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Chakra Balancing

Remedy Guide

Your Guidebook for True Balance

With over 75 creative ideas for healing
your energy imbalances and renewing your soul.


Chakra Balancing Remedy Guide:

Your Guidebook for True Balance
Sonia Choquette

Helping Yourself and the World: An Introduction 2
Your Divine Rights 4
Your First Chakra: Balanced Foundation 5
Your Second Chakra: Balanced 10
Your Third Chakra: Balanced Sovereignty 15
Your Fourth Chakra: Balanced Heart 19
Your Fifth Chakra: Balanced 24
Your Sixth Chakra: Balanced Personal 29
Your Seventh Chakra: Your Crowning Glory 34
Some Final Thoughts 39
True Balance 40

Sonia Choquette, Ph.D., is a writer, intuitive and spiritual counselor who has been in private practice for
nearly 30 years. She is the author of the Nightingale-Conant audiocassette programs Your Psychic Pathway
and Creating Your Hearts Desire, as well as several best-selling books. A popular lecturer and workshop
leader, she lives in Chicago with her husband and two children. Her Website is

MM by Sonia Choquette
NIGHTINGALE-CONANT CORPORATION 7300 North Lehigh Avenue Niles, Illinois 60714

The most profound gifts you

can give the world are to be happy ...
to be whole ...and to be a balanced being.


Welcome to True Balance, a first-aid kit for your soul.
When you feel balanced and whole, you help heal the world. In fact, the happier and more balanced you
are, the more profoundly contributing you will be to this planet and everything living on it. On a soul level,
if every one of us decides to take better care of ourselves - if we decide to bring ourselves into balance - we
can create a much-improved future for ourselves, our children and our planet.
But balance is sometimes easier to talk about - and to long for - than to attain. In our misguided efforts to
achieve this desired balanced state, we often feel the solution is to become more active, to simply do more,
to make more commitments in our already over-committed lives. This is not the right approach; it sets us
up for certain failure. Action for actions sake often leads to a life of increased imbalance.
The Keys to Attaining Balance
Corresponding to your physical body, is your spiritual anatomy, your overlying soul. It is as much a part of
who you are as is your body.
The foundation of this alternate, spiritual anatomy is your chakra system, seven energy centers located at
specific sites throughout your body. Each governs particular body parts and organs, as well as particular
parts of your personality and psyche, as well as of your psychological and emotional makeup and well
When balanced, each of the seven chakras provide powerful benefits to you and your life:
Chakra One Chakra Two Chakra Three Chakra Four Chakra Five Chakra Six Chakra Seven 2

Balanced Foundation
Balanced Vitality
Balanced Sovereignty
Balanced Heart
Balanced Expression
Balanced Personal Vision
Your Crowning Glory

How to Use This Program

Begin True Balance by listening to the complete audiocassette program first, straight through. Start with
your first chakra, then move upward - numerically and geographically inside your body - through all
seven. Become familiar with your energy centers. Gain a general education about what the chakra system
is all about, where each chakra is located, what each provides, what each takes as its focus.
After listening to the program once, return to the beginning. This time, after completing a cassette on a
particular chakra, read the corresponding section of this workbook.
In these pages youll find an overview of information contained on the cassettes, as well as questions that
will not only help you understand your spiritual anatomy better, but also - and most importantly - help you
understand yourself better. These questions will allow you to identify where you might be out of balance,
areas on which you must focus and work. It is important you answer these questions as honestly and
completely as possible.
Remedies for Balancing Your Chakras
A key feature of this workbook - and information you will find nowhere else in this program - is the
presentation of specific, proven-effective remedies for bringing each of your chakras into balance.
At the end of each workbook section, you will find a list of exercises and suggestions designed to bring
harmony to your energy centers. Most seem deceptively simple - for example, taking a bubble bath; who
cant do that? -yet their powerful results definitely will have a lasting, positive impact on your life.
If you identify a particular chakra as being out of balance, select one or two of these remedies. Seriously
undertake them. Honor them. Youll be pleasantly surprised by the changes youll find in your outlook,
actions and general sense of well being
A Final Note
This isnt another to-do list. Its a way to raise your awareness, to learn tools for heightening your consciousness, for creating more joy, openness, enthusiasm, optimism and generosity in your life. Its a way to
find harmony - in yourself, in others, and in the world.
Undertake this exciting journey understanding that True Balance is really about learning to love your life.
Its about translating the life you have now into one you want. It is about becoming who you want to be.


Your seven energy centers - your chakras - are the seat of your natural rights, given to you by the Universe
at your birth. Yet sometimes during the course of our busy lives, we forget we have been given these Divine
rights. We do not honor them or, by extension, ourselves.
Some of your most valuable rights are listed below. Repeat them to yourself on a daily basis. Put this list
where you can see it often. Remember what exactly it is the Universe wants you to have - and what exactly
it has already given you.

I Have the Right...

I have the right to have my basic needs fulfilled.
I have the right to feel nurtured, safe and valued.
I have the right to my desires.
I have the right to feel my emotions and to express them freely.
I have the right to personal choice.
I have the right to make decisions that honor who I am.
I have the right to draw boundaries and say no.
I have the right to love freely.
I have the right to be loved.
I have the right to speak my truth.
I have the right to see the world as beautiful.
I have the right to my dreams.
I have the right to what my inner teacher offers me.
I have the right to a personal relationship with God.


Your personal power and well being are centered in your first chakra. Located in the energy field at the
base of your tailbone, it provides the firm foundation necessary to living, establishes personal access to
everything needed in order to survive and grow, and offers a basic sense of security and safety.
Your first chakras main role is to help you meet your basic needs for survival - smoothly, certainly, and
with grace. It focuses attention on your daily needs and stimulates your ability to fulfill them. The result is
confidence - in yourself and the Universe - and connection, a true sense of spiritual heritage and community kinship.
When your first chakra is balanced, you are said to be well-rooted. You feel accepted, secure. You enjoy a
sense of support and nurturing from the Universe itself. It supports your efforts to stay connected to your
true spiritual heritage and creates a sense of belonging. You dont worry much and inherently expect the
best out of life.
With an open, balanced first chakra, you are reassuring to be around, trusting and optimistic. You are calm.
People gravitate toward you for comfort and support.

