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Our Ref: 29N.


An Bord Pleanala

Your Ref:

Anthony Keane
13 McDowell A venue
Ceannt Fort
8th October 2015
Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric
Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.

Dear Sir,
An Bord Pleamila bas received your recent submission in relation to the above mentioned proposed development and will
take it into consideration in its determination of the matter. A receipt for the fee lodged is enclosed.

The Board will revert to you in due course with regard to the matter.
Please be advised that copies of all submissions I observations received in relation to the application will be made
available for public inspection at the offices of Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council and South Dublin County
Council and at the offices of An Bord Pleamila when they have been processed by the Board.
If you have any queries in the meantime please contact the undersigned officer of the Board. Please quote the above
mentioned An Bord Pleanata reference number in any correspondence or telephone contact with the Board.

Yours faithfully,

Ieieran Somers
Executive Officer
Direct Line:Ol-8737107
ADHOC/PA0043/0 1

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13 McDowell Avenue
Ceannt Fort


The Secretary
An Bord Pleanala

61-64 Marlborough Street

D01 V902
1 October 2015

Case reference: PL29N.PA0043

Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric Hospital,
Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St James' Hospital
Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght and Connolly and Construction
Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I write to express my concerns about the planning application above. I have valued
and supported the work of St James's Hospital as a resident of the area for over forty
years. The hospital and the institutions that predated it are inextricably linked with the
lives and histories of local people. I was enthusiastic about the future developments
of the hospital. However, the project proposed in application PL29N.PA0043 will have
a significant negative impact on some residents living in the surrounding area,
especially on those in the historic estate of Ceannt Fort adjacent to the hospital site.


I object to the proposed project for a number of reasons:

Zoning and Development Plan

Ceannt Fort and the old frontage along James Street falls under the zone-designated
Z2 Conservation Area, in the current Dublin City Development Plan (2011-2017),
which aims: "To protect and/or improve the amenities of residential conservation
areas". The proposed development does nothing to promote this. In fact, the old
frontage of the South Dublin Union along James St is referred to erroneously in the
Planning Application as 'The Schoolhouse'. The Archology report makes no reference
to the significance of these buildings in the events of the 1916 Rising and no
consideration was given to incorporating part of the existing
design. This is indicative of a nonchalant attitud
local residents and existing historical struct

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CRIC and Lack of Consultation
This attitude is also reflected in the absence of consultation with the residents of
McDowell Avenue, who will be affected by the proposed construction of the Children's
Research and Innovation Centre (CRIC). The drawings were first displayed publicly
on 6th August 2015, only four days prior to lodging the application on 1Oth August.
The design of the CRIC extends the current Trinity Centre almost to the boundary wall
of houses on McDowell Avenue, effectively leaving a 4-storey building overlooking the
houses and blocking daylight.

No Conditioning Survey
No conditioning survey was offered to the residents of McDowell Avenue whose
properties are susceptible to structural damage because of the proximity of the CRIC
development. Vibration and settlement damage is most likely, given the nature and
scale of the proposed works, and this has not been adequately assessed . The
residents of O'Reilly Avenue have highlighted the risk of this type of damage to their

houses following a survey. In a similar way, it is unlikely that the 100 year-old drains
at the rear of McDowell Avenue will withstand the risk of disruption and displacement.
Moreover, access to the CRIC site during the construction phase will most likely
include the movement of material-carrying trucks alongside the rear boundary wall of
the houses on McDowell Avenue- a few feet away from the sewage drain that serves
the terrace of houses.

Environmental Impacts and Traffic Congestion

It is evident in the application that the impact of noise, air and light pollution, vermin
infestation and other environmental hazards has not been adequately assessed or
addressed. Similarly, plans to address traffic congestion in the area during and after
the construction phase seem aspirational at best. For example, during construction
Old Kilmainham Road will become the main access route for thousands of
construction-related truck journeys travelling to and from The Davitt Road compound.
This route is already subject to significant congestion at peak commuting times. I often
experience difficulties trying to exit the estate on weekday mornings because of the
volume of traffic. In addition, a 15-20 minute journey time from Kilmainham Cross to
Ceannt Fort is not unusual during evening rush hour. I find it difficult to imagine traffic
conditions if the construction project proceeds. In common with other residential areas
in the vicinity of St James's Hospital, the residents of Ce AAt. Fott-cw:r:etatly..b~e.
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credible plan is presented in the application to compreh nsiveTy address traffic

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congestion and parking.



Site Expansion
Inevitably, the St. James's Hospital Master Plan and accommodation of the future
requirements of the National Children's Hospital will involve further construction on a
constrained site. The proposed site expansion of a minimum of 20% will most likely
exacerbate negative impacts on the adjoining houses and the residents' quality of life.

I ask that PL29N.PA0043 be rejected and resubmitted in a more appropriate form . The
fee of 50.00 is enclosed.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Keane




o2 OCT 20\5


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