Research Task Helmut Newton: Hayley Warren

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Hayley Warren

Research task

Helmut Newton
Helmut Newton is a famous photographer who primarily specialized
in fashion photography early on but later became well known for his
portraits of nude women.

His start in life was relatively difficult in comparison to many other

well-known photographers. He was born in Berlin, Germany in 1920.
By 1938 as he was from jewish decent and the oppression of the
Jews throughout Germany became to rough on his family. His father
had lost his job and they decided to leave Germany. On their way to
China Helmut Newton had found himself staying in Singapore
working as an intern for portrait photography. This was his first job
in the photography field.

He made his way to Australia during the height of the Second World
War. Throughout several years there, Newton had become a citizen
of Australia and had even setup his own studio post-world war. This
was a very influential time throughout all culture and he had really
set himself up as one of the most well known fashion photographers
in the world.

Later on in life, Newton had moved to California in the United

States. He then started working as one of the pioneer
photographers for the popular magazine, Playboy. Many of his
photographs taken for Playboy still remain as some of Hugh
Heffner’s favorites of all time.

Due to Helmut Newton’s sheer popularity, his photographs are

worthy quite a bit of money. In fact, in 2003, roughly a year before
his death, two of his photographs he had taken for Playboy were
sold for close to $25,000 a piece. His photographs have only
climbed in value since his death.

He was buried in his hometown of Berlin which he always loved very

much despite living several places across the world.

Baron Wolman
Baron Wolman is one of the most well-known photographers of the
rock and roll years. He is infamous for his photographs of people like
Jimmy Hendrix and other pioneer and revolutionary musical artists.
What started out as being the chief photographer for a new
Hayley Warren

magazine known as Rolling Stones, he has claimed some of the best

and most recognizable photographs as his own work.

As mentioned, his start in photography was certainly anything but

glamorous. In fact, he started out just doing your average
photography around the house. It became a hobby for him. In fact,
he did not do anything professionally. He had a good friend of his
who had this idea about starting a magazine known as Rolling
Stone. His friend, only a young buck at 21 years old asked his older
friend, Baron Wolman who was 30 years old at the time if he would
like to help with the photography side of it. Thus, this was the start
of his professional career.

Baron Wolman still comments to this day how the music industry
was so much different then in comparison to now days. Back then,
he says that the musicians were open and willing to show you their
real self. When you took pictures of them, they were friendly and
responsive to your suggestions and ideas. As well, he always had
free reign with them. Many of them would have considered Baron
Wolman their friend. Baron was always able to go backstage after
concerts to visit with them and photograph them.

In today’s day and age, the musicians distance themselves. They

feel like they have to protect themselves from the photographers. In
fact, they will consistently try to avoid them. This is probably the
paranoia led on by the paparazzi that always seems to follow them.
Few of them now days have the class that Baron Wolman did with
his photography subjects.

While Baron Wolman is most well-known for his works with the
Rolling Stone magazine that was relatively short lived. He decided
to leave Rolling Stone only after a few years to pursue other
photography endeavors. There are no other works that are as
popular as the early rock and roll photography that he has done, but
he says he is equally proud of his later work.

Almost immediately after leaving Rolling Stone he went to work with

the Oakland Raiders. He followed them around for a while just
taking action photographs of them while playing. He also took one
of the most memorable photographs of John Madden and the rest of
his team after a successful year.

From there, Baron Wolman was invited to be a part of the blimp still
Hayley Warren

taking shots for the NFL. However, that quickly peaked an interest in
aerial photography. In fact, he was so interested that he took his
interest to the next level. He decided to go to flight school and
become a pilot. He still enjoys flying and what aerial photography
provides. He spent many years simply taking photographs from his
own personal plane. These pictures were so beautiful that they were
published inside of a book that became very popular among pilots
and anyone else who was interested in aerial point of views.

Baron Wolman still is an active photographer who enjoys his work.

He likes changing it up and doing different things. He even became
interest in nude photography. Baron actually ended up teaching a
class on the subject at the collegiate level. He is passionate about
his work, and that separates him from many of the other average

Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams is a prominent photographer primarily known for his

work throughout Yosemite National Park. He was also well known for
his scientific accomplishments in the field of photography.

Ansel Adams had an interesting life growing up. He was actually

born to an upper class family in the state of California. He is well
known for having the crooked nose which he never had corrected
but was the result of an aftershock from the 1906 San Francisco
earthquake. The aftershock had actually thrown him into a garden
wall. The result of the aftershock also started a large fire in a nearby
town, nearly burning the entire town to the ground. It was one of his
first memories as he was only four years old at the time.

As Ansel was growing up his parents taught him to love nature. This
was a slight paradox considering his father owned a lumber
company and this industry is responsible for tearing through some
of the largest Redwood trees. It is ironic that despite his family
being so closely tied to the industry that Ansel Adams later on in life
heavily criticized the industry for their practices. Still though, Ansel
and his father shared a passion early on for the landscape and
wildlife around Yosemite. They would frequently find themselves
going outdoors just to spend some time looking through a telescope
to view the beautiful scenery.

This is likely what had probably led him to a passion for

photography. He came into the industry early on but the going thing
Hayley Warren

was trying to have photographs resemble that of paintings. This

meant a lack of clarity, but with color. Ansel Adams actually had
changed the industry as his photographs grew in popularity. He
favored realism and tried to ensure his photographs displayed a lot
of clarity. This is why his pictures are still used in many magazines,
calendars, despite how old many of them are. Adams photographs
are often very recognizable. They were very high resolution and
using superior dark room techniques that he helped develop, he was
able to produce some of the clearest pictures of that time era.

Ansel Adams still remains as one of the pioneers in the industry as

well for his zone system which he co-developed. This is what helped
improve the quality of photographs so dramatically over this era of
photography. He had developed a systematic way of determining
what the proper exposure should be and helps you adjust the
contrast of the final print.

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