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Manohar Katoch

AVP-Business Development

ClearTrail d
Empowering Intelligence

+91-120-4092 100



ClearTrail Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

SDF No.1-15,Phax R
Noida Special Economic Zone

Noida - 201 305 (U.P.) INDIA

Cleaflrail Technologies
Empowering Intelligence

Empowering Intelligence

Empowering Intelligence








Mass Monitoring of
and Voice Networks
ClearTrail has the distinctive edge of having implemented and
across hundreds of links of Voice and IP networks. We unde
Mobileand IP networks is one of the most aomplicatedsolutions. Massive costs, converging-networks
exploding bandwidth, enormous data retention and analysis are prime concerm while plan
monitoring of communications. ComTrait from our product portfolio addresses at1 these
Since its first deptGment. this mass monitoring system, has won numemueacroladesfrom renowne
federal security agencies. At ClearTrail, we never rest on our laurels. With a clear insight i n t ~th
present and a clearer vision for the future, we have re-engineered ComTrall to achieve hig
performance Cl lowcost. With this redefinedproduct L W s can now mass interceptall bandwidthsof I
links, WiMAX, GSM/CDMA, PSTN, GPRS, 3613.50,VSATand IDEN.
Massinterception. Smarter Prod-.


ComTraiL qt a Glance
Equippedto handlemillions of communications per day intercepted over high speed ST
Doubles up as Targeted MonitoringSystem
On demand data retention, capacity exceeding severalyears
InstantAnalysis acrossthousandsof Terabytes
Correlates Identitiesacross multiple networks
Speaker Recognition &Target Location




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Targeted IP Monitoring

Total monitoring of a l l Operators to plug any intelligence leakage is critical for government agencies.
Yet, maintaining cent percent coverage at a l l times proves to be a challenge. At ClearTrail, our close
association with LEAs across the globe helps us understand their specific needs and emerging
challenges. In an endeavor to provide a portable solution to answer a l l these challenges, we are proud
to present- xTrail, our new portable "On-the-Go" IP interception system which provides extended
monitoring coverage to LEAs.

Portable Interception. Smarter Product. Clearer Trail

xTrail at a Glance
Pure passive probe
Designed for rapid field operations at ISP/GPRS/3G/Wi-Max/VSAT Network Gateways
Stand-alone solution for interception, decoding and analysisof m u l t i Gigabit IP traffic
Portable trolley based for simplified logistics, can easily be deployed and removed from any network
Huge data retention, rich analysis interface and tamper proof court evidence
Easily integrates with any existing centralized monitoring system for extended coverage


Tactical Wi-Fi Monitoring


Conuentionalky, tactical honitoring of public lnternet networks is confinedto bulky Pass

systems. But now, with evolving network dynamics like, secured networks, encryption,
system~s,Passive Interceptionalone is not suitable to monitor Wi-Fi & Wired LANs. At CL
keep an eye on the fwtup while we update our present. Having understood em
have equipped our gldpalty established system "QuickTrail" with Active &
mechanisms. Future Pmof yourtacticalinterceptions with QuickTrail.

Wi-Fi Interception. ~ r n a k eproduct.


QuickTrailat a Glance
Conveniently housed in a Laptop computer
InterceptsWi-Fi and Wired LANs in fivedifferent ways
BreaksWEP. WPAMlPA2 IPSKl to rip off Secured Wi-Fi Networks
DeploysSpywaresinto target's machine
Monitors Gmail, Yahoo and allother HTTPS based communications
ReconstructsWebmaits, Chats, VolP Calts, News Groups & Social Networks


Off-The-Air Interception

In an increasingly complex communication world, with cellular devices having given communication a
paradigm shift, tactical monitoring of mobile communications can prove to be a challenge to the L W .
Though centralized GSM monitoring center does provide access to any mobile communication but
sometimes field operations are a need of the hour. In such situations, LEAS face encryption, large
number of GSM Operatdrs, rriultiple BTS and range of frequencies as tactical monitoring
of mobile communications.
The all-ned "mTraiL" is ClearTrail's answer to all these challenges. The new mTrait is now geared with
powerful technology that leaves no foot prints while intercepting communication. It's portable, easy to
deploy and makes it easierto interceptand analyze mobile communications.
Mobile Interception. Smafier Proffuct. ClearerTrail

mTrailat a Glan~e

Designedfor PassiveInterceptionof GSM Communication

InterceptsVoice& SMS "Off-The-Air"
Detectslocationof the target
Can be deployed as a fixed unit or mountedin a surveillancevan
No support requiredfrom GSM operator

I n t e r c e p t . M o n i t o r . Analyze.

