehizatlar

Yangnn snflar, yanc maddeleri ve bunlara kar kullanlacak sndrc trleri
aadaki tabloda gsterilmitir.

Fire class


Class A

- paper, wood,

Class B

- fuel oil, lub
oil, grease

Class C

- acetylene,
- aluminum,
- Switchboards,
Cooking fats
and oil

Class D

Class F

- Fire Hoses
- Foam
- Powder
- Foam
- Powder
- CO2
- Powder

Less suitable
- CO2

- CO2

- Metal powder
- CO2
- lid
- class F
(Wet Chemical)

- Foam
- Powder


Portable Fire Extinguishers



a-Sulu Sndrcler
: 9 Litre
Kullanma sresi: 60-90 sn.
Etki mesafesi : 3-8 metre

b-Kpkl Sndrcler
: 9 Litre
Kullanma sresi
: 60-90 sn.
Etki mesafesi

:3-5 metre

c-Kimyasal Tozlu Sndrcler


: 4,5- 13,5 Litr

Kullanma sresi

: 15-40 sn.

Etki mesafesi

: 3-4,5 metre

d-Karbondioksitli Sndrcler
Kapasitesi :
1- 7,5 Litre
Kullanma sresi: 10-30 sn.
Etki mesafesi : 1,5- 2 metre

Fire Fighting
The removal of one of the three essential elements of the fire triangle (fuel,
oxygen, heat source) will stop the reaction and the fire is extinguished.
Removal of FUEL
Without fuel, the fire will extinguish. E.g. cutting the fuel supply by
closing a fuel valve.
Removal of OXYGEN
Without oxygen, the fire will extinguish. E.g. shutting down the
ventilation and flooding with CO2.
Cooling the fuel below its ignition temperature will extinguish the fire.
E.g. extinguishing with water.
Depending on the type and size of the fire, there are many different means
available to extinguish them.


-Cooling; Reduces the temperature of the fuel below

its ignition temperature. This is a direct attack on the
heat side of the fire triangle.
- Smothering; Separates the fuel from the oxygen.
This can be considered as an attack on the edge of
the fire triangle where the fuel and oxygen sides.
-Oxygen dilution; Reduces the amount of available
oxygen below that needed to sustain combustion. This is an
attack on the oxygen side of the triangle.

Effects of Cooling

Effects of Smothering

Effects of Oxygen Dilution

The Effects of Reducing Oxygen on Human are.

Oxygen in Air
- The oxygen side of the fire triangle refers
to the oxygen content of the surrounding air.
- Ordinarily, a minimum concentration of
16% oxygen in the air is needed to support
flaming combustion. However, smoldering
combustion can take place in about 3%
- Air normally contains about 21% oxygen,
78% nitrogen and 1% other gases,
principally argon.


On board of ships (as well as ashore), the following fire fighting equipment
may be found:
Fire blankets: Fire blankets are made from a fire resistant fabric (e.g.
glass fiber). If no fire blanket is available, wet towels can also be used.
They extinguish fire by cutting the oxygen supply. They can be used for
small starting fires only and are mostly found in the galley. Fire blankets
are used to wrap people with burning clothes.

Instructions for use:

Take the blanket with both hands at the upper corners.
Use the blanket to cover hands and forearms.
When approaching the fire, hold the blanket between the fire and
Cover the whole fire with the blanket, starting from the bottom side of
the blanket.
Wait and observe if the fire is really extinguished. Get some help.
Powder extinguisher: Portable fire extinguisher may be filled with
foam, CO2 or powder. ABC powder may be used for fires of classes A,
B and C and is usually a mixture of ammonium phosphates and sulfates.
BC powder for the use of class B and C fires consists mainly of sodiumhydrogen-carbonate. Class D fires (metal) can only be extinguished
with special class D powder. Electrical fires should not be extinguished
using powder extinguishers, as the collateral damage is severe.
When the trigger is activated, a CO2 cartridge is released and the
extinguisher pressurized. The pressure forces the powder out which then
forms a cloud around the fire. With the heat of the fire and the oxygen in
the surrounding air, the powder dissociates, such absorbing energy
(cooling down) as well as removing the oxygen. Additionally, a layer of
powder will form on the burning mass and separate it from the
surrounding air. The disadvantage of using powder extinguishers is the
collateral damage. The fine powder is highly corrosive, penetrates
everywhere and contaminates engines and electrical cabinets. Cleaning
is difficult and expensive.
Instructions for use:
1. Remove the locking device (pull pin) at a safe distance to the fire.
2. Push (or squeeze) the trigger.
3. Test the extinguisher by squeezing the activation handle (briefly!)
4. Approach the fire carefully to a distance of 3 to 4 meters. Take the
extinguisher in one hand and the nozzle in the other hand.
5. Aim the nozzle at the bottom of the flames and press the activation
handle. To extinguish class A fires, short, intermittent bursts are the
best. Class B fires should be extinguished with one continuous burst.

