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(SMP Dian Harapan)

Subject: Science
Topic: Living Things interactions
with the environment
Duration: 6 session x 6 weeks
Year: 2013-2014

Vision: True Knowledge, Faith in Christ, Godly Character

Mission: Proclaiming the Preeminance of Christ and Engaging in the Redemptive
Restoration of all Things in Him through Holistic Education

Grade level/semester: 7/2

Team Leader:

1. The meaning and purpose of what we are doing (KI 1- appreciating and embracing ownself beliefs):
BCWT (Choose one of the BCWT): How the World Works
The realm of creation is made up of all that exist, except for God Himself. The created realm is continuously sustained through time by Gods sovereign command. Our world belongs to Godnot to us or earthly
powers, not to demons, fate, or chance. The earth is the Lords. In the beginning, GodFather, Word, and Spiritcalled this world into being out of nothing, and gave it shape and order. God formed sky, land,
and sea; stars above, moon and sun, making a world of colour, beauty, and varietya fitting home for plants and animals, and usa place to work and play, worship and wonder, love and laugh. God rested and
gave us rest. In the beginning everything was very good. The foundation of the world has been set in place by God alone. Gods order can be seen in the creation. All scientific laws were created by God. We strive
to learn more about God and His creation in order to praise Him (more). We recognize the orderliness of Gods creation in spite of the disorderliness of mankind. God gives man insight, understanding and the
ability to make advances in technology & the environment.
Man was given the mandate to be stewards of creation and care for those around us. Rebellion has resulted in the reckless and selfish abuse and misuse of Gods gifts. Exploitation and excess are hallmarks of our
humanity. Our world fall into sin and has lost its first goodness, but God has not abandoned the work of his hands: our Maker preserves this world, sending seasons, sun, and rain, upholding all creatures,
renewing the earth, promising a Saviour, guiding all things to their purpose. God holds this world with fierce love.
Keeping his promise, he sends Jesus into the world, pours out the Holy Spirit, and announces the good news: sinners who repent and believe in Jesus live a new as members of the family of God the first-fruits
of a new creation. Christians are called to affirm Gods good creation and act redemptively as agents of environment restoration and renewal. We rejoice in the goodness of God, renounce the works of darkness,
and dedicate ourselves to holy living. As covenant partners, set free for joyful obedience, we offer our hearts and lives to do Gods work in the world. With tempered impatience, eager to see injustice ended, we
expect the Day of the Lord. We are confident that the light which shines in the present darkness will fill the earth when Christ appears. Come, Lord Jesus. Our world belongs to you

SDH graduate profile developed: #17 Demonstrate responsible Biblical Christian service and witness; humbly engaging in a life of redemptive restoration

Enduring Understanding(s):

Essential questions (What teacher questions will drive these inquiries?):

1. There are different natural environments, each with its

own features.
2. The natural environment is a system.
3. Our choices and actions effect the natural environment.
4. Christians are called to affirm Gods good creation and
act redemptively as agents of environment restoration
and renewal.

1. How do the features of a natural environment different from the features of other natural
2. How do the biotics and abiotics in various natural environments relate to each other?
3. Why do people make wrong choices toward the environment?
4. How do human choices and actions cause issues and problems in our environment?
5. Why do we need to protect our natural environment?
6. How can we maintain and protect our natural environment?

Summative Assessment task(s) (What are the possible ways of assessing students enduring understandings? What evidences including student-initiated
action will we look for?):
Make two models of a natural environment using materials such as sand, rocks, or leaves. One of the models should highlight the diversity of the natural system in a
good/ideal environment. The other model should hightlight the environmental problems and issues that affect the environment. Present the model orally. The oral
presentation should include the answers of the essential questions . (See attachment for the rubric)

2. What we want students to learn

KI 2: Appriciate and embrace and demonstrate honesty, dicsipline, responsibility, caring (mutual aid, tolerance), respect, confidence in interacting
effectively with the social and natural environment in own ranges and being.
Value: responsibility, caring, respect
KI 3: Understand and apply the knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on ownself inquiries about sciences, technologies, arts, cultures, and
related real phenomena and affairs.
Key concepts (What are the key concepts to be emphasized within this inquiry?): interdependence, change, environment, systems, conservation, features, and
KI 4: Processing, associating, and presenting in a concrete domain (using, analysing, synthising, modifying, and creating) and in abstact domain (writing,
reading, calculating, drawing, dan composing) in accordance to what have been learned at school and from other resources within the same
Skills: thinking skills, research skills, communication skills, social skills (accepting responsibility), self-management skills (time management)
Basic Competences
3.8. Mendeskripsikan interaksi antar makhluk hidup dan lingkungannya.
4.12. Menyajikan hasil observasi terhadap interaksi makhluk hidup dengan
lingkungan sekitarnya.
3.9. Mendeskripsikan pencemaran dan dampaknya bagi makhluk hidup.
3.10 Mendeskripsikan tentang penyebab terjadinya pemanasan global dan
dampaknya bagi ekosistem.
4.13. Menyajikan data dan informasi tentang pemanasan global dan memberikan
usulan tentang penanggulangan masalah.

