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Objectives: To use the Six Thinking Hats technique in a brainstorming scenario in order to assess the ideas
generated in previous exercises; to determine the final innovation idea.
Step 1: Select the Blue Hat and a Recorder in the Group. The Blue Hat writes down the Creative Problem
Statement on the Board.
BLUE: Blue represents the clarity of the open sky. It is the hat worn by the facilitator of the process and
guides the appropriate application of the other hats. The Blue hat intervenes to keep the group on track.
Step 2: Review the ideas presented and each group member selects one idea. Write this idea on the board.
At the end, each group should have the same number of ideas as that of members on the Board.
Step 3: The group goes down the list by adopting each of the hats.
Each hat represents a different type or mode of thinking or way of approaching a problem. Putting on a
hat encourages each individual to apply a specific perspective that may vary significantly from his or her
standard viewpoint. Effective thinking is often derailed by the tendency to confuse different modes. Useful for
personal but especially group solution-finding and decision-making.
WHITE: The color of neutrality and openness. The white hat represents a purely objective focus on datacollection. How does the idea coincide with the information we have gathered in the Deep Dive? What does
it address and what does it leave out?
RED: Red is the color of passion and emotion. The red hat represents emotions, gut reactions, and
intuitions. What do you feel about the idea? What are your emotional responses to the idea?
BLACK: Black represents the negative or the devils advocate position. The black hat represents logical
arguments highlighting weaknesses of an idea. Logically, whats wrong with the idea?
YELLOW: Yellow is the color of the bright sun. The yellow hat represents the positive, optimistic viewpoint.
The yellow hat focuses on the benefits and upside of an idea or proposal. This is the angels advocate.
Logically, whats right with the idea?
GREEN: Green represents growth and this hat is associated with idea generation. In green hat thinking we
go for the quantity of ideas. What ideas do we have so far? How many original ideas for our project can we
come up with?
Most of our decisions are ultimately made with the Red Hat. We choose a course of action because it feels
right. The critical distinctions, however, are whether we objectively assess all of the available information
before relying on feeling, and how we separate intuitive judgment from prejudice and preconception. The six
hats allow us to bring awareness to our thinking process so we can do a better job at making these
Step 4: By the Green Hat, you should have been able to narrow this list down already. Divide then the
discussion into a) Ideas for Immediate Usefulness, b) Areas for Further Exploration, and c) New Approaches
to the Problem. What is your final innovation idea?

Creativity and Problem Awareness

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