Powder Extinguisher
CO2 extinguisher: CO2 extinguishers do not cause as much collateral
damage as powder extinguishers. Therefore they are excellent for fires
involving electricity. They are also very good for liquid fires (class B),
but less suitable (but still usable) for class A or C fires. CO2
extinguishers are filled with pressurized CO2 gas. When this pressurized
gas is released to atmospheric pressure, its temperature drops to
approximately -78C. Thus the temperature of the burning fuel can be
cooled below the ignition temperature. As CO2 gas is heavier than air
and inert, it also displaces the oxygen around the fire. Care should be
taken when extinguishing liquid fires, as the gas jet may splatter the
fuel. The funnel of the extinguisher should not be touched as it gets very
cold. CO2 extinguishers should never be pointed to humans as severe
frost wounds will be caused.
Instructions for use:
Pull the safety pin.
Approach the fire carefully to a distance of approx. 1.5 m.
Aim the funnel at the bottom of the flames with one hand. Do not touch
the funnel!
Squeeze the activation handle on the extinguisher with the other hand.
Use an uninterrupted jet of gas in long sweeps.
Fire hose: Most fires are extinguished using water. Water is cheap and
abundant, especially at sea. The evaporation of the water (at the
relatively low boiling point of 100C) takes a lot of energy; therefore it
has got very good cooling effects. Water should only be used to
extinguish class A fires (solids). If used on liquids the fire will only be
distributed, especially dangerous if the vessel is rolling. Short circuits

are the result if water is used with electricity, and at sea the effect of
large quantities of free water on the stability has to be taken into
account. Especially dangerous is the use of water to extinguish class F
fires (cooking oils and fats) because this may lead to fat explosions.
Water and water-based agents such as foam should not be used on
combustible metal fires in closed areas. The water may cause an explosive
chemical reaction.
Water and water-based agents such as foam should not be used on combustible
metal fires in closed areas. The water may cause an explosive chemical
In general, water should not be applied to molten metals themselves, but it can
be used to cool down threatened areas.
Fire fighting nozzles can be used in two ways: either to produce a water jet
or water spray.
Instructions for use
1. Start the fire pump.
2. Unroll the fire hose and connect it to a hydrant and a nozzle.
3. Open the valve of the hydrant. You should hold the nozzle while the
hose is pressurized; if not the hose will lash about.
4. Approach the fire.
5. Select either water jet or water spray and aim at the bottom of the

Fixed fire fighting systems: Fixed fire fighting systems are very
effective, as they cover large areas and can be used even when it is
already too dangerous to approach the fire. There are many different
systems used on board ships:
- CO2 fire fighting system: widely used and very effective, but only
inside closed spaces. The CO2 displaces the oxygen and thus the fire
is extinguished. The room has to be evacuated before release!

- Halon fire fighting systems: are no longer installed due to the

environmental hazards, but existing installations may still be found.
Other gases for fire fighting (e.g. NOVEC 1230) which may be used
in a similar way have been developed.

-Halon have been prohibited for fire extinguishing

because it created damage on ozone. But nowadays,
altenatives of Halon might be used as;
* HFC (Hydro Flora Carbon)
* PFC (Per Flora Carbon)
* FM200 (Hepta Flora Carbon )
* F3-13 (Tri Flora Metan)
* CEA-308
- Systems based on powder: on board most powder fire fighting
systems are used manually like fire hoses. But there are also
automated powder systems, where fuses melt if the temperature
exceeds a set point. The pressurized powder is then sprayed over the
- Systems based on water: Spray systems, sprinkler systems or deluge
Each sprinkler head is kept closed independently by heat-sensitive seals.
These seals prevent water flow until a design temperature is exceeded at the
sprinkler head. Each sprinkler activates independently when the predetermined
heat level is reached. The design intention is to limit the total number of
sprinklers that operate, thereby providing the maximum water supply available
from the water source to the point of fire origin. Typical "wet" systems are
simple and passive. They have water already pressurized in the pipes held

