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Statement of the National League for Democracy (Liberated Area) on
Electoral Laws including Political Parties Registration Law

1. The State Peace and Development Council enacted the following laws on 8th March, 2010:
a) Pyidaungsu Election Commission Law
b) Political Parties Registration Law
c) Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law
d) Amyotha Hluttaw Election Law
e) Region and State Hluttaw Election Law

2. When these laws are observed;

- Regarding the Political Parties Registration Law –
According to the Article (4) (e) and Article (10) (e), the NLD has to expel its over 400
members including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi who are serving prison terms in order to meet
the requirements of the law for registration. And they will not be able to participate in the
electoral process.

U Win Tin, Central Executive Member of NLD said in an interview regarding that law;
"There are a lot of restrictions according to the (Political Parties) Registration Law. It
pushes us in very difficult position especially for political prisoners. We assign some of them
in the Central Committee as we regard them as they are on political duty. And then,
although our leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is serving prison term, we put her name in the
CEC list. According to this law, our party will not be allowed to stand if we put their names
in our party."

3. According to the Article (6) (c) of the Political Party Registration Law, the NLD has to make
a pledge to abide by and protect the 2008 Constitution which is not acceptable to the NLD.
Regarding that matter, U Win Tin said:

"We called for a review of the 2008 Constitution in the Shwegondaing Declaration as it has
many provisions that are not in accordance with the democratic principles. There is no reason
for us to abide by and protect the law that we do not believe."

4. Regarding these laws, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, General Secretary of the NLD said to U
Nyan Win (her lawyer);

"These laws appear to aim to only one person. That is not good. These laws should not be
for only one person. It can affect these laws' impression. It is shameful."

"It is said that these laws were drawn one-sidedly. They are not fair. It is good in some ways
as they expressed what they want blatantly so that people can learn their attitude easily."

"These laws are challenges not only for the NLD but also for people. We need to face these
challenges in a united manner. People need moral strength to face these challenges and to
be united. These challenges make us more spirited to face them, to overcome them or to

5. The worst is described in the Article (91) (b) of the Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law as the
results of multi-party democracy elections held in 1990 under the deleted law are
automatically annulled as they are not in accordance with the constitution. It is an act of
dishonor to erase legitimate desire of People expressed in the elections held in 1990.

6. Therefore, the laws enacted by the S.P.D.C-

(a) clearly express coercive and repressive manner of military leaders by neglecting the
peoples' desire
(b) challenge the existence of the NLD by neglecting the requests made by the NLD in
Shwegondaing Declaration
(c) neglect the requests of the United Nations and the international community to release all
political prisoners including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and to prepare for an inclusive, free and
fair elections.

7. Therefore, we-
(a) will protest these laws enacted by the SPDC regarding as unfair laws
(b) will protest the elections which will be held according to these unfair laws
(c) will go hand in hand with democratic and ethnic nationalities' forces, and people in
general to face challenges ahead.

Central Committee
National League for Democracy (Liberated Area)

March 12, 2010

Contact: (66) 84 323 5671 (or) (66) 86 194 6711

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