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Volume 6

International Representative Manual

Academic Year Program

International Student Exchange Headquarters

The ISE All Year Programs (AYP10) and
Semester Programs (AYP 5) are designed
to provide your students with an
intensive American cultural and academic
experience in a family environment.
We place your AYP students in all areas
of the United States. The United States
offers a great deal of diversity therefore
providing your students with the types of
experiences they are looking for.
We offer a variety of AYP programs from
full school year 10 month programs to 5
month half-year programs.

We ask host families to volunteer their

time, homes and love to your students.
These host families are selected by our
competent field staff. Your students will
become part of the American fabric by
becoming a member of their host family.
Together, your student and the host
family will create a family that will result
in greater understanding among people
throughout the world.

between people of the world. If there is

ever to be world peace there must first be

We at ISE feel that the AYP program

is an important service to provide. It
is a program that creates lasting ties

The Student Application Process Begins

We begin to meet your student through the student application. All applications must
be completed and submitted through our online database in a timely manner. The
following chart will assist you in meeting our deadlines. Application must be submitted
on or before the following dates, including the information about all PRE-AYP students.
No faxed or emailed applications will be accepted.

Inside this issue:

Introduction and
Application Deadlines.......... 1
Student Applications......... 2-3
Pre-Arrival ....................... 4-5
Program Operation and
Program Policies ............. 5-7



AYP 10 August-June

April 15

AYP 5 August-January

April 15

All AYP 5 January-June

October 15

Applications received after the deadline will not be

accepted unless approved in advance.

Training and Student

Placements ...................... 7-8
Student Flights, Invoices
and Payments ..................... 8
End of Program EXITS....... 9
SLEP Test ......................... 10
Important Facts
about ISE .......................... 11


Basic Student Application Facts

There are some basic facts about the
student application process with which
you should be familiar.
1. A Regional Preference is an opportunity
we offer to your students so that they
may choose the region of the US they
wish to live in. A regional selection page
is included in every student application
and it is optional. ISE no longer offers any
free regional or state choice. The regional
choice costs $300 USD. ISE reserves the
right in August, if a placement is slow to
come forth, to place a student out of the
Regional Preference area. No extra fee is
then collected.
2. Also, students can specifically request
a State Choice by choosing 3 states in
order of preference. Any state, except
for Hawaii and Alaska, can be requested.
If the State Choice is not available, the
international representative will be
informed at the time of acceptance. The
cost for this choice is $500 USD while
Florida is $600 USD and California is $700
USD. ISE reserves the right in August, if a
placement is slow to come forth, to place
a student out of the State Preference

area. No extra fee is then collected.

3. A Self-Placement is when one of your
students already has a family willing to
host him in the US for the length of their
program. However, ISE must still check
references, visit the school and meet the
family before a final decision can be made
about the placement. A $200 reduction is
made for all self-placements. If the selfplacement request and/or application
is received after the deadline and the
self-placement is not possible, there is
no guarantee that the student can be
accepted as a regular AYP student. Also,
the words SELF-PLACEMENT must be
marked in large letters on the top of page
1 of the student application. The Selfplacement sheet must be uploaded
with the app. A self-placement will not
be accepted unless the sheet is included
with the application.
4. Please encourage your students
to present themselves well in their
application. This includes writing neatly
and providing numerous and appropriate,
smiling photographs of themselves and
their families. Appearances do count for

something in the US. Short hair and no

jewelry for boys is important. The better
the application, the easier it is to place
the student.
5. Also, please encourage your students
be to truthful about themselves in the
application. Keep in mind that we will
place your student based upon the
information he/she provides, so finding
a proper match for your student begins
with the application.
6. When we receive your applications
we will review each one and then decide
which students we will accept or reject.
This process may take up to 1 month and
you will be notified as soon as the review
is complete.
7. Tell all students that each exchange
student must participate in the mandatory
Project Help community service program
which mandates 5 hours of community
8. DO NOT send in partial application.
Only completed applications will be

Important Components of the Student Application Process

Please be sure to complete the entire
student application in full. Some
important areas of the application that
require special attention are:
1. Page SA19 The International
Representative Questionnaire is very
important. You as the International
Representative must interview every
student that applies to the AYP program
for about 10 minutes in English in order
to gain insight into how the student will
adapt to the many challenges ahead,
including using a new language. Page
SA 19 is extremely important. This
page should only discuss the students
English interview, nothing else. Some
students may be requested to have a
phone interview with the New York office