First Chakra Facts

The first chakra governs eating, the need for shelter, warmth, and comfort and
the desire to feel protected.
A well-balanced first chakra results in a feeling of calm and an aura of quiet
strength and confidence.
In your body, the first chakra governs the bones, blood, immune system, colon,
rectum, legs and feet.
An apt image for the first chakra is a plant or tree rooted firmly in Mother Earth.
The first chakra vibrates with the color red.
The first chakras mission statement is, I want, I need.

Maintaining a balanced foundation is an ongoing and sometimes challenging process. Life is ever changing, and you must be able to go with the flow, bending like the branches of a tree in an unpredictable
wind. Because it is impossible to control your external environment, you must concentrate on creating an

inner environment that is both solid and flexible. Discover what makes you feel safe and secure, what
soothes you. Always keep these things in mind, especially in trying times.
Diet plays a big part in your foundation, which is undermined by poor eating or by eating food with no life
source. Poor eating including filler food, like fast food or prepackaged food that contains no nutrients.
Your foundation is only as good as your body, so you must be careful of the fuel you provide it.
When You Experience An Imbalance
When your first chakra is out of balance, you feel weak and insecure. You worry excessively about money.
You fail to connect with others, feel isolated and self-conscious, and are unreasonably suspicious. An imbalanced first chakra leaves you feeling unwelcome, unworthy, unwanted and afraid. And you are anxious al l
the time-about everything.
This imbalance may have been caused by events in your past, for example an insufficiently loving or stable
home life during your youth. Also, not having enough money, attention or affection while growing up can
affect the first chakra too. Any kind of change can unsettle your foundation and impact your first chakra.
Perhaps most destabilizing of all is worrying about change before it happens, if in fact it ever does.
Imagining a potential shift in your foundation can be as damaging to your first chakra as the real thing.
Whatever the cause, a damaged first chakra can lead to insecurity and anxiety, even full-blown paranoia.
Sometimes people try to correct a weak foundation, a closed first chakra, by overcompensating in the
opposite direction. In these instances, the focus on basic survival becomes exaggerated. You feel that everything is a potential threat. Meeting your basic needs becomes a struggle. You may become aggressive in
your efforts to take care of yourself, resulting in pushiness, manipulation and greed.
How is Your Foundation?
Answer the following questions in the space provided. Use a separate sheet of paper if you require more space.
1) How often do your feel concerned about your very survival? About your ability to provide yourself with
the basics life - food, shelter, clothing?

2) Do you feel safe? Under what circumstances do you have concerns about your safety? Did you feel safe
as a child?

3) Do you feel you are in trouble financially? Why? What are you doing about it?

4) Do you consider yourself a suspicious person? Do you take people at face value? Do you give them the
benefit of the doubt? If not, why not?

5) Have you recently changed jobs? Gotten married? Ended a relationship? Lost someone through death?
Gone back to school? How has this made you feel?

6) How self-nurturing are you? Is your diet nutritious? Do you exercise? Do you get enough sleep?

7) Describe your three most important relationships. How solid are they? What do you get out of them?
How safe do you feel in them?

First Chakra Remedies

The following are things you can do right now to repair damage to your first chakra.

Get hugged or held. One of the best remedies for an imbalanced first chakra. If you have no one to
do the hugging, dont forget these solo tension-draining techniques:
- Create a natural heating pad by placing your hands behind your back, just beneath your buttocks,
fingers pointed down, as if sitting on your hands.
- Lie down, put both your hands just above your tailbone and gently hold your bottom for at least
15 minutes.
- Rub your lower back or buttocks for 10 or 15 minutes.

Invest in good bedding. People who dont create a safe, comfortable sleeping space wont be rested
or renewed.

Garden. There is nothing more powerful for grounding and balancing the first chakra than putting
your hands in soil. Even growing a few potted herbs in your kitchen will do.

Cook. The act of lovingly preparing food is very healing. It is powerful energy medicine, and not only
can it heal your first chakra, but also heal anyone who eats the food you make.

Take a walk. As you walk - or run, if thats preferable - bring your full awareness to the moment,
thinking of nothing but your connection to the ground. Breathe deeply.

Start your day dancing. This is a blast, one that really gets you out of your head and into your feet as
you begin your day in the right direction.

Go barefoot. Take off your shoes when you enter your home. This is a wonderful ritual for grounding
your first chakra and bringing your full awareness to the fact that when you are home you are in a
sacred, safe place.

Have a picnic. Get in touch with the ground by having a picnic with someone you enjoy. Terrible
weather? A blanket on your living room floor is equally as grounding.

Think of your first-chakra foundation in these terms




Your emotional and sensual well-being - your vitality - are located in your second chakra, situated in your
lower abdomen. It is the seat of your emotion, desire, sexuality and pleasure. Key to all of your senses, the
second chakra also oversees your intuitive and emotional feelings.
The primary impulse of your second chakra is to gratify your desires. This is the domain of your inner child.
One of its key aspects is inventiveness and creativity that allow you - through your feelings - to discover who
you are and what life itself is.
Romance is a second-chakra art form, the greatest expression of your vitality. People with well-balanced
second chakras find all things romantic much easier to access and much more enjoyable. Less a matter of
who you meet than who you are, awakening the romantic in you allows you to feel pleasure while bringing
pleasure to others.
To do that, you must be in touch with your feelings. You must know what brings you pleasure, what you
desire. Let your senses guide you. What food or drink do you love? Do certain aromas move you? What colors
excite or soothe you? What music turns you on? What sights-or sites-elicit emotional responses in you?

Second Chakra Facts

The second chakra creates your passion for life, celebrating good times, good sex
and good food.
A well-balanced second chakra will result in a satisfied appetite for life, physical
gratification, emotional fulfillment and creative expression.
In your body, the second chakra governs the sexual and reproductive organs, the
bladder and part of the lower intestine.
An apt image for the second chakra is a warm, exciting fireplace in your belly.
The second chakra vibrates with the color orange.
The second chakras mission statement is I feel, I sense, I discover.

