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Our Ref: 29N.

Your Ref:

Barry Mcintyre & Cathy McGennis

515 South Circular Road
Dublin 8
2nd October 2015
Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric
Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.
Dear Sir/Madam,
An Bord Pleamila has received your recent submission in relation to the above mentioned proposed development and will
take it into consideration in its detennination of the matter. A receipt for the fee lodged is enclosed.

The Board will revert to you in due course with regard to the matter.
Please be advised that copies of all submissions I observations received in relation to the application will be made
available for public inspection at the offices of Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council and South Dublin County
Council and at the offices of An Bord Pleanala when they have been processed by the Board.
If you have any queries in the meantime please contact the undersigned officer of the Board. Please quote the above
mentioned An Bord Pleanala reference number in any correspondence or telephone contact with the Board.
Yours faithfully,


Tdl tHI I !!~H l! liN) Td

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Sr;ii<l t.l;~t>tlhhri<lc.
llailc A1ha Clmth I


t.-1 ~htrlhnr<lu~h

StrcLI ,
Dnhhn I

Our Ref: 29N.PA0043


An Bord Pleanala

Your Ref:

Paul O'Neill
National Paediatric Hospital Development Board
C/0 G.V.A. Planning & Regeneration
Floor 2, Seagrave House
19-20 Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2
5th October 2015

Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric

Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.
Dear Sir,
Enclosed for your infonnation is a copy of submission(s) received by the Board in relation to the above mentioned
proposed development.
If you have any queries in relation to the matter please contact the undersigned officer of the Board.
Please quote the above mentioned An Bord Pleanala reference number in any correspondence or telephone contact with
the Board.
Yours faithfully,





KliMI Tel

GJ;m ,\iuuil 1H!JO 2 7~ 17'i LuCall

t>4 Sr.oiu Mamlhhritlc.

Uaolc A1h.oChath I

L.hthrdn Grca,Jm "" w flkJtl.ll.o .oc \\ch

Rionnhphmt O.mlo" fllc.ul.lla oc l:maol


Duhhn I

Our Ref: 29N.PA0043


An Bord Pleamila

Your Ref:

Chief Executive Officer

Dublin City Council
Civic Offices
Wood Quay
Dublin 8
5th October 2015

Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric

Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Enclosed for your information are two copies of submissions received by the Board in relation to the above mentioned
proposed development.
Please ensure that a copy of each submission is available for public inspection at the offices of the planning authority.
If you have any queries in relation to this matter please contact the undersigned officer of the Board. Please quote the
above mentioned An Bord Pleanala reference number in any correspondence or telephone contact with the Board.
Yours faithfully,


Tdl (01 I H~K !I liM I Tel

Gl;u> Anniil I !!'XI !15 I 75 l.nCall

t.t Sr;ild

~ l.tnllhhrid~ .

llailc Atha Cliath I.

L.uthrc;in Greot..ain www.plc;mala oc \\"ch

kttullhpluhl hnnl(ii (tlc,..,lo.ic [m;ul

M 111:trllxtrtlltj!h Succl
Duhlt11 I

An Bord Pleanala

Our Ref: 29N.PA0043

Your Ref:

Chief Executive Officer

Fingal County Council
County Hall
Main Street
County Dublin
5th October 2015

Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric

Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Enclosed for your information are two copies of submissions received by the Board in relation to the above mentioned
proposed development.
Please ensure that a copy of each submission is available for public inspection at the offices of the planning authority.
If you have any queries in relation to this matter please contact the undersigned officer of the Board. Please quote the
above mentioned An Bord Pleamila reference number in any correspondence or telephone contact with the Board.
Yours faithfully,


Somers ~
: cutive Officer
Direct Line:O 1-873 7107


iOIJ X~X ~ IIHl Tel

Gl:m \nnul IK<Jtl 2n IH LnC:II

C>-1 Sr:ud M.luilllhrld~.
Boil~ Acha Cliolh I

Lanhr~:lll Gre:l,.im """ flk.uMia ~~ \\ch

IHomhJih"'' hnnJ,.i pkan.1l.uc rma1l

1>-1 Marlll<n<~u~h Sln:cl ,

Duhlin I

Our Ref: 29N.PA0043

Your Ref:

Chief Executive Officer

South Dublin County Council
County Hall
Dublin 24
5th October 2015

Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric

Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Enclosed for your information are two copies of submissions received by the Board in relation to the above mentioned
proposed development.
Please ensure that a copy of each submission is available for public inspection at the offices of the planning authority.
If you have any queries in relation to this matter please contact the undersigned officer of the Board. Please quote the
above mentioned An Bord Pleamila reference number in any correspondence or telephone contact with the Board.
Yours faithfully,

ran Somers
utive Officer
Direct Line:Ol-8737107


C>-1 Sr.ii<l Mauilhhridc.

