Assignment One With Comments

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Observation Analysis Notes

Assignment One

Claire Hibbert
p. 1
Observation One
September 29, 2015
BBCS Sherlock

Background Information: The TV show Sherlock takes place in London, England and has two
main characters, Sherlock and John Watson. Together they go out and examine crime scenes to
try and figure out who is behind the crime.
Figured World: is an entire social structure that has smaller communities of practices
within it. The figured world has its own rules and conventions for acceptable behavior
and revolves around people in the communities working together to maintain this social
Rules and Conventions: There are multiple rules and conventions, such as the way Sherlock
acts and behaves towards others. When he first meets someone, he oversteps his boundaries by
jumping into their personal business. For example, when he meets John, one of the first things
Sherlock asks is Afghanistan or Iraq implying he knew John had served in the military and
knew where he was stationed. Sherlock also doesnt have the best manners. It is shown in the
first episode of the first season by the way he treats Molly, who clearly likes Sherlock. The way
Sherlock interacts with people is a sign of how he doesnt know how to properly communicate
with someone, or he just doesn't care. John usually aids Sherlock in his social interactions. His
poor communication skills is seen through his texting or verbal conversations. Texting/using cell
phones is a major means of communication. Even in quite a few episodes, images of the text will
appear so the audience can read it. Texting is usually how Sherlock contacts anyone he needs to
talk to; he doesn't normally call someone. Verbal communication is another way, but as
mentioned before, Sherlock is not the best at holding a conversation with someone. He almost
always finds a way to offend the other person (unless they are used to it). He tends to say things
that cross the line, but once again has no clue that what he has said is offensive. Texting is the
most acceptable and convenient form of communication for Sherlocks purposes.
Actors: are people who hold a certain position within a specific community. These actors
tend to have purposes throughout the show and each actor is somehow connected.
Without one, the others can suffer.
Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock Holmes plays the role of the consulting detective. He goes
to crime scenes that Police Investigators cant figure out and solve themselves. He is
smarter than the police and even the perpetrators themselves. Sherlock also plays the role
of a son of Ms. Hudson and as Johns friend. It is important to note that his friendship
with John is special because Sherlock has very little friends due to his poor social skills.
Dr. John Watson: Dr. John Watson is Sherlocks closest friend and essentially his side
kick. Watson plays an important role in all of the episodes because he helps Sherlock
with social interactions and figuring out crime investigations. John Watson also plays the
role of Sherlocks friend. This is considered unusual because Sherlock doesnt have any
friends. John understands Sherlock more than anyone else and they get along well.

Comment [C1]: Maybe consider putting a

note describing the time period your
observations took place. This could be helpful
for other people that may view these
observations, but don't know the requirements
that we have for this assignment. This could
also account for "Missing Information" from
where the observation just ends from the 30
minute time period. (Haley Cutrell)
Comment [C2]: Your description for your
background information is a little broad. Maybe
give more detail about the crime scenes and
how they attempt to solve the cases that they
examine. Maybe even describe Sherlock and
John Watson, but that might be a little repetitive
if you described them in your actor section of
the assignment. (Haley Cutrell)
Comment [C3]: Your rules and conventions
are written very well. You gave concise
examples that went with your topic thus
explaining the conventions very well to readers
that have not seen this series. Good job on the
detail! (Haley Cutrell)

Comment [C4]: All of your definitions for your

terms are very clear and are easy to
understand. They explain what you are trying to
explain with your examples very well. Your
examples were also very good and descriptive.
Your paper is very easy to follow for someone
who doesn't know anything about the show.
(Haley Cutrell)

Comment [C5]: I really like the details you

brought into the description of your actors. I
know very little about the show so having the
comparison to being Sherlock's "side-kick" gives
a good view of their relationship. The wording of
the last sentance is a little confusing, however it
doesnt throw off the mening of the paragraph.
Em Asbill