Because vitality by its very nature is highly changeable, if you are to be truly in touch with your secondchakra energy you must learn to accept all of your feelings, both good and bad. Even unsettling feelings are
valid, and you should not, as too many people do, shut down these bad feelings or ignore them because
youve been taught they are somehow bad. Remember that feelings of all kinds-both good and bad,

light and dark - are your teachers. Experiencing even an unpleasant feeling may be a gift, for it offers you
an opportunity to understand yourself further.
Balanced vitality is a lifestyle, a way of living. A balanced second chakra brings with it sensitivity and
good taste, as well as a celebration of beauty and harmony. It enables you to be aware that you are delicate,
sensitive creature for whom material possessions - though exceedingly nice - really represent comfort, stimulation and beauty for you.
Strive to keep the atmosphere and attitude in your life as beautiful as possible. Allow yourself to seek out
beauty, to respond to it, to create it yourself. Understand that creating beauty is one of the highest and
most healing purposes you can pursue.
When You Experience An Imbalance
When your second chakra is unbalanced, you might have the tendency of avoiding, controlling or ignoring
your feelings. Or you might even disconnect from the sensual altogether, severing yourself from your senses
and your feelings, and living your life in your head. If the imbalance is great enough, you could experience
self-denial, self-rejection and self-deprivation. Shadows can envelope your life, putting to an end all spontaneity, pleasure and joy.
At its very worst, an imbalanced second chakra can lead to anorexia, bulimia, addiction, sexual dysfunction
and depression. These conditions are the result - to one extent or another - of trying to repress your sensual
nature, to stop the flow of feelings. Not only your emotional state can be thrown into crisis when a lack of
vitality leads to these conditions, but your physical well being can be impaired as well, in many cases to the
extent of threatening your life.
If you have fallen into addictive patterns, you are attempting to balance your second chakra and to nurture
yourself in the wrong way. Addictive behavior ends only when we seek nurturing sources that can help ease
our emptiness. Thats why 12-step programs are so effective.
How is Your Vitality?
Answer the following questions in the space provided. Use a separate sheet of paper if you need more space.
1) What are you pursuing in your life now that brings you pleasure? What would you like to pursue?


2) What are your passions?

3) Do you like your body? Do you enjoy what it can do? How do you nurture it? Pamper it?

4) Do you enjoy being sexual? If not, why not? Do you feel people put too much emphasis on the sexual
aspects of life?

5) How do you celebrate? How do you reward yourself? When was the last time you gave yourself a
reward - and what did you do?

6) What is your idea of the perfect romantic evening?


7) Have you ever worried you have an addiction? Explain what made you wonder about it.

Second Chakra Remedies

The following are things you can do right now to repair damage to your second chakra.

Get a massage. Safe, caring physical touch therapy can be extraordinarily effective in helping a person
get back in touch with their emotions. Reflexology - foot massage - is another excellent remedy, as if
getting a manicure or pedicure.

Take a sensual bath. A handful of baths salts or a few drops of bath oil transform any bath into a healing spa. Epsom salt baths, hydrotherapy baths and whirlpool baths are wonderful for balancing the second chakra.

Receive aromatherapy. One way to experience aromatherapy is to place an essential oil directly on
your skin. Another powerful way is to place the oil in your bath and soak in the scented water. A third
way is to use a diffuser.

Indulge in chocolate. Eating chocolate releases endorphins, which are highly powerful feel-good hormones. A tiny piece of chocolate can create a sweet, intoxicating feeling. But chocoholics beware - too
much chocolate creates too many endorphins, as well as negative results. Chocolate addicts should
avoid this remedy!

Get a good haircut. Nothing works wonders for the second chakra like a decent haircut. Long considered
to have a sensual quality, when hair is well styled and looks terrific, the world sits up and takes notice.

Feel the vibrations. Sit on the floor and put your bare feet in front of a stereo speaker while playing
rousing music. In this way, your entire body is awakened to the sounds and vibrations of the music.
This remedy is particularly helpful if youre having a terrible day, or if you have a case of the blues.

Work with clay. There is something fundamentally gratifying to your sensual nature when you slap a
big piece of wet, slippery clay down on a hard surface and begin to shape it into something meaningful.

Bake bread. Working dough, slapping it onto a hard surface and kneading it is sensually satisfying. You
can be certain that touch, feel and aroma all combine when baking bread to make for a delightful


Bring nature indoors. A home filled with live plants - like ferns, a fichus, jade plants or cacti - offers
soothing and nurturing sensuality and actually raises the vibration of the space. Also, offer yourself
flowers on a regular basis.

Rocking. Get a rocking chair or porch swing and relax in it for at least 10 minutes every time your
spirit needs soothing.

Send love notes. Simple and generous, leave secret love notes for other people. The look in someones
eyes when they receive a love note is worth savoring forever.

Clean the house. Cleaning the house reconnects you with your dwelling space, helps you reestablish
order and harmony, and restores beauty to your surroundings.

Be a Good Samaritan. This wonderful, caring ritual embodies sensitivity, creativity and generosity.
Recipients will be appreciative, but youre the one who will get the most from it.

Think of your second-chakra vitality in these terms





If the second chakra is the domain of your inner child, the third chakra - located in your solar plexus,
halfway between your navel and ribcage - is the domain of your inner adult. It is the center of your intellect and personal power, giving you the ability to stay true to your course in life.
Courage, integrity and choice are the backbone of personal sovereignty. They offer you the ability to say
no, to set limits, to stand up for yourself, as well as to be honest about your intentions and motivations.
Balanced sovereignty keeps you faithful to all things essential to your physical, emotional and spiritual well
being. Your third chakra can ensure you have the stamina to stay the course no matter what is going on in
your life.
It endows you with self-reliance, good concentration, focused intention, confidence and a well-directed
sense of being in control of your own destiny. It is the energy center that most influences your personal and
professional relationships. Those connections are based on the relationship you have with yourself, what
you estimate your own value to be. If your power is balanced, you feel worthy and confident to make decisions productive to your life.

Third Chakra Facts

The third chakra rules your self-direction, self-control, personal will and physical
A well-balanced third chakra results in high self-esteem and the ability to accept
responsibility for yourself, while assuming personal authority over your life.
In your body, the third chakra governs the stomach, pancreas, upper intestines,
gallbladder, liver and lower back.
An apt image for the third chakra is the bright sun.
The third chakra vibrates with the color yellow.
The third chakras mission statement is I choose, I intend, I will.

