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Running Order

Documentary: Life is like a box of chocolates

Channel: Channel 4
Scheduling: Thursday 19th November, 7:00pm 7:30pm
Duration: 27 minutes (including advert break)
Voxpop of people saying different chocolates

10 secs

Montage of different chocolate types within shops. Music playing

over the top (I want candy Bow wow wow)

15 secs

Opening titles
Montage, close ups of people eating different types of chocolate
whilst the voice over introduces the topic and explaining that
statistics show, In 2009 7.2million tons of chocolate is
consumed worldwide
Still images of pictures detailing the 1847 first Frys chocolate
bar with voice over explaining the history of chocolate
Part of an Interview with an elderly women discussing chocolate
in war time focusing on rations and their chocolate experiences
in this era
Images of chocolate from the war time, with the interview
overlapping the change of imagery
Archive footage Video of the 1921 Cadbury vans driving with a
voice over detailing whats on screen

10 secs
10 secs

Back to the interview with the elderly women still answering

Voice over talking about specific dates including newspaper
cutting about those specific dates for example crme eggs
introduction date
Interview with someone who likes chocolate asking about

10 secs

Interview with a Thorntons staff member

15 secs

Interview with the elderly woman again( the ten questions we

have to produce for each interviewer)

15 secs

Interview with a person who completely hates chocolate

15 secs

5 secs
15 secs

10 secs
5 secs

15 secs

15 secs

Observational footage of outside and inside of Thorntons

include close ups of products that they are going to sell, with
voiceover providing statistic about Thorntons ( worlds largest
chocolate bar)
Goes to an interviewer with a Thorntons worker in uniform
talking about the company and the popularity of chocolate ,
whilst the interview is going on there will be a cutaway of the
person being interviewed doing their job
Close up off staff writing merry Christmas on to the chocolate
bar, whilst the statistic that we got in the audience research is
being said. The statistic shows that over half (54%) of people
asked think Christmas is the best time for chocolate
Panning shot inside asda of all the Christmas chocolate stock
with Christmas music over the top (instrumental jingle bells)

10 secs

Back to the interview of someone who loves chocolate

specifically asking questions about Christmas chocolate

10 secs

Back to the interview with the elderly women specifically asking

questions about Christmas chocolate

10 secs

Interview with a Mr Simms worker specifically asking questions

about Christmas chocolate

10 secs

Asking the Thorntons interviewer about the popularity of

receiving chocolate as a gift linking it back to the audience
research question we have already produced
Shot of the interviewee who likes chocolate putting some
Christmas chocolate in the basket

10 secs

A slow zoom in on Mr Simms sweet shop with a voice over will

be saying how American chocolate has started getting popular
in the Uk
A montage of American chocolate inside the shop whilst a voice
over on statistics on American chocolate

10 secs

Back to the interview with the Mr Simms worker this time asking
questions about the popularity of American chocolate

10 secs

Archive footage From the Charlie and the chocolate factory

10 secs

Voice over stating statistics about Fairtrade chocolate, while

panning shot of the market stall.

10 secs
(End of 5
6 secs

Zoom in on the fair trade logo, whilst the voiceover is still going

15 secs

10 secs

10 secs

10 secs

10 secs

Women in the Fairtrade market stall shop talking about how

beneficial fair trade chocolate is

10 secs

Voxpop on different people opinions on Fairtrade chocolate

20 secs

Voice over talking about the different variety of chocolate foods

including a statistic in our audience research whilst on screen
there is close ups of people eating (chocolate cakes, bar icecream, hot chocolate, brownie etc.)
Interview with elderly women discussing in what form she likes
to eat chocolate

20 secs

Interview with a member of the general public also discussing in

what form they most like to eat chocolate

10 secs

Clip form Matilda of Bruce eating chocolate cake

10 secs

Zoom in on hotel chocolat voice over talking about premium

chocolate however the most an average person spends is
around 5-15
Interview with a person from hotel chocolat talking about the
most expensive chocolate they sell and talking about the
premium brand
Asking people who shopping in hotel chocolat about whether
they think expensive chocolate is worth it

25 secs

10 secs

40 secs

40 secs

Panning shot of supermarket whilst the voice over discusses

that non branded chocolate is their least favourite kind on
Interview with a women in a supermarket

25 secs

Interview with member of the public

40 secs

Interview with elderly women

40 secs

Interview with a person who completely hates chocolate

40 secs

40 secs

Advert break

3 minutes

Opening titles

4 secs

Montage of new released chocolate in stores

50 secs

Observational footage of chocolate being made today with all

the new machine technology, long voice over talking about
creating methods
Interview with thorntons staff

35 secs

Interview with women in Mr simms sweetshop

50 secs

Interview with a regular chocolate eater

50 secs

Montage of all of the shops together whilst statistic is saying

how much chocolate is bought from each shop

35 secs

Observational footage of people buying chocolate

25 secs

Voxpox of people saying there opinions on the fact that

chocolate is an 86billion a year business

40 secs

Voice over with still images of unusual chocolate explaining how

chocolate is developing

40 secs

Interview with Thorntons member of staff

50 secs

Interview with Mr simms member of staff

50 secs

Interview with Hotel chocolat member of staff

50 secs

Interview with elderly women

50 secs

Inteview with general public

50 secs

Montage of people eating chocolate

50 secs

Archive footage from forest gump

40 secs

45 secs

Closing credits super imposed over chocolate shops

50 secs

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