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Vosra Voidrunner

The Seeds of Evil

Born Vosra Zur, his clan was quite well established on Iridonia. The family had a long history of
merchant and statesman, with most members becoming highly respected both on Iridonia and
across the galaxy. There was a deeply ingrained sense of justice within the Zur clan fit well with
the many Jedi that came from the family. The family had even seen one of its own serve on the
Jedi council for a time.
Vosras immediate family held up to this reputation quite well, with his father an influential
statesman and diplomat and his mother a renowned social activist. However just outside the
immediate family was a black sheep born once a generation in the Zur ancestry. Vosras great
uncle was a black stain upon a family known for strength of character. Born with a darkness to
him, he had spent his youth tormenting servants in cruel and twisted ways, eventually falling
prey to homicidal impulses that claimed dozens of lives. The authority of the family kept him
from the courts, but since then he was kept in the deepest recesses of the clan home.
A strange turn of fate caused the young Vosra and his great uncle to meet, but that meeting
changed Vosra. He could feel the waves of hatred and violence pounding, until they seemed to
unlock something within him, something dark. After that day he would visit his great uncle from
time to time. And Vosra began to understand that his one in a generation abilities were not
limited to sensitivity to the force, but a certain penchant for inflicting suffering upon others.
Before Vosra had a chance to fully realize the darkness within him, an envoy from the Jedi
council visited his family and felt the potential of the young Zabrak. However, the Jedi also felt
the seeds of the dark side beginning to grow. Vosra was quickly taken to the Jedi temple to be
assessed. On Coruscant the council feared that the dark side was too deeply ingrained to be
overcome with training and discipline, but decided let him train under the careful guidance of an
experienced and well respected master.

Life in the Temple

The training was harsh. Vosra was given held to an even higher standard than his peers in
hopes of overcoming his violent tendencies. He would spend entre weeks without food or rest
meditating. When he was allowed to train in lightsaber combat he quickly became one of the
most promising students. He was fast and brutal when he attacked, never hesitating. He took
advantage of any opening, any sign of weakness. His ferocity when he sparred worried his
master, but impressed another student named Jinn Ekelli.
Jinn was a brash initiate who had difficulty fitting in with the other students. He found the training
trivial, and his peers soft and weak. But that weakness was not removed like the tumor that it

was. They were embraced and encouraged to grow like mold waiting to rot away the foundation
from within. During training when taking advantage of his opponents poor technique, he broke
the arm of his sparring partner. His master reprimanded him for not showing proper restraint,
and Jinn only grew bitter and frustrated. Vosra was different though, he understood the
importance of strength. When they sparred it was like a duel to the death. Each initiate struck
hard enough to shatter bones, with the right placementto kill. There was no doubt in either
boys mind that each would make a lethal strike if given the opportunity.
The pair became outcasts together, feared by the other initiates and consistently the bane of
their master. They sparred endlessly until their skill with a blade rivaled most Jedi Knights. And
when they battled together few could match such an onslaught.

The Outer Rim

The council took notice of the pair of initiates, and soon felt that together they pushed each
other closer to the dark side. Thus, Vosra was pushed into becoming a padawan at age 10,
earlier than most. He was placed with a rather reclusive, but powerful master at the urging of the
council. Under his new master, Master Hirin, Vosra began to center himself once again and
worked diligently to assist those in need throughout the galaxy. Master Hirin own tendency for
seclusion often brought them to work in the Outer Rim. Here he became accustomed to harsh
terrain and the worst scum the underworld had to offer.
But it wasn't simply the whims of a hermit that led Master Hirin to remain in the Outer Rim with
Vosra, quite early he found that the boy was never more in tune with the force than during
battle. Interacting with people was a strain on the Padawan's mind, it required an immense
amount of discipline to maintain composure and avoid violence. But when battle inevitably
erupted Vosra conducted a symphony. He was focused, sharp, and the force flowed through
him with such ease you could almost hear the music. Hirin surmised that if he could channel the
boy's talents towards the extermination of the more evil elements then perhaps the deeply
seeded darkness within Vosra could be contained and harnessed for the greater good.

