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The Final





Yesterday brought about many ah-hahs

for me. I was reeling from a mistake
I made regarding writing some code in
my wordpress editor which ultimately
caused the whole website to lose its
original theme. Many of you may have
noticed this when you landed on the
site and found that it was radically
changed. Well I gotta tell you, it
was not a fun experience, and it
brought about a deluge of old programming. This massive wave
of panic, overwhelm, doubt, and frustration washed over me
like a proverbial tsunami. Dialogue occurred within my mind
as to what, when, and why it had happened. There was a real
fear of hundreds and hundreds of hours of work not being put
to good use for the planet. It was amazing what I heard come
up and how much I was irritated with myself.
So, as I sat there chatting with a good friend over my green
tea latte, our digests for the week revealed a string of
triggers causing great panic. As the conversation continued,
we both realized that this type of experience is happening
everywhereas if we are all being challenged with some sort of
news or event that triggers our fight and flight response
systems. We were amazed that between the two of us, there
must of been a dozen people who had relayed similar
circumstances to us. Let me give you some examples and then
maybe you will see where I am going with this:







legitimacy of the credit card system

someone experiencing not one but two potentially near
miss death car accidents
someone who strangely had their dogs reported to the
county for no rabies vaccinations
someone who received a diagnosis requiring a biopsy
someone being threatened of eviction
someone whose child was wrongly accused of a major
The list goes on, but you get the point.
The realization is that many of us,
especially the Light Workers, are facing
these challenges more so lately, and
usually they come from out of left field.
One of the most horrific circumstances for
me is when our 5 puppies came down with
parvo, yet were exceptionally healthy and
never left our yard.
Each of these
encounters is abruptly sudden, and
immediately causes your sympathetic nervous
system to kick in. As one article states
the fight or flight response is our bodys primitive,
automatic, inborn response that prepares the body to fight
or flee from perceived attack, harm or threat to our
These widespread incidences are definitely
provoking some innate responses of fear and panic within us.
Wow! It was like a light bulb went off as we were talking. I
wish we had recorded the exchange, as it was one of the in
the flow moments where Spirit widened our eyes further.
Firstly, I immediately thought about Cobras most recent
posting named the Master Plan, and in it he states that the
Archons and their reptilian minions would exert pressure on
the psychological weak spots of humanity. OK, so reviewing
the list above, I noticed that whatever we really felt
passionately about at that time or whatever we were pursuing,

was being targeted, especially if we were doing it with the

intention to benefit ALL of humanity.
We also realized that there has been a major push by The
Resistance to eradicate the Archons from the non-physical
planes, especially after May 20th of this year.
So the
Archons have definitely been feeling the heat and this sense
of panic is globally demonstrating itself through a myriad of
news reports announcing secrets exposed, resignations,
arrests, and lawsuits.
The Cabal and its Archons are being
hit at every angle, but in order for us to be victorious
sooner rather than later, we must remain vigilant in these
final stages of this purging.
I am keen on looking at the
true definition of words, so when I pulled up the word
final, I found the following definition:
not to be altered or undone
of or relating to the ultimate purpose or result of a
So what is so final about now?
As one author stated, the end
of the Mayan Calendar on
December 21, 2012 is quite
singularity of the TimeWave, is
the pivot by which the entire
Earth reaches a Zero-Point, a
fundamental singularity of its
own kind, and thereafter reexpands into a whole new, almost
unimaginable direction!
are about to be free, to create a heaven on earth, and with
this change comes the declination of the guard. This panic
we are experiencing individually is a mere reflection of what
the Cabal and Archons are coping with right now.
We are
clearly standing at the precipice of radical change as we
enter the Solstice of 2012. As Cobra shared earlier, this is

the turning point when many things about the Archons and the
planetary situation will be decided.
Because of the extraordinary infiltrations of Light we are
receiving these days, where we find ourselves stepping into
a higher dimension with ease and bliss, it is important to
remind ourselves that we are still in the closing phase of
this game with the dark. This IS the final hour! We have
only 62 days before December 21st! It is so exciting to
partake in the end times of the Piscean energies, however
compare where we are to the guy running a complete marathon
(26.2 miles). He has achieved 26 strenuous miles with a pain
in his lower back, a pulled calf muscle and massive fatigue.
He is having to fight with his mind that is going on about
how tired he is, how much pain he has, or questioning whether
he can really win this race, let alone finish it. He has only
.02 miles left to be victorious. This is where we are folks!
In order to assist in this victory, at this final hour we
must resist our old programming, conquer any doubts we may
have, know that we are loved and protected, and push through
this final episode as if we trained for it a million times.
Because, you know what? We have!
I am convinced that those residing on planet Earth right now
are the rough and tumble sort.
We either chose or were
selected to complete our mission here, and this certainly is
not for the cowards of the galaxies. We departed from all
that we knew, the warmth, the love and the beauty of other
worlds in other galaxies, only to arrive here in a dense
amnesiac state, committed to making a difference, assisting
the masses, accomplishing it heroically, and succeeding in
pushing through the interference.
Now is the time to OBSERVE any incidents like
those I have listed and see them for what they
really are! This isnt about karma, unless of
course you are married to that belief system.
This is about our own personal armageddons and

how we will remedy our operating systems. What are we doing

proactively to avoid getting bogged down by applications that
impede our ability to work or play? How are we repairing our
error messages and glitches throughout the day? What can
we do differently to optimize our systems so as to live a
seamless and unimpeded life? Seriously, our programming is
getting rocked like never before at this final hour.
One of Abrahams reminders is that when one doesnt like the
end results of their actions, then they can do a pivot and
head off in the opposite direction, and thereby change ones
life for the better.
Just dont forget how far we have
come, and how one small change in our mode of operation can
make a huge difference. There is very little time left in the
game, and we are on our way to seize the

final victory!

The networks of Light are reaching a critical

mass, conveying that all of us are doing our bit
to bring this victory about. I congratulate all
of the whistleblowers who are so bravely sharing
what they know with the rest of the world. I am
grateful for the up and coming lawyers who are
working so hard to bring freedom and justice
forward within our corrupt banking, government and medical
systems. I thank all of the Wayshowers who reveal what is
really going on, as this allows us to see more light than
before and generate new perspectives of our future. I thank
you for caring enough to read this article to its end. I send
you love and ask you to pass this onto someone else that you
think needs some encouragement today!
Have a brilliantly enlightened day!
Copyright Alexandra Silby-Meadors All Rights Reserved. You
may copy, forward, and redistribute this material as long as

you do not alter it in any way, keep the content unchanged and
in its original form, and include this copyright notice

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