2. Be sure that pages SA7and SA10 Educational Information provides ISE with a
proper grade conversion so that we can
compare your students work at home to
the US grading system. Com-plete and up
to date transcripts are required. The last
grades of the student before arrival in the
States must be sent on to ISE .
3. Pages SA11 through SA14 require
up to date immunizations and health
records. Please look at this section of the
application carefully as your students will
not be allowed to enroll in school unless
they have a proper medical history.
Please provide a doctors note explaining
any illness or medication the student
mentions in the application.
4. Pages SA14 and SA17 of the student
application must be reviewed carefully

with all natural parents and students. All

required signatures are mandatory.
5. Applications on HOLD - Requested
information may include the following:
clarification and/or documentation from
doctors regarding medical conditions,
medication or restrictions, clarification
of school and English proficiency. All
missing information can be uploaded to
the students virtual folder. To avoid this
situation, make sure all applications are
complete and include clarifications of all
medical issues and school information.


The Student Application Process Ends

Once your students application is
complete and accepted, ISE will prepare
your students DS2019. A DS2019 cannot
be sent out, though, until all financial
balances are paid. In order to do this
we will ask you to verify some basic
information about your student. For
example, we will ask you to verify the
correct spelling of his/her name. If a
change is not made on the Verification
and a new DS2019 has to be sent out,
the Inter-national Representative will be

in-voiced an extra $100 USD + shipment

for each error not corrected by the
International Representative. Once the
formality of the application process is
complete and your student is accepted,
we then move to the next phase of the AYP
Program. Now, it becomes time to find a
suitable host family for your student. The
search for the host family will be based
upon the information that your student
has presented in the Student Application.
Finding a good home takes time so do be

patient with us during this process. Once

a placement is found, we will notify you
with the good new about your students
new family! Please tell all natural families
that ISE has until August 31st to inform
you about Host Families.
J-1 private high school program students
usually result in faster placements.
All questions about the student
application process can be emailed at

Pre-Arrival: The Host Family and Your Students

Once your student is placed in a host
family home things become very exciting.
It is now time to take a look at some of the
processes that occur once your student
has been placed.
Often, there are questions as to what
a host family actually is. There are a
number of definitions for the American
Host Family. While many American Host
Families consist of the typical two parents
and children, there are exceptions. Your
students should be aware of the differing
family structures in the US.

Single parent families are an accepted

institution in the US. Some Host Families
may also have extended family members
such as grandparents who live with them.
A definition of a family could easily be
defined as two or more people related
by blood or marriage living together in
the same house.
It should be noted too, that not all
American families are rich. The US is
basically a middle class nation where
some families have more than others and
only the elite have a lot of money.

Your Student has a very special place in

his/her new host family as he or she will
be a new son or daughter to the host
family. The AYP program is designed to
promote a sharing at-mosphere for both
the student and the host family. Your
student will be immersed in American
culture, American schooling and the
English language. The host family will
learn about your students culture and
lan-guage. Both parties are expected to
be ambassadors of their given culture
where a mutual respect for

Pre-Arrival: Expectations
While there are exciting and noble ideas
to speak of, there are also some basic
practicalities that need addressing before
the student arrives.
First, when a student is made aware
of his/her place in a host family home,
it is their responsibility to call the host
family to introduce him/her self. Our host
families volunteer to host your students,
and it is considered a common courtesy
for your student to make first contact.

Many families have email and this type

of communication is encouraged after the
initial phone call has been made.
Next, the student should begin to
prepare him/her self for the significant
change in lifestyle that will accompany
this program. Many things will change
for your student, and your student
will be expected to adapt to the new
environment, language, culture and the
rules that come along with it. It is never

easy to adapt to change, but if your

students are aware that they will be
expected to become American students
and family members, it may be easier for
them. They should shed their old selves
and become a new person.
Changes cannot and will not be made in
host families due to a student not liking a
specific area or part of the country.


Pre-Arrival: The Host Family Application

Just as your student has filled out an
application, our host families must do the
same. The host family application will tell
your student all about the host family.
Some important areas of the host
family application that you will receive
include the host family rules on page
HF4. A Criminal Background Check is now
mandated of all host family members.
Your student will be expected to follow
the rules of the host family. Failure to

comply with the host family rules may

result in your students termination from
the program.
Another important page is the School
and Community Profile page. Here
your student will be briefed about the
environmental conditions for which they
must prepare. The school data will offer a
glimpse of the activities your student can
expect to involve themselves in at their
new school.

Preparation is the key to this part of

the program. If your students begin to
prepare themselves mentally for change
before they arrive, they will have a more
successful transition into life in the US.

