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Team Members:
Hostel :
Write your answers in the space provided with each question. Rough Space
has been provided separately, so try to keep the paper clutter-free
Instructions, if any applicable, are provided with the questions themselves.
Time Limit: 3 hours.
Ties, if any, will be resolved based on time of submission.

Time of Submission:

4 points per correct answer, Bonus of +4 for all correct
Well start with a pretty easy set.
Each question contains the definition for a particular word. The word
contains several shorter words within it, which have been defined
subsequently. You need to identify the longer word, plus the 3 shorter ones.
You need to identify all the 4 words for points, no partial credits.
The first one has been solved:
1.) Act of getting something known in public: ANNOUNCEMENT
a) Adult males: MEN
b) Substance used in building: CEMENT
c.)A word which names something: NOUN
2.) Planting trees to create jungles
a) Can mean post, position, farm, ranch or even a railway stop.
b)Located at or near the front. Also a golf related word.
Station, Fore, Rest = Forestation/ Afforestation
3.) The study of movements of fast lethal objects
a.) A muscular twitch
b.) An array of items written one below each other
c.)An orb of spherical shape.
Tic, List, Ball= Ballistics
4.) A rite, festival or special occasion.
a.) A fair and fixed amount of commodities , distributed to many
b.) Naughty child
c.) Electrically charged atom
Ration, Brat, Ion= Celebration

5.) Very delightful and pleasing to the taste

a.) Having the ability for something
b.) To Choose by voting
c.) A common item of furniture
. Able, Elect, Table= Delectable
6.) In some other place
a.) This place
b) To use a needle and thread
c) Which place?
Here, sew, where= Elsewhere
7.) Showy, bright, richly colored.
a.) Lad
b.) Young sheep
c.) Type of insect
Boy, Lamb, Ant= Flamboyant
8.) The art and knowledge of food, culture and eating
a.) Of me
b.) Chemical vapour
c.) The study of heavenly bodies
My, Gas, Astronomy= Gastronomy
9.) Marked by accord in sentiment or action
a.) To hurt someone or cause pain
b.) Cunning, deceitful, cynically clever
c.) A body part
Harm, Sly, Arm= Harmoniously

4 points for each correct answer, +4 bonus for all correct
OBEDIENCY sounds somewhat like OBDNC. ESSAY sounds like SA.
ARE like R. Well call these words gramophones. In this set, the letters of
the corresponding gramophones have been jumbled up . You need to find
the root word. The first one has been solved, again.
2.) DOT
3.) MAN
4.) CMNT
5.) BOCT
6.) SKP
7.) STD
8.) LJ
9.) NPCXD -
5 points for each correct answer, +10 bonus for all correct.
Following are sets consisting of 2 words each. You have to give me one
word which is an anagram of one of the words and a synonym of the other.
1) rescued, decreases=
2) incognito, mundane=
3) hectare, pedagogue=
4) patronymic, manures=
5) perceives, section=
6) scorching, organist=
7) performance,article=
8) eulogized, diapers=
9) refining,violate=
10) crotch, stealing=
11) toughest, trashed=
12) mutilate, eventual


Spoonerisms are phrases with swapped sounds, that still make sense.
For example: Dear queen/ Queer Dean (#sixseasonsandamovie).
In the following set, you need to fill in the blanks with spoonerisms.
He was sitting alone at home stuffing himself with
bad salad
(rotten lettuce) and writing
for his love, a
sad ballad
(depressing song)
7 points for each correct answer, +7 for all correct
1. Hobbes was staring at a ______
blushing crow
_______ (embarrassed black bird)
when he was given a ____
crushing blow
__________ (deformative punch) by
2. A best friend is one who can _
tease your ears
____________ (make fun of ones
auditory devices) and at the same time _
ease your tears
_____ (abate ones
3. Alice chased the _____
mad bunny
______ (insane rabbit) into the hole, but it
proved to be __
bad money
______ (fake currency) for her.
4. The apartment is available for cheap because the nearby __
block of flats
(cluster of small houses) is inhabited by a ___
flock of bats
___________ (a
collection of nocturnal aerial mammals)
5. Although the supply of grains in the granaries is ___
ready as a stock
(available in requisite quantities), the Government is __
steady as a
________________ (unmovable, resolute) on its decision to allocate more
budget to the primary sector.
6. Celebrities like to remain the __
shout of the hour
____ (hot topic of discussion) by
tweeting about minute decisions about their life, from visiting a doctor to coming
out of the shower
___ (exit after taking a bath)
7. The _____
mad banners
_____________(inappropriate posters) advertising the
event spoke a lot about the ___
bad manners
___________ (uncouthness) of the
event organisers.