ClearTrail Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

These products are intended for use onb in countries where such lawful interception is permitted by Law and is conducted by authorized Law enforcement agencies.


Unified Monitoring Platform for

Triple-Play Networks
ComTrail is an integrated product suite for
centralized lnterception and Monitoring of Voice
& Data Networks. ComTrail unified platform
comprises of multiple modules, each addressing
surveillance of a specific communication network
type such as PSTN, GSM, CDMA, GPRS,
EDGE, 3G, Wi-Max, VSAT, large Data Service
Providers & Transmission Networks. These
probe 1 switch based modules can be deployed
in isolation or unity to serve targeted and mass
monitoring requirements.
The platform is equipped with advanced analysis
engine for pro-active analysis of thousands of
connections to quickly arrive at conclusion and
limit intelligence leakage. Integrated with various
value added tools such as Link Analysis, Voice
Recognition, GIS, Target Location etc it
immensely improvises investigative effectiveness
and efficiency.

ComTrail consists of the following subsystems:

The lnterception 81Delivery Function
Deployed within a service provider network, it
facilitates both switch based interfacing and
intuitive probing of links, with the help of
indigenously developed intelligent access

The Monitoring Function

Set up at LEA HQ, Monitoring Function enables
surveillance and investigation management.
When deployed as an unified platform, it
facilitates correlation of Voice & Data intercepts
across diverse networks to provide a
comprehensive intelligence picture. ComTrail UI
coupled with smart analysis tools provide easy
access to requisite information besides record,
replay and archiving. Monitoring Function is a
highly scalable component governed by
proprietary algorithms that can efficiently handle
data size up to Petabytes.

313.5 G


System Management
Information Collaboration
Health Monitorina
Work Flow Managemen'



l,",.lord Search
Content CO-relation
Automated Search
Court Evidence

smet Monitor
voice Monitorir~~
Video Monitoring

Content Analysis

Data and Voice Replay

Any communicationType
ComTrail supports capture, record & replay of a
variety of Voice & IP communications:
- 100s of VolP Application based calls
- Text Chats ( MSN, YAHOO, ICQ, DlGlCHAT
- Web Mails ( Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Maqtoob
Mail etc.)
- POP3
- BlackBerry (in clear text)
Other P2P communications

From any type of Network

ComTrail intercepts data from any network
technology- Wire line, Wireless, packet data,
VolP networks:
- T11E1 to STM1, STM4, STM 16
- Fast Ethernet up to 40 Gigabits

Data lnterception
When deployed for lnternet Gateway monitoring,
ComTrail enables an investigator to filter data on
the basis of 375 attributes across 15 protocols.
This includes pure keyword based filtering
without any URL IIP Address based
combinations. The product provides record and
replay facility for webmails, Email attachments,
VolP, Chats, FTP and many more lnternet
Voice lnterception
ComTrail is compatible with a variety of switch
specifications for correlation of CC & CRI in line
with CALEA, ETSl and other regional LI
compliance standards. Its smart probing
technology can automatically detect CIC map
while directly interfacing with the links without
any help from the service provider.
Workflow Management
ComTrail's workflow management allows system
operators to manage the target information in a
hierarchical manner with facility for session
archive and allocation of targets to investigators,
besides linking sessions with the target. An
investigator can perform powerful search and
analysis operations on the captured lnterndt /
Voice sessions to zoom on critical intelligence.

