Abdul-Azim D. Ontok - Journal 3

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Abdul-Azim D.

13 and 14 Congressional Internship Program for Young Mindanao Leaders
Journal Number 3 (July 9-13, 2012)


No words can best describe the way I feel about the many things that have
happened during this week. Never had I imagined in my entire life to be where I am right at
this moment. CIPYML was never a part of my planned journey in settling my career, but
here I am, enjoying and appreciating every single moment the program had offered to me.
The week debuted with the most awaited presentation of interns at the Philippines
House of Representatives (HOR). Every intern was dressed in their cultural attire with
pride and dignity. It primarily reflected the well-diverse and rich culture of the island of
Mindanao. The HOR had welcomed us warmly, but I somehow felt offended when the host
of ceremony allowed us to stand in front of every HOR employee for about 5 minutes
without nothing to contribute to the ceremony.
Two days were allotted for the orientation program of the interns. The invited
speakers were highly profiled officials of the HOR and I am grateful of meeting them. The
lecture on strategic thinking was the most memorable because the speaker does not only
know what he is talking about but he is also influential. He gave a very remarkable
reminder and that is to Get out of your comfort zone to allow yourself to grow and to exist
in this world.
During the orientation program, the committee designations of interns were
announced and surprisingly, I was assigned to the committee of agriculture. I appreciated
my designation since it will greatly help the improvement of our policy issue paper. The
different policy mentors from HOR were also presented and fortunately, our mentor was as
excellent as our policy adviser.

Abdul-Azim D. Ontok
13 and 14 Congressional Internship Program for Young Mindanao Leaders
Journal Number 3 (July 9-13, 2012)


This week concluded with the final examination of our academic course in UPNCPAG. Many changes were employed by the college to the test. Most importantly, the
final examination became more difficult than the previous midterm examination. It would
have been much easier if the college had narrowed down the list of topics to be covered by
the exam. It was very frustrating to realize that out of the hundreds of lecture slides printed
and studied, only one-fourth was included in the examination questionnaire. It may have
involved my forte of calculations, but it was not enough to assure myself a high passing
rate in the test. What I can only assure myself is the fact that I did my very best during the
entire period of examination.
Setting foot in the House of Representatives was more than enough to complete my
entire week. It was such a privilege to be where I am right now and I am completely
overwhelmed of it. I could not help myself to think of the many possibilities that could
happen during the two-month internship in HOR. Paper works, field works, public hearings,
and so much more may be encountered. With my perseverance to achieve the highest
standard in every endeavour of my life and with the guidance of Almighty, I am looking
forward of becoming a well-informed and well-learned intern of the congress that will soon
become an asset of the Muslim community in Mindanao.

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