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Our Ref: 29N.


An Bord Pleamila

Your Ref:

C/o Mary Flaherty
110 Lower Drumcondra Road
Dublin 9
6th October 2015
Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric
Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.
Dear Madam,
An Bord Pleamila has received your recent submission in relation to the above mentioned proposed development and will
take it into consideration in its determination of the matter. A receipt for the fee lodged is enclosed.
The Board will revert to you in due course with regard to the matter.
Please be advised that copies of all submissions I observations received in relation to the application will be made
available for public inspection at the offices of Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council and South Dublin County
Council and at the offices of An Bord Pleamila when they have been processed by the Board.
If you have any queries in the meantime please contact the undersigned officer of the Board. Please quote the above
mentioned An Bord Pleamila reference number in any correspondence or telephone contact with the Board.
Yours faithfully,



M Srai!ll\1anilhhrill~.
llailc A1ha Clialh I .

till) KSK KHXI Tel

Lailhrc;ut Gr\!!I,Jill 1\ 1\ 1\ pl~an!ll!l 1c \\ ch

Rimnhph<"l hurd plc;mala ic Em;ul





Our Ref: 29N.PA0043

Your Ref:

Paul O'Neill
National Paediatric Hospital Development Board
C/0 G.V.A. Planning & Regeneration
Floor 2, Seagrave House
19-20 Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2
5th October 2015

Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric

Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.
Dear Sir,
Enclosed for your information is a copy of submission(s) received by the Board in relation to the above mentioned
proposed development.
If you have any queries in relation to the matter please contact the undersigned officer of the Board.
Please quote the above mentioned An Bord Pleamila reference number in any correspondence or telephone contact with
the Board.
Yours faithfully,


Tcil (01) K5K KI!HI Tel

Glao ,\iriliil I KXI175 175 LnCall

CH Sraid Maoilbhritlc.
ll:uk ,\rh., Clialh I

l.Jnhrdn GO:a,ain "" w.plcan:11:1 1c \\'ch

Rinmhphn'l bnrd@ plcanala ic Ern:~il



!Juhlin I

Our Ref: 29N.PA0043

Your Ref:

Chief Executive Officer

Dublin City Council
Civic Offices
Wood Quay
Dublin 8
5th October 2015
Re: Health lnfrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric
Hospital, lnnovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.

Dear Sir/Madam,
Enclosed for your information are two copies of submissions received by the Board in relation to the above mentioned
proposed development.
Please ensure that a copy of each submission is available for public inspection at the offices of the planning authority.
If you have any queries in relation to this matter please contact the undersigned officer of the Board. Please quote the
above mentioned An Bord Pleamlla reference number in any correspondence or telephone contact with the Board.
Yours faithfully,

En cis.


Glau Attiuil
(~ Sr;ild J\lauilhhtidc,
Baile Atho Chath I

1!1)(117~ 17~ LuC.rll

Lillhn.:an GrCahun \\" \\ plc.llhll,, lc \\ch

Riumhpt""' l>tlrtl <plc;mala 1c I m:ul

64 ~l:rrllxrruu~h Stn:<!l

Duhhn I

Our Ref: 29N.PA0043

Your Ref:

Chief Executive Officer

Fingal County Council
County Hall
Main Street
County Dublin
5th October 2015

Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric

Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallagbt & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Enclosed for your information are two copies of submissions received by the Board in relation to the above mentioned
proposed development.
Please ensure that a copy of each submission is available for public inspection at the offices of the planning authority.
If you have any queries in relation to this matter please contact the undersigned officer of the Board. Please quote the
above mentioned An Bord Pleanala referencenumberin any correspondence or telephone contact with the Board.
Yours faithfully,

ran Somers
x cutive Officer
Direct Line:Ol-8737107


t>-1 Sr;iid l\lantlhhrkle.