In-built Security Measure

ComTrail can be extended easily to adapt to a
workflow, security, authorization, auditing and
other constraints in a large deployment spanning
multiple organizations, with strict judicial
regulatory oversight.
Health Monitoring
The ComTrail health monitoring subsystem
centrally monitors all its components for more
proactive maintenance and greater system
uptime. It displays hardware, software, and
system functionality status using an intuitive,
easy-to-understandgraphical user interface.
Alarms and events are triggered based on userdefinable thresholds and are accompanied by
detailed troubleshooting information.
Data Management Platform
ComTrail provides selective and comprehensive
storage of full session traffic for future analysis
coupled with Auto Deletion, Archive
Maintenance, and Backup capabilities.The
system can run 24x7 with minimal administration

Following are the salient features of this platform

- Consistent & Predictable Performance
- Linearly Scalable for various Functional
- Designed for High Speed & High Data Loads
- Optimized for Response Time and
- Designed to use Multi-Core Hardware
- Leverages High Density Server technologies
- Supports Meta Data collection for post event
- Lays foundation for Post Analysis Correlation,
Context Analysis, Image Processing, Content
Classification & Reporting, Speaker
Recognition, Voice Transcription, Keyword
Spotting, etc.

.sa!3ua6eluau1a3104uaMe1 paz!loqlne A q paalonpuoo S! pue Me1 A q pau!wlad S! uo!lda31alu!InFe1 qons alaqm sa!llunoe U! 4uo asn 104 papualu! ale spnpo~dasaql

Dimension 30HnX20WX14
Runs on 230 V AC i

- Weight less than 20 K

Empowering Intelligence

Theaa pmducta a n Mended Iw use only in oountrks where such lawful IntercapWl b permitted by law and b conducted by authorized law enlorcemen(

Clemlkail Technologies


Rapid, Portable &

Sophisticated IP Monitoring
xTrail is a highly portable, pure passive IP
interception probe specially customized for
independently monitoring ISPsIGPRS, 3G
networks. This all-in-one probe acts as
standalone solution for interception, decoding
and analysis of high speed data traffic over IP
xTrail has been designed as a portable rack
mounted "plug & play" system that can
conveniently be taken to the Data Operator's
location and deployed within minutes. It enable
law enforcement agencies to intercept &
monitor targeted communication without
degrading the service quality of the IP

Web based UI for local as well as remot

access over a secured connection.
Role based access mechanism.

Smart Interception & Filtering

Provides concurrent provisioning of filters on
the basis of:

"Pure Keyword" based filtering.

"URUDomain" plus "Keyword" based


Intercept All Network Types

Mobile Number.

xTrail provides portable interception of wide

varieties of communications networks. It
support passive, non-intrusive IP interception
of wireline, wireless, cable, VolP and VSAT

User Identities (Email ID, Chat ID, VolP ID,

News Group identities etc).

- Receives data over mirrorlspan port.

- Acts as a black box for "record & replay"
targeted lnternet communications.

Rich Analysis Interface

- Insightful, yet user friendly.

- Analysis based on hundreds of attributes.
- Open for integration with link analysis tools.
- Exports data in temper proof digital format
for presenting in court as evidence.

Please turn overleaf


One click surveillance of

public internet networks

When it comes to gathering intelligence from

public internet networks then ISP monitoring
sokrtion is a time consuming process which may
result in loss of critical and vital clues. Also, ISP
side monitoring fails to track the suspect's
identity especially if the target is operating from
a Cyber Cafe, University Campus or Free Wi-Fi
Zones at Airport Lounges 1 Shopping Malls etc.
Moreover, field surveillance of public internet
networks can provide enhanced investigative
leads, high evidence value and in some cases
even physical identification of the targets.
QuickTrail is designed for such field operations. It
is one of its kind system in the world that is fitted
with unique Swiss-Knife approach to support a
number of monitoring scenarios encountered in
public internet networks like Hotels, Cyber
Cafes, University Campuses, Free Wi-Fi Zones.
QuickTrail is equipped with multiple monitoring
tools & techniques that can help intercept almost
any Wired, Wi-Fi or Hybrid lnternet Network so
that a targeted communication can be monitored
one way or the other. This laptop computer
based highly portable device can be deployed in
fractions of seconds to intercept, reconstruct,
replay & analyze email, chat, VolP and other
lnternet activities of a target.