back by the sprinkler head. These systems require no manual controls to

activate, so long as adequate water supplies are provided. "Deluge" systems
are "pre-action" systems that have open sprinklers, i.e. the fusible link is
removed, so that every sprinkler served by the system will discharge water.
This ensures a large and simultaneous application of water over the entire
hazard. These systems are used for special hazards where rapid fire spread is a
- Gaz Sistemi (nert gaz): Gemide egzos gaznn temizlenmesi ile %5
orannda oksijen ieren gaz elde edilir. Oksijen oran ok dk olan
bu gaza l(inert) gaz denir. Bu gaz tanklara baslarak tank havasnn
oksijen oran %8 in altna drlr. Bylece tanan sv yklerden
oluacak buharlarn herhangi bir nedenle parlamas nlenir. Ykleme,
boaltma ve tama srasnda tank iinde belli bir basn altnda
srekli l gaz bulundurulur


Water is primarily a cooling agent.

Water has an important secondary effect: When it
turns to steam, it converts from the liquid state to
the gaseous (vapor) state, and in so doing, it
expands about 1700 times in volume. This great
cloud of steam surrounds the fire, displacing the
air that supplies oxygen for the combustion
process. Thus, water provides a smothering action
as well as cooling.


Dry chemical extinguishing agents are chemicals in powder form.
Dry chemical agents extinguish fire by cooling, smothering,
shielding of radiant heat and, to the greatest extent by breaking the
combustion chain.
Cooling: No dry chemical exhibits any great capacity for cooling.
However, a small amount of cooling takes place simply because the
dry chemical is at a lower temperature than the burning material.
Heat is transferred from the hotter fuel to the cooler dry chemical
when the latter is introduced into the fire. (Heat is always transferred
from a hotter body to a cooler body. The greater the surface area and
the temperature difference, the greater the heat transfer.)
Smothering: When dry chemical reacts with the heat and burning
material, some carbon dioxide and water vapor are produced. These
dilute the fuel vapors and the air surrounding the fire. The result is a
limited smothering effect.
Shielding of radiant heat. Dry powder produce an opaque cloud in
the combustion area. This cloud reduces the amount of heat that is
radiated back to the heart of the fire, that is, the opaque cloud
absorbs some of the radiation feedback that is needed to sustain the

Dry Chemical Powders;

Sodium Bicarbonat (B,
Potassium Bicarbonat
(B, C),
Urea Potassium
Bicarbonat (B, C),
Mono Amonium
Phosphate (A,B, C, D)


CO2 extinguishing systems have,

for a long time, been approved for
ship installation as well as for
industrial occupancies ashore.
Aboard ship, carbon dioxide has
been approved for cargo and tank
compartments, spaces containing
internal combustion or gasturbine
machinery, and other spaces.



Water spray systems are similar to sprinkler systems but make use of
a different type of head and a different piping arrangement.
Water can be supplied to the spray system by a separate pump or by
one of the ship's fire pumps. A fire pump may be used if it can
adequately supply both the fire main and the spray system when
both are in operation at the same time. An extensive spray system
needs a substantial water supply and would most likely require a
pump other than a fire pump. The spray system piping is normally
empty, because the spray heads are open. When fire is discovered,
the system is activated manually by opening the proper valves and
starting the water pump. The spray heads provide a very finely
divided water spray that blankets the protected area.




Foam is a blanket of bubbles that

extinguishes fire, mainly by
smothering. Mixing water and a
concentrate) produces bubbles.
The result is called a foam
solution. The various foam
solutions are lighter than the
lightest of flammable oils.
Consequently, when applied to
burning oils, they float on the
surface of the oil.