The Return
Time past and Vosra eventually returned to Jedi Temple. He had been in the Outer Rim with
Master Hirin for seven long years. He was now rough and battle hardened, there was a distinct
aura that he had seen more death than most his age, worse still that he had caused more than
his fair share. But he was calm and collected, in control of the beast that dwelled within him.
They had returned to approach the council about Vosra becoming a Jedi Knight. Before he was
to meet with the council he broke from his cold exterior if for but a moment.
His younger brother had been accepted as a Jedi only a year after him. They had been
inseparable during the time before life in the order, and were scolded on numerous occasions

for maintaining the family ties after they were accepted. To a Jedi, even the love of ones family
can be an opening for the dark side to exploit. But Vosra loved his brother dearly, and doted on
him far more than he should. He was one of the few things, outside of battle, in the galaxy that
gave him peace.
When he visited the dormitories he immediately felt something was wrong. He had always been
able to sense his brother, they had a deep bond through the force. Vosra had even been
reprimanded in his youth for taking revenge on a group of younglings that had bullied his
brother. But, now he could feel his brothers emotions, there was nothing.

The Incident
Vosra approached his old instructor, who was in charge of training for the initiates. The trainer
could tell before the first question was asked why Vosra should before him. He took a deep
breath and instructed the initiates to continue sparring. He took Vosra to the side of the training
hall and told him what had happened.
It was after a training session. A few of the initiates, including your brother, remained after
sparring practice. While I was with the younger trainees he was challenged to a sparring match.
And he was never a strong student. Unlike you he had a weaker will, he tended to go along with
the others.
Vosra could feel a deep anger begin to well up from deep within him, he breathed slowly and
regained his center. The trainer took a step back after feeling the rush of emotion, but he
continued to speak.
One of the initiates had taken a lightsaber, your brother still had a training saber. By the time I
made it back into the room the initiate had cut through the training saber, andwell there wasnt
anything to be done.
Emotions began to overwhelm Vosra, the force spun around him in waves like a tempest. His
eyes seemed to glow with rage as he demanded, Where is he! Where is the whoreson that
murdered my brother?! Vosra looked around staring deep into the eyes of the trainees around
the hall. Most had lost their balance with the surge of energy engulfing the room, the looks on
their faces revealed their fear. One then rolled over and began to run, Vosra could smell the guilt
on him.
The trainer grabbed Vosras shoulders a tried to hold him back, Center yourself, it was an
Vosra replied, No, it was negligence and murder. Ill take care of the negligence first. The
trainers eye dilated from the pain of a lightsaber activating in his gut. As his body fell limp, he
was pushed backward. His eyes never closing; displaying a mixture of pain, guilt and terror until

the end.
The initiate continued to run as fast as his legs would carry him, but he found himself rising up
off the ground struggling to breath. Vosra walked slowly toward the floating youth. You, this will
not be painless. This will not be short. You have taken something from me that I held dear, and I
intend to collect.
Vosra pulled a simple metal knife from his boot. It was well worn and a little rusted, but held a
very sharp edge. Blood from more than a few creatures had taken their toll, leaving it a pale red
in color. Vosra scratched the knife across his targets throats, just enough to draw a little blood.
As he began the real work, the other initiates around him remained paralyzed by fear, a few had
the courage to face him. Half a dozen surrounded him, armed only with their training sabers. It
was a gruesome sight, Vosra never held back in a battle. None of the would-be heroes withdrew
without losing a limb or two, but they were all kept alive to watch.
Vosra took as much time as he could, he knew that the training hall would be stormed within a
matter of minutes. But he made sure the every minute he had was dedicated to completing his
vengeance. The initiate was unrecognizable when those minutes had passed. His face was
distorted from the agony it depicted. When the deed was done his body dropped to the ground,
and Vosra beat a hasty retreat.

