Recorded Third Circuit Lambert Appeal SUBMISSION Statement As An EXHIBIT Re Advanced Media Group and Stan J Caterbone Audio File of Authentic Recordings of 1987 and 1991 November 9, 2015

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Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112124430

Page: 1

Date Filed: 11/09/2015
Stanley J. Caterbone
Advanced Media Group
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
Lisa Michelle Lambert
CASE NO. 3400-2015
Lynn Bissonnette, et al.,
Stanley J. Caterbone



Audio File of Authentic Recordings of 1987 and 1991

I hereby on this 9th

day of November, 2015, submit for considerations in the above captioned case the

following link to an audio transcript that contains the following:

Audio File of Authentic Recordings of 1987 and 1991
This Audio File was mastered on April 16, 1991 at Commadore Computers with Mike Kawahara, my Joint
Venture Partner on a Meridian CD Replication System in West Chester. The Audio tracks were used for my "AMG
Legal Systems Prototype" CD ROM prototype disc that I had produced and designed to use to sell the system to
the legal community-at-large. This was produced before the ABC News Nightline Broadcast of the ISC/CIA
scandal. James Guerin was indicted in December of 1991. Robert Gates was confirmed Director of the CIA in
September of 1991. The attempt on my life was in the summer of 1991 in New Jersey.

Case: 15-3400

Document: 003112124430

Page: 2

Date Filed: 11/09/2015

The following are the track details:

1. Interview with Howard Eisler of the Pennsylvania Securities Commission on September 29, 1987 at my home
at 2323 New Danville Pike, Lancaster, PA with Attorney Robert Byers and client Millard Bill Johnson.
2. Interview with Attorney Sandra Gray in San Diego, CA on February 24, 1988.
3. Phone call to Chuck Smith, President of Lancaster Aviation on July 10, 1987.
4. Phone Call With Attorney David Drubner on July 7, 1987.
5. Interview and Meeting to refinance Gamillion Studios with Ted Gamillion and Marci Silen in Hollywood, CA
on July 21, 1987.
6. Phone call to Howard Eisler of the Pennsylvania Securities Commission on October 27, 1987.
7. Phone call with Assistant PA Attorney Bodan on October 26, 1987.
8. NBC News Frontline with Brian Ross on "Arms to Iraq" on February 11, 1991.
9. ABC News 20/20 broadcast of ISC and Arms to Iraq on February 28, 1991.
10. ABC News Nightline with Ted Kopel and Jeff Greenfield on ISC and the CIA on Arms to Iraq with LNP
Journalist Tom Flannery and U.S. Senator Arlen Specter on May 23, 1991.

The APPELLANT requests the Court to view this as an EXHIBIT to be considered by the court in the deliberations
of this case.

Date: November 9, 2015

/s/ Stanley J. Caterbone

Stanley J. Caterbone, Pro Se
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

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