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A Crystal Wonderworld - (Part

Our Mission Across the USA 7.29.2013
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The next morning was an early one and

all 6 of us arrived at Julies shop
around 8:05 a.m. She walked out to our
car holding a bowl with a feather, some
sage and select crystals in hand, and I
knew at that point we had different
preconceived notions of what we would
be doing together from 8:00 a.m. until
10:00 a.m.. Hey! I love spontaneity!
Julies friend Laura arrived as well,
and it became a pandemonium of activity
as she introduced Laura and hugged each
of us, coordinated the trip with Laura,
directed each of us to jump in separate cars
for various reasons, and finally took off for
her personal crystal mine. She wanted us to do
a ceremony on her property as well because of
who we are according to her.
enough, we had previously driven right by her
crystal mine without knowing it was hers, so we had a good
idea of where she was taking us. We had meandered our way up
and down through countless dirt lanes and forest roads the
day before in search of the the best little meditation spot
known only to the locals. We found the most isolated point

with a concrete picnic table, springs bubbling everywhere,

with a small waterfall cascading into a pool of glass. A sign
stated that the water had not been tested for drinking, but
you could see why they posted it. It was tempting to see if it
tasted as good as it looked.
The trek up her quartz covered drive
was a bit nerve-wracking, as we didnt
really have a lot of power, nor 4-wheel
drive, but we figured if Lauras van
could make it up the steep gradient
then so could we. Once we made it to a
higher point and parked, we opened our
doors with anticipation only to find
spectacular crystals of every size,
shape, and hue scattered everywhere
your eyes could see. Julie had created
a spiral long ago at the center of a
vortex and guided us to stand around it. She called in the
four directions and then turned it over to us. I proceeded to
call everyone in, including the Ascended Masters, Angelic
Kingdom, Galactic Beings of the High Councils, Nature Kingdom
and more. The place was packed with The Forces of Light
supporting us on this reunion with 2 more fellow Galactic
sisters. When I called in the Elements, The Wind forcefully
blew through our circle and one of my new Guides Ketak came
through. I relayed messages as were given to each of us at the
circle, and apparently they were very much needed. Julie was
assured protection and an ending to so much interference,

escaping Atlantis final day of
infamy, and Laura was honored
and told to unlock her heart for
the sake of the planet. At one
emotional upon hearing this
message and as Laura spoke in
tongues, she assisted him in
clearing these memories and the guilt associated with them.
She guided him into a state of joy, as he smiled and giggled
at the time of his release. It was clearly a very special
experience for him. We all thanked Mother Earth and then
closed the ceremony. She offered for us to stay and dig for
crystals but as usual we too were on a schedule and had to
check on the dogs well-being.
We returned to Julies shop and asked her to analyze the
crystal that was gifted to me days ago. She knew Dee and when
she saw the crystal, she rattled off so many details about its
form, structure, uniqueness, etc. that I asked if I could
record her. It was amazing and I was thrilled to find out that
this crystal was truly a gift from I knew why I
couldnt be without it. Here is a recording on how unique and
special this crystal is! Click the following: I am sure you
will learn a great deal about crystals, just by listening to
this clip!
After she saw the connection and inferences with this crystal
and my record keeper capacities, Julie then insisted on
gifting us 2 agape crystals that she had acquired from South
America. She really felt strongly that we must have them and
of course we were delighted!
Here is a snippet of the
description of an Agape Crystals and its unique offerings:

Agape Crystals contain the energies of

Amethyst, Smokey and Clear Quartz,
Rutile, Lepidocrocite, Cacoxenite and
Goethite; never need clearing or
cleansing and come only from Espirito
Santo, Brazil. The name agape comes
from the Greek word meaning an outpouring of unconditional love. Agape
Crystals are associated with an outpouring of the Divine Feminine energies
such as unconditional love, compassion,
forgiveness, and healing, to name a
few. The brotherhood of minerals contained within these
crystals is not unlike our brothers and sisters of our Native
American Medicine Wheel, all sharing their energies and gifts
with their human companions to help them on their paths to
spiritual growth and completion. They are wonderful companion
crystals for reviewing and releasing old ways of thinking
and acting which do not serve us on our paths to
enlightenment. They can also help us to create a new path to
allow the ways of peace and harmony to rule in our lives,
and help us to re-focus and manifest what is needed. In
addition, these Agape Crystals can aid us in awakening,
stimulating, and developing our psychic abilities, including
telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance and
clairsentience. It should be noted here that even if some of
these minerals are microscopic and not eye-visible within the
stone, all of their properties are still within the crystal,
as they are all indigenous to the area where these crystals
are mined. Just like the minerals within Mother Earth that
flow through the vine into the grape to give a fine wine its
distinct flavor, so do these minerals combine to create this
incredible crystal. Agape Crystal vibrates to the master
number 11, the most intuitive of all numbers, representing
illumination and deep insight, as well as spiritual harmony.