Pre-Arrival: Double Placements

From time to time a host family will
decide to host more than one student
at the same time. When this occurs a
process must be followed in order to
make the double placement legal.
First, you should know that a double
placement can only occur with two
students from different language
backgrounds and cultures. This ensures
that the open, sharing atmosphere of the

AYP Program is preserved.

If your student is double placed we will
notify you on the students placement
information sheet. Along with the
placement information sheet, ISE will
ask for approval of the double placement. ISE asks that you, the international agent, the natural family, and the
student acknowledge and agree to live in
a double placement. We have approval

forms that you, the natural family and

the student will need to sign and return
to ISE if the student wants to live in a
double placement. This paperwork is due
two weeks after receipt of the placement.
You have the option to accept or decline
the offer of a double placement within
2 weeks. However, we feel the positive
aspects of the double placement far
outweigh any negative ones.

PreArrival: Insurance
Your students will be insured by United
Health Care (LAMP) from the time they
land in the USA until either one day after
the last leg of their flight home or June
30th, whichever comes first. Any and all
insurance questions should be emailed at ISE is now offering the
following insurance options:
1. Elite L There are no deductibles
for the student to pay on this policy.
Maximum amount of insurance cover-age
per accident or illness is $200,000 USD.

2. Supreme LThere are no deductibles

for the student to pay on this policy. This
policy includes medical coverage up to
$300,000 per accident or illness as well
as the following additional benefits:
Personal accident (Death and disability)
and Third Party Liability.
3. If flight information is not sent to
the ISE office by May 15th, you will be
charged an extra months insurance since
we must be sure that students are insured
at all times.

4. If a student stays beyond the June

30th deadline, it is his/her responsibility
to extend his/her insurance. Additional
insurance can be purchased directly
by the student. Links to the insurance
website can be found on
In the lower right corner there is a link
to Global Secutive for Extensions and
Baggage Insurance. The student should
choose coverage on the same policy they
cur-rently have - Elite L or Supreme L.
(this information is on his/her insurance
ID card). They will need a credit card to
complete the transaction.


Pre-Arrival: Home Country Departure Packet

Departure Packet
Before your student will arrive in the US a departure packet will
be sent to you . This packet will contain the following items:

The DS-2019 (visa form)

Insurance ID card
Student Handbook
SEVIS Receiptif ISE pays
An Insurance pamphlet

ISE Trips Flier

ISE Store Flier
It is very important that your student brings all of this
information with them to the US when they arrive.
ISE will send you a complete departure packet for each of your
students by the beginning of June.
This material can be distributed to your students at your

Pre-Arrival: Travel Options

Before your students arrive, ISE would like to make you
aware of travel tours that are available for your students
while they are in the US. This way your students can plan
on visiting some other parts of the country during their
stay. A traveling student must have approval from the AR,
HF and school in writing prior to signing up for the tour.
Any and all ISE approved travel options will be mailed to
all International Representatives with the final departure

Program Operation: Communication

ISE has staff in place ranging from
the corporate national headquarters
in Babylon, New York, to local area
representatives who live near your
students. It is best to think of our structure
as a chain of communication in which we
all are linked:

The Host Family and Student

The Area Representative

The Regional Manager

National Headquarters

You, the International Agent

The Natural Family

This chain of communication should be

followed if and when communica-tion
is necessary between all of the parties
involved in your students successful
stay in the US. For example, if your
student has a question about a policy or
procedure he/she should contact the area
representative. The representative should
then contact the Regional Manager and
if necessary the Regional manager can
contact ISE. The chain can continue on to
you and orderly communication will ensure a successful stay in the US.
At no time should the international
representative ever call the local

representative or the regional office. If

you call the student directly you should
always introduce yourself first to the host
family and explain who you are. When
speaking to the National Headquarters
about a student, you should contact
Student Services.
If you log onto the student information
page, you can see who your direct facilitator is.


Program Operational Policies

The rules of ISE and policies are written in the student
application. The application is signed by the parent and the
student on various pages. Page SA15 is a good example of such
a page. Each student should become acquainted with each of
these rules as they include US Government law, state laws, the
rules and policies of ISE.

The Area Rep is there to help your student adjust. She/he lives
near your students and is a great resource to them.

ISE encourages students to sit down and talk to their host

families about the rules and policies of the host family. This will
ensure an easy transition into life in the US.

Students are not permitted to travel independently unless

prior permission is given by ISE. ISE is not responsible for tickets
purchased for Independent Travel.

If there is a problem in regards to any of the rules or if your

student becomes homesick or anything else happens, the first
person to whom he/she must turn is the Area Representative.

However, sometimes issues may require additional assistance.