Observation Analysis Notes

Claire Hibbert
Assignment One
p. 2
Mrs. Hudson: Ms. Hudson is the landlord/owner of the flats that John and Sherlock rent.
Before John was introduced into Sherlock's flat, Sherlock had done Mrs. Hudson a favor,
which in turn made the rent cheaper and the relationship between her and Sherlock
stronger. As seen in the later seasons, she even spends multiple holidays with them.
Throughout the entirety of the show, Mrs. Hudson acts as a protecting figure. She treats
Sherlock and John as if they were her sons.
Artifacts: are physical objects that have value and importance to someone and others
throughout the community. The artifact may have be of high importance in one
community, but can mean nothing in another community; it depends on the cultural
John Watsons Cane: John Watsons cane is an important artifact because it is the
leading factor towards his PTSD/mental health. Sherlock points out that when John
comes into a room he doesnt ask for a chair, saying that his leg pain is all in his head. It
is later seen that John accidentally leaves his cane at a restaurant and runs after someone
with Sherlock. He doesn't even notice he left it until Sherlock brings it up.
Sherlock/Johns cellphone: Sherlock makes it clear from the beginning that he prefers
texting to any other form of communication. Although a cellphone may not seem
extremely important to others around him, it is essential for Sherlocks purposes. It also
allows for others to quickly contact him, so it is more important for Sherlock to have his
cell phone compared to others having their cell phone outside of the community.

Comment [C6]: Is it just their phones that are

artifacts or is it phones overall? I like how you
connected them through the phone. Cellphones
are an intersting way of connecting the two
Em Asbill

Community of Practice: is a group of people who share common interests and

collectively work together in a shared domain. The members of this community learn
how to cooperate and engage in activities relating to the group's interest.
Police Investigations: The most prevalent community is the police investigations
Sherlock and John Watson join. Even though Sherlock doesnt work particularly well
with others, other than John, the investigation team works together to solve the crimes
while simultaneously learning from each other. It is also evident that the investigators
need Sherlocks help in solving the mysteries.
John Watsons Blog: Another community of practice Johns blog that he starts writing
over the course of the seasons. Although its not face-to-face, there is interaction among
the readers online. Together, they are learning about the activities and adventures
John and Sherlock are doing. It also creates interaction between John and Sherlock as
John says He solves crimes. And I blog about it.
Domain: is closely related to a community of practice. Its values and goals shared
within the community. The domain is what makes others in the groups learn from one
another. Usually someones domain is of value and others recognize the importance of
each individual in the community. The community of practice is identified through the
shared domain and the interest between the people in the group.

Comment [C7]: This is not something I would

have thought to add as a community of practice,
very good thinking. I like how you gave an
example of how the blog is interacting with
those in the community. The quote at the end is
very funny, which keeps it intresting and makes
people want to read more.
Em Asbill

Observation Analysis Notes

Claire Hibbert
Assignment One
p. 3
John Watsons Past Medical Experience: One reason John is so useful to Sherlock is
because he is able to help determine the cause of death without Sherlock having to ask
other members of the investigation team. This is one area of expertise where Sherlock
isnt the best in. This enables Sherlock to learn from John and pickup on any medical
terminology that could possibly help in the future.
Sherlocks Intellect: Sherlock is incredibly smart and makes it known to others whenever
he can. Although most people get annoyed very easily with Sherlock, they recognize his
talent and use it to help solve crimes. Whenever the police cannot figure out a case,
Sherlock is almost always contacted. By doing this, others around him learn about the
small details that were not picked up on by other investigators. Together, they are able to
bring down the perpetrator.
Practices of the Community: are the actions taking place within a community that
relate specifically to the domain and communities of practice, and ensure that certain
activities/tasks get done.
Working Together to Solve Extremely Difficult Crimes: The entire show revolves
around the police and Sherlock working together to find the perpetrator. If Sherlock and
the investigation team did not work together, it would be difficult for members of the
community to learn from each other. By solving crimes with each other, they are
simultaneously growing stronger as a community.
John and Sherlock Figuring out Small Details: As noted before, John has a blog that
revolves around the cases that Sherlock and him solve together. The first blog post he
wrote was called A Study in Pink- John and Sherlock first case together. Johns blog
receives a lot of attention from others interested in the cases that Sherlock solves and how
he solves them. Without John by Sherlocks side, Sherlocks actions wouldnt be
recorded or shared with the outside community.
Literacy Practices: is the way actors in the show communicate with each other. It can
either be in the form of writing (or texting, handwritten, etc) or it can be verbal
Texting: Texting/using a cell phones is a major means of communication. Even in quite a
few episodes, images of the text will appear so the audience can read it. Texting is
usually how Sherlock contacts anyone he needs to talk to; he doesn't normally call
Verbal Communication (face-to-face and phone): Verbal communication is another form
of communication, but, Sherlock is not the best at holding a conversation with someone.
He almost always finds a way to offend the other person (unless they are used to it). He
tends to say things that cross the line, but doesn't normally realize the things he says can
be offensive.