Haile Atha Cli:tth 1

ill I) H5H HI!MI Tel

L.uthrc:m Gr~"""" """ plcanal:~ 1~ \\"~h

Riumhph"l hurd" pkanala i~ hnail

t>-1 ,\larlhuruu~h Slr~~l .


Cathy McGennis
515 South Circular Rd,
Dublin 8.
PH: 086 6040550
The Secretary,
An Bord Pleanala,
64 Marlborough Street,
Dublin 1.
28th September 2015

- 1 OCT 2015


Planning Application Reference PL29N.PA0043, StJames Ho~mti;:e';illia:a:;.::::;:;::::;:==::d



Dear Sir I Madam,

I am writing in relation to the above planning application to detail concerns that I have about
the proposed development. I live in the area and also have a technology business,{Presidion}
in Kilmainham, hence I have an interest in the NCH development from both points of view.
For context, my business is at 79 Old Kilmainham, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 and I live at 515
South Circular Road, Kilmainham, which is just near the junction of Brookfield Rd and SCR.
Presidion has operated from Kilmainham for more than 16 years and we have provided
employment and created additional business in the area since then. We currently employ
20 people and have plans to increase the workforce to 30 within the next 15 months.
We have 4 children, who have attended school in the area and also participate in sporting,
music and other community related extra-curricular activities in the area.
From my experience of working and living in the area, I have some serious concerns about
the project which I would like to explain.
1. Addition of extra Vehicles on the roads leading to the Hospital. Although there is an
initiative, in the development plan, to reduce the percentage of cars used by Staff
and visitors to the hospital; the fact remains that there will be a net increase in cars
on the roads as a result of the development, as it is currently designed.
During construction phase the level of lorry movement on the South Circular Road is
totally unacceptable with a lorry on the road every 90 seconds for over 3 years and
with an approximate half a million lorry movements on the road for the planned
duration of this work. I consider that this is totally inappropriate for a residential
The roads around the hospital are currently at capacity and I do not believe there is
enough capacity to support the extra cars, construction vehicles and most
importantly the emergency vehicles.

Page 1 of 10


Access at Rialto Gate: The roads leading to the Rialto Gate {SCR Kilmainham and
Rialto} are currently at capacity. I have attached some pictures {date and time in
name} at how this road looks most days from 4:00-7:00, it is gri~:A:::~~~~~--
Kilmainham Village and Rialto Village and beyond. This preble f haAt\1r~o PLEAN
significantly over the past 6-12 months as the economy is starti gfMiin_rove. In t~
years leading up to 2008, during boom times, we were virtual isoners in our homes for at least 3 hours per day.
- 1 OCT 2DI5
Recent roadworks near the Hilton in Kilmainham have demon Ma;H1~!be
capacity on the road is currently maximised. There is current! 1,
- - all times of the day, where a trip from Rialto to Island bridge ca~n~t~a~k~
e iS=1tft~~~======::d


Access from MSO {N7}: I note from the NCMH Development Plan document on St
James Website, that the proposed route from the MSO {N7} is along Davitt Road and
then taking a left onto Suir Road, and a right onto South Circular Road. This is not a
viable route, the junction at Davitt Road\Suir Road is currently a problem hotspot
where the 5 Roads meet and also compete with the on-road Luas line for
movement. It is not reasonable to channel extra cars to this junction, it would be
unworkable. There is another bottleneck at the junction of Suir Rd and SCR where a
right hand turn is very difficult and causes huge issues with backup traffic down Suir
Road to aforementioned junction with Davitt Road.

4. Safety for Residents: The junction of SCR and Brookfield road has pedestrian lights.
There is an ongoing problem here where the back up of traffic causes the road
crossing to be blocked up and many cars take an illegal right hand turn from
Brookfield Road onto SCR to beat the lights. As a family we all use this crossing
often, it is currently a hazard. The increase in traffic will compound this problem.


Public Transport Delays: Two of my children take the 123 bus to school. In the
evening, they have often waited 20 mins at Brookfield road waiting to take the right
hand turn onto the SCR. What often happens then is that the bus driver gives up
hope and drives straight on through Rialto and thus diverts from his route. This
results in them ending up in Drimnagh and having to walk home. This needs to be
reviewed In light increased traffic congestion and of trying to encourage people to
use public transport.