We experienced some really

profound crystal readings with
Julie and said our goodbyes not
really wanting to leave, while
she boldly proclaimed that she
knew we would move here some
Now that really got me
Afterwards, we
decided to grab a bite to eat
before returning to the room, and since it was too late for
breakfast, we had lunch at Shangra-la. This restaurant sits
right off of the beautiful lake, tucked away on a hilltop
with pines, oaks, and evergreens surrounding the resort. We
reminisced about the perpetual magic of this trip and how we
were so glad we remained true to staying open and adaptable to
whatever came our way. Spirit was truly taking us by the hand
to discover clues and little treasures throughout the
mission. We sincerely wished everyone could experience a trip
like this at least just once in their lives.
After some photo opportunities, Steve and I returned to the
room since I had to buckle down in preparation for my
interview. I had 2- 3 hours which wasnt a lot considering
these sorts of interviews usually required 3 days of
preparation, but it would have to do. Steve took a nap while I
was preparing and then left with the dogs while I prayed for a
clear undisturbed wi-fi connection. It had been raining
nonstop, but lo and behold it stopped while I was
interviewing. Even then, the service in these small rural
towns leaves much to be desired.
I set-up in the local
MacDonalds restaurant, happy to sit in air conditioning and
watch the children play with one another while I asked away
the questions of the day
Afterwards, I found Steve had returned from another side
mission, as he was called into Mena, AR to clear some really
nasty energies there. As many of you know, Clintons

Administration put this place on the map, well-known for

becoming one of the drug depots of the world for cocaine and
Apparently he could really feel the density and
confinement of the area. Relieved that I could successfully
upload my audio file finally, we took off with the 4 dogs and
drove through some of the local neighborhoods to see what the
older houses looked like. I also wanted to perform a thorough
canvasing of each street in the surrounding area, as a piece
of land was calling out to me.
Sure enough, I followed My
Guidance down an isolated gravel
road to a massive scene of
thousands of acres of rolling
hills butting up against lines
of trees. It felt as if my heat
stopped with the breathtaking
view and the intense triggering
of memories that came from
reuniting with this land. I knew I had been there before and I
was pretty sure this was the place for The Projectwe
literally jumped out of the car and saw crystals everywhere
sparkling and deflecting the suns rays.
They were
everywhere, on the dirt roads, under the grass and bushes,
under the big oak trees, and even lining the pathways. Hours
went by with few words between us as we got lost in the
discoveries and the possibility that this could one day become
our future home. At one point I called my friend Pam who is an
advanced remote viewer, and asked her to lock into this
particular piece of land. She confirmed that this was our
land from the days of Atlantis. It had been where the 3
healing temples stood, with the raising the dead a common
practice. We had worked together on that timeline, so it was
no surprise to her that I had called and she was available and
had answered. Pam suggested we close our eyes and see with
our minds eye the 3 temples because they were there right in
front of us. I asked her if they would appear marked in the

3D and she said yessure enough right in front of us were 3

mounds kind of spaced like the 3 pyramids in Giza. On the top
of each mound you could see a discoloration in the foliage as
well as a spiral, circular pattern. None of the other hills
were anything like this.
I insisted on returning to the room so we could call another
friend of ours who is psychically gifted and review possible
properties from the standpoint of ley lines. She agreed that
this property, although not for sale, could be attained for
The Project. She recommended that we drive Northeast from
where we were and see that area. We jumped back in the car
without our dogs and drove east on the 188, destination
unknown. The drive was lovely with jam-packed trees lining
each side of the two lane road. The only thing was that most
of the land dropped off significantly on either side and it
was becoming more and more apparent that we were driving at
the top of an apex. The land really wasnt buildable, at least
on that particular route but the long drive ended up being so
worthwhile in the end.
I have to say that we had no
conception what lay before us.
We had never seen anything like
this before. It just reinstated
our love and awe for what Mother
Earth presents to the world. My
eyes welled up when viewing the
condition of this area, longing
to see all of natures beauties restored and fully thriving

once again.

We reached Housley Point, the tip of this peninsula and as

usual found only one other person there. It was breathtaking
and I could not help but feel I had done this before. We
walked along the lakes shore, blown away by the many natural
marvels presenting themselves. There were massive slabs of
quartz throughout the park, with trees literally growing out
of this quartz. Some rocks literally appeared to display
hieroglyphics and countless pieces of quartz of every
conceivable size, shape, and
color lay under our feet. It was
difficult to gain our footing,
as some were very pointed and
fragmented, some massive slabs
navigated their way into the
crystal clear lake, mysteriously
disappearing into the fathoms
wonderland with extremely bizarre shale formations and
etchings throughout the area. All we could do was shake our
head at the untouched beauty of this sanctuary. I was pulled
to walk off alone, communing with Mother Father God with tears

streaming down my face that this

location had been so protected.
There was no other explanation
for such beauty to be so
developers to have come in and
dominated the land. There were
many protecting this area such
as our friend Julie and you
could feel them watching and observing us. Again, I was
overwhelmed with a state of gratitude that we had chosen and
or been selected, with a smile on my face. I had returned home
once again.
Stay tuned for Part 13!
To Access All Articles From Our Mission Across the U.S.,
review the links below:
For Part 1: Well It All Started When
For Part 2: Anchor Point Down, Now What?
For Part 3: Incoming Energies Sitch Report
For Part 4: Frequent Waves of Intense Sensations
For Part 5: A Cat and Mouse Game to Our next Destination
For Part 6: Hail to The OfficerSeriously!
For Part 7: Starship Landing Pad Ready for Operation!
For Part 8: The Panther Signifies a Time of Rebirth and So
Much More
For Part 9: Dee, Gee, Crystals, and Rain Galore!
For Part 10: The Unlikely Red Target
For Part 11: Blissed Out and Blown Out
For Part 12: A Crystal Wonderworld
For Part 13: Saddened to Leave Arkansas
For Part 14: An Urgent Call From Our Native Ancestors!
For Part 15: Mission Accomplished!!!
With love,
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