Observation Analysis Notes

Claire Hibbert
Assignment One
p. 4
News Conference: Often, press conferences will be held to inform the public of what is
going on. The beginning of the first episode of the first seasons has a scene with a press
conference. It is disrupted by a text sent by Sherlock (a main form of communication)
informing the people asking the questions that what they are being told is wrong.
Observation 1: A Study in Pink
2:00 Minutes: John Watson is first introduced. The opening scene is of him laying in a bed
having vivid nightmares of past war experiences. There are gunshots and images of people
scurrying around looking for cover. Johns eyes open quickly, and he is shown lying in his bed
extremely upset. The next scene is of John at a psychiatrist's office. It is clear that John feels
uncomfortable, as he sits on the couch with his cane in hand; the psychiatrist even points out that
he has trust issues because it is clear that he is lying about writing in a blog. It is evident
through the nightmares and pain he is in that John has developed PTSD. The psychiatrist talks
about the blog, which she claims will help John with his problems. She encourages him to write
about everything that goes on his life, but he retaliates by saying nothing happens to me.
8:00 Minutes: Sherlocks face is shown looking down into a body bag. He then asks a series of
questions about the body to a woman about the same age as him, Molly. Molly works at the
morgue where Sherlock frequently examines bodies. After peering into the body bag, Sherlock is
next seen beating the bag with a whip like structure. Molly tries to make humor of it, but with
Sherlocks poor social skills, he states he was doing it to examine the bruises that should appear
on the body. After he gives Molly a short response, she tries to ask him out for coffee, however,
Sherlock interrupts her asking if she had put on lipstick. He apologizes for interrupting, and she
asks again if he would like to get coffee. He mistakes this for would you like coffee. Sherlock
then leaves the room to go into a lab. John and his former colleague enter the lab; this is the first
time Sherlock and John meet. Sherlock is friends with Johns colleague. After the breif
introduction, Sherlock states that his phone has died and he needs to use someones. John offers
up his phone for him to use. Sherlock then asks Afghanistan or Iraq implying he knew John
had served in the military and knew where he was stationed. John responds with Afghanistan
and tries to ask how he knew, but Molly walks in with Sherlocks coffee ending that
13:00 Minutes: John is looking for a flatmate, which is the primary reason his colleague
introduced him to Sherlock. Being the way that he is, Sherlock easily figured that out and invited
John over to view the flat. John agrees to the visit and meets Ms. Hudson. Sherlock explains that
the flat is at a less expensive rate because he ensured that Ms. Hudsons husband was executed.
When they both enter Sherlocks flat, John notices how messy and unorganized everything is.
There are boxes everywhere and the kitchen is filled with chemicals and experimental items. Ms.
Hudson comes into the room and asks John what he thinks. After she leaves to go into another
room, John says to Sherlock I looked you up on the internet last night and that he found his
website. Sherlock asks what he thought of it. John seemed a little skeptical because of what
Sherlock claimed he could do. Sherlock proceeds to show off his skills based on his slight
observations. John tries to ask how Sherlock managed to know all of his personal information,
but then Ms. Hudson walk back into the room holding a newspaper talking about the multiple
serial suicides that have been taking place. Ms. Hudson says there have been three, but right as

Comment [C8]: You have awesome detail

here. Your descriptions are awesome. The way
you brought in quotes is very helpful. The
wording is easy to follow and I like how you
didnt over describe one particular portion.
Em Asbill

