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B.Sc.(IT)5h Semester
Practical Question Paper Set
Subject: Graphics & Multimedia and Web Programming
Note: (I) Attach the question set to the answer book
(II) Assign any one set to a student
(III) Assign different question set to the students

Set -1
1. Write a program to Open 3 to 4 images in a same layer. Using filter effects create creative
backgrounds for book cover page
2. Create a HTML page to display a list of film songs available in the library. The following
are features of the page
a. The name of the songs must be hyper linked to the songs, so that the users must be
able to download songs.
b. The following is the song database available in the library:
Library Name: Student Music Site

Song Name
Kana Kanade
Anku Donku
Kalavanu Thadeyoru


Udith Narayan
S P Balasubramanyam

Set -2
1. Write a program to display a square and animate the display.
2. Create a simple static home page for a college [HINT: display information about the
college, management info , administrative info, course offered ,contact info etc ]

Set -3

1. Write C Program to create FISH structure using basic geometric Functions.

2. Write an HTML programme using applet embedding .

Set -4
1. Type text GRADATION and apply gradient tool on text.

Tips: Before applying gradient you must select text with wand too, and apply gradient on
new layer
2. Create an HTML page consisting of contact information of atleast 10 persons of a video
rental shop using <table></table> tags. Information displayed to include First name, last
name, address, phone number.

Set -5
1) Write a program to display a rectangle of size size 22 cm x 29 cm and resolution 72.Change
the image size to 44 cm x 58 cm and resolution to 300.
2) Create an HTML page that pops a message every 20 secs. Embed the message in a box .

Set -6

1. Write a program to create an animated circle image .Open the image and separate
background using selection tool.
2. Write a JSP page to display the number of hits to
page. (Hint: use application scope of java bean).

Set -7
1. Using pencil tool create an image of landscape, and color it with Brush tool.
2. Create an HTML page containing the following features
a. Create a login JSP page with username , password and submit button.
b. On submit, display message Thank you for logging Also create cookies to store
username and password.
c. Open login JSP page on a new browser. If the cookie is present the username and
password field should be automatically populated with the values from the cookie

Set -8
1. Using Rubberstamp tool, create a clone image.
2. Write a JSP program to display current date and time and suitable welcome message.

If time is between 5AM and 12 PM display welcome message as Good Morning

If time is between 12 PM and 5 PM display welcome message as Good
After 5PM display message as Good evening.

Set -9
1. Using Gradient tool, create some backgrounds for photos.


Create an HTML page containing the following features

a. A combo box containing the list of 7 colors: Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green,
Yellow, Orange, Red
b. Depending upon the color selected from the above combo box, the message in
the status bar of the window must be reflecting the value selected in the
combo box (hint: on change event of the combo box).

Set -10
1. Open a PORTRAIT image, convert it into grayscale. Now color the image Using
2. Write a HTML page containing an HTML form to capture the following properties from
the user: a. Name (text box)

b. Phone (text box)

Write javascript functions

to validate Name to contain only alphabets and of maximum length should be 25 ,

Show appropriate messages on failure
to validate phone number to contain only numeric data; show appropriate messages
on failure

Set -11
1. Open a portrait, select the eyeballs using marquee tool, and now change the color of eyes
using Hue / saturation. [Hint: Ctrl + U = Hue / saturation]
2. Write a JSP program to display current date and time and suitable welcome message.
If time is between 5AM and 12 PM display welcome message as Good Morning
If time is between 12 PM and 5 PM display welcome message as Good
After 5PM display message as Good evening.

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