Vosra was now an enemy of the council. He had two deaths and half a dozen maimed initiates
to answer for. He could never face the council. There was only one fate for Jedi in his position,
his connection to the force would be severed. Luckily, years in the outer rim served him well.
The underbelly of Coruscant was an easy place to disappear. He was used to walking in a world
of villains and thugs, hell he was a villain himself. Upon that realization it was like a dam
breaking. He released all the restraint, all the discipline he had spent years implementing to
maintain his composure and let everything go in a wondrous torrent of primal violence.
He made his place on the fringes of the underworld through the bodies that he left behind him.
At first it was almost an addiction. After so many years restraining himself he targeted anything
that moved. He favored the criminals and homeless, they had less complications. But he was
not above extinguishing a family or two for temporary lodging and a hot meal.
Living house to house soon frustrated the once proud Jedi. He could only eliminate those that
no one cared about, people that no one would miss. And the lodging were never more than
tattered shacks, barely able to stand on their own. He turned to a growing syndicate in need of
some extra muscle, the Tisrov Cartel.
Working for the cartel had its benefits. He had a bank account flush with credits and he was
able to satisfy his thirst for combat. The arrangement worked perfectly for Vosra until the Cartel

gave him orders to kill an overly curious Jedi that had been working in the Underworld.

Immediately after the massacre in the training hall Master Hirin was summoned into the Council
Chambers for an emergency meeting. But, Hirin didnt need to hear the news, he had felt the
great anger from his student, he knew that something terrible had been released. The council
order Hirin to retrieve his pupil and bring him to the council for sentencing. However Hirin would
not take the mission alone, he summoned Jinn McBobson to act as his temporary Padawan.
Jinn had felt the same disturbance, the same rush of power and accepted quickly. Though for
Jinn he had accepted for completely different reasons. Jinn had tasted that power when Vosra
stormed the training hall, and that feeling of utter dominance was all the proof he needed that
the cancerous weakness that filled the ranks of the Jedi order could not match the freedom his
old sparring partner had achieved.
Master Hirin left with Jinn to search for Vosra, following countless false leads and dead ends. It
was a year of following a trail of cold bodies before they felt a familiar presence. They had just
left the scene of a vicious murder. A dozen gang members were slain in a small alley off of a
shopping district. It was broad daylight but the people in the shopping district barely heard a
scream from the murders thugs. The wounds were clearly made by a lightsaber. When they
exited the alleyway the plaza was completely empty, except for one Man standing on top of a
nearby cart.
He stared down the pair of Jedi. He saw the weathered face of his old master and his friend
from ages past. He ignited two light sabers. One was his, the other from the slain trainer. There
was no fear in his eyes, he was calm and collected, absorbed in the thrill of battle. Absorbed in
his hatred for the Jedi.

The Battle
Vosra charged forward, with both of his lightsabers colliding against his master in a downward
smash. Wave of force energy erupted from the strike shaking the buildings around them and
toppling the stalls in the plaza. Jinn took a moment to absorb the battle before him. Vosra was
relentless in his attacks, with Master Hirin looking to be utterly overwhelmed. Jinn could feel his
friends bloodlust in the air, he could feel the power he had attained when he gave into the dark
side. Jinn believed in strength above all else, and it was clear that the Jedi had only been
holding him back.
Jinn made his choice. When the time was right he saw an opening and attack Master Hirin. The
cut was well-placed, and deep. The Deltoid had been completed removed leaving his Masters
arm hanging by a handful of muscles and ligaments, most of which had been seared beyond
repair. Vosras grin grew and he continued the furious assault on the Master Jedi. The two