When this occurs the Regional Manager and the National
Headquarters may become involved. In every instance involving
your student ISE will notify you as soon as possible.

If a student is dismissed from a school due to poor English skills,

ISE has no other option other than to send such a student home.

Program Operation: Problem Solving

During your students time here in the US, he/she is required
to adhere to all of the rules set forth by the US Government, the
Host Family and ISE. Failure to comply with the rules will result in
the following actions to be taken:
1. Problem Identification Form: This is the first phase in our
attempt to solve a student problem. All parties involved including
your student, the host family and the area representative
acknowledge a problem and attempt to solve it by all parties

2. Problem Resolution Form: This is the second attempt to solve

the same student issue. All parties will come together again to try
to reach a resolution. Signatures are requested.
3. Student Probation: This is the last phase of the problem
solving process. ISE will specifically detail what necessary action
is required in order to save the placement. Either the issues will
be solved or the student may have to leave the host home or
return to his/her native country.

We ask you, the International Representative, to respond immediately to all faxes and emails whenever you receive a fax or email from

Program Operation: School Involvement

One of the best and most effective ways a student can ensure
his/her adjustment to the program is to get involved in school
activities. US schools offer a wide variety of activities for your
students. Activities are the fun part of school. Activities are often
easy places to make friends, not only for the duration of the
program, but also for a lifetime.
While making friends in this more relaxed setting, your student
will begin to speak better English. The more contact your student
has with others, the better his/her English will become. Without
realizing it, here the English language becomes easier and
cultural exchange happens. This is what the AYP Program tries to
cultivate. It is here where all the positive aspects of our program
are found.


Program Operation: Extensions

Students who attend the program for the first semester,
approximately August to January, may wish to extend the
program through to the end of the program in June. In order to
do this, the student must get the approval of the following:

4. The students Natural Family must also give approval for the
student to remain on the program for another semester.
There is a charge of 500 USD, plus the cost of insurance for
this additional semester.

1. The Host Family must agree to keep the student for another

These 4 agreements must be complete and in writing in ISEs

office by November 11 during the students first semester. Please
note that there is no extension of the program from the second
semester over the summer months because the US school system
does not operate during that time.

2. The School must agree to host the student for another

3. The Area Representative must agree to supervise the
student for another semester.

Program Operation: Convalidation

Its the sole responsibility of the student to make sure that
all necessary steps have been taken care of prior to his/her
departure to ensure that the convalidation procedures are in
order. ISE will no longer assist in the convalidation process. If ISE
help is needed, we will have to bring in part-time help and we will
have to charge you as an additional service, a total of $200 USD
per involvement.

All new international representatives must attend a two day
mandatory training session in NY Office. ISE pays for all land
costs associated with this training session. This is mandated since
the J1 program is the most strict of all the visas issued by the
US government. ISE must ensure that all State Department and
CSIET guidelines are followed carefully.
ISE has been designated by the US Department of State as a
Sponsor of the High School Exchange Visitor Program. All questions
about training can be emailed the New York headquarters.


Your Student Placements

All international representatives must know that placing high
school students with volunteer families in public schools is an
enormous task. The US Department of State regulations allow
the completion of student placements through August 31. If you
tell your families this fact from the beginning you will limit the
number of phone calls you will receive from the natural families.
You will receive a placement sheet the day that we receive the
host family information and confirmed school placement from
our field. All information including the dates of school will be
included. As soon as you are notified of the placement, you

should inform the student and the student should begin to

communicate with the host family immediately.
When doing your orientation for your natural families, we must
insist that you inform them of the following:

They cannot accompany their child to the US.

They should only visit their child at graduation or upon

completion of the program

They should limit phone calls to allow their child to adapt.

Students cannot return home for the holidays

Natural families and/or relatives are not allowed to contact the National Headquarters office or any field member.
According to State Department Regulations and written policies, all students can and should apply for a visa prior to a host family

Your Students Flight

It is your responsibility to give ISE each students flight
information as early as possible. This information will be passed
on to the host family as soon as it is received by ISE. The host
family and/or local rep will be waiting the arrival of the student
into the community at the designated final airport. Group arrivals
are almost impossible to do any longer since some US schools
start as early as August 1 and others as late as September 10.
Students must arrive in the community approximately 5 days
prior to the opening of school. If a student has to arrive any earlier
than 5 days for any reason, the NY office must be informed and
approved by HF. Students must be sure to have their ID cards and

Insurance cards with them upon arrival. Once a student enters

the US, he/she must go directly to the host family. Upon entry
onto US soil, the student comes under ISEs jurisdiction. He is not
permitted to go to a friend or relatives home prior to going on
to the home stay community. It is your responsibility to tell ISE
of all flight arrangements regardless of who books the flights. If
a problem exists at any airport, the student should call the ISE
headquarters. ISE has provided this number [see student ID card].
All flight information must be entered into EXITS prior to any
student departure.




