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Abdul-Azim D.

13 and 14 Congressional Internship Program for Young Mindanao Leaders
Journal Number 10 (August 27 - 31, 2012)


The end of the internship program is fast approaching, yet this is the beginning of
the realization that I want the time to fly by slowly. There are just so many things that I
have not done yet, some of which may be impossible when I pursue my profession.
Two months and another month may seem to be such a long period of time, but it
really isnt. Still, Im grateful that during the past months, I experienced an unimaginable
opportunity. Firstly, meeting fellow young leaders from various regions of Mindanao,
especially the family with which I belong to, taught me lots of things that changed some
of my perspectives in life. Secondly, working as an intern in one of the highest offices in
the country is a privilege millions have dreamt of being affiliated with that transformed
my views in Philippine politics. Thirdly, speaking with some of the biggest names in
politics, economics and science are exceptional encounters which inspired me to
expand my knowledge in various fields of discipline. Above all, joining CIPYML allowed
me to live and experience a totally different world that tested my perseverance,
confidence, time management, and communication and leadership skills.
One of the places that I dreamed to visit in UP Diliman is Melchor Halls library.
Finally, after waiting for a year and having been issued a library card by the UP-NCPAG,
I got inside the said library after finishing the consultation meeting with our policy issue
paper adviser. I was truly mesmerized by the numerous foreign-authored engineering
books and high-storeyed book shelves displayed in the library. I pity our college library
in my Alma Mater. Such visit made my desire to support our library more certain as soon
as I have a stable professional and financial career.
Being a recipient of internship program sponsored by USAID is an unforgettable
and once in a lifetime experience that I will cherish throughout my path in career
development. It taught me an entirely different political point of view. Besides, my
leadership skills as a future civil engineer leading a number of workers was enhanced
and developed. It also helped me to handle pressure gracefully and breezily. Moreover,
I also learned that being a future engineer working with employees of various
personalities, immediate action is needed to address such differences to allow smooth
flow of the organizations route to achievement of its goals and objectives. Most
importantly, CIPYML significantly helped me to clear and free my mind of doubts and
fears from taking the licensure examination for civil engineers this coming May 2013.
Accordingly, I would never be as more confident of myself if I have not believed to my
skills and potentials.

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