young Jedi fell back into old tactics, as they had when they trained together. One would flank
and the other would attack with devastating effect. Vosra took a final swing at Master Kirin, he
had left an opening in his defense and Vosra was eager to claim a Jedi head. Yet a wave of
force energy exploded and pushed the two Padawans back.
I knew you were troubled. The Master said as he stood up and brushed of his robe. But I
never thought you irredeemable. I wanted to find you before you were completely lost Vosra, but
the dark side has taken hold of you. We could severe your link to the force and you would still
do more damage to the galaxy than we could possibly imagine.
And you, he turned to Jinn, struggled to regain his footing after being thrown against a nearby
wall. Your insatiable lust for power will drive you to become as mad as he is. Left to your own
devices youd become some bitter and corrupt statesman, ignoring the weak that the Order is
sworn to serve. But paired with this bloodthirsty marauder, youre too dangerous to be kept
Hirin gripped his lightsaber tightly and sprinted at Jinn. Vosra charged towards them both, the
anger emanating from him in visible waves of dark force energy. A wave of Hirins hand and
Vosra was sent flying across the plaza. Jinn braced himself against the Masters impending
attacks. The strike were swift and precise, no hesitation or wasted motion. Jinn struggled to
keep pace with the increasing speed of the swinging lightsaber. A heavy strike by the master left
Jinn desperately straining as Hirin pushed the crossed sabers closer and closer to the
Padawans face. Jinn could feel the heat as his skin started to burn. It seemed to scorch down
to the bone before he received a reprieve.
A lightsaber came flying from across the plaza, followed closely by a second. Hirin quickly
turned his body to deflect the spinning blades. The moment between deflecting the first and
intercepting the second Jinn sliced through one of Hirins legs at the knee. But he knew it was
not enough to defeat the Master Jedi, so he fired a massive burst of force energy into the dust
beneath him. The plaza was instantly filled with a thick cloud of dust, obscuring sight beyond a
few inches. Three of the four lightsabers quickly went dark and by the time the dust settled Hirin
was kneeling alone in an empty plaza.

Life after the Order

For the two Jedi there was no going back. Vosra had more blood on his hands than most people
could fathom. And Jinn had betrayed the order and attacked their Master. They could never
return to the Order, they would be outcast if not outright hunted. But they didnt mind, the Order
only held them back. To Jinn the Order coddled the weak, and praised a cowards passive
demeanor as some sort of grand wisdom. Now they were free secure a greater destiny and
achieve a new level of strength.
Vosras time in the Underworld was not without its benefits. The cartel was a useful ally to have

when a couple of fugitives needed to smuggle themselves off the planet. A few credits got them
a small, inconspicuous ship. It wasnt much to look at, but it was fast and that was all they
needed. After successfully escaping Coruscant they had a new problem, what were they going
to do now.
The answer came before the pair had much of a chance to ponder it. Vosra and Jinn found
themselves in a Cantina in the Corelia system before continuing their escape from the Galactic
Core. They were only six rounds in before two robed figures entered the Cantina, they might as
well have been wearing name tags. The Jedi sat down at the bar a few stools down in a poor
attempt to blend in. Vosra and Jinn didnt even need raise their gaze, their instinctively knew
they would never be allowed to enter this town again.
A glass was thrown across the bar and shattered on the closer of the two Jedi, it was quickly
followed by a barrage of every other breakable object in sight. The other patrons began to run
out of the Cantina and the bartender ducked underneath the counter. That was a poor choice.
Vosra ripped a hole in the side of the counter and grabbed the bar tender by the throat. The
terrified young man was thrown at the pair of Jedi flailing his arms widely before knocking a Jedi
off balance. Before the Jedi could regain his footing a lightsaber blade ignited through the
bartenders stomach stabbing the Jedi in the chest.
As the first Jedi fell his partner attempted to fall back, but it was too late. Lightning erupted from
Jinns fingertips, engulfing the Jedi in a wave of painful spasms. He never had a chance to
regain his bearings before a lightsaber blade flew through the air and straight through his
forehead. The saber was quickly recalled and his body fell forward onto the Cantina floor.
Though chaotic the Jedi were slain. Vosra and Jinn could still feel the adrenaline pumping from
cutting them down. Each claimed a new lightsaber as a trophy and rifled through their pockets
to determine how they arrived so quickly. One of the fallen Jedi had a datapad which detailed
the orders to apprehend the fugitives, dead or alive. There was also a personal computer with a
record of the other Jedi on the hunt. Vosra and Jinn now knew what their purpose was, they had
a list. They would not be hunted, rather they would become the hunters.