Because the third chakra is sometimes known as the warriors chakra, it is the source of your ability to
stop whatever or whoever dishonors you, no matter how intimidating or fearful that might seem. With a
powerful, balanced third chakra, you will understand that the greatest form your own personal power can
take is that of surrendering yourself to a Higher Power. You will know that if you ask the Universe to direct
your course, you will not be let down.

You will also understand that something as simple as breathing is important to the maintenance of your
personal power. Whenever you feel threatened or afraid, just place your hands over your third chakra right in the middle of your stomach - and breathe deliberately and deeply until you feel calm.
When You Experience An Imbalance
Physically, an imbalanced third chakra can result in digestive problems, ulcers, irritable colon, gallbladder
problems, excessive weight around your middle and loss of appetite. Spiritually, you can fail to live your
own truth and to be who you are really meant to be.
Codependency - making decisions or taking actions based on the belief that pleasing others is more important
than pleasing yourself - is among the negative emotional consequences of imbalanced personal sovereignty. So
are fear of rejection, disapproval or abandonment, as well as depression, addiction and suppressed anger.
The third chakra can also be imbalanced in the other direction: You can have too much sovereignty. When
that happens, you can become narrow-minded, relentless and unyielding. Extremely overcompensating
people can be intimidating, overbearing and insensitive. Although society actually honors some of these
aggressive qualities, they produce workaholism, strained relationships and the inability to slow down or
How is Your Sovereignty?
Answer the following questions in the space provided. Use a separate sheet of paper if you need more space.
1) What parts of your personality are you unhappy with? What are you doing to improve them?

2) Are you living in fear of anyone or anything? Who? What?


3) Can you say no easily? Can you express your opinions openly? Can you address authority figures
without fear? How do you feel when you try?

4) Are you satisfied with the choices you are making in your life? Why or why not? Which choices most
dissatisfy you?

5) How respected do you feel at work? At home? Among your friends and family?

6) Are you a workaholic or overachiever? How do you feel about that?

7) What are you really committed to in your life right now?


Third Chakra Remedies

The following are things you can do right now to repair damage to your third chakra.

Throw a costume party. Reclaim lost parts of yourself by choosing who you want to be and expressing
something genuine, yet hidden, about yourself. This ritual also creates a sense of safety in being yourself
in a way you may otherwise not feel safe expressing.

Protect your solar plexus. Fold your hands over your solar plexus when you speak with someone you
fear or who has a negative effect on you. Or position your body so you dont face them directly in order
to prevent their energy from invading you.

Express your anger. Actively give yourself permission to express the pent-up anger you struggle to keep
down. Whether with a punching bag, by screaming in the shower or raging against pillows, this is a
very cathartic third-chakra remedy.

Pretend youre someone you dont like. Pick a person you dont like and for an hour or two see the
world through their eyes. If done right, this exercise will have amazing effects on your awareness

Acknowledge your mission in life. Choose a day to acknowledge your mission, preparing by attaining a
golden yellow candle (the color of the third chakra) and a special sheet of paper. On your chosen day,
light the candle and say a prayer for guidance. Then write your mission statement in life on your special
paper. Display your mission statement in a prominent place, perhaps even framing it.

Think of your third-chakra sovereignty in these terms





Located near your heart, in the very center of your chest, your fourth chakra is the domain of human intimacy. It is essential to affection, warmth, nurturing, friendship and familiarity. Your fourth chakra is the
seat of your ability to feel joy, unity, laughter and, especially, love - the very highest power in your life. It
expands your capacity to be generous, sensitive, forgiving and tolerant.
With a balanced fourth chakra, the circulation of your blood is healthy and smooth, your heart rhythm is
regular and your arteries are clear from blockage. However, when your spiritual heart is closed, there is a
heavy feeling in your chest. Your breathing may feel labored. People who have trouble giving or receiving
love freely - or who feel unloved - might suffer from heart or breast diseases.
The fourth chakra is generally considered the most important energy center in your psyche, because it is
from this chakra that love emanates. It is naturally associated with family, partners, friends, spiritual family
members and animals. When it is balanced, you care about how you affect others. You want to touch them
in a positive, nurturing way. You want to reveal to them the power of love.
Your heart chakra awakens the amazing realization of your place in the big picture, helping you understand
that youre a spiritual being, a precious child of the Universe. Through it, you learn harmony and balance,
and you a attain a more global perspective.

Fourth Chakra Facts

The fourth chakra rules your compassion, forgiveness, generosity and love.
A well-balanced fourth chakra will result in stimulating your highest ideals and
desires, and leave you feeling positive and nurturing.
In your body, the fourth chakra governs the heart, circulation, breasts and arteries.
An apt image for the fourth chakra is an open doorway.
The fourth chakra vibrates with the color green.
The fourth chakras mission statement is I give, I care, I love.

When your heart chakra is balanced, you non-judgmentally accept yourself and others. You recognize
beauty - in yourself and in everyone - while overlooking weaknesses. It is because of a balanced fourth
chakra that you are kind and forgiving, as well as quick to pardon. You are also tolerant, optimistic,
resourceful and humorous.

If your fourth chakra is open and balanced, you enter into a state of attraction. The power of love, magnetic and harmonious, seeks out positive experiences. It brings great things into your life, often at the exact
time you need them most. This is called synchronicity.
The key to keeping your heart chakra open and balanced is dealing effectively with a situation called the protective heart. It is natural that in difficult, painful times we try to protect ourselves from undue agony. This
reaction can be very helpful in a crisis. However, covering up the energetic heart, protecting it from these
painful experiences, is meant only as a temporary shield. You must be careful not to pull this protective shield
over your heart permanently. When that happens, you distance yourself from others, cut yourself off. You can
experience a servere heart chakra imbalance called the closed heart. It can be debilitating
When You Experience An Imbalance
If your fourth chakra is off balance or shut down, you might have a tendency to run away from intimacy.
You might even intentionally push otherwise loving and lovable people away from you. Without this sense
of connection, you become critical, suspicious and defensive. Paranoia becomes a real possibility. If your
heart center shuts down completely, you may be inclined toward secrecy, betrayal and addictions.
In fact, a vicious cycle of rejection and flight can too-easily be set up. By closing your heart, you continue
to push people away, who in response reject you again, seemingly validating your initial determination to
seal yourself off. Again and again you pull back. Again and again youre pushed away. Its a self-fulfilling
prophecy. Your heart becomes more closed and you become more isolated.
A fourth chakra imbalanced in the opposite direction - too wide open - causes problems, too. You can
become too empathetic, too easily picking up on the anger or depression of others. You live at the mercy of
the moods and feelings of those around you. This can be psychically and physically draining.
How is Your Heart?
Answer the following questions in the space provided. Use a separate sheet of paper if you need more space.
1) What events or experiences have caused you to engage your protective heart? Is that protective heart
still in place?