8. Sipping my lemonade through a ___

drinking straw
_____________ (a paper/plastic
tube for sucking liquids), I sat in the stadium lamenting the s
_____________ (appalling lottery) of the French Open.
9. The ___
stamp dealer
_________ (ticket seller) was deeply grieved when his
collections were mugged by a ____
damp stealer
___________ mild robber.

The number Pi has motivated many forms of constrained writings, for
example writing sentences where each the numbers of letters in each word
corresponds to consecutive digit.
ts of the number. Here is an example:
How I wish I could enumerate pi easily, since all these bullshit mnemonics
prevent recalling any of pi's sequence more simply.
As you can see, this, sentence uses the first 20 digits of pi
In this exercise, youre required to construct meaningful sentences to serve
as mnemonics for the given sequence, in a similar fashion to the one
illustrated above. The minimum length for each sentence is 5, and the no. of
points is proportional to the square of the number of the words used. The
proportionality constant is mentioned in parentheses. Imaginary brownie
points for identifying the series.
1. 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12. (0.3)

2. 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19, 23.. (0.4)

3. 2,3,5,8,13,21,34... (0.5)

4. 2,7,1,8,2,8,1,8,2,8,4,5,9. (0.2)

5. 1,6,1,8,3,3,9,8,8,7,5.(0.2)

6. 5,7,7,2,1,5,6,6,4,9.(0.3)

7. 1,4,1,4,2,1,3,5,6,2,3.(0.2)

Each of the questions below has an allusion to a certain collective noun in
the first sentence, in the form of either a synonym, a definition. The noun
itself has been blanked out.
Fill in the blank using a collective noun for the relevant object.
Its truly a delight to watch these beasts in their full glory, lying lazily in
the hot sun, their faces reflecting a sense of vanity

a sense of entitlement as
the kings of the animal world. said David, closely observing a
lions in the Serengeti National Park.
Pride of lions = collective noun, vanity= pride
6 points for each correct answer, +6 bonus for all correct
1. Lying down on my bed, marveling at Murakamis evocative prose
while browsing through my reading device, I sensed a strange
sensation against my skin. Lo! A
of kittens was
surrounding me, pawing away while making adorable faces. (6)
2. So thats what happened, said Sherlock Holmes, the famous
detective, wrapping up yet another case. Oddly enough, the source of
the strange killings had been no man, but a __
_____ of bears.

3. The new design of the hovercraft with rapidly beating wings failed its
test yesterday due to unsteady wing oscillations. It had been
codenamed the Monarch Butterfly due to its behavioural resemblance
to a ___
______ of butterflies. (7)
4. An __
_______ of cockroaches invaded the laboratory,
sabotaging the health regulation checks. (9)
5. We always think of these animals as fat and swollen beasts, doing
little but eating all the time. This impression dates back to when their
behaviour was first recorded, as we recorded a ___
____ of
hippos resorting to cannibalism to feed themselves. (5)
6. Watching
would always send a chill down my spine,

recounted Steven. And yet here I am, ready to plunge into these
waters, housing a __
____ of sharks. (6)
7. The cacophony of these raucous birds was not unlike blaring music
playing at a New Years jamboree. The ___
____ of jays was
getting to me. (5)
8. Bullied, beaten and treated harshly, Edgar looked pensively at its
wounds. Being a new entrant in an _____
________ of
ravens was definitely not an easy task. (10)
9. A: You Lit junta are so pretentious, bey. Going around throwing big
words and appearing self importance. trying to impress chicks like
a bunch of peacocks.
B: An __
______, you mean.
A: A what?
B: ____________. Its not a bunch, but an __________ of peacocks

A: I rest my case (11)

Riddles. Simple. Solve.
+8 for each correct answer, +10 for all correct
What skins of oranges are calld
If you reverse, will show
The power that seems most like to death
Word 1 ___

Word 2 ______

Ye riddling fair, disclose my name,

No doubt you quickly will descry it;
The self same characters proclaim
The fruit , and how youd wish to buy it.
Word 1____

Word 2 ___

Tho small I am yet, when entire,

Ive force to set the world on fire.
Take off a letter, and tis clear
My paunch will hold a herd of deer,
Dismiss another, and youll find
I once contained all humankind.
Word 1__
_____ Word 2___
____ Word 3 ____

My first is your lord, and my second a part,

How great is my whole, in science and art!
Word 1 ___
______ + Word 2 __
________ = Word 3

My first doth innocence express,

My second is a part of a dress;
United they a period show,
Full of frolic, free from grief and woe.
Word 1 __
_________ + Word 2
= Word 3

All are movie names, or puns on the same. Original movie name works, for
me. The no. of blanks represent the number of words needed to complete
the sentence, and not necessarily the number of words in the movie.
They are making a movie about a goose who keeps crashing into other
Whats it called?
_____ _______.
(Ans: Goose Bumps, [movie is Goosebumps; Ill accept both Goose Bumps
and Goosebumps. Similarly for puns, etc.])
6 points for each correct answer, +8 for all correct
1. I had an idea for a movie: A CIA agents hunts his daughters
kidnappers. Turns out the idea was __Taken_______. Another one,
with the agent and his wife kidnapped, was _Taken________

2. I told you wed be late ! Now, look, we missed Hitchcocks cameo.

But were barely a minute late. The movie must have just started!
See! Didnt I tell you, hed be ___Gone in Sixty Seconds_!
3. You gave your cupboard a name?