There are three types of fire detector which are used for ships;

Heat Detectors

Smoke Detectors

Flame Detectors




Her gemide dardan yardm alnd takdirde dardan gelen

hortumun geminin deniz suyu devresine balanabilmesi iin
uluslararas standart llere sahip bir flen bulunur. Bu balant
kullanlarak dardan gelen hortumla gemi devresine balant yaplr.
Uluslararas sahil balants geminin kolayca ulalabilecek bir yerinde

tfaiyeci Donanmlar
Yangnla mcadelede yangna mdahale eden kiinin giydii ve kulland donanmlara
itfaiyeci donanm denir. Bunlar;
ltfaiyeci elbisesi,
Solunum cihaz,
Yardmc malzemelerdir.

tfaiyeci Elbisesi
tfaiyeci elbisesi 3 ksmdan oluur.
Birincisi ceket, pantolon ve balktr. tfaiyeciyi s, alev ve kzgn buhardan korur.
kincisi yangna dayankl bot ve eldivendir.

ncs mifer veya balktr. tfaiyecinin ban arpmalar kar korur ve ayn
zamanda boyun ksmn da ateten korur. n ksmndan ise dars grlr.
Ceket itfaiyecinin solunum cihazn giyebilecei kadar genitir.

D- Solunum Cihaz
Dumanl veya zararl gazlarn bulunduu blgelerdeki yangnlara kar koyabilmek
iin itfaiyecinin temiz hava ihtiyacn karlayan cihazdr. Solunum cihazlar drt
ksmdan oluur.
1- Hava Tp

Basn Drc VaIf




Alak Basn Uyar Dd

1- Hava Tp
Hava tpleni gri renkte olup ilerine basnla temiz hava doldurulmutur.
eitli tipleri bulunur;
132 bar 1240lt.

200 bar 1240lt.

200 bar

2250 It.

tpler daima temiz ve kullanlmaya hazr bulundurulmaldr. Is kaynaklarndan uzak

tutulmaldr. Bo tpler ilerine toz vs.. girmemesi iin biraz basnl braklmaldrlar.
2- Basn Drc Valf
Basn drcler tpteki hava basncnn insann soluyabilecei basnca drr.
ki tr basn drc vardr. Birincisi maskedeki basnc ak hava basncna eit
tutar, bu halde maske yze tam oturmazsa iine duman girebilir. lkincisi ise maskede
ak havadan biraz daha fazla basn oluturur, bylece maskenin yze tam oturmayan
ve ak kalan yerlerinden ieri duman giremez.
Yz maskesi genel olarak bir solunum valfi, konuma diyafram ve baa balama
kaylarndan ibarettir.
Yeni tip maskelerde havann alnma ve geri verilme yollar farkl yaplarak karma
nlenir, ayrca bu ekilde maske camnn buulanmas da nlenmi olur.
4-Alak Basn Uyar Dd
Tpn iinde yaklak 10 dakikalk hava kaldnda devreye giren ve kullancy
uyanan hava ile alan ddktr. Ddk dakikada 2 litre hava tketir.
Solunum Cihaznn Kullanlmas
nce tplerin basn valfne baklarak doluluundan emin olunur. %80 den daha az
dolu olan tpler kullanlmamaldr.
Tpler koum takmlar ile srta yerletirilir.
Yz maskesi iyice yze oturacak ekilde taklr. Art basnl tipte parmakla maskenin
bir kenar alarak hava ka kan sesle denenir.
Hava valf alarak maskeye hava verilir.
Nefes alp vererek cihaz altrlr.
Kullanma bittikten sonra valf kapatlr
VaIf kapatldktan sonra maskedeki hava boalrken alak basn ddnn
almas kontrol edilir.

Kullanma Sresinin Hesab

Yryen bir insan dakikada 40 litre hava tketir. Yaplan iin zorluuna gre bu
miktar artar. Kullanc iin 10 dakikalk emniyet pay da dikkate alnarak bir tpn
kullanma sresi hesap edilebilir.
Tam Sre
: Tp bitinceye kadar geen sredir.
Emniyet Sresi
: 10 dakika, yaklak 400 litre hava eder.
Kullanma sresi : Tpn almas ile ddn almas arasndaki sre.

Buna gre 1800 litrelik bir tpn kullanma sresi;

= 45 dk.
emniyet pay = 10 dk.
Kullanma sresi 45 -10= 35 dk. olarak bulunur.
Eer tp tam dolu deilse eksik olan sre kullanma sresinden dlr.
Hava Karm
Nefes alnca;
%21 Oksijen
%79 Nitrojen + dierleri
Nefes verince;
%17 Oksijen
%4 Karbondioksit
%79 Nitrojen + dierleri
Havadaki oksijen oran %16nn altna dnce vcutta arzalar balar.

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