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08 November, 2015

Message Six

Eternal GEN
Purpose 37:28
by Jesus
through his
body the
church What Happens by Grace
What Your Salvation Has Defining Your DESTINY on
• One condition—believing faith the Road to EGYPT Land
Thesis: • Two cardinal facts—you in 1. _______________, Rom 8:15;
There is one gift troubles Christ; Christ in you John 15:16
cannot touch: your • Three tenses—redeemed from A. ____________, Heb 10:14
▉▉▉▉▉▉▉ in God’s B. For the _______, Eph 1:5-6
sin’s past penalty, released
Eternal Purpose.
from sin’s present power, C. For __________________,
nnn removed from sin’s future 2 Tim 2:12
presence 2. ______________, Rom 11:29
• Eternal duration 3. _______________, Rom 8:29
4. ______________, Eph 1:3;2:6
Definition: Your destiny is the
things God gives you that cannot
Point 1. Your struggles will not
be __________ from you.
last forever, but you _________. Heb 10:14 For by one offering he hath
Rom 8:15 For ye have not received the perfected for ever them that are
spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye Point 2. If you play your life for sanctified.
have received the Spirit of adoption, Eph 1:5-6 Having predestinated us unto
God’s Eternal Purpose, you know
whereby we cry, Abba, Father. the adoption of children by Jesus Christ
John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I
the Devil’s __________ cannot to himself, according to the good
have chosen you, and ordained you, steal your divine destiny. pleasure of his will, to the praise of the
that ye should go and bring forth fruit, glory of his grace, wherein he hath
and that your fruit should remain: made us accepted in the beloved.
Point 3. The tragedy of forgetting
1 Pet 1:19 But [ye were redeemed] with
the precious blood of Christ, as of a
your destiny is you define your-
lamb without blemish and without spot: self according to your ________.
Reaching...discipling...equipping to fulfill the mission of the Great Commission | 816-224-9113 |
The Trajectory of Joseph
CONFORMITY in God’s Eternal Purpose
TO CHRIST abandoned—enslaved—
so far…!

Point 4. Your standing is what lets

you see ____________ the present FAST FACTS
challenge. A. Spectacular Dress, 3-4

1. His Vesture, 3
Prayer Diary Download
Point 5. Standing not only 2. His Visions, 4
At https://
reinforces your hope in the future, B. Symbolic Dreams, 5-11
but it gives you the power of 1. Sheaves: Controlling World wshelby for more
Resources, 5-8
announcement detail
________________ in the present.
2. Stars: Controlling World
Rulers, 9-11
Ministerio Hispano
Point 6. Centered ____________- III. BETRAYAL BY HATERS, 12-36 11:00 A.M. salón 6
____________ will be a result of A. Questions, 12-14
Queremos cordialmente
understanding my standing and B. Criminality, 15-22
invitarle a nuestra
letting it point me to my destiny. 1. Conscious Wickedness, 15-20
Ministerio Hispano,
a. Combined enmity, 15-18
enseñado por Rudy
b. Consuming envy, 19-20
Point 7. Cultivate a constructive 2. Criminal Weakness, 21-22

____________________ that will C. Captivity, 23-28

Tonight 5:30P.M.
motivate you to ministry and 1. Coat, 23
Revelation 21 and
involvement in the mission, so you 2. Cast, 24
Jr Choir practice
can turn your prison into free 3. Compromise, 24-27

4. Cash, 28
Wednesday 7:00P.M.
growth by free grace.
D. Conspiracy, 29-36
Midweek Service and
1. Conscience, 29-30
AWANA club
2. Calculation, 31-33

2 Tim 2:12 if we suffer, we shall also reign 3. Consumed, 34-35

Sermon Video
with him: if we deny him, he also will deny
4. Conclusion, 36
Rom 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God Pastor Alan Shelby
are without repentance. Eph 1:3; 2:6 Blessed be the God and
Rom 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath
also did predestinate to be conformed to blessed us with all spiritual blessings in
Like us on
the image of his Son, that he might be the heavenly places in Christ: and hath raised
firstborn among many brethren. us up together, and made us sit together in
heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
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Nov 8 Bought and Brought: What Happens by Grace, Gen 37:28 follow @likeitshotalan
Nov 15 Bottom’s Up, Not Bottom-less, Gen 39:1-5 on
Nov 22 Baptism Service, 9:00 & 11:00A.M.
Nov 29 Lord’s Supper, all services

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