2) Do you take offense easily? Are you quick to forgive? How many chances do you feel another person

3) When you are exposed to negative energy, how do you feel? What do you do?

4) What things do you want to attract into your life? How successful have you been in the past in attracting things into your life?

5) What do you resent? What makes you mad? Why? Is this reasonable?

6) What lessons have you learned from your anger in the past?


7) Name three people currently in your life and describe how you can be more loving toward them.

Fourth Chakra Remedies

The following are things you can do right now to repair damage to your fourth chakra.


Write yourself a love letter. If you feel disconnected from your heart, write yourself a love letter citing all
the lovable qualities you possess. Mail it to yourself or at work. Why not accompany it with a dozen roses?

Be a secret admirer. Anonymously send someone you care about a dozen roses. Vow to keep it a secret
and smile when they tell you how much it meant to them.

Say Im sorry. Write someone with whom youve had differences a note of apology and ask their forgiveness. Take responsibility, and refrain from justifying your behavior.

Create a spiritual family. Select those very dear and meaningful friends who make you feel loved and
completely accepted for who you are. They are your spiritual tribe. Whenever you feel isolated, call a
member of this spiritual family and simply check in.

Get a pet. The benefits for the heart chakra of pet ownership are unsurpassed. Dogs and cats - especially those saved from an animal shelter - are the very best teachers of unconditional love, the source
of wonderful healing energy. Even tropical fish and birds can provide relaxing and healing energ y. The
love you will feel from an animal is extraordinar y.

Carry your baby picture. Look at your own baby pictures and remember that, even though youre bigger, youre still that same wondrous, beautiful soul. Keeping that in mind will soften your heart and
help you ease up on any perfectionist expectations.

Benefit from full-spectrum light. A sure-fire way to reawaken a sleeping or shutdown heart is to spend
a few minutes in front of the warm glow of full-spectrum lights. These special lights energize your
body, warm your soul and lift your spirit.

Stretch. Lie on your bed, on your back. Let your head drop over the side, stretch out your arms and
legs, and stretch your body in every direction for a few minutes. This exercise opens the chest and the
heart, and stimulates energetic blood flow around your heart chakra.

Create an altar. Create a small altar in your home and visit a few minutes each day, making it a place to
help you recognize and honor what is important to your heart. There are no rules for creating your
altar. What you choose to place there is your personal magic. You may place symbols, photos, handwritten prayers, candles or anything else that inspires you. Go there and pray when you need to.

Go back to nature. The various shades of green found in nature are the most abundant colors in the
world because they are the best colors to soothe the human heart. To do emergency repair work on the
heart chakra, go outside. A walk in a forest preserve, the woods or a nearby park will soothe and calm
even the most disappointed heart, opening up even the most closed one.

Devise a gratitude list. Make a list of all that you are grateful for. Rather than feel gratitude only as a
rebound reaction to tragedy or loss, adopt a thankful perspective as a daily ritual.

Make an alchemy box. An alchemy box is a beautiful box, designed by you, into which you place
your innermost wishes and desires while you turn your dreams over to the Universe. Then do your
intentional best to bring your dreams to fruition, knowing all the while that you are being supported
by the Universe.

Think of your fourth-chakra heart in these terms





Also known as the throat chakra, your fifth energy center is located at the back of your neck. It includes
your entire jaw. On an energy level, it is the center of your personal expression and the messenger of your
spirit. Like spiritual smoke drifting upward from your heart, your beliefs - about yourself and the world are announced and conveyed into the world via your fifth chakra.
When your expression is open and balanced, you communicate with integrity, becoming a conduit for positive and uplifting energy. You are mindful of the influence your communications have, intuitively understanding the power of words. You are also sensitive to the communications of others. You take the time to
really listen to them, to really hear what they are saying. The fifth chakra is also the center for negotiation,
teaching and learning.
The fifth chakra is located where food, drink, drugs, smoke and other external substances enter your body.
Thats why it is extremely important that you make a conscious choice to ingest healthy, wholesome substances instead of those that can poison your spirit. Remember that what you feed your mind and soul is
just as important as what you feed your body. Your spirit needs a diet of loving, inspiring and nurturing
thoughts in order to feel uplifted and supported.

Fifth Chakra Facts

The fifth chakra rules your communication, creativity, connection and
personal intention.
A well-balanced fifth chakra awakens in you the truth that your life is built on your
words, thoughts, beliefs and ideas.
In your body, the fifth chakra governs throat, thyroid, trachea, esophagus, neck,
mouth, teeth and ears.
An apt image for the fifth chakra is a chimney.
The fifth chakra vibrates with a sky-blue color.
The fifth chakras mission statement is I express, I listen, I communicate.

A well-balanced fifth chakra enables your expression to act as a three-way psychic radio. The first band,
which activates your speaking and listening abilities, also governs all forms of creativity and awakens your
ability to connect with others. The second band establishes mental and telepathic rapport with others,
sending and receiving thoughts and feelings, especially from those who are on the same wavelength as you.

