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A Prayer of Intercession

Almighty God, blessed is your Holy Name. As we reflect upon your goodness we recognize how
unworthy we are. We are sinful and wretched, yet you love us so much that you have given us
your only Begotten Son. We dabble in sinfulness but your love for us remain unchanged. What a
wonderful father you are. We see the signs of end, yet we continue to be lukewarm in praising
you. Have mercy upon us and bring us to full submission to your Spirit.
Father, life has brought us many challenges, but allow each challenge to bring us closer to you.
Let our failings remind us how imperfect we are and in need of your divine guidance. Let each
experience strengthen us and prepare us for greater ones to come.
I place before you this moment, those among us and afar who are sick in the flesh and minds.
Grant deliverance according to your divine plan.
I pray for the leaders of this country, grant them wisdom so that they will discharge their duties
not driven by ego or personal goals but in the best interest of our people.
I pray for those members of the security forces who on duty this moment, that as they perform
their duties they will do so without fear but with respect for human lives. Help them to
understand that without you they patrol the streets in vain.
For those in the healthcare and other essential services, performing an often times frustrating and
thankless job, we pray that you will grant them patience and understanding. Guide them in the
right direction when difficulty presents itself and when mans ability fails.
Mighty God, cover our children under your wings. Hide them from the eyes of those who prey
upon their innocence. Restore confidence and dignity in those who have become victims of the
vicious actions of those who have allowed themselves to be used by the devil. Let there be a
standard that bring those who hurt our children to repentance so that they too may experience
your glory.
Intervene in all our affairs. Let your Spirit rain abundantly among us. Forgive our many sins
against you. Grant these mercies we beg of you, in no other name, but in name of Jesus Christ
our Saviour and King. Amen
Intercessory Prayer 2
Oh Great Jehovah, what a wonderful God you are. I pause once more to petition your throne of
grace. It is not by works or any good deed we have done that caused you to give us Jesus; it is
your compassion and unconditional love for helpless and sinful humanity. We are undeserving of
your unconditional love yet some of us treat it with such little regards, casting ourselves about in
selfishness and greed. Intervene in all our affairs Almighty, for immorality has overtaken our
land. Let your Spirit reign abundantly in our land and ignite within us the desire to glorify you.
Let your standards point the vicious and wayward of the world to repentance, so that they may
experience the goodness you have in store for your people. Have mercy upon us and forgive us
of our many sins. We humbly ask in the name of Jesus. Amen
Intercessory Prayer 2

Mighty God who has created all things, we beseech you through Christ our saviour and King, to
look down on this our troubled world so full of confusion and trials. Have mercy upon your
people who continue to submit to your Will. Grant comfort through your Holy Spirit to our
failing hearts and bring us closer to you with each experience of trial. Let not the wayward and
the ungodly rejoice at our failing, for they look with mockery and contempt at our imperfections.
We know you are able to see us through because you know how to deliver the righteous on that
great and dreadful day. Bless our hearts and empower us with your Spirit. Cleanse our
uncleanness and restore us unto you. We ask through Jesus. Amen.

A Personal Prayer of Repentance 1

Heavenly Father, through Jesus I thank you for the mysteries and challenges of this life, for they
have brought me running back to your comforting arms. Your love and compassion towards me
are beyond my understanding. Intervene in my affairs and breakdown the barriers my own doing
has caused between you and me.
I have experienced your goodness and faithfulness, yet I continue in my own ways, allowing
fleshly and earthly pursuits to at times take priority over worshipping and adorning you. I
become preoccupied at times with trying to figure out lifes challenges on my own, not
remembering the many times you have carried me through.
Renew my heart and fill me with your spirit. Keep from my desire those earthly
accomplishments and goals that stand between you and me. Let me not boast or become proud
because of the good things in this life for I know them to be temporal. Help me to recognize that
heavenly treasures or better than anything I could ever imagine. My broken and contrite heart is
in need of your divine touch. Purge my heart of the scars that sinfulness has left on it. Comfort
the hearts of those left in pain and turmoil because of my selfishness and unfair dealings. Wash
me afresh and renew my mind. Blot out my sins and transgressions and cause me to hate the
wrongs of this life. I beg you for these mercies in no other name but Jesus my Saviour and King.
A Personal Prayer of Repentance 2
Merciful God, I thank you through Jesus Christ my Saviour for your blessings. You have created
life so beautiful and perfect but sin has caused a separation between you and humanity. I thank
you for the wonderful hope to once again through Jesus see the beautiful life intended for us who
believe. I thank you for my children and those who have brought me smile and laughter. I also
thank you for those who have caused me pain and much grief, for they have helped me to
understand how my own actions affect others. In my dealings with my fellow man, let me not be
driven by ego and selfishness but according to the dictates of your Spirit. Restore the broken
trust between me and those with whom I have dealt unfairly. When I wrong my fellow man, help
me to accept responsibility for my actions and to face the consequences that may follow. Walk
with me on my journey. Grant me strength, wisdom and understand for my heart is failing.
Forgive me of my sins and help me to forgive others. I beg for these mercies in no other name
but Jesus my Saviour and King. Amen

Almighty God, blessed is your Holy Name. Your goodness is from everlasting to everlasting and
your judgement is fair. We call upon you through our Saviour to once again have mercy upon
sinful humanity, so full of sin like those of old whom you consumed with your mighty hands.
Grant guidance to your people through your spirit for this world has gone astray, loving pleasure
and all sorts of profane things that dishonour you. Let not the matters of this world nor the
profusion of sinfulness weaken our faith but remind us that the end is nigh. Wash us afresh and
strengthen us with a double portion of your Spirit, we ask through Jesus. Amen

A Personal Prayer of Repentance 3

Heavenly Father, we thank you through Jesus Christ for another day, for each day is one day
closer to the end of our struggles. Incline thine ears to our penitent calling and fill us with your
Spirit. Our world is saturated with sin and constant disregard for you, but remove not your Spirit
from us. Man has allowed the advancement of knowledge and earthly wealth to erode fearing
you. But you will laugh at his calamity; you will mock when his fear cometh.
Have mercy upon those who have allowed their positions in life to drown their desire to
acknowledge and praise you. Have mercy upon those who are so caught up in life that they try to
rationalize the evidence of your goodness. Some have become vile and vicious but we are
thankful there is great peace in you. Many of us are on the verge of surrendering to lifes
challenges and accepting the things of life that seem to bring relief and satisfaction to the flesh.
Have mercy upon us Gracious Lord and grant us the Spirit of longsuffering. Show your
greatness and your presence among us. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen

A Prayer for Mercy

Great God, thou art merciful and longsuffering. We have

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