The Hunt Begins

The Jedi hoped that their coordination would help close the noose on the rogue Padawans, but
the network they created was only serving to give the pair the exact location of each new target.
The closest group of Jedi were three bold, but inexperienced Knights. They were confident in
their numbers as they searched a small core system for traces of the fugitives. Their lack of
caution was their downfall.
They searched the slums through the night to meet a contact. They entered a network of dark
and narrow alleyways, a labyrinth or sharp corners and dead ends. The darkness was
suffocating, neither starlight nor the lights of the city made it this deep. Yet, whispers pierced the

darkness. First at the edge of hearing, each Jedi straining to make sense of what they heard.
Then it became louder until it was as if someone spoke right beside them. The group spun
wildly grasping at air and knocking into their comrades. They tried to calm each other, they were
just frustrated and fearful, theirs minds fabricating voices.
They continued walking forward until the alley was illuminated by a pair of lightsabers, crossed
in front of a dark figure. In the next instant they were plunged deep into the chest of the Jedi at
the front of the line. All they could see before their friend hit the ground was a mask, bearing the
image of an apex predator. They had no chance to react before the Jedi in the back was cut into
three pieces as double-bladed saber severed his neck and waist in one smooth motion. The
surviving jedi reached for his saber on his belt, but it was too late. He hovered a few feet off the
ground and began to choke, while a simple knife was dragged across his throat.
The two figures needed no light, their new masks included electrobinoculars, excellent tools for
darkvision. It was all they needed to toy with the overconfident Jedi. One of them turned to the
other, Vosra, was the double saber really necessary? You barely had enough room to swing the
damn thing.
The other figure responded, I needed to test out the feel on a real target, the weight is different
since I made the modifications to my old sabers. Besides, you have no room talk with your flare
for the dramatic. What was with the flashy entrance Jinn?
I have to have a little fun with such a worthless lot, they die with a nicer expression when they
see it coming but cant do anything about it.
You have a point there, it looks like this one pissed himself. Vosra noted as he removed the
lightsaber from the belt of one of the slain Jedi. He then took out his knife and began to remove
the eyes of the two Jedi he killed.
What the Hell kind of ritual is that? Jinn stared at the dissection with both curiosity and
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Anyone can takes a mans life, but I claim their
souls. He then grabbed the lightsaber from the Jedi near Jinn and tossed it to him. I believe
this one is yours, now lets go find the next set of targets.

A New Ally
More hunts followed the first, the Jedi lost four teams before the the Council changed the
communication frequency. As the number of losses grew, so did the skill of two Rogues. Vosra
had turned an affinity for the saberstaff into devastating display of martial prowess and raw
ferocity. While Jinn seamlessly combined powerful force attacks and relentless dual saber
strikes into a fluid exhibition of dominance over the battlefield.