Full Network Visibility

Unique solution that supports interception of
WiredMli-Fi and hybrid LANs from single point
- From Wi-Fi to Wi-Fi
- From Wired to Wired
- From Wi-Fi to Wired & vice-versa (hybrid
This All-in-one Device supports real time
monitoring through inbuilt interception,
reconstruction and viewing interface on same

Multi Mode Interception

Set of nifty monitoring tools integrated on single
laptop computer, works like a Swiss-knife,
complementing both active as well as passive
Passive lnterception
Portable System can scan all 14 Wi-Fi
channels, while capturing data of
3 concurrent channels
- Chassis based full 14 channel concurrent
capturing system also available on request
Supports real-time cracking of WEP. WPAPSK crack under development
- Also supports wiretapping of Ethernet LANs

Please turn overleaf

Intercept Secured
Know Passwords
with c-Jack Attack

Active & Passive lnterception

of Wi-Fi and Wired LAN


Active lnterception
100% target data interception
- Target machine identificationon the basis of
IP Address, MAC ID, Machine Name, Activity
Status and several other parameters.

Smartest way to overcome today's biggest IP

monitoring challenge i.e. encryption, only known
solution to intercept SSL Passwords & HlTPS
based communication like banking transactions,
Webmail etc. in real time.
Protocol Decoding Support

Capture, Reconstruct
and Replay

News Groups
Webmails (Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail and many
other Webmails)
Various Chat Clients (Yahoo, ICQ, MSN,
PalTalk etc)
Many VolP clients
Password Capture

Centralized Management
Multiple such field units can connect to a central
command center to remote manage field
operations at geographically different locations.

1)1 Clear~rail<>

Clearnail Technologies

Empowering Intelligence

These prod&

am Intended for use only in cwntries when, such linvhrl intermplion is permitted by law and is mnducted by authorized law -1


For off-the-air interception

of mobile communication
GSM communication stands at the center of
today's communication, transmitting vital - and
often highly sensitive - information while
simultaneously connecting users to essential
resources. The dependence on GSM is growing
rapidly, paralleled by unlawful communication
and which is largely a safe media for criminals to
organize and operate global terror networks. Law
Enforcement Agencies across the world are
scouting for solutions to intercept GSM
communication for acquiring evidence to prevent
such criminal behavior.
Solutions deployed in the mobile operator's
networks to intercept such communications are
costly, resource consuming and don't provide the
flexibility of intelligence gathering operations.
What is ideally required is a portable GSM
Lawful interception solution that provides the
following benefits to the LEA:
- Stealth mode operation, transparent to target
Rapid Intelligence gathering in the field

Small portable footprint

No assistance or information required from
the Mobile Operator

mTrail offers passive and active 'off the air' lawful

lnterception of GSM 9001 180011900 Mhz phone
calls and data to meet law enforcement
surveillance and investigation requirements.

Dual Mode lnterception

ClearTrail offers Active and Passive off-the-air
interception systems. In the latter, it works in the
stealth mode so that neither there is
dependence on the network operator nor the
user(s) would come to know about the
The system is able to support multiple bands
(9001180011900 Mhz) by adding appropriate
modules.The system has the capability to scale
from interception of 2 channels (carrier
frequencies) to 32 channels.
Mobile or Fix mode of Deployment
mTrail offers two modes of deployment - mobile
and fixed. In the mobile mode the system is able
to fit into a rugged briefcase. In the fixed mode,
the system fits in a rack-mount industrial grade
Target Selection
The target(s) can be profiled using signal
strength, target numbers like IMSI,TIMSI, IMEl
or MS1 SDN.
Call Listening & Storing
mTrail makes it possible to listen to the
conversation on lawfully intercepted calls in
near-real time, as well as store all lawfully
intercepted calls. In case of interception of
multiple calls one can select the call to listen to.
Please turn overleaf


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ClearTrail's success lies in its

ability to spot possibilities.

Empowering Intelligence

Our conscious endeavor t o focus on the

improbable, spotting possibilities where they
are seemingly non-existent has led us t o
design exciting and path-breaking solutions
i n Communication Interception & Monitoring
Space. Our innovative approach has
resulted i n an increasing number of LEAS &
Intelligence Agencies recognizing us as an
inevitable partner i n their endeavors.

m i s s i o n

Empowering the intelligence

community with advance
solutions to meet complex 1
monitoring challenges
Cutting across cultural, geographical and political boundaries through its
products, ClearTrail commits itself to providing apt solutions to its clients
globally. Our clear edge lies in equipping our clients to mitigate threats
emerging due to modern day communication, helping them pinpoint
suspected communications while countering organized crime outfits.

v a l u e s

ClearTrail is proud to reflect its

values in the company's strategies,
decisions, policies and actions.
We understand that a right blend of
"BUSINESS" and "VALUES" is a must for an
organization to achieve its underlined goals.