Observation Analysis Notes

Claire Hibbert
Assignment One
p. 5
she says that, a police car pulls up to Sherlocks flat. Sherlock now says there have been four
suicides, but this time this one is different. Detective Lestrade comes up and says this time a note
has been left. Detective Lestrade asks Sherlock if he will come help.
16:00 Minutes: Sherlock has just run off to the crime scene, telling John to make himself a cup
of tea and for Ms. Hudson to make him something for dinner. She exclaims Im not your
housekeeper. However, Ms. Hudson then tells John she will make a cup of tea for him so he can
rest his leg. He responds by saying damn my leg! and then quickly apologizes. She says she
understands and continues to make his tea but says again that shes not your housekeeper. John
asks if she could make a couple biscuits as well, and she responds not your housekeeper. John
sits back in his chair looking at a newspaper that has a picture of Detective Lestrade. Sherlock
then comes back into the flat and asks John to come to the crime scene with him because of his
past medical experience.
23:00 Minutes: John and Sherlock arrive at the crime scene. They both go into the building
where the fourth suicide has happened. Detective Lestrade is there and questions who John is.
Sherlock says hes with me and then John is allowed in. They are both instructed to put on
safety cloak, but Sherlock refuses. After John has puts on the jacket, all three of them walk up to
the top floor to see the body. The detective can only allow two minutes for Sherlock to examine
the body. Everyone except John is prompted to leave the room while Sherlock looks around.
When Sherlock examines the body, he notices that the woman is left handed because of the way
she wrote the message on the wooden floor, Rache.- which either is German for revenge or she
was trying to spell Rachel, Sherlock assumes she meant Rachel considering the woman isnt
German. Once finished looking at the body, Anderson, who is part of the forensic team, enters
and tries to give is input. Sherlock then slams the door in his face. He then asks John for his
input. However, Detective Lestrade says he is already breaking the rules by allowing Sherlock to
look at the body, let alone John. Sherlock doesn't listen and John looks at the body anyways.
John states the possibilities of her death, but they know her case is just like the suicide from the
previous night. Detective Lestrade then asks Sherlock for anything that hes got and Sherlock
proceeds to name almost everything about the woman. He then figures out the suicides are not in
fact suicides, but murder.
Observation 2: The Blind Banker
1:00 Minute: The beginning of the show starts off in a museum with flute music in the
background and a hand putting tea leaves into a tea cup. Hot water is then poured into the cup.
The person making the tea then starts to talk, Soo Lin. She says the each time the teacup is used,
the more beautiful it gets. It seems as if she is talking to a group of children and parents and
explaining its use. She continues to describe the process of making the tea out of the special pot.
After the presentation, the group of people leave and the woman starts packing up her things. A
young man comes up to her and starts talking, clearly trying to flirt, and then proceeds to ask her
out for a drink. Soo Lin politely says no, and he tries again, but she says I cant, Im sorry,
please stop asking. The next scene is of the museum closing for the night. Soo Lin is putting her
tea cups away when the sound of a door opening and closing calls to her attention. She walks out
of the storage closet afraid, calling out to anyone who might be there. She sees a figure with a

Observation Analysis Notes

Claire Hibbert
Assignment One
p. 6
white cloak over its body and she slowly walks toward it. She pulls it off revealing something
frightening, although whats underneath the cloak is not actually shown.
4:30 Minutes: After the intro song, Sherlock is shown in his flat being attacked by someone with
a sword. Meanwhile, John is at the grocery store struggling to scan a head of lettuce. Sherlock
wins the fight and finds a way to get rid of the person before John comes back from the grocery
store empty handed. John is completely unaware of what just happened in his own flat, and
angrily goes back to the grocery while Sherlock tries to find a new case that is up to his
standards. When John comes back from the grocery store once again, he sees Sherlock using his
laptop who is looking at an email from someone who seems to be trying to keep in touch with
him. However, John gets angry because Sherlock is using his laptop without permission and
guessed his password. John then tries to have a serious conversation with Sherlock about lending
money, but Sherlock interrupts and abruptly states that he needs to go to the bank; John swiftly
8:00 Minutes: John and Sherlock arrive the bank where they meet an old friend of Sherlock,
Sebastian. Sherlock introduces John as his friend, but John is quick to say replace friend with
colleague. Sherlock and John are both in Sebastians office, first chatting about how they used
to go to university together. Then he proceeds to talk about a break into his highly secured office
building. Sebastian explains that nothing was stolen, however, there was a message written. The
message isnt clear; it looks more like yellow strokes of paint were put around the room. He also
explains how the person who wrote the message wasnt caught on camera and that he didnt use
a door. Sebastian offers a big sum money for finding the hole in their security. Sherlock wanders
around the floor of the building trying to figure out who the message was intended for. After 5
minutes, Sherlock is able to figure out who was supposed to notice the message, Edward
15:00 Minutes: Sherlock and John leave the office building to find Edward Vancoon. They go to
his apartment, but soon find that he isnt there. Instead of waiting, Sherlock rings someone elses
doorbell saying that he has accidentally locked himself out. She says she will buzz him in, he
proceed to ask if he can use her balcony. Once on her balcony, Sherlock climbs over to Edwards
home. Sherlock looks around his apartment while John is still outside waiting to be let in. After a
couple minutes, Sherlock bursts open a door to find a dead man, presumably Mr. Vancoon.
There is a gun next to him and blood on his temple, looking like a suicide. When the police
investigator arrives at the apartment, he is very quick to say it was a suicide, but Sherlock says it
was a murder. When Sherlock inspected the body, he found an item lodged into Mr. Vancoons
throat. Sherlock the used the facts to prove Mr. Vancoon had been threatened and killed.
Sherlock and john then make their way to a restaurant where Sebastian is having dinner with
some of his colleagues. They tell him of the incident and then Sherlock gets carried away into the
murder. Sebastian tells Sherlock that he hired him to find the hole in his security and to not get
side tracked.
19:00 Minutes: After Sherlock and John talk to Sebastian, the show cuts to a man running in the
streets at night holding a book, looking extremely worried and scared. He makes it too
someones house, most likely his own, and quickly unlocks the door. As he is running
throughout the house, he makes sure to lock all of the doors behind him. He makes it to his room