Their success in the hunt was not without its downsides. Targets were becoming more difficult to
find. Jedi were still working throughout the various systems, but they worked in larger groups or
with experienced masters. The Jedi were more cautious about falling into traps or entering
secluded areas. Vosra and Jinn were pushed further and further from the Core Worlds if they
wished to continue the hunt.
It had been months since they last confronted a Jedi. Vosra was continuously deconstructing
and rebuilding his saberstaff to keep from clawing a hole in the wall and rampaging through the
apartment building where they were staying. They had received a tip that a pair of Knights were
working in the area. Apparently they were acting as arbitrators for some political conflicts in the
region. The Jedi were easy enough to find, if only they left the government offices then they
would be just another couple of lightsabers to add to the collection.
Another couple of weeks passed before Vosra disappeared for a night. The next morning the
chief diplomat in the negotiations was found in bed with his rivals wife, both were dead. The
planet erupted into civil war. The Jedi Knights that had worked tirelessly to promote peace found
themselves making a hasty retreat to the spaceport. They escaped the artillery fire around the
Capitol Building well enough, but the route was long and not without its share of blind turns.
Before they could reach their shuttle they met a pair of masked figures, each had their
lightsabers ignited. The battle was over quickly, the Knights were much better equipped for the
Senate than they were for lightsaber combat. In only a couple of moves the Knights became
another victim of Vosra and Jinns hunt.
The Rogues were somewhat unfulfilled by the quality of the prey, but they took their trophies
and turned toward the spaceport. Little did they know that those two underwhelming Jedi had
attracted the attention of other less reputable elements. A slow clap filled the street and loud
footsteps echoed around them.
Well done boys, well done. Those Jedi were dispatched with such apathy it almost seemed
routine. Whats wrong? Getting a little bored of the usual fare? The Rogues turned around to
see a robed figure standing behind them with an eerie smile. Forgive me for saying so but it
seems like you are playing in the minor leagues, when it is obvious you have the talent for
something greater.
You have until my lightsaber ignites to make sense, otherwise youll find your head placed
neatly in a box Vosra reached to his hip and gripped his saberstaff.
No need for that here. The robed figure rebuked, The kills were exemplary, it was the sport
that was lacking. The Jedi were weak willed fools running from the chaos of war. Whether they
died by your hands today, or left the planet and let age take them, they would have achieved
nothing of importance. But, you turned a promising diplomatic summit into a planet wide civil
war. That is a thing of beauty.

So another planet turns itself to ash, they would have been at each others throats in a few
decades anyway. Jinn stepped forward with a few sparks dancing from his fingertips.
The point is this planet will fall, and the rest of the sector with it. The game will continue, but the
scales have been tipped. You have dealt a much larger blow to the efforts of the Jedi Order than
the slaughter of a few pawns. The robed figure robed his hood and took a shallow bow. Allow
me to introduce myself, I am Jerrek Marcolo. If you are willing to take a look at the bigger picture
and really make the Order fear you, then I think there are a few people I should introduce you

The Sith Temple

Three figures stepped through a tall door into the temple. The blinding light from the desert
outside only contrasted further the darkness of the atmosphere within the building. It was more
than just the lighting of the room, there was something sinister about this place. Something
which seemed to prey on the mind, bringing all the hatred and anger bubbling to the surface. It
wasnt long before a wide smile creeped out from the black complexion of one of the figures.
I like this place. It just seems like it knows how to make me feel welcome.
You have always reveled in darkness Vosra. It would take a twisted personality like yours to
soak up this kind of evil and feel inspired. Jinn threw off his hood and took a look around. The
decor is definitely different than the Jedi Temple, but I dont notice the pungent odor of selfrighteousness and hypocrisy. Its definitely a step up.
The trio walked beneath large archways comprised of blackened rock. Occasionally hallways
broke off of the main path and broke up the monotony of the smooth stone walls. A few others
visitors lingered in the side passages of walked, but they maintained eye contact with the
ground and a hood covered their face. The hallway then ended at a large stone door. It was
covered in ancient writing. There was no visible panel to access the door, it might as well have
been a solid wall.
I have brought you to the Temple, but that is as far as my influence can carry you. Beyond this
door is a trial, if you survive it then you will be welcomed as one of the Sith. Jerrek said as he
removed his hood and raised his hand toward the door.
Before Jerrek could will the door open he found Vosras saberstaff placed firmly under his chin.
You did not mention a deadly trial. The house may be nice, but I dont like walking into traps.
Ever quick to solve a problem by killing it. Jerrek said calmly, abit restrained by the force of the
metal pushing into the bottom of his chin. This is no trap, it is not a trap if you know whats
going to happen. The room will most certainly be filled with those that wish to kill you. Vosra
kept a grip on his weapon, but lowered it enough to hear the Sith speak. There is a certain

