Assignment Two Peer Commentary

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The Impact of the Marching Band

Jeremy Williams
University of North Carolina Charlotte

The entertainment provided by the marching band is well known and loved nationwide.
They perform visually pleasing formations, and play familiar exciting music. The marching band
is a key aspect of entertainment. The Marching band not only creates happiness in the performers

Commented [1]: To improve your introduction, maybe

you should give a first hand account of what happens
before the band members go on to the field. You can
talk about the emotions, the crowd, the weather. This
will hook your reader more.
Ryann Tate

themselves but to all who hears the music they produce and the shows they perform. The Pride of
the Niner Nation Marching Band is a prime example of this.
The UNC Charlotte Pride of Niner Nation Marching Band took the field in its inaugural
season this fall 2015. It consist of students from each of the eight colleges here at UNCC. This
group contains about 150 musicians. They entertain audiences at all of the home football games
and many other places and events such as parades, homecoming events, and ribbon cutting
There are multiple reasons I relate to this topic. I chose this topic because of my love of
music. I am also a part of this band so I thought this would be a good group of people to write
about. My paper is explaining the importance of the marching band. With this paper Im trying to
inform a general audience of the real life behind the band. This paper is explaining that, as great
as the marching band is, there is more to a marching band than just the performance.

Literature Review

Commented [2]: This paragraph provides lots of

factual information that gives the reader vital
knowledge for what your paper is about. I would
suggest that you cite the information in order to avoid
plagiarism for example, where did you discover that the
group contains 'about 150 musicians'? I would also
suggest you discuss the music that the band plays for
example, where did the music originate from and how
long has the band been playing the music? Does the
music they play have significant meaning to UNCC?
Luke Langley

Commented [3]: You have made a good start to the

introduction of your paper. In order to allow the reader
to gain a better understanding of your prospective on
the band perhaps you could explain your personal
experiences for example, you could write about how
long you have been in the band. You could also answer
questions the reader might have such as how they can
join the band. Luke Langley

The Observations written by myself show the importance of the work done by the marching band
to create a great show to please an audience. It clearly shows that marching band is a job and it
brings students closer together within the program. [1]
The movie is a perfect example of how much Crowds enjoy the marching band. They get
everyone excited and hype and ready to dance. There is a whole movie based off of it. Although
the movie is more focused on the drumline itself, the rest of the band is featured plenty of times
and the crowds go wild. It is almost as if the band is what the people go to the games for. Also
within the movie there may be some struggles but in the end everyone is close and love each

Commented [4]: It is good that you have contained

citations for your sources in your literature review as
this allows the reader to read your sources should they
want to learn more about your topic. Is this citation
style really correct for your major? For example, if you
are using APA you should reference the authors name
and the date of publication. It should look something
like (Williams 2015). Luke Langley
Commented [5]: You should include what movie you
are referencing. It is confusing to the reader not
knowing what movie exactly you are talking about.
Adding the movie title would definitely clear things up.
Christina Cao

other. This may not be a true story but it is very close to what I actually see in Marching Band
Programs. [2]
This video The Pride of Niner Nation Marching Band Debut shows the excitement of the
higher up supporters of the band. Not only are students getting excited but the staff and the
people who built the program as well. This video shows the importance of the band and
traditions created by the band. Tradition is also important when bringing people together. It
builds school spirit and pride. [3]
The article Why Music? Why Band? explains in depth the way that the band effects not only

Commented [6]: You should include what kind of

traditions the band creates. For example, does the
band play the same song for every home game as a
tradition? This would help give some visual details for
readers understanding how tradition is important.
Christina Cao

people outside of the band but the people inside too. It explains more personal aspects such as
how does music help you beyond the band world. Some people say it wouldnt but it does bring
out another side of you that everyone doesnt have. [4]
An issue that had been discussed for a long time is talked about in the article Why Music? Why
Band? That issue is whether marching band should be considered a sport or not. I absolutely
think it should and this article better explains why. It explains the physical aspects behind a

Commented [7]: You've cited your sources very well.

Maybe you could elaborate more on some of your
sections in the lit review. I think it will further the
argument that you are presenting.
Ryann Tate

sport and the band and gives you a clear understanding of why it should be considered one as
well. [5]
The Marching band as a sport theory is well explained in the American Sports: A History of
Icons, Idols, and Ideas article. This article goes in more depth to say that engaging in the
uplifting of traditions helps to consider this a sport as well. This article also gets more technical
letting readers know there is more to the band than walking around. It explains the parts in the
band that could be seen as rules and regulations in another sport. [6]
The blog post 18 Lessons Marching Band Teaches Our Kids Source is a Blog post written by a
parent. I backs up the effects that marching band has on the actual members of the band. This

Commented [8]: I like how you included sources to

support that band should be considered a sport. I
thought that was really interesting. It is definitely a new
and different topic that isn't usually talked about. Bring
in new information to talk/write about makes the paper
more interesting.
Christina Cao

post explains more perks of doing marching band. It explains and effect that music has on
people. It says that music affects the brain keeping it strong and active, especially as a player. It
also shows how the band established discipline, teamwork, time management, resilience,
flexibility, respect, manners, and more. [7]

Entering the Conversation

The idea that everyone loves the band is not necessarily true. As a member of the band everyone
may not know that there are indeed people against the band. The hate actually occurs at practices
as well as performances. The amount of work required by the band comes with a large amount of
practice and society takes fire at the band through social media. They send out comments such as
why is the band practicing so early, Im trying to sleep, and why is the band practicing while
Im studying again? One person even said that they wouldnt mind not having a band because
their sleep was cut short.