Finally, the third band tunes in to your own inner voice, allowing you to pick up on your intuition and to
ask for and receive direction from the Divine Spirit.
You need to put yourself into the right frame of mind to perceive your intuition. There are four basic decisions you must make in order to let your subconscious know you want it to pay attention to your intuition:
Decision 1 - Be open to being an intuitive person.
Decision 2 - Expect to be intuitive.
Decision 3 - Trust your intuitive feelings.
Decision 4 - Act on your intuition.
Three other methods of honing your intuitive powers are to practice silence, engage in an artistic activity
and give up worr ying about how others perceive you.
When You Experience An Imbalance
When your expression is imbalanced, you many times suppress what you are really feeling. You block input
from others by building walls around yourself. This can result in heightened levels of anxiety, secrecy, frustration and anger. Your joyful and creative spirit is damaged, and when you finally begin to speak - as you
eventually will - it will be in the voice of your wounded inner child. He or she will be angry and will lash
out, either outwardly against others or inwardly through destructive or addictive behaviors. Severe imbalances might result in speech or auditory difficulties.
Another common imbalance is refraining from expressing your needs or establishing boundaries because
you might offend someone. Learning to speak your mind can be difficult, especially when trying to convey
anger. We are often taught that being angry and expressing it is a bad thing. However, remember that there
is nothing inappropriate about having feelings and expressing them.
The fifth chakra, too, can be out of balance in the opposite direction. You can express yourself too much,
too recklessly. By using non-stop talking as a means of distancing yourself and avoiding intimate connections with others, you just as effectively drive people from your life.
How is Your Expression?
Answer the following questions in the space provided. Use a separate sheet of paper if you need more space.
1) Do people listen to you? Do they understand what you say? Do you talk just to fill the silence?


2) How often do you find yourself misunderstanding people or missing their point? Why is that?

3) How intuitive are you? Do you ever get hunches or gut feelings? Describe a specific time that your
intuition helped you.

4) How do you feed your mind? What movies do you watch? What books do you read? What effect do
you think these things have on your mind?

5) How effective are you at communicating your frustrations? What issues are impacting your effectiveness?

6) Are you verbally abusive? How do you criticize others? How often do you criticize yourself?


7) Are you guilty of being wishy-washy? Do you feel agreeing with all sides of a debate is a good thing?
A bad thing? Explain.

8) Describe an instance when you were caught in a lie. What happened? How did you feel? What did
you learn?

Fifth Chakra Remedies

The following are things you can do right now to repair damage to your fifth chakra.

Create a positive aphorism. Inspire and motivate yourself while speaking to your heart by creating a
catchy new aphorisms. Or maybe you already have one, like Every cloud has a silver lining. These
aphorisms will keep your thoughts and ideas in alignment with your highest good.

Make positive predictions. By predicting your own positive future, you actually attract such a future
to you.

Sing. Nothing activates the throat chakra like an open heart, and nothing opens the heart faster than
singing. This is especially powerful for people who get stuck in their head and need to loosen up a bit.

Breathe and listen. Whenever you speak to someone, breathe in and out, and allow your shoulders to
relax. This will release any defensiveness youre holding by opening up your fifth chakra and allowing
you to receive more of the communication, content and intent of the person speaking to you. Also,
place your hand on your heart when listening to someone. This will remind you to listen with your full
and non-judgmental awareness.

Take a criticism and complaint fast. For one full day, avoid criticizing and complaining about anything. Enjoy the freedom from negative creations that comes with such restraint. In addition, for a day,
dont correct anyone in any way, either verbally or mentally.

Enroll in a language course. This is a mar velous remedy for engaging all aspects of the fifth chakra.
Word for word - in whatever language - every success opens up your creative expression.

Forget the past. Practice placing your full intention on communicating only what is real, in the here
and now. For one entire day, refuse to say anything negative about your past.

Do your own intuitive reading. Teach yourself how to do an intuitive reading. There are many tools
and systems for helping you do this. Choose the one that appeals to you. This is a very empowering
way to give your inner wisdom an opportunity to speak.

Express yourself with oooohs and aaaahs. Each morning, stretch and inhale, then slowly exhale, letting out a long, loud aaaah, two or three times. This warms up the throat chakra, opens it up and gets
you ready to express yourself fully in the day ahead.

Make silent observations. Every day, take a short walk and intentionally focus on all the sounds you
hear. Let your awareness expand as you walk. Enjoy the silence that settles inside you as you do this.

Practice saying things in advance. When you have something difficult or important you need to say to
someone, practice saying it in advance. This is especially helpful if youre in the habit of backing down
or find yourself becoming unreasonably angry.

Say I am.... Once a day, say I am... and complete the sentence with what it is that best reflects your
creative heart. Affirming the truth of who you really are and who you really want to be on a daily basis
redirects your subconscious mind and brings the Universe into alignment with your desires.

Dont talk back. The next time someone says something offensive or provocative to you, respond with
silence. You might be surprised how much silence can speak more powerfully than words.

Take a chance. Every day, decide to take at least one chance at revealing or expressing something to
someone that you would normally not reveal or disclose.

Think of your fifth-chakra expression in these terms





Your sixth chakra is also known as your third eye. Located in the area between the eyebrows and expanding
outward - including the entire upper portion of your head, from the top of your forehead to the tip of your
nose - this energy center impacts your ability to think, analyze, dream, imagine and visualize. It is also the
center for the psychic gift of clairvoyance, or clear sight.
The sixth chakra enhances your memory, improves your dream states and sharpens your ability to accurately review the past. It helps you bridge the gap between dreams and reality, and it stimulates your thirst for
knowledge in every possible way. It invites your imagination to work with your reason, allowing you to recognize the true nature of all you see. With your sixth chakra in balance, you can create your own reality
simply by using your imagination, freedom of choice and enhanced insight.
When your third eye is fully balanced, you are able to see yourself and others as energetic and fluid, spiritual beings. You pay close attention to the world around you, rarely jumping to conclusions without first
learning everything about a situation. You understand intuitively that in most situations appearances are
misleading; there is always more than what meets the eye.

Sixth Chakra Facts

The sixth chakra rules your memory, dream states and your abilities to learn intellectually and to understand the true nature of the world.
A well-balanced sixth chakra awakens your ability to look at life with a creative,
positive point of view.
In your body, the sixth chakra governs your head (including your brain), eyes, all
sense organs and your nervous system.
An apt image for the sixth chakra is a set of headlights cutting through the darkness.
The sixth chakra vibrates with a deep indigo blue color.
The sixth chakras mission statement is, I see, I understand, I imagine.

Balanced personal vision serves as an imaginative bridge between the left (rational, thinking) brain and the
right (intuitive, feeling) brain. By constructing this whole-brained approached to life you allow yourself to
decide what you want to create in your life, assess where you are at that moment and then objectively find the
most direct path between where you are and where you want to be. Actively imagining the things you want in
life, being as specific as possible, gives the Universe the raw materials to create exactly what it is you imagine.