The students will be able to:

Compare the features of various natural environment using a venn diagram

Relate the living things and non-living things in various natural environments

Analyse the effect of various human actions and activities in relation to the
issues and problems in the environment including global warming
Propose an action plan to maintain and protect the natural environment
Reflect the importance to protect the natural environment

Learning Topic: environmental concept, living things and non-living things in various environments, interactions in various ecosystems, interdependence in
various environments, environmental issues and problems

3. Scienctfic approach within an inquiry cycle

Learning method: literature study, discussion, group work, project assignment
Tuning in observing and questioning (What variety of activities will be used to engage students in the topic; assess prior knowledge? refine further
planning? lead into the data collecting experiences?)

Students brainstorm to a list of different natural environments. They can search the internet, books and magazines for visual images of different environment, such as
rural, urban, coastal or desert to create a poster. The images mus include living and non-living hings, and landscape features appropriate to the environment they are
Students observe pictures of the following: pollution, erosion, conservation, logging, wildlife, deforestration, global warming and resource use. They could also list
questions they have about these issues and develop answers as the unit progress.
Write the students statements on the above issues on the strips of card. Distribute these statement strips to small groups and ask them to categories them as:True,
False orNot sure. Display the strips and review them as the unit progress.
Students list the properties of circle by showing a short video about circle (radius, diameter, arc, sector, segment, and so on). They can brainstorm each other and
discuss it with their partner. If they have difficulties, they can search from the internet.
Students draw a circle and its properties
Time allocation: week 1-2

Finding out data collecting(Experiences to assist students to gather new

information about the topic):

Sorting out associating and communicating (Activities to assist

students to process and work with the information and ideas they have
gathered about the topic (including exploring values)):

1. Go on an excursion to an environment during which students can observe animals,

plants and landscape features. Discuss the ecosystem and food webs. Take a
digital photo of distinctive features. (or use a video/clip that shows an

1. Students make mobiles featuring different natural environments and the

relations of the living and non-living things in the natural enviornments

2. Students conduct indepndent investigations of two different natural environments.

3. Watch a short clip about Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution)

2. Use a Venn diagram to show how these environments have similar and
different features.
3. Students create and cause and effect diagram showing the effect of various
human actions and activities in relation to the issues and problems in the
environment including global warming (see attachment for a sample).

4. Read current news on environmental issues.

4. Students present a news report on environmental issues using issues analysis

(see attachment) and share their analysis to peers

5. Read from the text book IPA (kelas VII) ch. 9 about Global Warming

5. Students conduct a find the facts and find the feelings (see attachment)
thinking activity to depict the information gained from the reading and how
they felt as they responded to this information

Time allocation: week 1-2

Making conclusion Associating and communicating (Activities to pull it all together, to assist students to demonstrate what they have learned and
reflect on their learning.) (Summative assessment completion process):

Students gather materials and more information to prepare the summative assessment task completion.
Make two models of a natural environment using materials such as sand, rocks, or leaves.
One of the models should highlight the diversity of the natural system in a good/ideal environment.
The other model should hightlight the environmental problems and issues that affect the environment.
Prepare the oral presentation that includes the answers of the essential questions.
The students propose an action plan to maintain and protect the natural environment as a part of the oral presentation (EQ #4)
The oral presentation also include their reflection of the importance to protect the natural environment (EQ #5)

Time allocation: week 3-4

Going further (Activities to challenge and extend. These may be in the form of further shared experience, individual or group project, etc.):

Ask students to describe the plants and animals in the photos taken on the exercursion/video or clip they wacthed. They should include where the animal/plant was
found, why they think it was there and why it is an important part of the environment. Collate these descriptions to make a class book.
Allow students (individually or smll groups) to conduct independent investigation of an environmental issue that interest them, or to research answers to the questions
they listed earlier in the unit. This task could include a website search as a part of the brief
Students could compose an environmental sound collage, using instruments to represent natural elements of the environment to convey the feeling of relaxtion a
natural environment inspires.
Aks students to read literature covering environmental issues. Prepare task cards (see attachment) to focus the students attention on the issue
Set up CD-ROM task centres where students can research the environment and the impact people have on it. Students could report their findings on Your Mission (see

Time allocation: week 5

Reflection and Action (Activities to link theory of practice. To empower students to act on what they have learned and make links to their daily lives.):

Students work in small teams to create a piece addressing environmental issues for the class or school newletter
Ask student to reflect on their learning by completing sentence stems such as What I know now that I didnt know before (see attachment)
Ask students to prepare personal action plans, considering the following questions: What do you do that is not as environmetally friendly as it could be? What could
you do to positively maintain and protect the environment and environmental resources?

Time allocation: week 6

4. Resources need to be gathered (People, places, audio-visual materials, related literature, music, art, computer software, etc):
Text book IPA kelas VII 2013 pada Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan; Baker, J. 1989,
Recycle City:;
Youtube clip: Komodo national park:;
Youtube clip Pollution (Land, Air and Water Pollution):;
David Suzuki Foundation:;
Kids Planet:;
Green Squad;;;
Climate change kids:

5. Unit Reflection:

Jakarta, ..... .. .
Acknowledged by SMP Dian Harapan Principal .....

Subject teacher _____





Principal notes

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