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Are you male, and are you turned on by naked hot girls who kiss and rub and

each other? Then you might soon be a dead man, because you're exactly the manmeat these lesbian zombies are after!
Lesbian Zombies from Outer Space is a full-color, limited-release comic book series
where fantasy becomes a nightmare. This Kickstarter campaign is meant to raise funds
for the completion of an apocalyptic zom-com the likes of which you've never seen.

l from Issue #2
Mature themes, crude humor, and the occasional bared, undead breasts -- you've got to
get your hands on Issue #3, when Ace and Gwen find shelter in a church!
(Yes, it's a Catholic Church. Yes, there are nuns. Do the math.)

ACE JOHNSON (20s) is a regular guy. He manages a mom-and-pop video store, and he
likes porn. GWEN MOFFET (20s) is a lesbian of mediocre looks. She's not too successful
with the ladies, and she hates guys who like porn. But when a mysterious SPACE QUEEN
crash lands in the woods, the town's women start turning into lesbian zombies, and
these unlikely heroes are the only ones left to stop the apocalypse.
While Ace is our protagonist, the real stars of the show are the lesbian zombies
themselves. What sets these zombies apart from any you've seen before? In this world,
only women can become zombies, and when they do, they are transformed into their
idealized sexual self. They will flaunt their sexuality to attract their real victims: men.
And while classic zombies are interested in brains, the lesbian zombies are looking to
munch on something below the belt...

Issue #1, where Ace first realizes there's a problem...

This comic is not for your mom.

In my first campaign I offered some high-brow thematic reasoning for the story's villains.
You can check out that, along with some other influences on the story here. However, I
don't think any supporters turned out to be staunch feminists or gender studies

academics, so... Lesbian Zombies are just kind of awesome. Especially when they're
from outer space.

ng just met, Ace and Gwen try to figure out what the hell is going on.

n seems to know an awful lot about lesbians...

much do you want to bet there's not a man out there with the last name "Mangina"?

and Gwen seek shelter in a church.

e #3 - Will add colored version shortly

e #3 - Will add colored version shortly

e #3 - Will add colored version shortly
Will the exorcism work? Or would you rather see a bunch of lesbian zombie nuns tear
up that church? I wouldn't hold my breath for that priest...

Apart from Issue #3, the earlier issues are also available as rewards. And considering
that Issue #2 has not yet been made available anywhere yet, I'm hoping most returned
backers will want both issues.
The Rewards are basically broken down into three categories: Digital delivery, standard
print delivery, and R-rated Variant Cover print delivery. Within these three tiers, I made it
possible to get just Issue #3, 2 & 3, or all three issues if you're new to the series.
The highest tier rewards have special items, like t-shirts, Kickstarter-only art, a
Sketchbook created specifically for the campaign, and even the chance to be drawn into
the comic.

Lesbian Zombies from Outer Space is a 100% creator-owned project. With your help,
I will be able to cover the production costs of the book as well as print and ship your
rewards. I know that Kickstarter has an enthusiastic and supportive comics community
which has recently allowed indie artists and writers to find a more democratic publishing
format than the established system. Your pledges are vital to bringing the lesbian-zombie
apocalypse to life.
And besides, it's only here on Kickstarter where Ace can make the following plea:

Riesgos y desafos
The Lesbian Zombies are still Coming. Thanks to all the support from backers on our first
campaign, Issue #1 is complete and it looks fantastic. As I mentioned in the Risks &
Challenges for that go-around, it was my first published and printed comic book, so I was
learning as I went. At this point with Issues 1 & 2 complete, and #3 on its way, the
creative team is a motivated collaborative machine, and we're all excited about finishing
the limited-series.
Apart from their awesome and obvious creative talent, Wayne tells me when I've tried to
stuff too much info in a panel, and Monds points out continuity flubs. I just thank the
gods that I'm lucky enough to work with such talented people.
If there are any unavoidable delays, I will definitely keep everyone apprised of the
situation. But you will get your reward in the end. (No, that was not a veiled threat.) The
backers for Issue #1 had no complaints, and I hope many of them have returned for the
next round.
Ms informacin sobre el concepto de responsabilidad en Kickstarter

Preguntas frecuentes

Is LZfOS recommended for my 10-year-old nephew?

Hot zombies? Won't they ever decompose?

Will this offend lesbians, or the LGBT community in general?

I'm Catholic and my faith is strong and important to me. Will this issue offend me?

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