Yes, _The Hurt_Locker. I use it to keep all my sad memories and

failures locked safely, unable to cause me any more pain.

4. Remember Rose from Titanic? What was her mom called?

Are you sure?
Very. Dont you remember, _Rose: Marys Baby___.

5. TEN CRUEL SIONS = Cruel Intentions

6. FLAWED -> FED = Lawless

7. Sage Durvasa was well known for his anger, something which caused
humans and Gods to treat him great respect.
Once, Shakuntala, busy daydreaming about her lover Dushyanta
to welcome him, upon his visit as a guest. Thing enraged him and he

_I, _Sage____ Durvasa, hereby curse you, that the very lover whom
you insult me for, shall but be ignorant of your very existence

Homonyms are used to referred to two different meanings of the same
word. Homophones are words that sound the same, but have different
Fill the blanks with homonyms or homophones:
5 points for each correct answer, +5 for all correct
1. Theres a ___ blocking our escape route.
dam, damn
2. How do I join this ________ of yours?
Simple, just put on this _______.
outfit, outfit/ band, band
3. Dad, I bought this __________ from the temple.
Big mistake, son, if you burn it here, youll only ________ your
incense, incense

4. A certain bands greatest hit was written to describe the experience of

taking ____________ of tranquilizers to make his abdomen
number, number
5. You also overuse ___________, she said. ....But thats my job, I
said, ...I work in geometry! Im not talking about that ...Then
what Oh (two plurals)
6. A pig can be trained to _______ for truffles which are usually found
at the _______ of a tree.
root, root
7. Oh wait, we can still escape through that _________________!
grate, great


Produced here are rather loquacious versions of well known phrases.

Just write down the original phrase.
5 points for each correct answer, +5 for all correct
1. To be in proximate distance, in the vicinity of, but being unable to
take into ones possession a tenaciously wrapped bundle of
leaves, which would signify success, which remains just out of grasp.
ANS: Close but no cigar

2. To set forth the violent exothermic oxidation of liquid

hydrocarbon-based lipid compounds in the dead of night, in order to
elucubrate and work diligently.

ANS: Burn the midnight oil

3. To be a willing receptacle for the mechanical waves of pressure and

displacement emanating from an equine frontal orifice, as a method of
gaining authoritative knowledge on a matter
ANS: To hear from the horses mouth

4. A visual, pre subjective, non-linguistic representation of a complex

idea or subject, can be considered to be of equal value to a subjective,
language based representation or detailing, which could consist of a
millenary small locutions.
ANS: A picture is worth a thousand words

5. To receive unconfirmed hearsay through concatenations of

companions and comrades, which resemble the tendrils and offshoots
of the
Vitis vinifera
plant. The phrase, however, actually derives
from the American Civil War, when telegraph wires were strung up
from tree to tree, and resembled said tendrils.
ANS: Hear it through the grapevine

6. This catchy little rhyme is thought to be part of the legacy of one

Mary Anning, a British paleontologist who became known around the
world for important finds she made in Jurassic marine fossil beds in
the cliffs along the English Channel. Mary and her brother Joseph set
up a table of wares near the coach stop at a local inn to sell their
findings to tourists. Her stock in trade were invertebrate fossils such
as ammonite and belemnite carapaces, which were common in the
area and sold for a few shillings. ID.
ANS: She sells sea-shells on the sea shore

7. This rhyme, through the use of graphic imagery such as the

shattering of osseous matter due to violent abuse of minerals and
canes, persuades a child victim of verbal assault to to refrain from
physical retaliation, and to remain calm and good-natured.
ANS:Stick and stones may break my bones

11. DIY
Construct :
Points= min (calculated score, 20).

1. A word using Roman Numerals. (G.I.F. of Value/300 )

2. A sentence without any Es.

(n/2 points for a n-word sentence [! ; , etc not allowed])
3. A sentence without repeating any letter of the alphabet.
(0.75*n points for n alphabets used)

4. A pair of words that are homophones, and also anagrams

(n points for a n letter word.)

5. A sentence with only one vowel, which may or may not be repeated.
(0.75* n points for n word sentence)

6. An acrostic sentence that spells STAR WARS (10 points)

7. A sentence with all the words starting with the same letter [use any m
letter except V] (0.75 * n for n letter sentence)





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