Batie Atha Cliath I

Ted till N~K NIIMl Tel

Gl.m,\nnlll IK'JO ~7S ~ -~ LnCaiJ
I d(' (II ll K ~ 1ttK.I ra.\
L.uthrc.ut Grc.l\,1111 """ \\ell
Rinmhphtl\1 hnr<l" ple:mala te l:m:ul


IHI\Iarlhomugh Street.
Ouhhn I

Our Ref: 29N.PA0043

P .A.Reg.Ref:

An Bord Pleamila

Your Ref:

Chief Executive Officer

South Dublin County Council
County Hall
Dublin 24
5th October 2015

Re: Health Infrastructure Development comprising National Paediatric

Hospital, Innovation Centre and Family Accommodation Unit at St
James' Hospital Campus, Satellite Centres at Tallaght & Connolly
Hospitals and Construction Compound at Davitt Road, Dublin.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Enclosed for your information are two copies of submissions received by the Board in relation to the above mentioned
proposed development.
Please ensure that a copy of each submission is available for public inspection at the offices of the planning authority.
If you have any queries in relation to this matter please contact the undersigned officer of the Board. Please quote the
above mentioned An Bord Pleanala reference number in any correspondence or telephone contact with the Board.
Yours faithfully,

ran Somers
cutive Officer
Direct Line:O 1-8737107

(>-! Sr.iid Matlllhhrid~.

11~11~ ,\tha Cliath I

T~tl lUI I K~H KJIMI Tel \itnnl IX<JU 2'~ 17~ LnC:tll
I dL\ (UI Mn ~1>11-' 1."
Latthre:m Gn!.t'"" """ pl~anala 1c Wet>
Rluruhpht"t hord plcanala tc Lm:ul




Dut>hn I





0 2 OCT 2015


Celebrating 25 Years of
Shining a light for Children


Mrs Mary Flaherty

110 lower Drumcondra Road
Dublin 9

The Secretary
An Bord Pleancila
64 Marlborough Street
Dublin 1

Fee: ~~~--~~~-1

Receipt No:


September 2015
Re: Support for the new children's hospital (PA0043}

To the Secretary,
I wish to submit my support for the planned development of the proposed new children's hospital
{PA0043) as set out on
I support this development as;

The new children's hospital will be the centre of a new Model of care under the umbrella of
the Children's Hospital Group. It will bring all of the most complex elements of modern
paediatric care under one roof for the first time in Ireland's history, in a modern building that
Is custombullt to deliver the best medical treatments that are now available.

The trilocation of the new children's hospital on a shared campus with StJames's Hospitalone of Ireland's leading teaching hospitals- and the new maternity hospital, will provide the
optimal model of care for the sickest children, newborn infants and women. It will improve
clinical outcomes, patient experience and reduce waiting times.

When built, there will be no more unnecessary replication of highly specialised services for
children. The new Model of Care will ensure proper referral pathways for all the children of
Ireland to access the care appropriate to their needs, either close to their home or, if very
specialised care is required, then at the new children's hospital.

An integral part of the new chtldren's hospital includes the development of two Satellite
Centres planned at Tallaght Hospital and Connolly Hospital. These centres will provide urgent
care to the children of Dublin and the surrounding counties as well as paediatric outpatients.
These Centres will allow children with minor injuries and minor illnesses to be treated locally
in a model of care which has proven to be of the highest standard in other locations around
the world.

The new children's hospital will bring all of the most complex elements of modern paediatric
care under one roof for the first time in Ireland's history, in a modern building that is custom
built to deliver the best medical treatments that are now available.


Board Members - Ronan Boylan, Noel Hughes, Shane Kavanagh, Colm O'Brien, Peter Quinn. Company Registered Number - 148760.

110 Low er Drum condra Rd ., Dublm 9. 1 Tel: 01 830 8 5291 Helplme 1890 924 567 j www.can .ie

I Chanty No . 9491

Celebrating 25 Years of
Shining a Ught for Children
The children of Ireland deserve the best care available and they should not have to walt any longer for
this much needed facility.



0 2 OCT 2015



Board Members - Ronan Boylan, Noel Hughes, Shane Kavanagh, Colm O'Brien, Peter Quinn. Company Registered Number - 148760.

110 Lower Drumcondra Rd., Dublm 9

I Tel: 01 830 8529 I Helpline

1890 924 567 [ www.carr ie

! Charity No 9491

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