ClearTrail's values system is fundamental

to its success. Our business is driven by
the following values:
Since inception, ClearTrail has believed
in originality. This has helped us in
continuous innovation. We are more than
aware of how innovation matters not only
to the world of Lawful Interception but
also to the success of our company.
ClearTrail's R & D distinctively
differentiates it from run-of-the-mill
solutions, a value addition much admired
by our clients.
Belief in mutual benefit
The company has always shown
dedication in creating a WIN-WIN
situation for its clients, a fact which gave
us an early establishment.
Probably one of the most important
aspects of the arena which we operate in
is integrity, which is deeply ingrained in
each member of ClearTrail. Again, a fact
that has held us in good stead and
proved a great contributor to the
confidence reposed in us by our clients.

t e c h n o l o g y

Next level of LI Solutions

ClearTrail provides solutions to

challenges of Law Enforcement
Agencies, Intelligence Agencies
and Communication Service
Providers globally. ClearTrail
offers a complete range of
innovative solutions for lawful
interception, monitoring and
analysis of voice and data
We have defined new
paradigms for large monitoring
systems by enriching range of
target definitions to address
complex & unforeseen
interception scenarios.
ClearTrail has established itself
among thought leaders in the
domain contributing avantgarde solutions for the next
level of Lawful Interception
challenges such as encryption.

Know the Unknown Communications

Targets on modern IP networks can communicate over
a wide range of P2P protocols. It is a tedious process to
detect and decode such communication channels as
hundreds and thousands of new services are being
added every day.
ClearTrail's next generation LI system identifies such
channels that enables LEASto zero-in on precise
protocols hence providing timely intelligence. Moreover,
the same monitoring approach proves equally relevant
to both, LEA'Sas well as Intelligence Agencies, by
helping them intercept information that is not even
exchanged among partners in crime.
Unified Platform
ClearTrail unified monitoring platform supports both
switch as well as probe based interception over a
variety of voice and IP networks. It facilitates correlation
and retroactive analysis of the intercepts captured
across diverse networks providing a complete view of
the suspect's communication.
The unified platform comes with futuristic database
design that can handle Petabyte of information. It has
been architected for mass monitoring of voice & data.
The entire functional elements of database can be
scaled linearly and provide consistent and predictable
performance over time.
Standards and Regulations
Our systems meet LI regulatory requirements across
the globe. These are compliant with ETSl and CALEA
regulations. Our products are efficient to cater to region
specific requirements too.
Stealth ~ e c h n o l o ~ ~
ClearTrail also provides exclusively designed stealth
technology for active and passive field monitoring of
communication networks. The products with these
attributes are portable and tactical enough to perform
interception and analysis of secured communication
over Wired, Wi-Fi & GSM networks.

e x p e r i e n c e

An invaluable ally in LI

ClearTrail has gained leading

position in the field of communication
interception with large installations in
the Middle East, Europe and Asia
Pacific. In the last 10 years, we have
developed a series of innovative
"firsts" in the carrier grade monitoring
We have expertise in countrywide
monitoring and offer systems with a
wide range of interception
capabilities in complex
communication networks. ClearTrail
has successfully deployed more than
50 large systems, intercepting
hundreds of voice & data links and
has delivered several tactical field
surveillance systems.
Our integrated communication
interception suite offers a 360" view
to monitor a variety of voice and IP
networks, such as PSTN, GSM,
CDMA, GPRS, EDGE, 3G, 3.5G, WiFi, Wi-Max, VSAT, Large ISP and
Transmission Networks.

From voice to data surveillance,

tactical field interception to operator's
network monitoring, targeted
interception to mass capture,
conventional LI to revolutionary
Active Interception technology,
ClearTrail has hands-on experience.
We invest a significant portion of our
revenue in the Research &
Development of new interception &
monitoring technologies. We will
continue to provide new and
proactive solutions to the challenges
of lawful interception.

Empowering Intelligence

into(tr ~1r;ir'-tl'a~l
n\nl clta,rr-trailcorn

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