quality of cantidate that the Sith look for before they bring them into the fold. All you have to do
is kill everyone in the next room and your abilities will speak for themselves.
Vosra quickly turned the lightsaber ninety degrees and ignited both ends. He spun the saber
staff a few inches in front of Jerreks face before taking a combat stance. Well, why didnt you
say so. Ive been iching to relive some stress since we left the last poor excuse for a planet.
Theres really no helping him when he smells blood in the water. Jinn ignited one of his sabers,
leaving the other free to manipulate the fore.

The Trial
Jerrek waves his hand and the stone door slowly raised. Behind the door was a large circular
room with high ceilings and torches lining the walls. It was more brightly lit than the hallway they
had come from, an opportunity at least one opponent attempted to use to their advantage. As
soon as Vosra and Jinn entered the room two Sith wielding vibroblades charged in aiming for a
quick kill.
Unfortunately for the eager sith, Vosra and Jin were more skilled than falling for a pair of quick
strikes. Lightning erupted from Jinns hand and one of the Sith doubled over in pain. The other
Sith continued charging forward, in that moment Vosra lowered his stance and disappeared.
The next instant he was running towards a new enemy, five feet from his previous target. The
Siths momentum continued forward a few steps before his legs and torso separated, with the
torso bouncing a few feet in front of the still spasming legs.
With the lightning still flowing from his fingertips Jinn tossed his lightsaber into the chest of
hapless sith. He pulled the saber back into his hand and the charred corpse was finally allowed
to collapse. Jinn looked for his next target only to hear a malicious cacophony of laughter
echoing through the cavernous room. A small army of Sith soldiers wielding swords had
surrounded Vosra, and one by one they were cut to ribbons by the swirling dervish with the
saberstaff in the center.
Jinn now had a few more enemies of his own to face as half a dozen brave souls were closing
the gap from the far side. He drove in between them and lifted one with a force choke. He made
a finishing blow to the gut with his saber before tossing the body against the nearest wall. One
of the group seemed to have a lightsaber of his own and made a powerful overhead strike. THe
blow was blocked before Jinn ignited his second saber and slashed the Sith, cutting cleanly
through both arms and the neck. Jinn now stood between four other combatants each striking
perceived defensive openings. Jinn twisted and turned catching each blow before delivering one
of his own. The display was flawless, without any wasted motion, each warrior around him
taking a single fatal wound.
Jinn looked back at Vosra, he was on the far side of the room. A pile of fallen enemies stretched

the length of the room, though it was hard to determine the number slain with each in a
multitude of pieces. The laughter filling the room had not ceased, if anything it had only
intensified. Jinn sighed, placed his palm over his faced and draged Vosra from the corpse he
was repeatedly stabbing in the face.
Hey! Vosra stopped laughing and turned to Jinn, While do you always have to spoil my fun?
Because Im not deranged Vosra. Jinn quipped stoically.
Oh that makes sense. Vosra then looked over his shoulder at Jerrek standing at the door. So
did we win?
Jerrek suffered a moment of speechlessness. It was a little more concentrated carnage than he
had witnessed in some time. Before he had a chance to respond the door on the opposite end
of the room opened and A tall figure in lavish black robes stood looking down into the room.
Well, it does appear that Jerrek has an eye for talent. Im Darth Biggie Smalls. Jerrek told me
about and it seems you live up to your reputation quite splendidly. We have an opening in our
little organization and I think you two fit the bill nicely. What do you say, are you in the mood to
cause some real mayhem?

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