You can strengthen your sixth chakras third eye by doing imagining gymnastics or taking a few minutes
every day to flex your minds muscles. Imagine the details of your living room or workplace. Imagine the
woods you walked through as a child. Imagine a scene from a vacation. Imagine your partners face. This
will put your sixth chakra in the habit of noticing, of imagining, of supplying the building blocks for the
kind of life you desire.
When You Experience An Imbalance
An imbalanced sixth chakra can have a negative effect on your self-image. A vicious cycle of seeing yourself
in a bad light and offering that picture to your imagination only serves to reinforce and further reduce your
self-image. Reclaiming your authentic self is never easy and often means finding support and guidance from
counselors or those who have been down the same challenging path. Do not be afraid to seek help.
A tendency to over-intellectualize a situation - think about it too much, too rationally - is another sign of a
sixth chakra out of balance. This is a result of never looking inside ourselves or trusting our imagination or
intuition. People who suffer from this are often controlling people or perfectionists. Their life, and the lives
of those around them, can be unpleasant and tense as a result.
How is Your Personal Vision?
Answer the following questions in the space provided. Use a separate sheet of paper if you need more space.
1) Do you have an open mind? Are you able to see a situation from another persons point of view?
Describe your willingness to get the facts before reaching a conclusion.

2) Describe your dreams. Are they vivid? How easily do you recall them? Do you recognize their sources?
What have you learned from them?


3) What do you daydream about most?

4) Describe yourself as you see yourself today.

5) Describe how others see you.

6) Describe your ideal self.

7) List the three most positive aspects of your life today.


8) List the three most negative aspects of your life today.

9) What problem has recurred time and again in your life? What do you think is the cause? What can you
do to ensure it does not happen again?

Sixth Chakra Remedies

The following are things you can do right now to repair damage to your sixth chakra.


Present yourself as a work of art. Always look your best. Be considerate of those who look at you each
day by giving them the treat of seeing your most attractive self.

Make your own greeting cards. Draw, paint or whatever strikes your fancy as you create cards for your
most beloved friends. Let your imagination run wild!

Place a beautiful photo or piece of art in your workplace. Create a beautiful atmosphere at work, placing images around you that lift your spirit and help you see the world as friendly and lovely.

Rent beautiful films. Watch inspiring, soul-stirring films that will lift you out of negativity and help
you see the beauty of life.

Display a fresh bowl of fruit. Nothing is more beautiful or more inviting to the spirit than a beautifully
displayed bowl of fresh fruit sitting out for you to appreciate and enjoy.

Treat yourself to a chef s hat and apron. Giving yourself a genuine chef s outfit suggests to your subconscious that preparing food is sacred and important spiritual work.

Have a professional photo taken. See yourself in the best possible light by having your picture taken by
a professional photographer. However simple or elaborate your photo session, acknowledge that you
deserve a beautiful image of yourself - not just for your family, but for you.

Get an aquarium. Relaxing, engaging and calming, there is nothing more soothing to your spirit than
sitting quietly in front of an aquarium of tropical fish and watching them gracefully swim.

Make an inspiration of your fridge. Continually present yourself with inspirational, uplifting and
humorous notes and images by attaching them to your refrigerator door. Attractive photos or an interesting cartoon taped to the fridge nurture your positive and objective outlook on life.

Visualize your day in the shower. While having your morning shower, visualize what kind of day you
want to experience. Use all of your senses, imagining the ideal day, including conversations, body movements, sounds and colors. You can help create that day with this exercise.

Star in your own movie. Get in the habit of looking at your life as a movie. Is it a comedy? A romance?
A drama? A farce? Who would star in it? Practicing this ritual assists you in stepping far enough away
from lifes dramas to gain perspective.

Create a meditation garden. Plan, design and even build your sacred garden. It can be as simple as a
few large rocks in a corner where you can sit uninterrupted, or it can be as complex as creating a
Japanese Zen experience.

Practice seeing auras. Let your imagination drive this ritual. Every time you look at someone, relax
your eyes and imagine seeing a warm, glowing halo surrounding their head and body. What color do
you imagine it to be? Are their any irregularities where pain or injury might be? With a little practice,
youll be seeing auras in no time.

Think of your sixth-chakra personal vision in these terms





Your seventh chakra, also known as your crown chakra, is located on top of your head. It is at the highest
point of your body because it is the center for your highest spiritual consciousness. It focuses your attention
on the spiritual meaning of life and transcends all of your senses, allowing you to experience God and the
goodness of the Universe directly.
Your crown chakra calms you, puts you deeply at ease and makes you fully aware - while still remaining
low key and understated. When it is open, your seventh chakra radiates energy above your head, emitting a
violet-white glow that encircles your face. You also develop a gentle and compassionate nature, free of all
worry about your safety or personal well being.
You will no longer be satisfied to live unconsciously once your seventh chakra has opened. You will desire
a more authentic, spiritual life, striving to leave a lasting impression on the planet. You will be motivated to
do more in life than merely meet your needs.
When your seventh chakra opens, you will feel the courage to break with convention, overcome objections
and follow your hearts desire, no matter how unreasonable, impractical or outrageous it may seem to others. Your crowning glory helps you rise above the mundane in life. It does not let you settle for anything
less than you are meant to be.

Seventh Chakra Facts

The seventh chakra connects you to God, your life source, and opens your way to
becoming a bearer of light to the world.
In your body, the seventh chakra governs your brain stem, spinal cord, nervous
system and pineal glad.
Apt images for the seventh chakra is a halo or a thousand-petal lotus.
The seventh chakra vibrates with a violet color, fading along the edges to pure white.
The seventh chakras mission statement is, I know.