Effect on Residential living:

1. Removal of Residential on-street parking: The area that we live in is primarily a
residential area. It is an historic area the of significance, for example relating to the
1916 Easter Rising, this entrance to the current hospital, Rialto Bridge and the SCR
were all locations of the rising. As a family we use public transport, bicycles, foot and
car for transport. We have one car for seven people in the household. This car is
parked in the on-street parking bay on the SCR, with a residential permit. I am
concerned that this development will cause this residential on-street parking to be
removed. It would not be feasible for our family to operate without a car and I
believe that the removal of this parking will be a threat to the residential nature of
the area.
2. If the residential on-street parking is maintained then I believe that visitors will use it
for parking, as there are not enough parking spaces allowed for in the plans and it is
currently the case. Either way it will effect residential living.

Page 2 of 10


QBS: In the development plan there are references to QBS being installed. It is not
feasible to have a QBS along the SCR {Kilmainham} due to the residential nature of
the road, the trees lining the road and the negative environmental impact it would
have on the families living here {noise, pollution etc ..}
4. St ructure out of proportion: The structure that is planned for the end of our Road is
not in keeping with the local, historical, residential nature of the area. There are few
local amenities in this particular area. The local church, in StJames, was a hub of
community congregation, it is being demolished by the development of the hospital.
5. Height and scale of the development and the adverse impact on our existing level of
amenity and privacy. Also, the visual overbearing nature of the development and
materials adjacent to a residential area is not in keeping with the zoning "Residential
Conservation Area"}.
6. The size and duration of the build requested in the Planning Application would cause
huge environmental issues for our family. One of my sons in particular, suffers from
allergies and the effect of increased dust and pollutants would have a negative
Impact on his health and the health of other children and older people in the area.
The construction traffic and build will generate noise pollution which will have a
large negative effect on our living and working in this area.
7. The time frame for this development is well in excess of the normal grant of Planning
Permission. We suggest that any permission for a National Children's Hospital
should be for a period of 5 years only as it should be possible to build such an
important building in this timeframe if the site were suitable for such a building.
This extended application request would indicate that this site is too constrained
and is unsuitable for a building of this scale and mass. It may also be caused by the
inaccessibility of this site from the perspective of the movement of construction and
demolition materials required to prepare the site and to bu
I A more
suitable site would allow the development of the required aticAN SOIJ!JI'PLEANA
Hospital take place and be fully operational in a quicker ti lflftftVe.

- ' ocr 2ars

Concerns during the construction phase of this development.

We do not want work to commence before 8.00a.m during the week and we wish it to finish
at 6:00pm. Ideally, there should be no work on Saturdays at the site, however if there is
then we do not want work to commence before 9.00a.m on Saturday mornings and request
that it finish at 1:00pm. No work at all should be permitted on Sundays, public or bank
We would request that Dublin City Council control the dirt and noise pollution that will
result from this construction and ensure that this is kept to an acceptable level for the local
residents. The regulation of these activities should be incorporated in a Construction
Management Plan, which should be required from the developer prior to the
commencement of development. A key objective of any such plan should be to minimise
the impact of the construction project on the amenities of the neighbouring residents
through the imposition of controls on noise/dust emissions etc. The related standards to be
included in the Plan should be specified by way of condition. In the event of this
development requiring to use our roads, we would request that a condition of the grant be

Page 3 of 10

that the developers and/or Dublin City Council do a full road clean each week to minimise
the impact of dirt and dust on the roads.
We would ask that the windows of our house are cleaned by the contractors on a regular
We request that the healthy and viable trees existing within the site alongside the boundary
wall on the South Circular Road be retained and those of the existing trees which have to be
replaced because of disease/decay etc. be replaced by mature trees of a similar species.

My concerns with the development of the hospital stem from living and working in the area
and our experience of daily life negotiating local traffic. As a family and with our business,
we have invested in the regeneration of the area and feel honoured to live and work in such
an historical residential area. We believe that the proposed location for the New Childrens
Hospital is wrong for the residents and also the patients.
To conclude, I request that an Bord Pleam31a has regard to this submission in the assessment
of the proposed development and refuse it permission for the reasons as outlined above.
Without prejudice to this submission, if the board decides to make a grant of permission I
request that the conditions outlined above be attached to any such decision.

- _____I_,



Your sincerely,


Cathy Me Genn1s

Page 4 of 10


ocr 2a1s

- -----.....,_,FROM

Appendix 1 - Photos of Traffic on SCR Kilmainham.
Sept 23rd 2015- 16:51 pm- Congestion backed up from Spar KllmatM~WIJA~riitlortg

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Page 6 of 10

Sept 17 h 2015 -15:40 pm- Congestion backed up from Spar Kilmainham, All along the SCR
Kilmainham and back over Rialto





- 1 ocr 201s


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4 h March 2015-18:11 pm- congestion from Spar Kilmainham all along SCR Kilmainham .




- 1

OCT 2015

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5 h March 2015-18:29 pm- congestion from Spar Kilmainham all along SCR Kilmainham .



- 1 OCT 2015
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301h April 2015 16:58




- f OCT 2015

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