Upon a student being accepted into the AYP Program, you will receive an invoice
for 500 USD. Deposit invoices are due upon receipt. Final invoices for August
students: Due up to June 1st (all invoices for August students issued after June 1st
are due upon receipt). Final invoices for January students: Due up to November
15th (all invoices for January students issued after November 15th are due upon
receipt). A SEVIS fee, which is non-refundable, of $180 USD, will be billed to the
International Representative (IR) on the final invoice. International Representatives
are responsible for all debts left behind by any of their students, including unpaid
insurance bills. When payments/wire trans-fers are made, the sum will be credited
towards outstanding balances, not individual students. Always note invoice numbers
on all transfers and checks. As well, in the future, we are asking all International
Representatives to email ISE to inform that a wire has been sent and for whom it
should be credited.

All J-1 Secondary Students will be

charged a $180.00 USD SEVIS fee.
ISE will pay the SEVIS fee for all
participants and bill this fee back
to International Representative to
charge the student. This fee will be
billed at the time of registration/
deposit, so the final invoice will
be increased to include SEVIS fee.
Please note that all SEVIS fees are
non-refundable. You need to notify
ISE if you prefer to pay this fee on
your own.


End of Program
Right after the winter days appear to be over and spring looks
like it may come soon is the time for students to realize that
the end of the program is nearing. It is a bittersweet time. Your
students will be involved in American life, but may be-gin to feel
guilty about wanting to return home. They may also question
how they will fit in upon their return to their homeland. They
will be different people. They may have an American accent. They
may wonder if they will see their host family again. Talking about
their feelings to their host family, their friends and our area reps
may ease any tensions. Once again, being open and flexible is the
best way to solve issues on our program.
Along with these mixed feelings come some practicalities.
Students should arrange for their flights 10 weeks prior to the
end of school. Return flight availability becomes a problem if the
student waits too long.
Also, while making their return flight plans, your students should
arrange to leave the host family home 5 days after graduation
day of school. It should be noted that after that 5th day, all ISE
support ends. Students will be insured by IMG from the time they
land in the USA until either one day after the last leg of their
flight home or June 30th, whichever comes first. If a student

stays beyond the June 30th deadline, it is his/her responsibility to

extend his/her insurance. Additional insurance can be purchased
directly by the student. Links to the insurance website can be
found on
No matter how well your students will get along with their host
families they must realize that after that 5th day it is time to leave.
Your students should not impose themselves on the host family.
It is unfair to guilt the host family into keeping your students.
Good-byes are never easy when people enjoy their time
together. However, we hope that a bond has been forged so that
your students always have a door open to them in another part
of the world. If students choose to travel in the United States
after the completion of their program, the natural family or
the International Representative should arrange for insurance
If students remain in the United States more than 30 days after
the end of their program, they are in violation of their Visa, which
could result in problems in obtaining a Visa in the future.



You can now order SLEP materials through ISE simply by emailing Brian Hause at Please be aware
that the company that prints the SLEP Test is no longer providing test 1, 2 & 3 materials. We can only provide materials for
tests 4, 5 & 6 from now on.
It does not matter to us what test form you use.
Answer sheets: $ 1.25 USD each
Test Books: $ 10.00 USD each
CD: $ 17.00 USD each
Test Manual: No Charge
Shipping & Handling: Add 20%
When you wish to order materials, please request a SLEP order form from
As soon as all information is shipped out, you will receive an invoice. Please feel free to pay this invoice together with any
of your other payments. Simply tell Marcel at



Important facts about ISE

In February 2009, ASA International, DM Dis-coveries
and IntoEdVentures were merged with International
Student Exchange.
ISE is designated by the Department of State and has
been granting listing by CSIET (Counsil on Standards
for International Educa-tional Travel) every year since
Issues Form DS2019 to all qualifying partici-pants,
which grants the visa to enter the United States
ISE Headquarters is located on Long Island, New York,
only 40 miles from Manhattan
ISE Headquarters is administered by certified public
school administrators and teachers with over 100
years of combined experience.
ISE cooperates with over 200 independent for-eign
agencies in over 57 countries around the world.

Working together,
we can make a

119 Cooper Street,

Babylon, NY 11702
Phone: 631-893-4540
Fax: 631-893-4550
www. iseusa. com

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