Observation Analysis Notes

Claire Hibbert
Assignment One
p. 7
but turns around to find someone else in the room. He had the same reaction the woman in the
museum had. Once again, we dont see who the person is. Now, back at the museum, the young
man who had tried asking Soo Lin out for a drink is being asked to look at a teacup. He says Soo
Lin would be much better at examining it, but then gets told that Soo Lin has resigned her
position. The man then goes to a small apartment beside a Chinese shop, presumably Soo Lins
home. He writes a note, slips it into the mail slot, and then walks off.
24:00 Minutes: Sherlock and John both go to the new crime scene because it is very similar to
the one before. Sherlock figures out how the killer got into the house and building without using
the doors; he climbed up the side of the building. Sherlock tries to figure out how the two men
are linked, and then he spots the book the man threw on the stairs right before he went into his
room and was killed. Sherlock and John then go to the library to see if they can figure out what
meaning the book has. John finds the same symbol that was in the office behind books on a
bookshelf. Sherlock and John both go back to their flat and try to figure out what the symbols
Observation 3: The Great Game
6:00 Minutes: Sherlock and John are both at their flat. Sherlock is complaining because he is
bored without any murders to solve. To help with his boredom, he starts shooting at a smiley
face that he drew on the wall. John then gets angry with Sherlock because of the damage to the
wall and because Sherlock did not like Johns blog. John goes out for fresh air and 2 minutes
later, a bomb goes off right outside of Sherlocks flat. John has gone to Sarahs house, who he
met at the doctor's office he works at and has a relationship with. John turns on the news and
hears for the first time about the the explosion that happened at their flats. He rushes to their
home and finds Sherlock perfectly fine, sitting in the lounge area with his brother, Mycroft.
10 Minutes: After John has gotten back home, Mycroft and Sherlock are having a discussion.
Mycroft then turns to John and presents him with a new case. A man, Andrew West, was found
dead near train tracks, with his head smashed in. It seems like a suicide, but it is possible West
was murdered because of stolen missile defense system information. Mycroft wants John and
Sherlock to take over the case and find out where the defense plans have gone. Sherlock doesnt
want to because he doesnt like his brother. A minute after Mycroft leaves, Sherlock receives a
call about another case. He doesnt think twice about the other case is brother brought to him.
Together, John and Sherlock drive to Scotland Yard- the police investigation office. The
explosion on Sherlocks home was made to look like a gas leak, however, it turns out it wasnt.
A letter addressed to Sherlock was found by the explosion. In the envelope is a phone that looks
exactly like the cellphone the woman was murdered in the Study in Pink episode. The phone has
a message that contains a picture of a beaten down room. Sherlock says its a warning, a warning
that the explosion is going to happen again.
14:00 Minutes: Sherlock, John, and Detective Lestrade go back to the flat complex and go into
the flat that no one has lived in for ages. They enter the flat and find the exact wall that was in
the same picture on the phone sent to Sherlock, however, there are a pair of tennis shoes.
Sherlock tries to carefully inspect the shoes, when he is interrupted by a phone call on the pink
phone from a blocked number. The phone caller is of a woman crying, obviously being forced to

