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UHL 4012
2011/2012 SEM I


Topic Area:



Should we legalize same-sex marriage in our country?

General purpose:

To persuade

Specific purpose:

To persuade my audience that we should legalize same-sex

marriage in our country.

Central idea:

Same-sex marriage should be legalized since it is the natural form of

the marriage evolution, part of human rights and able to prevent
psychological stress from the LGB community. (LGB- lesbian, gays
and bisexuals)
Problem and solution

Organizational pattern:
A. Open with impact/
Attention getter:

i. Tie to the audience /

reason to listen
ii. Credibility statement

iii. Preview of main

points/ central idea
Transition to body of
A. Main point 1:

1. Supporting details 1:

Picture this... A man meets someone he loves. Someone he is sure will

bring him happiness and someone he wants to grow old with. He wants
to take the next important step in his life with a marriage proposal but
oops...the person whom he proposes to is of the same sex! Now he is
distressed because the law of his country says that it is wrong to marry
the person of the same sex.
Based on some survey done worldwide, the majority of countries that
opposes the idea cited religious ground as their main objection to this
type of marriage. Putting that aside, what are left to stand between the
union of two people who wanted to spend their lives together?
Since 2001, there are 10 countries which had legalized same-sex
marriage. There are included Spain, Canada, Argentina and other seven
countries. The same-sex couples able to enjoy their marriage benefit
same like others such as the insurance, ownership of property, agency
law and others.
Today I would like to make a stand on why we should legalize samesex marriage from the perspective of an evolution of marriage, the
human rights and psychological stress.
First, we talk about the evolution of marriage and the legalization of the
same-sex marriage outside the country.

Marriage if viewed from historical lens has evolved through the years in
parallel with the changing time and physiological needs. The first

evolution of marriage was meant to aid in continuing our species

in a somewhat safer environment with both man and woman
taking responsibilities to care for their off springs thereafter.
Then came the next evolution; these were arranged marriages,
from the poorest of society to the highest bred to combine their
wealth, landholdings and armies. Love was not considered in this

type of marriage where if they are lucky they might find

themselves falling in love with each other in the end.
a) Then came the next wave of evolution where love and romance became
the key determinant for a couple to take the plunge. This is where we
are at right now but with a slight push to transcend the gender
limitation. Love and romance keep a marriage alive and marriage of the
same sex will not lack of the commitment either.
ii. Supporting details 2:
The first evolution of marriage started in year 1970. Same-sex couple
start applied for a marriage license but was rejected. Finally, Denmark
legally registered partnership in 1989 and the Netherlands was the first
country legalized the gay marriage.
a) Helene Faasen, and Anne-Marie Thus were the first legal married gay
couple together with another four couples at the 1 st April 2001 at the
stroke of midnight by the Mayor of Amsterdam. Netherlands was the
first country in to world to legalize the same sex marriage.
Transition to main point
Next, lets us take a look at the provision under the Federal Constitution
of our country.
B. Main point 2:
According to the Constitution of Malaysia, we are protected under the
freedom of movement, freedom of speech, assembly and association,
freedom in religion, and rights in respect of education. All human
beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
i. Supporting details 1:
Everyone have their own right to be who they want to be as long as they
do not break the law within the Constitution of Malaysia. Every
Malaysian has the equal rights under the Fundamental Liberties to act,
decide and behave as they wish as long as it does not have criminal
a) Under the Federal Constitution Section II 8(2) is stated that Except

as expressly authorized by this Constitution, there shall be no

discrimination against citizens on the ground only of religion,
race, descent, place of birth or gender in any law or in the
appointment to any office or employment under a public authority
or in the administration of any law relating to the acquisition,
holding or disposition of property or the establishing or carrying
on of any trade, business, profession, vocation or employment.
ii. Supporting details 2:

Transition to main point

C. Main point 3:
i. Supporting details 1:

According to the law of marriage ACT 1976, there was no mention of

the prohibition of same sex relationship which is stated in Section 11.
So the same sex marriage is not breaks the law. Beside Section 37 had
mentioned that both parties must willingly consent to the marriage by
not forcing or being threatened by anybody. We have no right to care
about other family issue since they are accepted by their family
The marriage of Jessie Chung and Joshua Beh is one of the gay
marriages in Malaysia. Their family have agreed and accept their
marriage. In year 2005, they have a traditional marriage. During their
marriage they were blessed by their family members.
The last point will see how to reduce psychological stress for LGB
community by legalising their marriages.
Legalizing the same-sex marriage are able to reduce psychological
stress from the perspective of financial and family
According to Badgett, Lau, Sears, & Ho research, it has also shown that
gay men living in same-sex relationships earn less than men in
heterosexual marriages because they have been fired, received unequal

pay and benefit on the basis of their sexual orientation.

a) So by legalizing the gay marriage, they are able to receive their right
and their benefit. The acceptances of the society to them are very
important. It helps them to build up their own confidence during work.
ii. Supporting details 2:
According to Croteau, hiding and fearing of being identified do not end
with adolescence since there are still a lot of family cant accept gay
marriage. For example, there are some of the gay are forcing
themselves to marry a girl that they not love to cover their real sex
orientation or to pick up their responsibility to their family.
a) So by legalizing the same-sex marriage, they are able to marry with
their love by not cheating their family or others. They are able to create
a happy structure system by adopting children.
Transition to conclusion: So here we are the three reasons that we should legalize the gay
marriage in our country.
A. Summary of main

B. Close with impact/

Call for action:

Marriage is a sacred union between two loving souls that have given
their commitment to each other. It should not be measured by gender
but by how much commitment is given to make it work. As with other
marriages, same-sex marriage should be viewed with an open mind and
accepted as part of the evolution in marriage.
Let our mind be free for a free mind is an able mind. Give the same-sex
marriage a thumb up!

Allegretto, S., & Arthur, M. (2001). An empirical analysis of homosexual/heterosexual male earnings
differentials: Unmarried and unequal? Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 54, 631-646
Badgett, M.V.L., Lau, H., Sears, B., & Ho, D. (2007). Bias in the workplace: Consistent evidence of
sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination.
Croteau JM. (1996). Research on the work experience of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people: An
integrative review of methodology and findings. Journal of Vocational Behavior. pp.195209.
Frederick.H. & Emily.D.(2010). Making it legal: a guide to same sex marriage, domestic partnership
& civil unions.

Gerard.S. & Peter.A.(2001).Gay and Lesbian Asia: culture, identity, community. Journal of
Homosexuality, pp.143-161.
John.D. & Estelle.B.(2010). Coming out under fire: the history of gay men and women in World War

Laws of Malaysia, Federal Constituition Incorporating all amendments up to P.U.(A)

William.N. & Darren.R.(2006) Gay marriage: for better or for worse? : what we've learned
from the evidence. Journal of Social Science.

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