Commented [9]: The topic you choose to write about

in this section is relate table to many people. This topic
will for sure get your readers hooked to read it and see
your side as a band member. It shows to people who
hate in the band to look at it through a different
Christina Cao
Commented [10]: I like that you included this
statement. I totally identify with this statement because
I am one of those people. I don't send out comments
but I do yell at you in my room.
Ryann Tate

Its not good to focus on the bad side of things but in this case this is something not many people
talk or know about. That is how Im adding to this conversation. The types of negative comments
received are based off of the music played mainly. Some people dont appreciate the styles of
music played. That is why there are multiple shows performed to accommodate everyones likes.
We receive comments like What you guys need to play is___! its not too bad. They are
basically recommendations but it sometimes makes you feel unappreciated.
Despite the negative opinions of the band and their practices I found that there are way more
people appreciative of the band. They dont mind waking up to the sound of the band. We often
get people outside of the band to counter the negative comments. The band appreciates these

Commented [11]: To expand more on the entering the

conversation segment of this paper perhaps you could
suggest something such as holding a meeting where
people can discuss with the band the factors they do
not like. This would push the research forwards as it
would allow the band to meet students demands and
consequently potentially make a larger number of
people happier. This is good because it would lead to
the band becoming more successful and potentially be
able to grow even more. Luke Langley

people and works even harder in practice to please the fans. They say things like hey at least the
band is doing something with their life and not sleeping all day, or hey guys stop complaining
about the band, they are doing this for us. This is motivation for the band.
Some people dont consider the marching band to be a sport or even an athletic activity. Most
people dont see what the band goes through when they make those kinds of comments.
Members of the band always encounter those people who say that what we do is not athletic. He
are quick to prove them wrong. They just stating just as much time, effort, energy, practice time
is used in the band as actual sport.
From personal experience and my piers experience, I have found that the band does physically
impact you. During the marching band season I lose weight then maintain a solid weight for the
remainder of the season. I also gain lots of leg, back and hand muscles during the course of the
season. I have seen people drop 10 or more pounds from the marching. Marching band can also
affect how you think. It gives you a different perspective on school and changes your focus and

Commented [12]: I don't really know how this and the

other negative comments about the band aids your
argument for the band. Maybe you should direct more
attention to the positive aspects of the band. If you do
so, I think it will make your purpose clearer for the
Ryann Tate

The Collegiate Marching Band is an important aspect in college. More specifically an important
factor in college sports. The Marching band not only creates happiness in the performers
themselves but to all who hears the music they produce and the shows hey perform. The Pride of
the Niner Nation Marching Band is a prime example of this. The marching band is also a major
symbol of tradition within the school. The marching band works hard and never fails to get the
crowd and the players pumped up for game day and other events that may happen throughout

Commented [13]: Overall, you argued well about the

importance of the band throughout your paper. Your
conclusion does well in summarizing the "entering the
conversation" part of your paper.
Ryann Tate

campus and the community. The marching band uses music to bring people closer together.
Lastly Music is not only good for the listener but for the producer as well.
So far this conversation has only discussed the basic comments of performances. It also explains
the basic physical impacts of the marching band. My contribution adds a more real relatable
aspect to the conversation. People need to know what the goes through and maybe their outlook
on the band will change and cause a greater appreciation of them.

[1] J. Williams, Interview, Observations, in UWRT 1104 Assignment One Observations,
Charlotte, North Carolina, 2015.

[2] C. Stone III, Drumline. United States: 20th Century Fox, 2002.

[3] UNCC Music Dept., Pride of Niner Nation Marching Band Debut, United States: Youtube,
University of North Carolina Charlotte, 2015.

[4] T. Lautzenheiser, Why Music? Why Band?, Music Advocacy, 2010.

Commented [14]: You have done a good of

summarising your contribution to the research. To
improve perhaps you could say why your research is
'relatable'. You could also expand the part where you
talk about the tradition of the marching band by saying
what values band members hold and why it is a

[5] E. R, Marching Band Should Be Considered a Sport, Teen Ink.

[6] M. R. Nelson, Marching Band, in American sports: A history of icons, idols, and ideas,
US: ABC-CLIO, 2013, pp. 776779.

[7] P. Ray, 18 Lessons Marching Band Teaches Our Kids: A Parents Perspective, Nation
Association of Music Parents (AMP), 2013.

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