Comment [C9]: Was there anything that

happened before the 6 minutes? Starting at the
6 minute minute is a little confusing because
you starte the other two at 0 minutes or 1
minute. Your details are good but a little
confusing here becuse of that.
Em Asbill

Observation Analysis Notes

Claire Hibbert
Assignment One
p. 8
speak something scripted. The woman crying is strapped down with a bomb tied around her
while she is reading out what is being spelled out. She says Sherlock has 12 hours to solve who
is behind the bombing or else he/she will kill the woman.
17:00 Minutes: Sherlock and John are at Mollys lab examining the shoes found in the room.
Molly comes in with another man, Jim; they seem to be in a relationship. He acts rather awkward
around Sherlock. Under his breath, Sherlock says gay. However, he covers it up by saying
hey. Which is unusual because Sherlock doesn't normally care about what comes out of his
mouth,. When Jim leaves, Sherlock once again says that Jim is gay. He goes about explain
everything he saw, from his facial feature to his underwear line. Once he is finished in proving
that Jim is gay, Molly leaves very upset. Sherlock, however, is confused because he thought he
was doing her a favor; the nicer thing to do.
22:00 Minutes: Once Sherlock examines the shoes and figures out Carl Powers in the owner of
the shoes found in the room. Sherlock explains that when Carl Powers was a young boy, he
drowned in a pool because he had a fit. It was too late once people realize and tried to get him
out of the water. When Sherlock was a young boy, he remembered reading the article about Carl
Powers and noticing that there werent any shoes; all of his clothing was left except for his shoes.
John and Sherlock are in the taxi hen a flash goes across the screen signaling that there are 6
hours remaining to find the woman strapped to a bomb.
Interview Questions: Sherlock
Interviewee: Natalie Yuhasz
1) How would you explain the relationship Sherlock has with others and the way he
interacts with people?
I would say that Sherlock is kind of an outcast. Not many people like him because they
think that he's a bit arrogant and rude. While his intellect is high, his social skills lack. He
can carry conversations just fine, but he doesn't see the point of small talk or talking
about things that don't matter. He prefers to be upfront about things and that can throw a
lot of people off.
2) Discuss why you think it took John so long to realize that he didnt need to use the cane
for his leg?
From a more symbolic point of view, I think John relied on his cane for so long because
he didn't believe in himself or his abilities to get around without it. His realization that he
didn't need the cane symbolizes a change in John, how he starts to become more
confident and more aware of his own abilities.
3) Considering your answer from question 2, do you think John would have realized he
didnt need his cane if he hadnt meet Sherlock? Why or why not?

Comment [C10]: It is very evident that you

chose a good candidate to interview. They know
a lot about the show and are able to give you
accurate and detailed information you need for
your assignment. I also like how you asked
specific questions that pertained to the shows
you observed. (Haley Cutrell)

Observation Analysis Notes

Claire Hibbert
Assignment One
p. 9
Probably not. Sherlock indirectly helps John see himself as more than just a background
figure. If he didn't know Sherlock, he probably would rely on that cane for the rest of his
life and not thought twice about it.
4) How could Sherlock have acted differently when Molly was clearly trying to ask him out
for coffee?
Well, he could have been more considerate and open-minded. Instead of assuming she
was going on a coffee run for him he could have taken the time to think that it might have
been more of a date thing that she wanted. For someone so intelligent and good at picking
up details, you'd think he'd realize that she likes him.
5) Describe why Sherlock is able to act the way he does (poor manners) and get away with
Sherlock is able to be poor mannered because his genius helps to solve a lot of crimes
and problems. Sometimes crappy people are allowed to be crappy if they're helping out a
wide array of people. Everyone could also be scared that if they said anything about it
then he would decide not to help them anymore.
6) Explain why you think Sherlock prefers texting over verbal communication?
Just like many people nowadays, Sherlock is not very good at face to face
communication. Texting eliminates the small talk that Sherlock hates and keeps
everything said plain and simple, the way he prefers it.

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