One of the functions of your seventh chakra is to activate your soul memory, resulting in the feeling that
you have lived before - even if you dont have full memories of those past lives. You will understand that
youve been a soul traveler for many years, over many lifetimes, and you will note that you keep reconnecting with those with whom you have unfinished business. This is your real opportunity for soul

growth, especially when you must learn to love an unlovable person. They are your teachers as you continue your journey as a work in progress.
The most effective way to open your seventh chakra is through prayer. Remember that there is no single,
right way to prayer. Your method of asking the Creator for help and guidance is as unique as you are.
Meditation, too, will help awaken your crown chakra. Once again, it is a matter of personal style. Listening
to the meditation and music tape included in this program is a great way to start.
When You Have An Imbalance
The seventh chakra does not become imbalanced. It is open, opening or closed. Even when it is only
partially opened, it is balanced.
The most obvious sign of a closed crown chakra is an absolute lack of faith. This includes no faith in God,
no faith in the Universes wisdom, no faith in life itself.
Opening your seventh chakra is the natural result of balancing your other six chakras. Sometimes, though,
it opens spontaneously, in response to a crisis - such as a near-death experience - or a profound desire to
know God.
Though it may seem to you, sometimes, that you may never achieve your crowing glory, do not despair. Its
awakening is a natural part of your spiritual anatomy; living the rest of your life in balance will naturally
open it.
Do not worry, your time will come. It is your right as a divine spirit.
How Is Your Crowning Glory?
Answer the following questions in the space provided. Use a separate sheet of paper if you need more space.
1) What is the level of your faith? What do you believe without question?


2) What miracles have you witnessed? If your answer is none, do you believe in miracles?

3) Do you remember any of your past lives? What do you recall?

4) Who do you believe you are spiritually connected to, perhaps from a previous life?

5) Describe your prayer and meditation habits. If you have none, set prayer and meditation goals here.

6) Have you experienced a midlife crisis? A near-death experience? Describe it.


7) What would you like to contribute to the world in your life?

8) What is your personal mission statement?

9) Can you think of some ways that God does speak with you on a daily basis?

Seventh Chakra Remedies

Listen to Baroque music. Classical Baroque music regulates the heart and puts the body in a deeply
meditative state. Pachebal, Vivaldi and Telemann are wonderful Baroque composers whose music will
transport you to seventh heaven in an instant. Trance music is equally effective and can be even more
powerful when listened to on headphones.

Make up a story about your past life. An enlightening remedy for the seventh chakra is to write a fictional tale of your own past lives. Enjoy looking at yourself and those in your life from a larger point of
view, as well as a new perspective on people you find yourself connected with today.

Energize your food before you eat it. Before you take a bite of our food, place your hands over it and
send it light, love and gratitude for being there to nurture your body. Cancel out all negativity that may
be present in the food and quietly thank all those involved in getting this meal to you.


Talk to God. Ask God to direct your life, help you moment to moment to find your way to the highest
possible good. It is up to you to ask for help before the Universe steps in, because two of God s greatest
gifts to us are free will and choice.

Look for the sacred. Open your eyes, ears and heart, and look for signs of Spirit all around you. Pay
attention to the miracles unfolding before your eyes. Life is a remarkable gift, not a moment of which
is to be missed.

Rest on the seventh day. Learn to value downtime. Launch a full counterattack on overwork by actually
following the Commandment to take the seventh day of the week for rest. Enjoy the benefits of allowing yourself to do nothing other than renew and refresh by relaxing, playing or even taking a nap.

Embark on a spiritual pilgrimage. If there is a spiritual power place that speaks to you, dont let too
much more time slip by before visiting there. Make it a point to experience a visit to this or any of a
number of other wondrous spiritual places on earth as a journey to your own soul.

Go on a fast. Fasting raises our appreciation for the here and now. It takes our attention and energy off
our body and frees it to contemplate our spirit. And while youre at it, how about an impatience fast?
An anger fast? A criticism fast? Decide to take a break from whatever unconscious behavior is dragging
you down.

Consciously bless yourself. The first thing in the morning, before opening your eyes, take a deep breath
and thank God for give you one more day to enjoy this beautiful planet. Bless yourself and wish yourself a holy day.

Sound a bell. A wonderfully simple ritual for keeping your crown chakra open is ring a chime or bell
once a day, allowing the tone to resonate through your entire body.

Donate to a local animal shelter. All of Gods creatures need our love and understanding. Call your
local animal shelter to find out any useful items they may need. The love you extend to Gods creatures
will return to you a thousand fold.

Donate food to the poor. On a regular basis, donate food to a local soup kitchen, womens shelter or
church. As an affirmation of your souls abundance, you can afford to give away some of what you have
to someone who has less.

Think of your seventh-chakra crowning glory in these terms




The balancing act of life is a never-ending challenge. Some days, we soar. Other days, we may be knocked flat.
Seeking true balance is a process of taking life day by day, remaining patient, realistic and easy going in your
progress. The key to your progress is to have a plan, some awareness of what you need in your life to remain
calm, centered and achieve inner peace in your ever changing life. True Balance has given you that plan.
When your seven energy centers are in balance, life becomes exciting, satisfying, productive, fulfilling and
allows us to channel our best into the planet. You live a life filled with love, creativity and blessings. As you
work on balancing each chakra, you'll discovered that balancing them is as natural, graceful, effortless as
breathing and will keep your life running smoothly. You'll stabilize your energy and nurture your body,
mind, soul and spirit.
The most profound gift you can offer to those you love and to the world in general, is to be a happy, whole
and balanced being. You then become a light bearer in the world, a natural expression of Divine beauty,
a model of health and vitality for those who may still be struggling. When your chakras are physically
balanced, you will find the guidance you require for healing, nurturing and inner peace will come to you
naturally. You then will gain the ability to pass this joy onto others. This is your life as it was intended to be
by the Divine plan. You reclaim your right to be in total spiritual alignment. May Divine Spirit bless you
always on your journey.

With love,


True Balance Music Index (from side 2 of bonus cassette)

words and music by Mark Stanton Welch

Like a Tree (chakra one)

I Do What Gives Me Life (chakra two)

I Am A Hero (chakra three)

Love the One Youre With (chakra four)

If the Truth Be Told (chakra five)

Face of God (chakra six)

Holy (chakra seven)

When the Balance is True (theme song)

Theme Song Instrumental One


Theme Song Instrumental Two

All songs 2000, Mark Stanton Welch. All rights reserved.

Mark Stanton Welch is a songwriter/singer/educator dedicated to using his creations to facilitate personal
transformation. His workshops and performances have opened the hearts of many, from children to elders.
You can contact Mark at (805) 927-2416 or He currently serves as music
director for Unity Church of San Luis Obispo, California.







Nightingale-Conant Corporation
6245 W. Howard Street Niles, Illinois 60714


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